Read New Leaves, No Strings Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

New Leaves, No Strings (3 page)

BOOK: New Leaves, No Strings
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‘I’ve a feeling that’s about to
change,’ she winked.

‘What’s with all the winking
today?’ I asked Lexi, as I was given a clean bill of health and we left the
surgery with me hanging onto her arm.

‘You’re giving off a vibe, that and
your tits look big in that white top you slut. We need to go shopping and get
you some outfits that show you off at your best, we want to knock him out in
the morning. Something a bit more sexy than your trade mark jeans.’

‘My tits look big in everything
Lex, plus I like my jeans,’ I protested as she led me off campus towards the
main city shopping streets.


Three hours later we reached our
apartment, laden down with bags.

‘Well say what you like about your
dad Mia,’ panted Lexi after climbing the three flights of stairs. ‘But buying
this apartment for you was pretty generous. Plus that monthly allowance he
sends, means you don’t have to worry about buying new clothes or having to go
and get a job. Do you think he’d pay for a lift for the building?’

‘It’s just money Lexi, trying to
bribe me for my affections. Anyway if he’s stupid enough to keep buying me
things and sends money I’m not going to refuse. He never paid my mum a cent of
maintenance money for me. He purchased my sisters first house for her too, so
it’s only what he owes, nothing more.’

‘Well I’m grateful. Have you seen
the Uni digs? The room Matt had was dire.’

‘Who the bloody hell’s Matt?’ I
asked as I turned the key in our front door.

‘Last night’s man.’

‘Right, are we going for Marathon
man next?’ I giggled.

‘Funny, very funny. Well thanks to
your dad anyway. We may have three flights of stairs to climb, but this is a
sweet pad and at least we get to stay together.’

‘On the rare occasion you’re home

I closed the front door behind us
and looked around our new apartment. Lexi was right, it
great. It
was in the eaves of a huge old three storey Victorian building that housed six
large apartments in total. Ours had a large entrance hall painted white, off
which there were five original panelled interior doors. The entire apartment
had oak wooden floors throughout, except the two bedrooms, which we’d carpeted
in cream. Due to the low sloping ceilings and occasional beams, it was full of
character. With some help from Mum and Gerry, along with the money I’d saved up
from the allowance from my dad and a summer temping job, we’d been able to
fully kit the place out to our style.

It had a large modern kitchen
diner, with a utility and shower room off it. A massive lounge, running the
width of the building, in which we’d also been able to put our desks and
bookcases for studying too. Lexi had taken the smaller bedroom, which she’d
painted black, much to my horror. The main bathroom was a good size, with twin
sinks, a walk in shower and double ended bath and had a second door through to
the main bedroom, which was mine.

This had the most stunning large
sash windows, like the rest of the property. I’d decorated it in bright white,
except for a feature wall behind my king sized white cast iron bed. I’d done
that in a deep rich purple, which reminded me of the Cadbury chocolate foil
wrapper. I also had the same white shabby chic furniture that I’d loved so much
in my old room at home. I thought it left it looking crisp and light and I
hated clutter so everything was tucked away and out of sight.

‘Right, I’ll open the wine, you go
and get those clothes on so we can choose an outfit to commence operation
seduction tomorrow,’ ordered Lexi as she headed to the kitchen.

I shook my head, she was
incorrigible. Also right, not since Tyler or Alex had I been attracted to
anyone. Not that Kai was bad looking, he just didn’t ignite me. When he could
control his mood swings we’d had a laugh, but I did the bare minimum that was
expected of a girlfriend. Kissing him wasn’t so bad,
I missed. I
pictured the face of my mystery blonde rescuer and felt my stomach tighten, he
sure was easy on the eye.


I woke up with a mild hangover. We’d drunk over
bottle of wine each, as we’d screeched with laughter carrying out our very own
version of America’s Next Top Model, doing a catwalk show in the hall with
silly poses.

I opened my wardrobe to take out
the outfit that we’d both chosen, it was great, but it left room for me to ramp
up the sexiness for possible future encounters. I took out a blue V neck
buttoned jersey shirt, that Lexi said made my eyes pop. It had ties that could
be done up at the waist to show a tiny bit of flesh, including my pierced
naval. I pulled on a tight white and blue striped maxi length skirt, which
hugged my curves in all the right places and some white flip flops. I put on
minimal makeup, I never wore foundation as I hated the feel of it on my skin, mascara
and Vaseline on the lips were my daily staples. I left my waist long naturally
wavy hair loose and put on a bit of silver jewellery, a spray of perfume and I
was done.

Lexi was waiting for me at in the
hall. ‘Wow, you look amazing. You’re going to blow his mind. He doesn’t have
ownership of the perfect arse stakes you know, you need to dress in tightly
fitted clothes more often. Come here, you need to unbutton a couple more to
show off your cleavage too.’

. I don’t want to come
across a total slut,’ I objected and then slapped her hands away. ‘Hey hands
off, that’s enough buttons thank you. And what the hell have you done to your
hair? It wasn’t bloody orange when I went to bed. When did you have time to do

‘You know me, I get bored quickly.
I think I was slightly pissed and left the dye on too long. I wanted to impress
the guy sat next to me in English yesterday. He was really cute and he has this
whole moody tortured vibe going on, which you know I love, so make sure you sit
on my right again so I can do some flirting of my own.’

‘Well that explains why you’ve gone
out to impress too Lex.’ She’d toned down the black eye makeup, put on a maxi
dress, in black of course, but with a pair of converse trainers instead of her
trademark biker boots.

‘Well if you’re going to try to
keep up your end of the deal, so am I. If I need to date … shit the words feel
awful in my mouth,’ she said with a shudder. ‘If I’m going to date a guy, I
need to try and look a bit more accessible, rather than giving off the “
me, then fuck off”

‘Eloquently put as ever Lex. Shall
we?’ I held the apartment door open for her and we headed out to yet another
hot September morning.

We left the apartment and crossed
the road to the very handily placed bus stop and waited, listening to the sound
of an occasional car horn and wolf whistle. I felt the bus driver’s eyes follow
my bottom as I sashayed up the aisle. Normally I’d find it perverted, but today
it made me feel good. I needed a positive edge after yesterday’s humiliation.

Twenty minutes later, we were
dropped off right outside the main campus entrance and took shelter from the
sun under one of the trees. Students milled around, waiting for the last
possible moment to head in. I wondered how different the grounds, trees and
river would look as it turned to winter, when there’d be no human patchwork
quilt to shield the grass, no brightly coloured flowers or the greenness of the
trees. I scanned the area for him and my stomach began to flutter at the
thought of seeing him again. Shit, I
had the hots for him and I’d
barely seen his face, didn’t even know his name. Lexi said he’d told her and
she’d forgotten it.

‘Lex I feel sick. I don’t know what
I’m going to say.’

‘Well you better think of something
quick, he’s over there and he’s spotted you.’

‘O god. O god, my mouths gone
really dry Lexi. Lexi? Lexi get back here,
where are you going? Don’t
leave me,’ I pleaded as she grinned and walked away backwards.

She gave me the thumbs up, mouthing

H&D Mia, H&D.’

I turned to see the epitome of all
things I found attractive saunter up, rucksack casually slung over one
shoulder, his other hand in the front pocket of a pair of dark blue jeans, my
gaze was instantly drawn to his crotch again. O crap, what was wrong with me? I
was turning into a cock worshipping whore. I quickly drew my gaze up over his
white fitted loose shirt and looked up at his face and it was so much better
than I’d remembered. He was quite simply breathtakingly beautiful, stunningly
handsome in fact.

‘Hi, nice to see you upright and
with your eyes open today. I bet everyone tells you that they’re the most
amazing blue? I’m Gabe by the way,’ he smiled as he stretched out his hand to
shake mine.

I froze and just stood staring at him.
Lexi was right, he did look a bit like Gabriel Macht. I’d really frustrate her
as I would pause Suits every time he smiled, as it just slayed me. This guy’s
smile was doing it for me even more, plus he was my age and physically
attainable, which was a bonus. His voice was like a chocolate fondue, smooth,
warm and velvety, with a seriously sexy huskiness to it. I just wanted to bathe
in it.

‘Hi, anyone there? Mia isn’t it?’

‘Sorry, yes it is Mia,’ I nodded, quickly
pulling myself together. I reached out, placing my hand in his. He squeezed it
firmly and I felt a surge of electricity pass from his hand to mine and run all
the way down to my clit, which made me inhale sharply. ‘You must be the guy my
friend Lexi told me about, my knight in shining armour. I hear you carried me
to the Nurse when I fainted?’

‘Well a beautiful damsel in
distress how could I not?’ he said with another smile that flashed a perfect
set of white teeth.

Beautiful eh? My stomach fluttered
again. Hmmm weird, that was a new sensation I’d not experienced until today. I
stood there trying to think of a response, while I did a quick mental check
that my mouth was closed this time, then suddenly realised he hadn’t let go of

‘Gabe, you’re still holding my


He slowly let go and I bit my lip and
registered that I’d just tucked my hair behind my right ear, I always tucked it
when I was nervous. I felt on edge, I could still feel a throbbing from between
my legs, just from our handshake. The fact that he was standing so close to me,
smelling so edible wasn’t helping take the edge of my desire at all.

‘So, you got a clean bill of health
from the Nurse?’ he asked.

‘Yes I did thanks. She told me it
was probably a combination of low blood sugar and too much heat.’

‘Well it was hot, though not as hot
as today.’

I saw him cast an appreciate eye
over my figure, lingering on my breasts and I nearly melted on the spot. The
way he said “hot” was so
With that Vin Diesel husky voice, I was
sure anything he said would sound sexy. Even his name was just so masculine,
I repeated it a few times in my head testing it out, I liked it.

‘How’s the forehead?’ he asked, as
he reached over and tried to brush my fringe out of the way, to inspect where
I’d hit it on the desk. I took a surprised step back and bumped into the tree
behind me.

‘Fine, a bit tender, but fine,’ I
stammered, feeling totally embarrassed at my awkward stumble.

‘Good, I thought you might’ve
bruised it, but I can’t see anything.’

‘You’re not looking hard enough.’

‘I’m looking pretty damn hard,’ he
replied, making me blush again.

‘I’m told it wasn’t very elegant,
you must’ve found it very funny.’

‘I didn’t find you fainting funny
at all, I was rather concerned. On the other hand you and your friend tumbling
to the floor and then Mr Jenkins comments, that I found very amusing. Was the
male posterior you were drooling at mine by any chance?’

‘Well you were bending over right
in front of me, with a very tight pair of trousers on and in my defence you’re,
how do I put it, pretty toned in the arse department,’ I retorted, annoyed that
he’d realised I’d been checking him out.

‘I’m glad you noticed,’ he smiled
and I could detect a hint of pride in it.

‘Bit hard not to when you’re waving
it in my face like that.’

‘You know that’s not the only area
I’m toned, I like to keep in shape.’

‘I can tell,’ I said with a small
involuntary sigh as I stared at his flat stomach, trying to imagine how it
would look without the shirt.

‘It appears you do too, yoga?’


We stood staring at each other for
a moment and I felt the air between us scorching and my chest began to heave, I
felt my nipples harden and reached behind me to touch the tree to steady
myself. I think he could make me come right now, just by talking to me. His
and the way his eyes were inspecting every inch of my body. I had to keep
reminding myself to stay looking from his chest up, I was sure I’d just seen
that he had another erection and I was dying to look to find out. God I wish
he’d just step forwards, push me up against the tree and kiss me with those
delicious lips of his. I could tell, just by looking at them, that he’d be a
good kisser.

‘You’ve gone rather flushed Mia,
are you feeling faint again? Do I need to pick you up now just in case?’ he asked
with a charming grin.

O god, how to make me worse. The
thought of those muscular arms around me and his chest pressing up against my
face again was just too much. I jumped as my phone blasted out Fall Out Boy’s “The
Phoenix” in my bag, I’d left the volume on rather loud.

‘Shit, sorry,’ I muttered, annoyed
at the intrusion.

‘F.O.B fan?’

‘Yes, I love this album,’ I said as
I managed to silence it. I looked to see that I’d received a text.

Mia, I miss you so
much. We really need to talk, call me, please. Kai xx

‘Who’s Kai?’ Gabe asked as he
looked down at my phone.

‘Wow. Are you majoring in reading
upside down and being nosey?’ I exclaimed as I hastily shoved it back into my

‘Sorry, you should’ve read it in
private if you didn’t want me to see it. So is Kai your boyfriend?’

‘Yes … I mean no … I mean … we just
broke up.’ God why did I feel so nervous around this guy?

‘How come?’

‘That’s a bit of a personal
question given that I’ve only just met you Gabe.’

‘You’re complaining about getting
personal now? You openly objectified my arse and quite happily snuggled into my
chest as I carried you for over five minutes, I didn’t hear you complaining
about getting personal then,’ he replied looking amused.

‘I could hardly complain, I’d
passed out and I’ve no recollection of snuggling,’ I objected.

‘But you’ve already admitted to the
ogling. That’s personal, so you owe me one.’

‘Fine I apologise for staring at
your arse and that it may in anyway have made you feel devalued as a human
being, but don’t tell me that you didn’t enjoy touching me up as you carried

‘Touching you up? I had my hands
rather full at the time,’ he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

‘Wow, way to make a girl feel good.
Are you trying to say my arse is fat?’ I scowled.

‘Far from it, I think your bottom’s
pretty awesome, in fact I think it’d make me feel a lot better if you were to
reciprocate, bend over right now and let me stare at yours for a minute or two.
I’d feel we were even then,’ he grinned, leaving me stunned and silent. ‘So,
you’re not going to tell me the reason for the break up with this Kai?’

‘Mutual bottom appreciation aside,
I don’t know you well enough for this conversation.’

‘Bet he’s kicking himself for
letting you go.’

‘No one let me go,’ I said
indignantly. ‘I dumped him. Not all women are desperate for relationships you
know,’ I snapped, then regretted it. I didn’t want to come across as a total man
hater, not to

‘What are you desperate for?’ he
asked poignantly.

‘Some fun, I don’t want all this
serious commitment crap,’ I replied with a shrug.

‘I thought that’s what most women
wanted, commitment from a guy.’

‘I’m not like most women.’

‘No, I’m getting that,’ he said
with another knicker wetting smile that reverberated to my core. ‘Anyway, here
are the English notes from yesterday.’

‘Thanks that was really kind of you
to do that for us.’ I took them from him and gasped as his fingers brushed mine
and I felt that surge again.

‘Gabe,’ I heard a voice call from
behind him, ‘Gaaaabe.’ He looked back and then looked back at me, shifting on
his feet and looked very uneasy as an attractive, very well-toned and tall
blonde came up behind him. ‘Gabe, come on, we have to get to practice.’ As she
drew next to him she slipped her arm through his and I could’ve sworn I saw him
tense up.

‘Hi, I’m Julie, Gabe’s girlfriend.
Who are you?’

Girlfriend??? Damn it. I tried
desperately not to look too bothered at the news. ‘Hi, I’m Mia, nice to meet
you.’ I reached out and shook her hand.

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