Read My Dark Biker Online

Authors: Regina Fox

My Dark Biker (2 page)

BOOK: My Dark Biker
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I shrugged the thought aside and decided to worry about it later. For now I was content with holding my baby and playing with him. And we did, we played for hours until he finally snuggled back in my arms and dozed off. I sang him a lullaby my mom used to sing to me; my eyes closed as I rocked him back and forth. My humming continued as I got up from the chair, walked over to the bedroom and placed Jack in his crib.

Laid in my bed, my eyes focused up on the ceiling. Flashbacks of Aiden’s face wind up to the surface, and I found myself thinking about him, his muscly arms and inked skin. The familiar emblem of his club embedded on his flesh, calling out for me to look.

My mind wandered off to those intense blue eyes and surprisingly, I found my hand gliding down under the sheets. Of their own accord, my eyes fluttered close as I found the waistband of my panties. My legs quivered, and my clit throbbed thinking of Aiden’s blue spheres staring into mine.

As if they had a mind of their own, my thighs parted, and my fingers found that sweet spot between my wet folds. I rubbed and touched that little, meaty flesh through the thinness of my panties, but it wasn’t enough. My skull dug deep into the pillows when I pushed my hand into my underwear and rubbed down, hard on my clit.

I imagined Aiden between my legs, his head buried into my pussy as he lapped me. Running the length of his tongue on my sweet little nub as my inner walls contracted around thin air, bringing me over the edge.



Chapter 3

A few days passed since I last saw Aiden and his club members in front of my house. Rumor had it they visited a man who gotten off on the wrong foot with them. Apparently, the man did a shitty-ass move with the club and ended up getting his ass whipped by the Anthology MCs. My curiosity had me asking around for details on the matter but my neighbors were all smart enough to keep their lips shut, something I never learned to do.

Shaking my head, I pushed thoughts of that man, that club, and those eyes out of my head. I had more important things to worry about now.

Stepping out into the scorching sun, I unbuckled Jack from his baby seat and hauled him into my arms. I retrieved the portfolio with my resume from the passenger seat and slammed the door behind us. I adjusted Jack’s weight on my hip, glad I had put some sunscreen on him. The intense sunshine that spilled down on us would definitely not be kind to his soft skin.

With determined steps, I walked over to the front door of Automotive Repair Cars and pushed the door open. A bell clang above me, announcing my presence. Jack giggled in excitement over the foreign sound, which took me a few seconds to settle him down. Following the bell were loud male hollers greeting me as I stepped inside the mechanic shop. Looking around, I took in the unfamiliar faces.

“Hey there, sweetheart.” I turned around to see a man with red, spiky hair grinning down at me, his body a little too close for comfort.

“Hi,” I said.

“What can I do for ya?” the red-head asked. The smile was still plastered on his face, but now he was looking down at Jack with curiosity in his gaze.

I cleared my throat and stood a bit taller. “I’m looking for your boss. I filled out an application, and received a call from your secretary asking me to come over for an interview.”

“Cam’s been waiting for you.” The red-head man said as he looked down at his expensive watch, his brows furrowed together. “I don’t think Cam would be happy to see you’re late.”

My stomach sank at the red-head man’s words. I was never late when it came to job interviews—never. I was sure I was asked to come by at exactly two-thirty in the afternoon. Still, I didn’t want to start this off on the wrong foot by correcting the man, so I shrugged my worries aside and tried to think positively. Jack and mine’s future were settled into this job offer. I now had no job and desperately needed money to pay the bills, put food on the table and pay for Jack’s supplies.

“Yo, dickheads!” he yelled at the hollering men from before. “Get the fuck out of that couch and see what this pretty lady needs. She’s here for a job interview, and Cam’s gonna get even more pissed if he has to wait for another couple of minutes. You know that shithead ain’t like waiting.”

The men jumped off the couch and walked over to me. Their eyes half amused and half confused—probably as to why I carried a toddler in my arms. I didn’t blame them; it was an odd situation. But the daycare center was closed today, and I couldn’t leave him alone at home. What else was I supposed to do?

I knew one of the mechanics, and he was the one that recommended I fill out a job application. He came over and smiled. He only worked there once a week for extra money. Daryl had another job already working forty hours at Ed’s Mechanic Service.

“Hi Abby,” my friend said.

I smiled. “Hey, Daryl.”   

“Do you want me to take him?” he asked, his arms extended expectantly toward my nephew.

I started to shake my head but told myself I should stop refusing people’s help all the time.

I nodded. “That would be wonderful.” I thanked him and handed Jack to my friend.

I cast a look at Daryl before following another man to what I assumed was the boss’s office. I tried to crush the nagging feeling inside me and ignore the tiny voice inside my head. I needed to learn how to cope when it came to someone looking after my nephew while I worked, but it was hard. It had always been a hard decision to make, one that caused a pang of anxiety to circle around the pit of my belly.

Two years ago, I dated one of the clients at the strip club I used to work at. After a couple of months together, he decided that he wanted me to put Jack up for adoption so that he could have me all for himself. Infuriated, I decided to call it quits.

When we broke up, he finally showed his true colors. It was then that I found out he was a drug dealer and meth user since before we started dating. To me, it was all the more reasons to break up with him.

Vince didn’t take the breakup very well. He became extremely obsessed and followed me wherever I went. He was determined to get me back and put the baby for adoption still, even if he had to kidnap and sell Jack to get his way. I’ve been running away from his crazy, stalker ass ever since.

The running away is why this job interview is so important. For the past year, Jack and I made Fargo, North Dakota our home. This was my last chance at keeping it as such.

“Here’s his office.” The friendly bald man patted my shoulder gently. “Just go in quickly. He doesn’t like the cold air wafting into the room. Good luck.” He smiled and went back up front.

With a deep breath and a pep talk, I knocked on the door.

“Come in,” the gruff voice said and I did.

Two steps into the room, I stopped in my tracks at the sight of who it was sitting on the boss’s chair. My body grew rigid as my eyes widened. “Aiden.”



Chapter 4

“You’re late,” Aiden stated.

I blinked a few times before I realized he was talking. It took me a few seconds before I could wrap my head around the idea of having Aiden—the notorious and dangerous biker of Rough Riders Bikers MC and my wet dream—as my boss.

I glanced down at my watch and saw that I was indeed late. Ten minutes late, to be exact.

“I expect my employees to be on time,” Aiden continued, a smug smirk on his lips.

“It won’t happen again,” I said.

He gazed at me as recognition sparked. “You’re the lady with the groceries. And the cute kid.”

“Yeah. Thanks for all your help.”

The door swung open and bald man from before rushed into the room. “Yo, Cam!”

Cam was Aiden?

“What the fuck do you want, bro? I’m tryin’ to do an interview here.”

The bald man glanced at me with an amused look in his face for a moment before focusing back on Aiden. “There’re some guys out front lookin’ for ya. Do you want me to send them up here or something?”

Aiden shot me a look and I sat stiffly in my seat.

“Do somethin’ about it, Dave. I ain’t got time to deal with their shit. Tell them to come by later, after closing time. It’s bad enough I have to sit here and go through these piles of paperwork.”

“You got it, boss.”

“And Dave?” Aiden called.

Dave turned to look at Aiden. “Yes?”

“Get your lazy ass to the workshop. There’s a load of shit to do. I don’t want to see any of those cars tomorrow morning. Need to get them done now.”

“You got it, dickhead,” Dave replied as he left. His chuckle echoed down the stairs. Through my peripheral vision, I saw Aiden shake his head, but when his gaze focused back on me, I pretended I didn’t see anything.

He continued the interview and asked me all the basic questions. I thought it was going pretty smoothly.

“When can you start, Abigail?” Aiden asked.

“I guess I can start tomo—”

“Actually, I need you to start now. Haul that beautiful ass up front and wait for me. I’ll show you how to use the program. You better be ready to write notes down. I’m not about to repeat myself, darlin’.”

I gulped from the sudden change of his mood and opened my mouth to speak. “Aiden, I can’t. I brought—”

He stopped me once again. “I don’t have all day to show you shit, girl. So, I suggest you get up and make your way to the counter like a good little girl.” His eyes drifted back to the spreadsheet spread out before him.

“I can’t go. I brought my son with me.” I blurted out. I was growing more and more accustomed to calling Jack my son since he’d been with me for nearly two years.

“You brought who now?” Aiden growled, bringing me out of my reverie.

I steeled myself and replied, “My son. Jack.”

“The kid?”

“He’s not just any kid. He’s my son,” I said defiantly, raising my chin up in the air as if to dare him to repeat himself again.

His brows furrowed. He looked at me like I just grew two heads. “Why did you bring him?”

I knew that I needed this job. I needed this to give Jack a better future than I did. And I certainly needed Aiden to put money into my now empty bank account, but I wasn’t a total pushover.

I took a deep breath, telling myself that I needed this job, and so I had to put up with Aiden to provide for my baby. This could be a temporary job. I could just stay long enough until I found something better.

“I couldn’t leave him by himself, could I? I have no one around to look after him. Plus, I didn’t know I’d be starting today. If I did, I would have gotten a babysitter.”

His jaw clenched at my answer. “Listen, babe. This will be the first and the last time you bring your kid to work. If it happens again, you can kiss your job goodbye.” 

“You can bet your ass on that.” The words spewed out of my mouth. “And please don’t call me babe. I have a name. Babe isn’t one of them, and never will be.”

Before he could even have the chance to speak, I continued, “My name’s Abigail. Abigail John. Some people call me Abby. Now that I’ve gotten that across, I’m going to go down and wait for your instructions. Thank you,
,” I added, holding his gaze at the last word.

I turned around and shut the door behind me, not bothering to peek at his reaction. I descended the stairs and found the boys looming over an overexcited Jack. His giggles filled in my ears and made me smile despite my irritation at Aiden. I refused to let Dick Face get the best of me and ruin my day. I came here for a job, and I would be damned if I didn’t get it.

“Hey, sweetheart. Glad you made it alive from the interview,” Dave said with a grin as he walked up to me.

I returned his smile with a frown. “What do you mean?”

Dave shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Most of the people who go in for an interview, run off the moment they step foot in the office. I don’t think many people would like to work with Cam.”

“I wouldn’t either. He’s tough as a nutcracker and as intimidating as a bull. Looks like one too, but with tattoos instead of horns, though.”

Dave threw his head back and laughed. His deep voice vibrated through the room. “He’s not as bad as you think. You’ll get used to him.”

“What the fuck are you guys talkin’ about?” Aiden’s voice cut in. His loud bark nearly shook the walls and cut through the excitement that radiated off the group surrounding Jack. Even my son quieted at Aiden’s threatening tone.

“Nothing that concerns your pretty little dark head, princess,” Dave teased.

“Fuck off, bro,” Aiden said as his eyes glanced my way.

I averted his gaze and made a disapproving noise in my throat. I had to work with loud, rowdy men, but that didn’t mean I wanted Jack around them. The last thing I wanted was him learning how to cuss at an early age, or any age before sixty, for that matter.

I walked over to the boys and retrieved Jack back from Daryl, sending him a smile as I adjusted my baby in my arms.

“Did he cry?” I asked.

A man in his early twenties shook his head. “I was expecting him to, but he was pretty content with me throughout your interview. He seemed excited about having people around him. I thought he was going to ask for you or something, but he didn’t.”

BOOK: My Dark Biker
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