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Authors: Sarah Ashley

Never Say Love (14 page)

BOOK: Never Say Love
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Turning towards Clare she said so quietly, “Get that bloke from outside, the big one!” Then, looking towards the girls lined up against the mirrors she shrugged, “trouble ladies, I think!” just as Benito powered through.

“Excuse me ladies,” he said, as he strode through the crowd drawing “ooh’s” and “aah’s” as he made his way towards Lisa.

“This one?” he pointed towards the door—Lisa acknowledging with a nod, looking fearful at his face, full of anger.

Reaching up to the top of the door, he held onto the edge and pulled himself up easily, peering over the top.

Anger coursing through him as he saw
Lucy being pinned against the wall by the fucking creep, her dress up around her waist, his hand across her mouth, her eyes full of fear and tears as she saw Benito over the top of the door before the creep did.

Letting go of the door, Benito dropped to the ground and with one almighty crash, pushed his shoulder in the door sending the creep flying to the other side. Giving a sideways glance at Lucy, he yanked the letch out of the cubicle, his head making full and firm contact with the guy’s nose, blood flying everywhere, the ladies scattering as he did.

Lucy, her back against the wall, watched in horror as the huge bloke, her man, laid into the creep, the noise of the scrap and the music in the loos, although not as loud as out on the dance floor , drowning out Benito’s hisses. “You want a girl, you get one the proper way, you don’t just fucking take one.” Crack! A punch across his jaw, “You fucking understand me you bastard!”

Not thinking as the words left his lips, what he’d just admitted to. He, Benito Pascal Abelli, had a girlfriend! Oh shit, he’d got it bad.

“Oh God!” Lisa panicked as she watched the creep stagger, falling into the middle of the packed cloakroom, landing on the floor.

Returning to the cubical, Benito walked in and found Lucy hunched over the toilet, throwing up.

“Shit, Lucy, what happened?” he asked quietly, rubbing her back gently, holding her hair back as she wretched. Leaning back out of the cubical he looked towards Lisa, “Can you get me some water? And, get my mate to come and move that fucktard!” He nodded towards the guy on the floor as he squirmed around, holding his battered face.


Staying with Lucy, he kicked the cubical door shut with his foot. His hand staying on her back, comforting her as best as he could, holding her hair away from her face, mentally cursing himself over and over. Why did she have to hear him talking to Franco? Why did she have to hear him say those things? He’d only been away from her for a day but already missed her, missed her company, the laughter, her presence.

He knew Franco was right, his dad was
right. He did need to settle down, stop playing at being a playboy. Despite the mental pep talk he gave himself, he still couldn’t bring himself to believe that one day he would marry, no—that was a step too far. Yes, maybe he’d settle down with someone. Hell, he’d plead with Lucy to have him back, but never marry, never be in the same situation as his father, loving someone so much, making those vows like he had and then losing Sophia so young;
vowing never to lie with another until he was with Sophia again falling so deeply in love that no one can ever fill a gap or take that place.


Lucy moved away from the loo, groaning and leaning against the wall, so pissed she was hardly able to kneel straight let alone stand. Reaching forward, Benito flushed the toilet before crouching down to her level.

“Do you feel any better?” he whispered, brushing a loose lock of hair away from her forehead.

“What do you want, you
!” she slurred, looking at him with bloodshot eyes, her face pale, her hair a mess.

Shaking his head, Benito looked at his lovely girl—yes, his girl. “I’m not even going to try and talk to you now, not while you’re like this. Let’s get you home.” If this was his sister, if this had been Adrianna, he’d be laying the law down to her, regardless of whether she was drunk or not. But he couldn’t judge Lucy,
his fault, she was right. He
a bastard!

forward, he eased his arm around her shoulders, the other under her knees. Hooking the toe of his shoe on the underside of the cubical door, he pulled it open, standing in the corner of the private area as it swung inward. He carried her through the mass of women, all looking at the stunningly handsome, big guy carrying the young, drunk fair-haired girl out of the loos.

Outside, Lisa waited, leant against the wall directly opposite the loos. “Is she okay?” she walked towards Benito, looking up at the handsome man that was carrying her sister-in-law.

“No, she’s wasted. Are you her friend? She needs to go home.” Benito shouted above
Please Don’t Stop the Music.

Smiling, she tilted her head to one side, “I’m her sister-in-law. I’m married to Lucy’s brother.”

“I’ll take her home. My car’s around the corner. Tell me where and I’ll drive her.” He set off through the mass of dancers, some dancing, some staggering and Lisa following close behind.

“No, wait. I need to come with you, just let me tell the other two I’m taking her home, okay?” Lisa took hold of his arm. God it was big, her hand barely wrapped around the outside of his thick forearm. Letting her hand stay on his arm for a moment, she looked up at him, this Adonis stood there, holding Lucy in his arms.

“Quickly,” he snapped, “be quick.”

Hurrying over to her friends at the table they had occupied, Lisa made her excuses and apologised for Lucy’s behaviour.
Both girls shrugged, they’d been there, years ago, dumped, gone out and got wrecked—part of growing up, wasn’t it? After a quick round of hugged goodbyes, Lisa turned and headed off towards Lucy and the man that was carrying her.

Fighting her way through the crowds, she reached them only to find an exceptionally handsome man stood next to Benito, a well-built man, soft curls framing his beautiful face, full soft lips, dark eyes and impeccably turned out, just like the guy holding Lucy.

“Evening,” he offered his hand. “I’m James. He tells me that,” he nodded towards Lucy, “you are the pissed sister-in-law.” He laughed.

Scowling at James, Lisa contemplated what to say next. “She’s got good reason to be drunk, after what some mongrel has done to her!”

Smiling broadly, James looked at Benito, “Mongrel, eh?” He laughed, shaking his head, “Mongrel!” He laughed again.

Snarling and cursing under his breath, Benito headed toward the main door, Lucy now asleep in his arms, her head on his shoulder, her fair hair draped over his arm. James powered in front, opening the door, allowing his friend easy passage through to the footpath, Lisa skipping behind trying to keep up with Lucy’s rescuer and his friend.

As they arrived at the Range Rover, Benito handed his keys to James. Popping the locks, he opened the doors.

“I just need to call my husband, let him know what’s happened and tell him that we’re getting a lift home with two chaps that I don’t know.” She looked at them, “I
you, can’t I?”

Benito and James looked at each other once Lucy was firmly strapped in the back of the car. “You can. Take the registration of the car and tell your husband when you speak with him. Stay on the phone all the way home if you want.”

Going against everything that she’d always been told, everything that she’d said to Lucy in the past, against everything that the police and media told you not to do, she allowed these two strangers to take them home. It was the best of two options for she couldn’t put Lucy in a cab, not in that condition and walking just wasn’t realistic, not with her like that.

Benito looked at Lisa, “Sit in the front with James. I’ll look after Lucy.” He pushed the back door open further and slid in beside his girl.

Lisa stopped before opening the car door. “How do you know her name? I haven’t told you and she’s in no fit state? How do you know Lucy?” She frowned.

“I know Lucy, that’s all. We used to be friends,” he mumbled as he pulled his girl towards him, his big arm around her shoulder, holding her close. It felt so good to have her close again, to have her small frame tucked beside him, despite the fact that she was unconscious.

Frowning at him, Lisa’s face took on a hard look, “You’re not the bastard that’s just dumped her, are you?” Her tone was acidic as she questioned just how Benito knew Lucy.

“Can we talk about it later, and no, I didn’t
her. To be truthful, she walked out on me!” He snapped back, his voice equally as hard.

Sitting up straight, the alcohol she had consumed offering a little Dutch courage, Lisa faced up to Benito, raising her voice.
“Really? Because I don’t believe Lucy would do that. She’s such a kind and gentle person, never had a serious boyfriend before, ever. I don’t think she’d know
to dump someone!”

“Can we talk about it once we’ve got her home? I really don’t want her throwing up in my car. James, you’re sure you are okay to drive?” Benito looked towards his friend.

“Sure. Where am I driving to?” James said, his hands poised on the leather wheel, trying to remain detached from the conversation.


Once they were all settled in the Range Rover and belted in, Lisa told James where he needed to go, looking back at her sister-in-law as the car sped through the quiet London streets out into the suburbs and Lisa’s home.

“So she’s staying with you?” Benito
asked, Lucy’s head back at his shoulder.

“She is, lost her room, or gave it up, I think. She’s been to her mum and dad’s. They are okay but Lucy and her mum grate on each other so she’s with us for a few days. The poor love needs to find herself another job. Derek, her dad, works for a logistics company, and I think there’s a job for a dispatcher that he’s going to see if he can sort for her.” Lisa’s tone was matter of fact. She was hoping that Benito take on board exactly the situation he’d left Lucy in following their split —
the reason was;
called an end to it.

Looking out of the window, Lisa flapped her hand. “We’re here, just by the lamp post.” Turning towards James, she pointed at her house, all the lights on. Mikey was in the window, the curtains pulled back slightly, waiting for the arrival of his wife and drunken sister.

Pulling up outside, James parked the Range Rover and opened his door. At the same time, Mikey appeared on the doorstep of his home. Benito, having walked around to the other side of the car, was carefully lifting the still unconscious Lucy out and carrying her towards her brother’s home.

“What the fuck happened?” Michael asked, a look of concern on his face as he studied his little sister draped across this big man’s arms, her head on his shoulder.

“Too much to drink,” Lisa snapped at her husband, “and him!” she nodded her head towards Benito before glaring at him, “he’s the one!”

“What?” Michael looked at his wife, a confused look on his face. “What are you on about Lisa, are you pissed as well?”

“No, stupid! He’s the one that dumped her!” She walked straight past her husband and through the front door leaving the two big guys, her husband and Lucy outside.

Looking up at the huge Benito, Michael studied his face, there was no way he was going to have a go at this guy, he was just
big. He couldn’t
anything. He’d used the gentlemanly approach.

Offering his hand to James, “Michael,” he said, “thanks for bringing her home.” He rolled his eyes as he looked at Lucy. She looked pale, her skin blotchy from too much alcohol.

James nodded and accepted the proffered hand, shaking firmly. “No worries, there’s no way they could have walked, and I doubt any cab would have taken her, not in that condition.”

“What happened? She’s been distraught,” Michael looked at Benito, “you’d better bring her in.”

“She got pissed.” Benito’s voice was monotone.

“No, before that, between you two?
I spoke to her last week, and she sounded so happy; said she’d got a new job, away from that creep, and she was staying in some fancy apartment.” Mikey led the way into his home as Benito and James followed, chatting as they went. “She said she was going to get herself a new place.” Pausing, he rubbed his hand over his forehead, “Then she turns up at mum and dad’s saying she’s homeless and doesn’t have a job.”

Benito shook his head, “Look, can we get her inside? Then I’ll come back tomorrow, and we can talk about this. I want to talk to Lucy. This is all a misunderstanding, and like I told your wife, I didn’t dump her—she walked out on me!” He hissed.


Following Michael into the suburban home, Benito carried Lucy upstairs to the guest room where he found Lisa pulling Lucy’s duvet back. Placing his girl gently down, he stepped back out of the room leaving the sister-in-law to sort her out. “She needs to be woken and made to drink a pint or two of water, and don’t leave her, please.” He instructed as he left.

what to do!” Lisa snapped, glaring at the man who had, as far as she was concerned, caused all of this bother.

BOOK: Never Say Love
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