Necessary Passion [Alchemy Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (6 page)

BOOK: Necessary Passion [Alchemy Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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“Can’t stop,” Aidan said, throwing a grin over his shoulder. Sky stared at him in puzzlement. He grabbed hold of Aidan’s hand again and tugged the hunter to him.

The vampire’s breath fanned against his cold face, and Aidan resisted the urge to lean forward in a kiss. “What are you thinking? You’re blocking me.”

Aidan tried for practiced nonchalance. “Look, you and I both know that we’re attracted to each other by this alchemy thing. You won’t explain it. I don’t really care. I just know that my cock won’t turn off whenever you’re around. We have this battle coming up for which we aren’t prepared. You say to increase the connection, it’d be best to be intimate.”

“But we don’t have to be, Aidan. We can find a way around it—” Sky began.

“Don’t interrupt me,” Aidan snapped. He continued more softly. “If I don’t get this out, I’m not going to be able to. I need you to be intimate with me. I need you to give me some kind of damn relief. Please. I’m either going to fuck you or kill you. You pick.”


* * * *


Sky’s mouth dropped open, and his heart soared. Had he just heard correctly? He felt a moment of elation at the thought of fucking his pretty hunter. And he was pretty. His features were beautiful and rugged, everything Sky usually found attractive in a male. He relished the desire that crashed through him in that moment, and for once he allowed Aidan to see the intensity with which he’d wanted him since they last met. “You’ve only been here for two days, jäger. You don’t have to do this tonight.”

“Yes, we do.” Aidan growled, jerking the vampire to him and grinding against Sky’s hard form. “I need it tonight. I’ve waited six months. Don’t make me wait anymore.”

“Was it so difficult to wait to see me again?” Sky asked, enjoying his untutored responses.

“I’ve dreamt of your hands since you left London,” he admitted. He licked his bottom lip, and with trembling hands, he cupped Sky’s equally impressive cock through the soft cotton of his pants. “I’ve dreamt of your cock, imagining what it’d be like to have let that night carry us on till morning. Sky, God, I want you so badly.” He broke off in embarrassment, brilliant red coloring his cheeks.

Sky moaned and allowed Aidan’s hard caresses for a few endless moments. “If–if you still want to do this,” he said in a strangled voice, “meet me in my chambers in fifteen minutes. I want you to think. Think of whether or not this is something you want to do. I don’t want you to call foul in the morning when you wake up in my arms.”

“Take me now. Take me here,” Aidan begged. He looked willing to drop to his knees right here on the frost-covered ground.

“No,” Sky said firmly. “Fifteen minutes.” Sky set him away from him firmly. Aidan moaned, his eyes wild. What the hell was happening? He felt the fever burning within him in answer to Aidan’s desire. Sky groaned and forced himself to back away. Aidan looked feral standing there in the moonlight, ready to pounce on Sky if he stayed still too long. Sky turned and fled.


* * * *


Aidan stalked up the stairs, his entire being focusing down to the man who awaited him. Halfway up, his boots were kicked off along with his trousers. He was beyond caring about anyone seeing him. He’d waited long enough to give in to the pulsing desire that had plagued him since Sky had left London a year ago. Naked, he padded to the large double doors that led into Sky’s bedroom.

“Sky,” he bellowed, banging on the door when it wouldn’t budge. Didn’t Sky realize they needed this? It might have seemed like a sudden change of heart to some people, but MacGregors were naturally decisive people. Once he made up his mind to take a different path, that was all there was to it. He streaked down the cord in his mind that led to the vampire and found himself looking through Sky’s eyes.

The vampire was on his knees on the mattress. One hand was braced against one of the posts of his four-poster bed, the other was wrapped around the perfection of his erection, pumping his aching body furiously. The same urgency had obviously seized him as well. Even his thoughts were garbled images of Aidan’s body. They flashed like portraits one after the other, the fantasies becoming more elaborate the closer he streaked toward orgasm. Aidan moaned. It wasn’t fair that Sky was in there pleasuring himself while leaving the hunter outside his bedchambers. The powers he’d been fighting since London came boiling up out of him and pitched against the door. It gave and flew open.

Sky never missed a beat. Instead, he continued to pump his erection while Aidan stalked into the room.

“You want this, jäger?” the vampire teased. There was a sadistic gleam in his eyes that Aidan had never seen. Oddly enough it turned him on even more. He wanted Sky’s aggression and his dominance. Aidan was by no means a man who enjoyed giving up his power, but to Sky…

Sky’s accent was more pronounced now that lust lit his voice, the words more guttural than ever before. “Answer me, jäger. Do you want this?”

The game only served to heighten the desire simmering in Aidan’s blood. “Yes, vampire. Give it to me.” He wanted Sky’s embrace, his bite. He wanted everything that the vampire offered in that moment. Aidan jumped into the bed and crawled toward Sky’s beautiful body.

Sky shot him a look that dared him to touch him. “You bust into my room ten minutes earlier than I told you to, naked, and demand I give you what you want. Why should I give you my cock, jäger?” Something about the way he demanded an answer turned Aidan on. Maybe it was the way the vampire growled his title in his native German.

Aidan whimpered. “Because I need it.” He was mesmerized by the movement of the German’s big hands stroking himself to completion. He should’ve been startled by his fascination with another man’s body, but he couldn’t bring himself to be. He wanted Sky’s hands on him. First, though, he wanted to watch.

Sky snarled as he caught Aidan’s expression. “I was going to take the edge off. I was going to come to you more man than beast, but you don’t want the man do you, jäger?” The harsh, guttural question went straight to Aidan’s cock.

“No,” Aidan said. It clicked in place then. He really didn’t want Sky to be anything but what he was. If he were just a man, Aidan wouldn’t find the idea any less thrilling, but the edge of forbidden only ratcheted up the tension. “I want the monster. Give it to me, Sky, please.”

He blinked, and he was chest to chest with Sky.
Damn vampires are fast
. The vampire’s mouth crashed down on his own with almost violent desire. Their tongues tangled, and Sky nipped at his bottom lip and tongue with his fangs. Aidan whimpered into his mouth as Sky’s other hand wrapped around his erection.

“Take me into your hand, jäger,” Sky commanded. “Despite your protests, I don’t want to hurt you the first time.”
What about other times

“Make me do it,” Aidan said, trying to convey with his eyes what he wanted from Sky. Sky’s eyes burned red with desire.

“Aidan MacGregor, touch my cock. Make me come. Now.”

With a moan Aidan did as he was told. He jerked Sky’s dick with enthusiasm, euphoria racing through his blood. He couldn’t think of anything but how fantastic it felt to have Sky with him at last. It was the same thrill he’d felt when they’d raced the horses earlier, except, this time, the result would be infinitely more pleasurable. The vampire’s hand on his prick was maddening as they moved together. He’d been concerned that he wouldn’t know how to be with a man, but it was really no different than touching himself. He hoped the rest came just as naturally.

Sky threw back his head and groaned. “More,” he commanded. Aidan worked his hand with the single-minded purpose of giving the man before him pleasure. An insane thought came to Aidan as he caught the echo of his desire pass through Sky’s mind. Yet it was suddenly a yearning he shared.

“Let me taste you,” Aidan begged, eyeing the first pearly drop of pre-cum with barely concealed desire.

The vampire hesitated an instant before he nodded his assent. “Do it.” Sky groaned as Aidan did as he was bid.

Aidan pitched forward, sucking the first inch of cock into his mouth. He swirled his tongue over the head, lapping up the moisture that had collected there. He may have never sucked cock before, but he knew what he liked, and the idea of making his lover come apart in his mouth made his attempts all that more enthusiastic.

“Oh, God!” Sky gasped, fisting his hands through Aidan’s long blond locks. “Jäger, I love your mouth!” He dissolved into a German litany of praises as Aidan did his best to drive him insane. Aidan shuddered, his other hand going to his prick in a sheer effort to remain sane. Sky may have just said he loved Aidan’s mouth, but it felt like so much more to him. He felt down the echo of their minds the true extent of Sky’s admiration. The vampire loved him. The alchemy called for nothing less than the full truth between them.

Aidan moaned around Sky’s arousal and took another long suck. His eagerness to complete his task grew with each passing second. He braced one hand against Sky’s hip and leaned forward, taking him deep into the back of his throat. His other hand around his own thick arousal moved quickly and pumped his fist in unison. Sky growled and smacked at his hand.

“You take no pleasure from anything but me,” Sky rumbled. He wondered at the change in the vampire. Aidan had never seen him as anything other than the accommodating host, the reluctant lover. This territorial aggressor was just as intriguing, perhaps more so. Aidan whimpered but obeyed, taking his hand away from his erection. The obedience seemed to please his lover.

Aidan paused his ministrations, looking up the long, lean line of Sky’s body. “Come for me, please.”

Sky cupped his cheek. “For you, jäger, anything.”

Aidan returned to his dick. It was only seconds later that the vampire moaned as he neared his peak. His prick jerked, and the first jet of warm cum filled the hunter’s mouth. Aidan shoved his head forward, his nose tickled by the soft golden curls of Sky’s body, and drank down the salty-sweet fluid that flowed like heaven. Time seemed to cease to exist as he felt their minds slide into one another and melded together. Why had he ever resisted this?

He stayed there even as Sky began to soften, working his prick in an almost drowsy fashion. He didn’t want this to end. He didn’t want to wake up and remember he hated the other man. He stared up into Sky’s knowing gaze from his position on his knees.


* * * *


With a soft sound Aidan pulled back, his green eyes swimming with lust. Sky was mesmerized by the soft look of his swollen lips and his bright eyes. The vampire pulled his jäger, his hunter, up into his arms for a consuming kiss.

“See what you’ve done?” Sky asked, rubbing Aidan’s bottom lip. There was a hint of himself on his lover’s tongue.

“What?” Aidan asked hoarsely.

“You’ve taken the monster into your bed.” And hopefully into his heart. He growled, tasting Aidan’s lips once more. He loved kissing Aidan, had loved it since their first kiss in London a year ago. He was going to endeavor to make Aidan crave this touch as much as he did over the course of the night. Now that the hunter had given in to him, he was determined to make it harder than hell to leave.

His supernatural body recovered much more swiftly than the average man’s, and his cock was already hardening again. He wanted to make love to Aidan and show him how very good it could be between them.

He gently pushed the hunter back. “Lie on your back and spread your legs.”

Aidan did as he was bid, as soft and willing as a bride. It was so out of character that Sky didn’t know whether or not to celebrate or be concerned. He felt along the cord that connected them. There was magick between them. Sky could feel its presence like a physical touch. It had to be their alchemy bond making itself known.

It wasn’t anything that took away their wills. It was, however, a magick designed to reveal one’s true desires. He looked down at his lover. So this was what his jäger really wanted between them. He wanted them to be intimate. The knowledge filled him with pride. Despite Aidan’s protests, he’d yearned for this as deeply as Sky had.

Aidan groaned, interrupting his thoughts. One look into the depths of absolute lust in his new lover’s eyes, and Sky couldn’t take even a second’s delay. Sky took Aidan’s cock in hand and his jäger’s hips jerked upward in pleasure. He’d wanted Aidan to come apart, not from his own grip but from the vampire’s, so Aidan would know without a shadow of a doubt that it wasn’t just the release he craved. His other hand migrated south, and with gentle pressure he played with the tight ring of muscle that guarded Aidan’s body against invasion. Pleasure to the area was hardwired, and Sky knew if a lover was going to buck at this first touch, he would get no further.

Aidan moaned at that first tentative touch against his flesh. When Sky’s first finger dipped inside his aching body, he arched into the touch, eager for more. Pleasure settled in Sky’s chest. His lover was perfect for him. Aidan may be a force to be reckoned with outside the bedroom, but inside it, the hunter wanted someone else in control. That suited Sky admirably. He would endeavor to make the hunter never forget the pleasure that only a male vampire could inflict.


* * * *


“More,” Aidan panted. He now knew why his brother, Andren, had taken a male as a lover. This was exquisite torture. He’d had his own share of lovers before, women whom he’d slept with to keep up appearances. Never had he experienced this mind-numbing pleasure, this complete consumption of the senses, this ecstasy at the hands of someone who knew their way around a male body so completely.

BOOK: Necessary Passion [Alchemy Mates 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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