Read Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8 Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #romance;rodeo;Texas;cowboys;hot sex;erotic;rodeo;erotic romance;cowboy romance

Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8 (5 page)

BOOK: Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8
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“Even with.” She nodded. If only her body could catch up with her common sense. Still, what would it hurt if somehow they got together? As long as he knew she was
interested in sex. And look at her, getting ahead of herself already.

“Honey, hanging out with Ryan would be fun. I think every woman who can breathe has thrown herself at him since he bought that ranch of his.”

“And no takers? That’s weird. I thought rodeo cowboys collected buckle bunnies.”

Georgie shook her head. “He’s long past the buckle-bunny stage. I think he’s looking for something solid.”

Sable swallowed a groan. That was the last thing she was looking for right now. Her practice needed every bit of her energy and attention, and she didn’t need a man irritated because she had irregular hours and her cell phone rang at all times of the day and night. She’d worked too hard to get where she was to have things derailed by a relationship now. No, not doing that. Not yet anyway.

Of course, a few hours getting naked with Ryan Donovan wouldn’t be so bad, as long as he knew that’s what it was. Just friends with benefits, kind of.

“I want to get settled first,” she repeated firmly. “Anyway, I still haven’t found a place to live. That’s at the top of my to-do list right now. Although something may have dropped into my lap.”

“No kidding? I saw you with Nida, and Ryan seemed to be all in the conversation too. What was that all about?”

“Oh, wait until I tell you.” Sable got excited all over again as she explained about the house Ryan had mentioned and what the situation was. “It sounds like exactly what I’m looking for, Georgie. And I can rent with an option to buy. That way they’ll have income from it while they look for a new place in Montana, and I can decide if it’s what I really want. Isn’t that great?”

“Well.” A grin teased at Georgie’s lips. “That’s certainly convenient, isn’t it?”

Sable frowned at her. “Ryan was just helping me out. And it could be a real break for me. Everything else I’ve found is either too big or too small or too expensive. And time’s running out.”

“You know you can stay with us as long as you want to,” Georgie reminded her. “That barn’s nice and dry since Cade did all the work on it. There’s plenty of room to store your stuff while you keep looking.” Her lips twitched. “And I assume you’ve got a place for your mare?”

“Yes, and stop smirking.” Sable gave her friend a playful smack on the arm. “He’s just going to show me the stall.”

Now Georgie laughed out loud. “Judging by the look on his face, I’d say Ryan Donovan wants to show you a whole lot more than that.”

Sable felt the rush of heat to her cheeks. Was it that evident? She was no stranger to dating or sex, and she’d known a lot of very sexy men in her life. But Ryan Donovan, with his Black Irish good looks, totally unsettled her. The minute she walked into the tent tonight her nipples had hardened to painful tips, a heavy ache had filled her breasts and between her thighs, the pulse in her inner walls thundered like a jungle drum. She was sure her panties were soaked, so much so she wondered if everyone had caught the scent of her musk. Thank God, no one had given her knowing looks.

Had Ryan noticed? He was just as aroused himself. The evidence of it was obvious, the thickness of his swollen dick pressing into her mound while they’d danced had been a good indication of his own state of arousal. He certainly smelled darn good, a blend of citrus and earth and just pure male. She’d had to stop herself from sniffing his neck and licking the skin. Wouldn’t that have been just great, the new vet acting like a horny tramp on the dance floor?

Crap. She was noted for her discipline and self-control. It was an important part of her profession, and she carried it over to personal relationships. Even with the hottest guys, she’d never completely let go. It was a matter of principle for her. Never give that control over to anyone. If the sex never quite reached the level of satisfaction she dreamed about, that was just the trade-off. If she ever got naked with Ryan, she didn’t think he’d let her get away with that. He’d be the kind of man who would strip her down to her basic needs and teach her what all-out fucking was really all about.


Georgie’s amused voice broke into her wandering thoughts.

Oh my God. She was sitting here in a huge crowd of people thinking of sex with the man getting her coffee. Did it show on her face? She made a tremendous effort to pull in the fraying edges of her control.

“Hmm? Oh, sorry. Just thinking about that house. I’m going to see it tomorrow and am hoping it’s what I want. At last.”

“If you say so, honey.” Georgie leaned closer to Sable. “I heard what you said before. I did. But let me tell you, Ryan Donovan is one fine man. He’s got a hunger in his eyes for you that he just can’t hide. Besides being sex on a stick, he’s a good, solid person.”

Sable blew out a breath. “Thanks for the commercial, but I haven’t even had my first solo day of work here. Like I said, my priority is giving the people a chance to get familiar with me and confident with my skills.”

Georgie held out her hands, palms out. “Whatever. Let me just say this one last thing on the subject. There’s nothing that says you can’t work and have a good time. All those women we hung out with before you left to pack up your stuff didn’t let an opportunity pass them by, and they still got their jobs done. That goes for me too. And Cyn Orosco, well, one minute Jesse’s building her store and the next they’re screwing like bunnies in her back room.”

“Georgie!” Sable didn’t know whether to be shocked or to laugh.

“What? It’s the truth. And look at them now.” She pointed to the couple in question, so close together on the dance floor there didn’t appear to be room for a sheet of tissue paper between them.

Sable just shook her head. “I hear you. As long as people don’t start trying to pair us up and make something more out of it.”

“People can’t help being natural matchmakers. Just ignore them.” She lowered her voice. “If I was single and I had a guy like Ryan look at me like he wanted to eat me alive, I’d damn sure jump right on that.” She winked. “In more ways than one. Anyway, here come the guys with our coffee and what looks like more slices of cake. I’ll never fit in these jeans again if I eat one more bite.”

“Me either. But I’ll be getting plenty of exercise again soon enough.”

She had to work hard to maintain an air of nonchalance while she drank her coffee and ate the piece of cake she really didn’t need. She let the Hannigans and Ryan carry on the bulk of the conversation while she just listened. And all the time, she was acutely aware of the man sitting next to her, his unique male scent, the heat his body generated. Occasionally, when he shifted slightly, he pressed his thigh against hers, the heat of it nearly scorching her even through the denim of her jeans.

She thought of seeing him tomorrow, making plans to board her horse with him. Would they be alone in the barn? Would he try to—

Holy shit, Sable. Get it together.

That’s exactly what she wanted to do, only with Ryan Donovan.
Friends with benefits
, she reminded herself. That’s what worked best for her. No strings attached. No demands on her except for her practice. The life of a vet wasn’t something that was easy to deal with. When animals needed her, she didn’t have time to worry about someone else. That wasn’t an easy situation, and she didn’t know if Ryan could handle it or not. Just because he was a rancher with his own sometimes irregular hours didn’t mean he’d be understanding about hers. It could kill a really great relationship.


She looked up, startled at the sound of Ryan’s voice.

“Sorry. Just savoring the decadence of this chocolate cake. What’s up?”

Ryan stood, pushing back his chair and holding his hand out to her. “They’ve got Doc up on the stage. Looks like it’s speech time. We should go give a listen.”

“Oh, right.” She gave him her hand and he helped her to her feet. She was acutely aware of two things. Both Cade and Georgie were watching with knowing looks on their faces—was the electricity between her and Ryan actually visible?—and just the touch of Ryan’s hand was enough to dampen her panties even more. It seemed she’d left her famous self-control back in West Texas. How would she ever control herself tomorrow?

Chapter Three

This is so good and so dangerous.

Sable swallowed a bite of steak and chased it with a sip of her ice water. This was definitely the best steak she’d eaten in a long time. Maybe ever. Of course, the environment, the setup and the very sexy man across from her might have a lot to do with it.

They were seated on the patio at the rear of Ryan’s rambling log house. He had grilled steaks on the fanciest grill Sable had ever seen. He’d uncorked a bottle of wine from nearby Grape Creek Winery and settled her on a stool at the kitchen counter while he microwaved potatoes and tossed a salad with veggies from an astonishingly well-stocked fridge. When the steaks were done, he set everything on the patio table and topped off her wine glass. Then he seated himself across from her.

“Sorry we didn’t actually get to a restaurant.” Ryan’s deep voice broke into her thoughts. “My intention was to actually take you out someplace. A nice casual dinner to welcome you to Saddle Wells.”

She looked across the small table at him. “Truthfully? I like this a lot better.” She gave him a small grin. “Especially after the little emergency. Getting into clean clothes was about all I could handle. I really wasn’t in the mood to hit a restaurant.”

The emergency had been assisting one of the Gold Buckle cows in the birthing of a bull calf. The animal had decided to make his appearance in the world about two weeks early. Ryan had been showing her the barn where the horses were stabled and discussing boarding her horse when one of the hands had come running to get them. When they’d reached the animal, she’d immediately seen signs of the cow’s distress. She’d grabbed her coveralls and her bag from her SUV and gone to work.

“You did a great job with the cow.” Ryan looked at her across the table.

She waved a hand in the air. “It’s what I do. And by the way, thanks for the use of the shower.” As usual, she’d been a mess when she’d finished her job.

“Are you kidding? It was the least I could do. That cow was having a hard time. You saved both her and a valuable calf.” He took a drink of his wine. “I didn’t expect to see you in action quite so soon, but I’m really impressed.”

“So I get to keep my day job?” she teased.

“I don’t think that was ever in question. Not really.” He swallowed a bite of his own steak. “For most of us, just the fact Doc would sell to you was the stamp of approval.”

She paused with her fork in midair. “Most of you? Are there some who have their doubts?”

He shrugged. “Not many. But there are those few that are either uber macho or old-timers who will have trouble seeing a woman as a veterinarian.”

Great. She’d been fortunate not to run into that attitude too often, but she knew it was out there, especially with the older ranchers. How often had she seen it written plainly on their faces?
A woman? Isn’t she too small to handle big animals? Can she do this by herself?

“They are certainly free to find another vet,” she told him, choosing her words carefully.

Ryan smiled at her. “That’s not as easy as it sounds around here. Anyway, once they see you in action, they’ll get past it.”

She carefully scooped out some of the fluffy potato with her fork. “Were you one of the doubting Thomases?”

He laughed, a genuine sound. “Not on your life. I saw a lot of female vets on the rodeo circuit. Many of them could run rings around some of the men who thought they were such hot shit. I’m definitely good with this, especially after today. By the way, glad the house worked out for you,” he commented.

“Wow, Ryan. Just wow.
Worked out
is a mild term for it.” Excitement sizzled through her. “It’s absolutely perfect. Just what I was looking for. And affordable.”

“I think it’s good both ways,” he reminded her. “They’re anxious to get to Montana, but they didn’t want to leave the place empty.”

“The best part is I can move in next week, when my stuff gets here.” She lifted her wine glass. “To you, for making the match.”

“And now both you and your mare have new homes. See how nice that worked out?” he teased.

“Thanks to you for that too. You made me a great deal.”

He shrugged. “Happy to do it.”

Sable took a slow sip of the ruby liquid in her wine glass. Over the rim, she studied the man seated across from her. Lordy, but he made her body dance. That thick shock of black hair, the matching eyelashes and those piercing blue eyes were so mesmerizing she felt trapped in a magnetic force field. Every nerve in every one of her erogenous zones stood up and screamed. She should be exhausted after the difficult delivery she’d handled; instead she was exhilarated. Juiced, as her former vet tech would say.

the devil in her head screamed.

the little angel said.

Go away!
shouted the devil.

Sable could not remember the last time she had been so enthralled by a man. Any man. She was fascinated watching the flex of muscles in Ryan’s tanned forearms as he cut off another piece of steak and lifted it to his mouth. Loved the play of muscles in his jaw as he thoughtfully chewed his food and swallowed.

He studied her with those stunning blue eyes. “Is something wrong? Did I get food on my face?” He lifted his napkin and gave a swipe with it.

Sable gave herself a mental shake. “No, not at all. I guess my mind was just wandering.”

Wandering into the bedroom. Bad Sable.

But holy crap! Since last night, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking of this man, imagining him without his clothes on. Wondering how his mouth would feel on her nipples. How his tongue would—

the angel said.
I won’t have you embarrassing yourself.

What was it Georgie had said about him? Oh, yeah. He wanted to settle down. Wanted something permanent. He’d been done with buckle bunnies for a long time. Well, Sable wanted the exact opposite. No-strings sex with a man she could like and respect. She had plenty of time for the other.

What if it sneaks up on you?

She slammed the mental door shut on the irritating voice in her head. Nothing was going to sneak up on her. Nothing and no one. Period.

But I can make time for sex with him, if we can limit it to that.

What had she said to herself? Friends with benefits? That she could handle, as long as they were discreet.

“I’d love to know those deep thoughts that keep pulling at you.” His voice was tinged with humor. “I must not be very interesting if you keep thinking of something else.”

Heat flushed her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I was just thinking about, um, the cow and her calf.”

Ryan burst out laughing. “I think that’s a first. Displaced by two animals.”

Sable lifted her ice water and took a long drink, trying to cool herself down, then she licked the moisture from her lips. “No, no. That’s not it at all. You’re very interesting.”

Great line, kiddo. Very smooth.

He reached across the table and dabbed at her lower lip with his napkin.

“Ice water,” he told her. “You missed a drop.”

The table was small, meant just for two people, and when he leaned across to her, he was so close she could count his thick eyelashes. When he didn’t remove his fingers from her mouth and caressed her bottom lip with his thumb, her breath stuck in her throat.

“Ryan,” she began, when she could find her voice.

“I wanted you the minute I laid eyes on you.” His voice was thick with desire. “I walked out of the Bit and Bite that day ordering my dick to take a rest, but it wasn’t easy.” One corner of his mouth quirked up. “I had a feeling you felt the same way. Was I wrong?”

“I—” She couldn’t make the words come out. The vivid blue of his eyes had darkened, and she swore tiny flames danced in the irises.

“And last night,” he went on, not waiting for her to catch up, “when we were dancing? Your nipples were so hard they nearly poked holes in my chest. But they weren’t any harder than my dick that wanted to bury itself in your heat. It’s there, Sable. Don’t try to tell me it’s not.”

She nodded her head and finally found her voice. “Yes. I felt it too.” She cleared her throat. How to say this? “You should know I’m not really looking for anything, uh, serious. At least not right now.”

He narrowed his eyes. “And if I am?”

“Oh, please. You can’t know that so quickly. We just met a few days ago. Not only that, I’m in a very demanding profession. My practice can take up a lot of my time, and that’s not easy on a relationship.” She paused. “Unless it’s just physical. Then it works just fine.”

He burst out laughing. “You know, usually with me it’s the other way around. It’s my partner saying we have something special going here and me saying I don’t see it that way. I guess Fate is really playing a joke on me.”

“We just met,” she said again. “And, Ryan, I—”

“Aren’t interested in getting involved in a relationship. I hear you.” He stroked her lip once more, just a soft swipe of his thumb. “Listen. I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, Sable. I’m almost forty years old. I’ve finally reached a point in my life where I want to spend the rest of it with the right woman. I have a feeling it’s you. But I want you badly enough to take this on your terms, at least for now.” He paused. “We’ll be friends, though, and friends do see each other outside of the bedroom. I’d really like to get to know you better. Learn about the real Sable Hunter.”

“I don’t know if you can understand this,” she began slowly, “but here’s the other thing that concerns me. Saddle Wells is a small town, and the county is just an extension. I’m sure people talk about each other. They gossip. I don’t want them gossiping about me, not when I just got here. Everyone’s still in love with Doc, and I’ll be under a microscope.”

“And you think they don’t expect you to date?” He lifted an eyebrow. “I promise you dating and sex is allowed in Rowan County.” He grinned. “In all of Texas even. We can certainly have dinner or lunch once in a while without starting a scandal.”

She blew out a long breath. “I guess.”

“Relax. You’ll see. It’s all good.” He put his napkin down and reached for one of her hands, folding his long fingers around it. “Damn, Sable. I’m having the hardest time sitting here eating my meal when what I really want is to tear off your clothes and lick every inch of your naked body.”

The throbbing pulse in her sex ramped up in intensity and more moisture flooded her panties. When she lifted her wine glass again to take another sip, her hand trembled slightly with the rush of need.

“Am I rushing you here?”

“No.” She whispered the word, but she was shrieking it in her head. She’d wanted him since he’d danced with her at the party and pressed her body to his. No, since she’d laid eyes on him at the Bit and Bite.

“Then you should know this.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and drew a line across her knuckles with the tip of his tongue. “I want to start tonight. Right here. Right now.” He lowered his voice. “I want to fuck you, Dr. Hunter, until neither of us can see straight. Say it, Sable. Tell me you want this as much as I do.”

She could hardly breathe. Her pulse thrummed and her heart was beating so loud she was sure he could hear it. Oh, she wanted this all right.

Oh, Sable, why are you stammering?
“Yes, I do. I want this.”

The smile he gave her was so wicked she felt every nerve in the walls of her pussy fire and spark.

“Then let’s leave this mess. It will still be here later.”

He rose in one lithe, athletic movement, lifted her from her chair and strode into the house. She looped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against that solid wall of chest, barely noticing details of the house as they passed through the living area to the bedrooms. At the end of a short hall, he elbowed aside a partially open door and carried her inside.

Sable had seconds to glance around the room, taking in sparse details of the place where he slept. Did he bring other women here?

None of your business. Focus on tonight.

Then she stopped thinking as Ryan set her on her feet at the side of a massive bed and cupped her face in his palms. His hands were both gentle and possessive.

“Last chance to say no, Sable. We’ll still be friends. You’ll still be my vet. But I won’t take anything in half measures.”

She pulled in a long breath and let it out slowly. “I’m in. Yes. In.”

There was that devilish grin again, a wicked curve of his lips. “And before long, I’ll be in too.” He licked a line around the shape of her mouth. “In you.”

Oh God!

Very slowly and carefully, as if he was unwrapping a package, he began to remove her clothing. First, the tee shirt she’d put on after her shower, gray with a faded Texas A&M logo. For one brief moment, she wished for something more feminine, then decided it didn’t matter. She apparently wasn’t wearing it any longer anyway. Beneath it, at least, was a bra of navy satin and lace. Outside, she might be all business, but inside, she was all woman. Ryan traced the lace edging on the upper side of each cup with the tip of one finger back and forth, outlining the upper swell of her breasts.

He brushed the flat of his tongue across soft flesh before he took a moment to suck each nipple into his mouth, fabric and all. She felt the pull of his mouth through her nipples clear to her core, a shimmying feeling that raced through her. He pressed a hard kiss to the hollow of her throat, where she knew her pulse beat an erratic tempo.

A flick of the clasp in back, the whisk of the straps down her arms, and her bra was history. He moved his hands to the snap of her jeans, popped it and lowered the zipper with one slide of the tab. He had to bend to push her jeans down past her hips.

“Hold onto my shoulders,” he told her.

She did, and he tugged off her boots, her socks and her jeans. Then she stood there in nothing more than a scrap of satin and lace that matched her bra. She heard him suck in his breath, hard, before he coasted his hands down her arms and then back up to her shoulders, over her breasts and outlining her hips. Every place he touched, she felt as if fire had kissed her skin.

BOOK: Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8
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