Read My Christmas Stalker Online

Authors: Donetta Loya

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays

My Christmas Stalker (12 page)

BOOK: My Christmas Stalker
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       Whitley dropped her head to hide the tears forming in her eyes. David tipped her head up with his knuckle.

    He smiled and continued. “I have to wait one more month for my year to be up in January, then I can go to the temple and I want to take you with me.” He released her and took her hands as he knelt down on one knee.

     “Whitley, do you think you could ever love me? I am asking you to marry me. If you aren’t ready I will understand and I will ask you one month from today! Just as long I can spend the rest of my life with you, I don’t care if I have to wait for forever!” He smiled up at her, waiting anxiously for her answer. “I love you, Whitley Spencer.”

     “One month?” Her eyes were narrowed in serious reflection, and then she giggled and pressed his hand to her lips. “Get up, you silly man! I need to kiss you!”

     “Is that a yes?”

      “Yes! Yes! Oh, David, I love you, too!” He stood up, embraced her and then laughed out loud.

      “I forgot to give you the ring!” She looked shocked.

       “You already have a ring?” she asked in amazement. David reached into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.

       “See? I have a ring!” he exclaimed. He flipped the light switch on the wall and an overhead light came on. The light was soft and set the perfect mood for a proposal. He snapped the box opened and took out the ring.

      “Will you marry me, Whitley Spencer?”  David posed with the ring as it caught the light and twinkled at her. The band was small, but was covered in tiny stones, with a larger one set in the center on a pedestal. It was beautiful!

       “Yes! A thousand times yes!” She threw her arms around him and brought his head down to hers. She kissed him with reverent tenderness. He enfolded her firmly against him and kissed her back. With his kiss, he tried to express all he felt for her. She sighed as she laid her head against his shoulders. What a great Christmas Ball this was turning out to be!



ater, back in her apartment, they cuddled together as they sat in the glow of the lit Christmas tree. Whitley gasped and sat up. She had such a happy expression on her face. He smiled and his hand brushed a strand of hair off her cheek.

    “What is it?” he asked.

    “Do you have plans for Christmas?” Her smile grew even bigger.

    “Spending every minute with you that I can,” he said. Whitely shifted to see his face better.

    “What about your mom? Do you have plans to spend it with her?”

     “No, she called me from Brazil. She is with a friend having fun in the sun for the holidays.” He shrugged. “Mom has never been one for celebrating Christmas in the traditional way. I use to spend it with my grandparents in Vermont. A tree, pies, Santa gifts, a real family style Christmas.” He took her hand in his. “I hoped to start new traditions with you.” He smiled. “I always loved Christmas, though.”

    “Oh, good!” Whitley bobbed up and down on the couch as she turned to face him. “Will you do something for me? Will you go home for Christmas with me? Meet my family? Sort of surprise them.” She clapped and let out a little squeal. “This will be so great!” She clasped her hands over her heart. “That is…if you would like to.” He laughed and pulled her to him. He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her.

    “I would love to meet your family and see how your family celebrates Christmas. Maybe I can talk to your dad while we are there.” He looked at her, questioning her with his eyes.

   “That would be great. I think it would mean a lot to my dad if you asked him for permission to marry me.” She snuggled into him, then kissed his chin. “I love you, David.”

      David’s lips found hers in a soft kiss. “I love you, my sweet pastry girl.” He kissed her again.



he morning of Christmas Eve, Whitley and David loaded the trunk of his personalized black Mustang with chrome wheels, leather seats and the coolest looking dash full of electronics Whitley had ever seen! They headed to the far side of New York State. It took four hours to get to Whitley’s parent’s home. The city was left behind and the trees begin to take over the sides of the road.

     Whitley teased David about being in a space ship. There were so many electronic gizmos. She was sure at any moment the car would just lift in the air and fly them there.

     The two of them talked half the trip and then sang Christmas carols the other half. Whitley loved hearing his rich baritone voice. She loved the way he reached for her hand and cradled it in his as he sang.

     When they pulled into the yard of her parent’s house, Whitley started to get nervous. David raised her hand to his lips, leaving a warm kiss on the back of her hand.

   “Everything will be fine, babe.” His eyes searched hers trying to reassure her. She let out a long shaky breath.

    “I know. Don’t mind me! I just get tense over everything, but I think you are beginning to figure that out.” She smiled at him. He leaned over and kissed her softly.

    “It will be okay.” He tried to reassure her again. He got out of the car and came around to open her door. He pulled her up into his arms and kissed her again. “I am here with you. This will be the greatest Christmas ever.” She grinned back.

    “You’re right. It’s the best already!” 

     They opened the trunk and removed several gift bags. They made it to the door where they could hear faint strains of the song, “I’ll be Home for Christmas.”

    A large Christmas tree was standing in the wide, picture window, the white lights seemed to be twinkling at them, welcoming them. Whitley rang the doorbell as she bobbed at her knees once, excited to see her family. She hoped they would be happy with her news. Footsteps sounded from the entry way inside.

    “Here we go,” whispered David with a wink. Whitley raised a bag up to cover her face.

     The door swung opened and Whitley’s sister, Willa, stood at the door with her two year old daughter, Kilee, on her hip.

      “Merry Christmas! May I help you?” Willa’s cheery voice greeted them.

       “Yes, I believe you sure can. I happen to have ran into Santa Claus and he dropped off some gifts with me to bring to this address. Is Mrs. Spencer at home?” David’s deep voice asked.

      “What makes you think I am not Mrs. Spencer?”  Willa eyed the well-dressed man up and down. A vague, familiar feeling came over her. She was sure she had seen him before…some place.

      “Well, now, Willa, Santa’s helpers know all things.” His charming grin reached out and smoothed over the worry his unknown face may have caused.

       “Well, now. That is a fact. Santa is all knowing. Mom! Someone’s at the door for you!” She laughed and leaned forward and whispered loudly. “Do I know you?” Her look of confusion made Whitley almost lose her composure as she peeked over her bag.

     “No,” David staged whispered back. She laughed again as Laurie Spencer came to the door wiping her hands on her apron.

     “Yes? Merry Christmas to you!” She looked at Willa and David, then glanced at the wall of packages. “Whitley?” The package wall shifted and her oldest daughter peeked out from behind the largest gift bag. “Whitley!” Her mother threw her arms opened and Whitley dropped the packages to embrace her mother.

    “Whitley!” Willa laughed.” I knew it was you!” She faked a confident air. Everyone laughed and Whitley moved on to hug her sister.

     “Sure you did.” They all laughed again. David bent to retrieve the forgotten gift bags.

     “Come in! Come in out of the cold!” Laurie motioned with her hand. Her eyes went back to the handsome man with her daughter. “And who do we have here?” Whitley stepped back to put her arm around David. His arm moved to rest on her shoulder.

     “Mom, this is—”

     “David Ballantine!” Willa spoke out in a gush! “Oh, my gosh! You are dating David Ballantine?” Her sister’s eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open.

       The rest of the family moved to the hall as a group. Wendy shouted out and rushed to hug Whitley.

     “You’re here! Oh, I’m so glad!” She stepped back and then leaned forward. “Is this him?”

    “Yes.” Whitley whispered back with a giggle.

     “You knew she was dating David Ballantine and didn’t tell me?” Willa yanked on Wendy’s arm.

     “Who is David Ballantine?” Wendy asked.

    “Okay, hush, you two.” Her mother insisted. “Welcome to our crazy home!” She greeted David with a warm smile.

      “Dad, this is David.” Whitley pushed passed her sisters, dragging David with her. “This is my dad, John Spencer.” The two men shook hands.

       “A pleasure to meet you, sir,” David said politely.

       “And this is Mark, Willa’s husband.” Mark stuck out his hand and they nodded to each other. “This is my brother, Wesley.” Wesley shook hands with David.

      “How’s it going, man?” Wesley said.

      “Oh, and that’s my Aunt Milee, over in that chair. Where is Grandma?” She stepped into the family room and looked around.

      “She’s taking a nap,” Wendy answered with a smile and a giggle. “She will be so happy to meet you, David. She was just asking when was Whitley going to come home dragging a man behind her.”

      “Wendy!” Mother shook her head at her daughter. “Excuse my children, they all have lost their minds.” She glared at her two younger daughters.

       Willa had stepped into the large family room and had retrieved a magazine from the basket in the corner. She passed it to Wendy, pointing at the name under the picture.

      “David Ballantine,” she read in a low voice. “David Ballantine!” She looked at the magazine and then at David and then back to the magazine. “Holy smokes!” Her eyes were the size of saucers.

     “Okay, you guys! You are going to make him feel uncomfortable.” Whitley hissed at her embarrassing sisters.

     “That’s okay, Whitley. I am used to people’s reactions.” He took her hand and pulled her back to him.

      “I’m sorry,” Willa apologized. “But my sister brought home David Ballantine,
most eligible Bachelor of the Year, home for Christmas! That doesn’t happen every day!”

     David raised his hand up as if to tell Whitley a secret, only it was inches from her head as he whispered loudly. “We better not tell her then.” She nudged him with her elbow as she laughed.

     “What? Tell me what?” Wendy and Willa stood at attention. David put his arm around Whitley.

      “I kissed your sister out in the front yard. Just right out there. I couldn’t help myself.” David admitted with a sigh of self-reproach.

       Wendy let out a squeal and Willa waved her hand in front of her face, fanning herself. “Please, no more! I couldn’t take it!”

      Whitley’s face was beet red. “Knock it off!” She smiled in spite of her attempt to look serious.

       “Well, let’s take this party into the family room and sit down, shall we?” Laurie gave the girls a push and then waved the rest of them all into the room. “Just set the gifts in that corner for now, David.” David moved to do as he was told.

        “Let me see that niece of mine.” Whitley reached for Kilee and the baby came to her. “Do you remember me, sweetie?” She cooed at the blonde headed little cutie. The baby patted Whitley’s face and then grabbed for her heart-shaped diamond necklace that David had given her that morning.

      “Pwetty!” She tugged on it.

      “No, Kilee. That is Aunt Whitley’s pretty.” The little girl’s mother stopped her from yanking on the expensive ‘pretty’. The baby stuck out her lip.

      “Down!” she demanded. Whitley put the little girl down on the floor and she ran to her daddy.

      “Well, so much for that!” Whitley laughed. Her eyes connected with David’s. He had a soft smile on his face as he reached for her hand again.


      The family sat around talking about the weather and their trip from the city for a while. After a while, Laurie Spencer said she had to return to the kitchen if Christmas Eve dinner was to be served on time. Willa and Wendy stood up to help her.

     “Come on, Whitley, time to go were the women go.” Willa gripped her hand and pulled her up. “Besides we can’t talk with all these men around.”

     David smiled and released Whitley’s hand. He winked at her when she got to the edge of the room and looked back. She gave him a little wave and disappeared around the corner behind the others.

      In the kitchen, the women set to work. Laurie basted the turkey, Willa mixed the fruit salad with whip cream. Wendy started to set the table, Whitley moved to help her.

     “I got this, big sister.” Wendy smiled.

     “Just want to be useful,” Whitley said.

     “We work, you talk!” Willa ordered. “Details, girlfriend, spill it!”

      Whitley wasn’t sure how much to tell. She didn’t want David to sound like a stalker…like she had accused him of. So she told about winning the dress and Jeff coming to deliver it. She told about him asking Nora out and how he had a friend he wanted to introduce her to, but she wouldn’t let him. Wendy winked at her, knowing the truth already. She told about David showing up at work and buying all the pastries. She admitted to being worried about going out with a stranger, but she had finally said yes to him. She told them about him coming back from Paris in time to meet her at the dance and here they were!

     “What?” Willa blurted out. “One date! Okay, two dates if you stretch it!” She shook her head. “You are leaving something out or you are just plain stupid!”

      “Willa!” Laurie chastised her daughter. “Watch what you say!”

      “But mom, you heard her! How can she bring a guy home after two dates?”

      “He doesn’t have anywhere to go for Christmas, Willa…and I love him.” She looked at all the faces that stopped and stared at her.

      “I could tell.” Her mother said softly, “and he loves you.” Her smiling eyes met Whitley’s.

      “And you are okay with this, mom? Love isn’t something to give lightly!” She turned to glare at her sister. “Do you know how long Mark and I dated before we got married?”

BOOK: My Christmas Stalker
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