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Authors: C.M. Steele

No Choice (10 page)

BOOK: No Choice
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I sat her down on the toilet while I turned on the shower and tested it before picking up my naked goddess.

Once we were out of the shower, we dried ourselves off, and she didn’t hesitate to put on one of my shirts. She was about to put on panties, but I told her not to bother. “Sweetie, I’m going to be tearing them off you anyway.” She blushed but didn’t get the panties and turned to the bed.

We were lying in bed when I asked, “Nat, I need to ask. Do you still love your parents?”

She paused, contemplating it, and blew out a breath before saying, “I don’t. It sounds terrible, but I’ve spent my life trying to figure out what I’d done for them to not love me. I did everything I could. Granted, sometimes I want their love and approval, but my feelings for them have since past. It was when I met Emmy my freshman year. She helped me get over the feelings of not being good enough. I still have times when I feel that way, but you’ve made it better.”

“I’m sorry that you had to struggle with the neglect. Baby, no child should feel like that, especially someone as amazing as you. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere, and I’m sure as hell not going to let anyone hurt you.”

“Is that why you’re asking? Are you going to do something to my parents?”

“Baby, I’m not a killer or anything, but I’ll ruin them if they come near or call you again. I love you, and I’ll do anything to protect you.”  

She smiled into my chest and cuddled tighter. I knew who I had to deal with, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.


Chapter 10

It had been three days since he asked me about my feelings toward my parents, and he was acting strange. I knew he was up to something this morning, but he played it cool before he went into the office. I was told to mind my business, of course in a sweet way, but it still worried me that he was going to do something stupid.

I grabbed my cell and called Emmy. We hadn’t spoken in a few days. She’d started working full time and was trying to get settled.

Emily picked up and spoke first in her sassy way that made me smile. “How’s my favorite person?”

“I’m great. I just haven’t heard from you in a few days. How are things going in Chicago?”

“It’s going great, but I haven’t got settled in yet. How are the wedding plans coming?”

“Please don’t remind me. I’m sure they’ll be looking for me sometime soon. Are you going to be able to make it?”

“Of course. I’m off every weekend, so it’ll be no problem.”

“Great, because you’re my maid of honor.”

“Freaking great, now I’m going to have to lose some weight.”

“Bullshit, you weigh less than me.”

“True, but now I have to make sure I cut down on the takeout here. This city is ridiculous; the food is great and tempting. I think I gained five pounds since I got here.”

“Then I’m glad I didn’t go there. I don’t want to get chubbier.”             

“Honey, you’ve got curves. You’re not chubby at all. Hasn’t Mr. Wonderful proven that over and over again?” I blushed over the phone because Emmy knew I was a virgin before him. Then the day after he took my v-card, I told her that we’d finally had sex.

She was supportive and of course wanted details, but I wasn’t going to tell her about how nasty we’d been.

“Are you blushing again?”

“How the hell do you know that?”

“Because you got quiet again. Seriously, he’s hot, handsome, and he is fascinated with you. I knew he would be the one you needed to take away that bullshit image you had of yourself. So tell me what I’ve got to do for the wedding?”

“Well, you have to go for your fitting. There is a location downtown that can do the fitting. I promise the dress is pretty. My future sister in law helped me pick out the dress. I know that should be your job, but you were busy. I hope you’re not mad.”

“Girl, please. I know that man has you running at a frantic pace, and we’re now thousands of miles away.”

“Great, but you can help me pick my dress. I haven’t gotten that far, and they’re getting on me for it. So look up some pics and let me know what you think will make me look pretty for Cam.”

“Absolutely, woman! You know I’m all about it. I’ll send you something tonight. Don’t trip. Tell them my bestie said mind your business.”

“I can’t!”

“I’m kidding girl. Just relax. So how is Cam’s hot brother doing? Probably chasing some chick around.”

“No, I haven’t seen him in a couple of days. He’s always busy. Why? Are you interested?”

“No!” Emmy said hastily. She responded too quickly to be true, but I let it slide. They’d see each other soon.

“Fine, I got to go. Cam is on the other line.”

“See ya!”

I clicked his call. “How is my beautiful woman?”

“I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number,” I said in a funny accent, but I was laughing the whole time.

“Really? Well, you sound pretty too! I wonder…do you have big, round, perfect breasts like my fiancée, who I can’t wait to go home and fuck until she cries out my name?”

“You think you’re funny, don’t you?”

“No, sweetheart, I really want to fuck your titties so hard until I come on them.”

“You’re dirty. I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with such a pervert. Have a good slutty day,” I said before hanging up on him. I was giggling so hard that I almost missed his call back.

“Baby, just wait until I get home. I’m gonna spank that pretty ass.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Are you daring me, baby?”


“Do you miss me, baby?”

“You know I do.”

“Yes, and I miss you too, but I’m going to be in and out of the office all day and wanted to give you a call.”

“Are you saying I’m not going to see you until bedtime again?” I tried not to be upset, but shit, I was missing him, and this wasn’t what I signed up for.

“I’m sorry, babe. It’ll get better soon.”

“Fine. I’ll see you tonight.” I hung up the phone, too hurt to talk anymore. I knew that he was a very busy man and had a company to run, but we were just getting to know each other. It seemed like he was purposefully avoiding me like he did last time. What the fuck was he hiding? I wasn’t going to let my insecurities get to me, but it wasn’t easy.

I got dressed and headed out to get some air. I wasn’t alone. Cam’s security team stayed nearby. I was trying not to tell them to fuck off. I wasn’t the type to say anything right away. I had to be riled up, and thanks to Cam, I was feeling that way.

I’d been walking down the road from the house when I got a call from Cam. I ignored it. Then he sent me a text.
Damn it, Nat. You’re in deep shit. Get your ass back to the house now.

Uh-oh. I turned back around, and then his truck pulled up.

“Get in the fucking truck now,” he growled, giving me a death glare.

I didn’t hesitate to get in. The look on his face told me he wasn’t playing.

The moment I got in and closed the door, he locked it.

He started to drive away, but didn’t say a word. I was afraid to look at him, but he took my hand in his and gave it a gentle kiss.

“Nat, there are some things we need to talk about, but right here and now won’t work.”

We pulled back up to the house and into the garage. He came around to help me out. I learned early on that he demanded he open the door for me. It was a sweet gesture, but I wasn’t used to it.

I got out of the truck, and he closed the door behind me. Then, before I could walk away, he pinned me to the truck, and his mouth was on mine. He bit down on my bottom lip and sucked it lightly into his mouth before going for a full-on, hard kiss. I was confused as hell. One second, I feared I was in deep shit, but the next second I felt like I was in heaven.

He growled and pulled away from my mouth, resting his forehead on mine.

“What the fuck were you thinking to cut out from the house like that? It was bad enough that your ass hung up on me in anger, but shit—don’t you have any sense of self-preservation? I’ve kept the security for a reason. I was almost killed, and they could come after you.” His anger was all in frustration as he ran his hands through his dark, full hair.

“Look, I get that you’re mad at me, babe. I’ve been a lousy fiancé. I haven’t been home until late at night, but I love you like fucking crazy. I’m trying to get shit done so we can have time for each other after we marry. I’ve missed a lot with my injuries.”

“I’m sorry, too. It’s not that I’m mad as much as just missing you. I’m here all day, and I don’t do anything but plan the wedding. I don’t want to be one of those wives, Cam. The ones that sit around all day waiting for their busy husband to come home and have nothing else to do.”

“Babe, soon you’ll have our babies to look after, and I’m sure after that, you aren’t going to want to go out to work.”

“I didn’t go to school to just be a housewife.”

“I know, babe, but it’s not safe right now, and hell if I want you working forty plus hours a week. We don’t need the money.”

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I feel like I’m going out of my mind all day.”

“Sweetie, if you want, you can still go and help out at some charity like you used to do back in Champaign.”


“Well, I hoped that you’d wait until we caught whoever was after me before you did, but if it’ll make you happy...”

“Yes, yes! Really!” I was bouncing up and down, but he stopped me.

“Listen, though. You’re not allowed to go to a place not pre-approved and not without at least two of the guys with you. If you want to argue about it, the offer will be off the table. Got me?”

“Once this threat is gone, is your ass going to loosen up on the restrictions?”

“Probably not. By then I’ll have knocked you up, so you might have more security.” I rolled my eyes at him, which earned me a shake of his head and a spank on my ass.

“Are we good now? I’ve got to get back to work. I had to reschedule my last meeting because of your impromptu fit.”

“I’m not a child, you know.”

“Yes, I know, but throwing a fit and hanging up on me forced me to come home, and I can’t be getting shit done and worrying about you at the same damn time.”

“I’m good. You can go back to work.” I didn’t mean to sound so petulant, but I was going to miss him.

“Do you want to come to the office with me?” he asked, but I knew it was only because I was unhappy. He really did care about me, and I just needed to learn to adjust.

“No. I’ll be okay here. You go and do what you got to do. I love you, Cameron.”

“I love you too, my Nat. Get inside and stay there. We’ll talk when I get home.”

“Are we really going to talk, or are you going to fuck me to sleep?”

“How about talking after we make love?”

“That’s better.”

“Good. I love you, Natalie. You need to know that, and it’s my job to keep you safe.”

“I’ll behave.” He gave me one more kiss before patting my ass into the house. I walked in and stared out the window until he drove away.

Damn, that was close. She was trying to give me a fucking stroke. I’d been in the process of finding out who was after me when my woman had to have a meltdown. Then I felt like a total prick and had to make it better.

I called Tim on the spare phone. “Tim, I’m on my way back to the office. Have you found out if our snoops were listening in to my conversation with Nat?”

“Yes, we got something. Can we meet somewhere?”

“Yeah. Meet me at our usual.” I drove to the spot but looked around before I got out.

“Hey, Cam, I ordered your usual coffee. Let’s sit here.” Tim was acting all suspicious.

“What gives?”

“It’s kind of complicated.”

We spoke for the next half an hour, and I had to go back to the office and play like nothing was wrong when I wanted to slam the fuck out of someone. We had a plan in motion—I didn’t care for it, but the shit had to be done.

My first call was to my office. “Crystal, I’m on my way in. Can you let the staff know that the meeting will be about ten minutes late?”

“Sure. What should I tell them?”

“Nothing. I just had a family issue.”

“Oh my! Is anyone hurt?”

“No, my woman was just giving me an issue.”

“Oh, really. Well, hopefully it gets better. You’ve already fallen behind schedule since you two met.”

I tried not to snap on her ass. She was really pissing me off. After all was said and done, she’d get what she deserved.

“Well, she’ll get used to me working long hours. We’ll be married soon,” I said with a smirk. Cars passing by probably thought I was crazy, but I couldn’t wait for this bullshit to be over.

I pulled up to the office twenty minutes later, and Simon called just as I got out of the truck.

“Hey, bro, what’s up?”

“Nothing. Waiting for your ass in this meeting.”

“I’m on my way up—stop being a little bitch. I had to deal with my woman. I’m lucky that she loves me fucking my baby into her. Great. Now I’m going to have to work with a hard-on the rest of the day.”

“Damn. TMI, bro. But she is certainly easy on the eyes. Too bad she’s not one of your cast-offs. I would like a round.” He laughed.

I growled and tried to remember this was part of the plan. 

“Well, find your own piece. This one is mine to keep. I love her, and I love fucking her.” I wasn’t lying, but talking about her like that wasn’t cool at all.

“I’m on my way up,” I said before I hung up.

BOOK: No Choice
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