Read My New Step-Dad Online

Authors: Alexa Riley

My New Step-Dad (5 page)

BOOK: My New Step-Dad
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I’ve read this same paragraph a hundred times and I can’t remember a thing about it. Ask me about Sophie’s nipples, however, and I could recite a forty-page essay on them, but I can’t tell you what I’ve been staring at for the past hour.

My entire morning has gone like this. My paralegal reminded me I forgot a brief, and I’ve never done that before. I’ve never been so absentminded, and I know the exact cause.

I drop my pen on my desk, and rub my eyes with the palm of my hand.

Get a grip, Archer,” I whisper to myself, and then I hear the office door open. I look up in time to see Jacob entering my office, and I have to blink a few times to clear my vision. Once he gets to my desk I see someone following in behind him and I shoot up from my desk, wondering what’s happening.

What are you doing here?”

I give Sophie a glare, but she doesn’t look concerned. I look over at Jacob and he shrugs as he drops the brief on my desk. I get angrier because I didn’t realize Jacob went to my house. I should have known that Sharon, my paralegal, would send him to retrieve it. He’s been to my home on several occasions for work, but I didn’t think about the fact that Sophie was there.

I look over and see how she’s dressed. She’s got on a small, blue, summer dress and, like her clothing this morning, it’s nearly transparent. I clench my jaw hard when I see her hard nipples poking through the papery material. Fucking hell, does this girl not have any clothes that cover her body? I need to get her some decent clothes. I make a note to ask Lily to take her shopping this week.

Thank you,” I clip, and raise my eyebrows pointedly at Jacob as if to ask him if he’s got anything else he needs.

He looks over at Sophie and I see the gleam in his eyes. He hasn’t missed what she’s wearing either, and rage starts to bubble up in my chest.

Mr. Archer, I was thinking of showing Sophie around the place, you know, show her the offices.” He gives her a wink and I see her blush a little and look down at her feet. Not only did I catch his drift but so did she.

I don’t know what they had planned but it’s not fucking happening. She’s mine to protect, and I won’t have some junior associate with grabby hands anywhere near her. I’m pissed that he might have gotten to smell the honeysuckle scent that always seems to be around her.

That’s quite all right, Jacob, you can go.”

He turns to look at me, and then back at Sophie, and starts to speak, but she interrupts him.

Thank you for the ride, but I’m sure Bruce can handle me now.”

She looks up and we lock eyes, and I get the feeling there’s more to that statement than just what she said.

Without breaking eye contact, I nod my head in agreement.

It was nice meeting you, Sophie. Anytime you need anything, just let me know.” He gives her one final up and down look and it’s all I can do not to come across the desk and rip his throat out.

I shake my head a little and try to rid it of all these emotions. I don’t know where this anger and protectiveness are coming from. I’m sure it’s because she’s Debra’s daughter and I feel responsible for her. Yes. That’s it. It’s not that I want her for myself.

Sophie lifts her chin in response but otherwise doesn’t confirm, which pleases me more than I thought possible. Seeing her body language and watching her reaction to him shows me she’s not interested. I feel a little of the tension in my chest ease as he walks out and closes the door behind him.

I reach over to the intercom on my desk and hit the button for my secretary. “Paul, hold my calls and switch me to ‘do not disturb’. I’m in a meeting.”

Yes, Mr. Archer,” he replies, and I hear the locks engage on my door.

Paul has the ability to set the locks on my door, but only I can open them. It’s a vital security feature considering all the sensitive client information I have. It’s also useful for when I have important clients who don’t want to be disturbed by a crazy ex bursting in at any time. The latter happened on so many occasions, it was for the benefit of everyone to have these locks installed. So, it’s not an unusual request and it’s one Paul is familiar with.

What are you doing here?” I say, and glare at Sophie. I’m sure my words come out harsh, but she’s been a distraction to me all day and hasn’t even been in front of me.

I’m sorry to bother you, I just wanted to see where you worked.”

I’m going to set up some time for you to get some new clothes this week. You would think after our talk this morning about appropriate attire, you’d come to my place of business with some decent clothes on,” I say, ignoring her words.

She looks down at her dress and then looks back at me, confused.

I grit my teeth and walk around my desk to stand in front of her. “I can see through your dress, Sophie. I can see what you’re wearing…and what you’re not wearing.”

I glare at her breasts so she doesn’t mistake what I mean. She brings her palm up to her neck, trying to shield her nipples with her arm, but it’s no use. She’s got big, full breasts and her hard nipples push against the thin fabric.

I don’t know what you mean,” she says, and a deep blush creeps up her neck to her cheeks. I wonder if there’s a blush anywhere else on her.

I shake the thought from my head and try to focus. “Did you even have on panties, Sophie?” I say, and immediately regret the question. Now I’m thinking about her naked pussy being exposed in the short dress and I can’t breathe.

I have panties with me?”

She says it like a question and I don’t know what that means.

With you?”

I see her reach into her purse, and pull out the white cotton material. My hands shake as I watch her because I long to reach out for her. I can’t touch her, she’s my stepdaughter and she’s underage. This isn’t right. I try to breathe, but I’m so focused on that white cotton I can’t think.

She looks so innocent as she looks up through her lashes, and holds the panties out for me to take. “I thought since you liked the way they looked on me this morning, you might want to keep them with you.”

Why would you say that?” It’s all I can manage to say. My mouth has gone dry and my heart is beating out of my chest.

I saw your, um, penis when you looked at me down there. I know you said it’s not appropriate for you to see me in them, but I thought you might like to, maybe, hold them.”

I can’t deny how much seeing her like that turned me on, but we both know she can’t tempt me like this.

She looks up again through her lashes. It’s so pure and sweet. She’s offering me something that’s touched her flawless body intimately, and she wants me to have it. I can’t touch her because it’s wrong, but I can touch this. I can have this small piece of her, and then we can go back to the way it should be between us.

Okay, Sophie. I’ll take your panties, but you need to be a good girl after this. Do you understand me?”

Yes, Bruce.”

I take the scrap of cotton from her hand, and as I lift the material from her palm, her little fingers reach up and touch my wrist. She’s trying to cling to me, and as much as I want it, I have to shut it down. I don’t react to the touch, though I want to, and put the panties in my pocket.

I mean it, Sophie, you’re my stepdaughter, and you need to behave that way. It wasn’t right the way I looked at you today or the way I’m looking at you now.”

How are you looking at me now?” she asks, looking up at me and making eye contact.

I look down at her hardened nipples again and then back at her.

I’m your step-dad. I’m not supposed to want to see all of you.”

You want to see all of me?”

I shake my head, and try to find the right words. “You’re seventeen, Sophie. You’re not even legal. We could get into trouble.”

We could only get into trouble if you touch me though, right?”

What is she saying? And why are a million images of her doing things to herself flashing through my mind?

No, this conversation isn’t happening. It’s time for you to go. You gave me your panties, and that’s already crossing a line,” I scold, even though I know I blew through the line last night on my own.

In a bold move, she reaches down and slowly lifts the hem of her dress.

Sophie,” I warn, but she ever so slowly keeps lifting up. “What are you doing?” I growl, wanting her to stop. But part of me wants to see what’s under her dress. Needs to see.

If you don’t touch me, we can’t really get into trouble. You can just look a little, and then I promise I’ll go.”

Why are you doing this?” I should tell her to stop, not ask her why. I should move from my spot, unlock the doors of my office, and make her leave. But instead I’m just waiting to see what she does.

Because I like the way you look at me,” she whispers and raises the hem of her dress the rest of the way so I can see her pussy.

I look at her pink lips glistening with nectar, and my mouth waters.

You shave?” The question comes out thick, laced with desire.

All the girls at school did it, so I did too.”

I lick my lips, staring at her perfect body, clenching my fists at my side.

She takes a side step, spreading her legs, and her labia open a little, revealing her pink clit. I can also see her honey glazing her thighs, and I’ve had enough.

I reach out and grab her upper arm, causing her to drop her hem. I walk her over to my office door and hit the code for the locks. Pulling her out to my secretary's desk, I find Paul and take her to him.

Call for a town car, walk her downstairs personally, and send her back home.”

I drop her arm and without looking back, stalk into my office and slam the door behind me so hard it shakes.

Her panties are out of my pocket and to my nose before the door stops shaking. My other hand undoes my belt, pulls out my cock, and jerks off hard as I hold them over my face. I breathe in her scent as I punish my cock. I’m mad at myself for allowing that to happen, and for allowing her to get the better of me. I’m completely pissed off that this seventeen-year-old girl has gotten me harder and more worked up than anyone else in my life. Ever.

It only takes seconds of breathing in her scent before I’m cumming. It comes out in thick streams and runs down my dick, lubing my hand as I continue to stroke. I cum so much at just the thought of her, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be with her when I did it.

I shake that thought away, and clean my dick off with her pretty white panties. Something about seeing my cum on her underwear does things to me, and my half-hard cock twitches with excitement.

Fuck, I’ve got to get myself together. I’m useless today.

I hit the intercom and hear it connect. “Cancel my lunch. I’m in my office for the rest of the day.”

I fall back in my chair and close my eyes, trying to rid myself of Sophie but it’s useless. Because she’s still there.


BOOK: My New Step-Dad
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