Read My Forever Online

Authors: Nikki McCoy

Tags: #MM, #Gay, #Paranormal

My Forever (24 page)

BOOK: My Forever
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The Queen looked to the member beside her who nodded once. Taking a fortifying breath, she addressed her guards in a clear voice. “Take this Tsielen away and give him a proper burial. He gave his life to adhere to the laws of his Queen and I will not have that sacrifice go unnoticed. I want a select group to begin an investigation into this apparent slave ring some of my people have chosen to participate in. As for you, Deluc, I’m assuming from your state of disarray that you took matters into your own hands and ended Connor’s streak of tyranny?”

“I did, Your Majesty. After Bastian rescued my mate from him, I couldn’t stand by and watch him restore his losses with more humans to sell. This boy,” Lucas glanced to the cowering kid at his side, “would have become one of them.”

Goosebumps rose over the kid’s flesh and his hands flew to his groin as though he’d suddenly realised he stood in front of a crowd of people in only his underwear. Bastian jogged over, pulling the shirt from his back and tugging it onto the kid’s smaller frame.

“I want to go home.”

Lucas’ heart constricted with shame and regret. He knew Connor would not have left the bedroom upstairs if the kid’s parents had still been alive. “They’re gone, little one. I didn’t get there in time. I’m so sorry.”

Instead of the tears, angry shouts or denials he had expected, the kid merely nodded his understanding. He was in shock. Sooner or later it would wear off and the kid would need a secure place to land on his feet. Lucas was more than willing to provide that but his life still hung on the verdict of his Queen. Looking to her, he patiently awaited whatever came next.

“Well, it seems that I have some serious decisions to make. You, Deluc, ran from your responsibility to the Mackaeo and subsequently to your race ten years ago. You killed the commander of my forces without my knowledge or consent. And you, Bastian, hid your power from your people and robbed them of the additional safety it would have brought them. You compromised the security of my home by bringing humans into it and failed to bring my commander in for questioning.

“All in all, I have to say…I’m impressed, despite the means you used to bring Connor’s treachery to my attention. Most especially by this young man,” she said, pointing a finger at Kyle. “I’ve never met a human willing to give his life and confront the Queen of an entire race to save the one he loves.”

Lucas shot a disbelieving look at his mate, who had the audacity to smile shyly.

“It is an unorthodox mating but no less valid, I see. However, sentences for your crimes must be carried out. Therefore, I am charging Deluc and Bastian with the care of these seven humans…” She paused when Bastian cleared his throat.

“Uhh, that would be twelve in all…Your Highness. Five of the humans chose to stay at my cabin. I can assure you that they’re still there. They understood the risk of Connor and his men finding them again without protection.”

The Queen raised her brow at his interruption but continued when Bastian bowed his head in apology. “You will be responsible for
humans then, for the rest of their lives. I hereby exonerate you of the crimes you have committed against my laws under one circumstance.” A small smile of anticipation played on her lips. “You will both make yourselves available for the teleportation of your Queen and her royal family to whichever destinations they choose, so long as it is with my permission or at my request.”

Lucas blinked, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bastian stared at him over the kid’s head in equal confusion.

The Queen slapped her hands together and rubbed them in excitement. “I’ve always wanted my own personal teleporter. Now I have two. I’m giving you both one month to set up sufficient housing for yourselves and the humans using however much you need from the royal coffers. I’m planning a visit to Vienna soon that will be much more pleasant without the strain of travelling for hours on end. Oh, and gentlemen…”

Speechless, they could only stare at their Queen.

“Thank you for your services. It is appreciated more than you know.”

Chapter Fourteen

Four weeks, one day and ten hours later

“Lucas! Luc, get your ass down here before I have to punish your mate myself!”

Lucas grinned at the frustration in his friend’s tone. After all of his aliases, Kyle had put his foot down and demanded that everyone call him Lucas. Not that he minded. It was the name he’d had when his mate had first fallen in love with him. Speaking of which, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know what kind of trouble the little imp had got himself into this time.

After scrubbing the towel through his wet hair one more time, he tossed it into the hamper and quickly dressed. At about halfway down the stairs, he had to stop and take in the view of the people in his living room. Bastian held Kyle and Jules by the arms on either side of him while Amy stood back at a safe distance, trying unsuccessfully to hide a grin.

Both smaller men had bright red hair streaked with black framing pale faces. Their eyes were lined with kohl outliner that accentuated their colour. Sheer, black gauze moulded to their chests, allowing for tantalising glimpses of their nipples in the perfect lighting. Their tight, black leather pants rode low on their hips, topped off by heavy black boots with buckles and skulls. Lucas would be hard-pressed to find a more appealing sight.

“You gave them access to the internet again, didn’t you?” Bastian accused.

Laughing, Lucas descended the rest of the stairs and came to stand in front of his mate. Eyeing the men up and down, he chuckled and sat down in his recliner. Kyle immediately ran to kneel on the floor between his legs, a look of repentant concern on his face. Running his fingers through his mate’s hair, Lucas gloried in its silken texture.

“I gotta say, I think they look damn sexy.”

“Did you not see what he did to my mate?” Bastian gestured to Jules, waving his hand to encompass the other man from head to toe.

“You’re just worried that he’ll be hit on by everything with two legs when you take him out tonight.”

“Hell yeah I am! It’s bad enough we can’t keep our own hands off him. Amy and I won’t be enough to fend off all the jealous assholes. I hold you responsible, so that means you two are coming with.”

“Wait a minute,” Lucas said, narrowing his eyes. “I’ll bet anything that this was your mate’s idea.”

“And it was your mate that placed the order on your computer.”

Glaring at each other, they turned to Amy. This wasn’t the first time they’d butted heads over the trouble their mates got themselves into. As an interested third party, Amy’s opinion was usually used to settle differences, although at times Lucas wasn’t always convinced of the objective stance she claimed she held. Her being mated to Bastian as well seemed to give his friend an advantage from Lucas’ point of view.

Amy let out the laugh she’d been holding in then cleared her throat as they fixed her with an indignant stare. “Sorry. Okay, okay. In all fairness, both the little brats are to blame, and it would be nice to all go out together.” She bounced over to Bastian and gave him a brief yet passionate kiss on the lips. “It’s our first month anniversary and I won’t let anything spoil it. Besides, I can’t think of a better way to start off the day than by punishing our little mate.”

Bastian growled down at her in mock irritation. “I think you’re forgetting the difference between punishments and rewards.”

Amy was coming into her own as a Dom and growing under Bastian’s guidance, but she still had a long way to go towards learning patience.

“No she’s not. Can we go? You can use that new toy you said you bought me.” Jules bounced up and down, completely heedless of his Master’s glower.

“If you’ll excuse me,” Bastian grumbled, “it seems I have a lesson to teach both of my mates. Nine o’clock. Don’t be late. Wait, who’s taking the Queen to Vienna tomorrow?”

“Rock, paper, scissors?”

Lucas shook his fist three times with Bastian and scowled when his scissors were crushed by the man’s rock. His friend grinned triumphantly and left with his two mates in tow.

And the Queen had thought
mating was unconventional.

“So you’re really not mad?”

“No baby, but you will be punished after my reward.” At Kyle’s confused look, he scooped up his mate and carried him through the kitchen and to a door which led to the basement. It was large, containing a ventilated gym, storage room and the dungeon he’d been working on since the construction crews had completed the renovations on the ranch style house he’d purchased using his Queen’s money. Bastian’s house, similar in size and style, had been built within close walking distance so that they could split the humans’ living quarters between them yet remain nearby.

Setting his mate down, he opened the door and walked Kyle into their playroom. “I know we don’t have the house to ourselves so I had this room soundproofed and locked with a key that only I have. The other pieces of furniture and toys should arrive here in the next week or so, but I thought we should break in what came yesterday.”

Lucas gave Kyle a few moments to take it all in with his wide-eyed gaze. There wasn’t enough yet to fill even half of the large room, but what was there was plenty to start out with. A spanking bench with several D-rings lining its sides was positioned against one wall with a suspension swing hanging from the ceiling beside it. Along the other side of the room stood a steel cage about three foot high by five and next to that was a display table with a glass top that lifted upward for easy access to the toys he had inside.

“Take off your clothes and fold them neatly on the chair behind you.”

Kyle obeyed instantly, nearly tearing the thin fabric of his shirt in his haste. Lucas walked over to the table and picked out the toys he wanted. He could see his mate peeking out from the cover of his lashes in curiosity and suppressed his grin. He would reprimand him later for the slight, but for now he enjoyed the small victory of knowing Kyle’s fear of pain was gone at last.

Leading Kyle over to the spanking bench, he directed him to fold his hands behind his back. Setting the toys aside, he kept one and held it out for his mate to see. “This is a cock and ball restraint. It will keep you from coming before I give you permission.”

Kyle watched in fascination as Lucas took his semi-erect cock in hand and encased it in a series of six rings. His balls were pulled through the largest, separating them from his body, while the other five rings spanned the length of his cock. Each ring was smaller than the last with the smallest one fitting snugly just below the crown of his head.

Lucas turned his mate towards the bench and had him lean over it to grab the other side with his hands. Picking up the next toy, he squeezed a good amount of lube onto it then used his slicked fingers to stretch out Kyle’s hole. His mate moaned and began bucking back. When Lucas felt he was ready, he withdrew his fingers and smacked the luscious ass sharply.

Kyle yelped, saying quickly, “Sorry, Sir.”

“This is a prostate massager.” He pushed the device in all the way so that the base rested against Kyle’s cheeks. “I want you to hold it in until I take it out of you, is that understood?” He moved it up and down, pegging his mate’s sweet spot before taking the remote control and turning it on to the lowest level. Kyle gave a startled gasp and tensed his muscles.

Taking the last toy in hand, a black suede whip, he rubbed his free hand over his mate’s ass and back to give him warning. The first strike landed squarely across both cheeks and Kyle was forced to cling desperately to the bench. Lucas set a slow pace at first then gradually increased the strikes with each stronger setting of the massager. When Kyle’s moans turned to cries, he eased the force of his lashes and brought the remote back down to the lowest setting.

A glance between his mate’s legs revealed the straining of his cock against the rubber rings that prevented him from gaining a full erection. The harder Kyle became, the more pain he endured. Watching carefully and evaluating his mate’s emotions for signs of stress, he went through the process again. The little man’s chest heaved and a fine sheen of sweat coated his pale skin. Sinewy muscles writhed and bulged with the effort to hold himself in place without the benefit of cuffs strapping him down.

At the peak of the third cycle, he got the desired effect. Kyle threw his head back and screamed at the highest setting of the massager, tears rolling down his face unchecked. “Please, Master. Please may I come?”

Lucas’s own cock strained against the confines of his pants at his mate’s beautiful tears and pleas. Sucking in air to keep his raging arousal in check, he turned off the massager and slowed the speed of his strikes. When Kyle lay limp and panting, Lucas removed the toys gently and lifted his mate into the swing.

Cuffing Kyle’s wrists on either side high above his head and his ankles to straps that opened his legs wide, bearing his glossy, puckered entrance, Lucas unbuckled his pants and freed his aching cock. Leaning forwards, he pulled Kyle’s head to his, plunging his tongue into his mouth and stealing his breath.

“I love it when you cry for me.”

Lining up the head of his cock to Kyle’s hole, he lunged forwards, driving his tongue in further at the same time to deny him the ability to cry out. His mate’s tight channel gripped him fiercely until he couldn’t hold back any longer. Straightening, he grasped Kyle’s thighs firmly and pounded into him, using the sway of the swing and the punishing thrust of his hips to drive himself deeper and deeper. Lucas could feel Kyle’s imminent climax in the mounting rush of pure joy that spread through their link.

BOOK: My Forever
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