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With those memories to haunt her, how could anyone, least of all Justin himself, ever believe she had serious intentions in regard to a dandy like Charles Endicott?

Her lashes lowered again as she looked down to where Justin’s hands now held one of hers in his grasp. Those same hands had touched her so intimately, caressed and stroked her to a peak of such physical pleasure it still made her toes curl to even think of it.

A reaction she did not wish him to ever become aware of, let alone find out that she was in love with him. That would be a humiliation beyond bearing.

Ellie drew in a steadying breath as she raised her head, smiling slightly as she deftly removed her hand from his. ‘It is all nonsense, of course, but how exciting to think that I might soon receive my first proposal of marriage!’

Arrogant brows arched. ‘Your

‘But of course.’ Her smile widened deliberately at his obvious astonishment. ‘The dowager has informed me that a young lady can only really consider herself a complete success in society once she has broken at least half-a-dozen hearts and received and refused her third proposal!’

The duke’s back straightened, his expression suddenly grim. ‘I sincerely trust, just because of our recent interlude, you are not considering counting my own heart as among the ones which you have broken?’

Ellie forced an incredulous laugh to cover the jolt she felt at hearing Justin refer so dismissively to their lovemaking. ‘I believe the only thing broken on that particular evening was a cup and saucer, your Grace. Besides,’ she continued evenly, ‘surely one has to be in possession of a heart for it to be broken?’

‘So you do not believe I have one?’

She raised auburn brows. ‘Are you not the one who once stated he has no intention of ever falling in love?’

His nostrils flared. ‘I believe what I actually said was that I have no intention of being in love with my wife. But,’ he continued drily as she would have spoken, ‘you are actually correct. The truth is, I have no intention of falling in love with any woman.’

‘Why not?’ Ellie could have bitten out her tongue the moment she allowed her curiosity to get the better of her. And yet a single glance at his closed expression stopped her from instantly retracting the question.

But it
a curiosity that a man such as he, a man who could have any woman he wished for, had decided—no, refused, to fall in love with any of them. ‘Well?’ she prompted as he made no reply.

His lips quirked. ‘Perhaps it is that I have observed too many of my friends succumb to the emotion, and prefer not to behave in the same ridiculous manner? It surely makes a man far too vulnerable.’

It was both a glib and insulting answer, but at the same time it somehow did not ring true to Ellie’s ears. She wondered anew if his aversion did not have something to do with what he had once referred to as his own parents ‘exclusive marriage’. ‘Is the object of that love not showing the same vulnerability by allowing her own emotions to be hurt?’

‘Then why take the risk at all?’ the duke argued.

Ellie shrugged. ‘Possibly because it is the natural instinct of human beings to need the love and affection of others?’

‘The implication being, therefore, that my own feelings on the matter must be unnatural?’ he rasped.

She looked at him for a minute, the blue of his eyes glittering—with anger or something else? ‘You are avoiding answering my original question...’ she finally murmured.

He gave another humourless smile. ‘How very astute of you.’

‘And you are still avoiding it.’

‘That being the case, would it not be a prudent move on your part to move on to something else?’ he suggested.

Ellie’s cheeks warmed as she lowered her gaze and turned to look out of the window beside her. ‘I do not believe I may claim to have been particularly “prudent” in our...relationship, to date, your Grace.’

Justin could certainly vouch for that!

Indeed, Eleanor had been anything but prudent in her dealings with him this past week, to a degree that he now knew her body almost as intimately as he did his own: the satiny smoothness of her skin, the taste of her breasts, the warm touch of her lips and the expression on her face as she climaxed against his fingers.

Just as he could not help but notice the perfection of the calm profile she now turned away from him: the creamy intelligent brow, long lashes surrounding those emerald-green eyes, her cheek a perfect curve, freckle-covered nose small and straight, her lips full above her stubbornly determined chin.

Eleanor had grown in elegance as well as self-confidence this past week, her pale-green bonnet, the same shade as her gown, fastened about the pale oval of her face, with enticing auburn curls at her temples and nape, her spine perfectly straight, shoulders back, which only succeeding in pushing the fullness of her breasts up against the low bodice of her gown, knees primly together, dainty slippers of green satin peeping out from beneath the hem of her gown.

Yes, Eleanor was certainly the picture of an elegant and beautiful young lady, and Justin realised that her air of self-confidence was due to the admiration and attentions of fawning young dandies, of which Endicott was no doubt only one.

In sharp contrast to those eager young fops, he knew himself to be both cynical and aloof, and not at all what might appeal to a young woman who was so widely admired and fêted. Indeed, her remarks about his cynicism towards the emotion of love would seem to confirm that lack of appeal. A realisation which irritated Justin immensely.

So much so that he felt a sudden urge to shatter her air of confidence and calm. ‘I assure you, dear Eleanor, I have absolutely no complaints at your lack of inhibitions in the bedchamber. Nor would you hear any objections from me if you were to decide to behave that imprudently again!’

‘Justin!’ She gasped as she whipped round to face him, a fiery blush colouring her cheeks.

Perhaps, if in her shocked surprise Eleanor had not addressed him by his first name, Justin might have decided not to pursue this any further.


Chapter Thirteen

ustin rose and crossed to the other side of the carriage and sat down next to Eleanor, his thigh pressed against the warmth of hers. He reached out and pulled the curtains across each of the windows, throwing the interior of the carriage into shadow, but not dark enough for them not to be able to see each other and know what he was doing, as he untied the ribbon on Eleanor’s bonnet before removing it completely.

‘We will reach Royston House shortly...’ she protested breathlessly.

Justin reached up and tapped on the roof of the carriage.

‘Your Grace?’ his groom responded.

‘Continue to drive until I instruct you otherwise, Bilsbury.’ Justin raised his voice so that he might be heard above the noise of the horses’ hooves on the cobbled street.

‘Yes, your Grace.’

Eleanor seemed frozen in place, unable to move or look away as Justin deftly removed the pins from those fiery red-gold curls, before releasing them on to her shoulders and down the length of her spine, reaching almost to the slenderness of her waist.

Justin groaned low in his throat, closing his eyes briefly, as he imagined how sensuous those long curls would feel against the bareness of his own flesh, his shaft now hardening, thickening, just at imagining it. ‘Dear Lord...!’ He opened his eyes and raised his hands up to cup either side of her face before lowering his head to claim her parted lips with his own.

Desire, hot and strong, erupted between them, leaving no room for tentative exploration and seduction as Justin felt the instant and powerful surge of his own desire as his arousal curved up strong and pulsing against his stomach, his arms sliding about Eleanor’s waist as he drew her firmly against him, breast to chest, the flatness of her abdomen pressing against the heat of his shaft.

She clung to him, her face raised as he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue over the softness of her lips before entering, then plundering the beckoning, enticing heat beneath.

* * *

For Ellie it was as if the last three agonising days of avoiding Justin had never happened, the instant heat of their desire making it seem as if this was a continuation of their previous lovemaking. Her love for him made it impossible to resist being crushed against him, his reaction to her telling her more surely than anything else that he was just as aroused as she was.

She became totally lost in the barrage of emotions as he continued to kiss her. Then he lifted her above him, the length of her gown rising up her legs as she straddled his muscular thighs, allowing him to pull her in tightly against him, her knees resting on the seat either side of him.

Her drawers had parted, allowing the fullness of his arousal to press up against the swollen heart of her, only the material of his pantaloons now separating them.

Ellie gave a breathless gasp as the rocking of the carriage rubbed his firm length against the sensitive nubbin between her own thighs, totally lost to sensation as Justin unfastened the buttons at the back of her gown. He broke the kiss to ease her slightly away from him to allow her gown to drop away, revealing her breasts covered only by the thin material of her chemise, his eyes becoming hot and glittering as he raised his hands to cup the twin orbs.

Ellie looked down, her cheeks flaming as she saw what Justin had done; her breasts were fuller, the nipples swollen and hard at their tips as they pouted up and forwards invitingly.

‘You are so beautiful...!’ he murmured huskily, gently pushing her chemise aside before his head lowered to draw one of those swollen berries into his mouth.

Ellie’s whole body now felt suffused with heat as she thrust her fingers into his hair, every caress of that moist tongue a torture that coursed hot and molten through her veins.

She loved this man, needed—Lord help her, she needed—

She gave a low moan, throat arching, head thrown back, as Justin responded to that need, his fingers caressing unerringly that heat between her thighs, stroking in the same rhythm as his tongue now rasped against her other nipple, taking her higher, driving her insane with mindless desire.

‘Unfasten my pantaloons, Eleanor...!’ His breath was hot against her aching breast as he bit gently on her nipple. ‘Let me feel your hands on me,’ he pleaded gruffly.

Her cheeks burned as she sat back slightly, her fingers fumbling with the buttons of Justin’s pantaloons in her haste to see and touch the hardness that had pressed against her so insistently, barely able to breathe as he leant back against the seat, lids half-closed, as she finally allowed that long, pulsing length to burst free, as if it had a will of its own.

Even as she gazed down in fascination a bead of liquid escaped the tip before sliding slowly downwards. Ellie looked at him uncertainly. ‘May I...?’

‘Please...’ he encouraged hoarsely.

She quickly removed her gloves before touching that hardness tentatively, her fingers barely able to meet about its thickness. She was surprised, as she began to run her fingers slowly up and down it, at how silky the skin felt. She ran the soft pad of her thumb across the tip to capture a second bead of escaping moisture, looking up quickly as he gave a low groan. ‘Am I hurting you?’

He gave a brief laugh. ‘Only with kindness!’

Ellie gave a relieved smile, capturing her tongue between her teeth in concentration as she unbuttoned his waistcoat and pulled up his shirt to bare his chest before allowing her gaze to become fixed once again on the hard, silken length of his shaft. She continued to caress him instinctively, fingers tightening around his arousal, responding to his groans of pleasure as she began to lightly pump up and down. Justin’s thighs began to thrust up into the circle of her fingers and she tightened her grip as she heard his loud gasp, the expression on his face now almost one of pain, despite his earlier assurances.

Ellie stilled. ‘I am sure I must be hurting you—’

‘No!’ He lifted his hand, fingers curling about hers as he encouraged her to continue that rhythmic pumping. ‘Do not stop, Eleanor, please do not stop...!’ His head dropped back against the upholstered seat, lids completely closed, long golden lashes dark shadows against the harsh planes of his sculptured cheeks.

Ellie had never seen anything as beautiful, as intensely wildly beautiful, as the fierceness of his pleasure in her caresses. It was somehow empowering, so fiercely primal, to know that she could give such pleasure to the man she loved.

‘Harder,’ he encouraged achingly. ‘Oh lord, faster...!’

Ellie’s fingers tightened further about him as she followed his instructions, eyes widening as his shaft seemed to grow even longer, thicker, with each downward stroke, the head more swollen, and glistening with moisture.

Justin groaned harshly, the pleasure so intense, so all consuming as he thrust up into Eleanor’s encircling fingers, every particle of him concentrated on that intense, mindless desire as he felt his release threatening to overtake his control.

It took tremendous effort of will not to give in to the need to spill himself, as he instead opened his eyes before capturing her wrist and putting a stop to her caresses. ‘Together this time, Eleanor. We will come together.’

She blinked, her eyes a dark emerald in her own arousal.

‘Like this,’ Justin urged as he placed his hands on her waist to once again pull her thighs in tight either side of him, his breath leaving him in a pained hiss as he felt the burning heat of her against him, causing him to harden still further.


‘Do not be afraid, Eleanor,’ he soothed as he stroked gentle fingers down the length of one of her rosy cheeks. ‘I swear I will not take your innocence. Or hurt you in any way. I only want to give you pleasure. To give us both pleasure. Do you trust me to do that?’

Did Ellie trust Justin? To give her pleasure? Oh, yes, she already knew how capable he was of sending her to the heights. But did she trust him not to break her heart?

Ellie feared it was already too late for that!

What other explanation could there be, she mused, other than that she had fallen in love with him, for the way in which she responded so willingly, so wantonly, to his every caress?

’ he begged at her continued silence.

It was unacceptable that this proud, powerful man should plead with her. That he should plead with anyone for anything!

Nor did she wish to continue to waste this precious time together lingering on her own emotions. ‘Yes, I trust you, Justin,’ she said, her hands clinging to the width of his shoulders as he sat up to edge forwards on the seat, his gaze once again holding hers captive as he began to move, the hardness of his shaft stroking against the swollen nubbin between her dampened thighs, the wetness there allowing his silken hardness to glide up and between her swollen folds rather than entering, breaching, the sheath beneath.

Ellie moaned in ecstasy as the nubbin between her thighs throbbed and pulsed in response to each stroke, her cheeks aflame with her arousal, her breathing ragged as she felt the pressure building inside her, taking her higher and ever higher, her breasts tingling almost painfully, as that heated pleasure between her thighs became almost too much to bear.

‘Now, Eleanor!’ Justin gasped between gritted teeth. ‘I am going to—come for me now, Eleanor!’

His words meant nothing to Ellie, it was the tightening of his hands about her waist as he held her firmly in place, and the intensified throbbing and bucking of his shaft against her, that threw her totally over the edge and out into a maelstrom of almost unbearably erotic sensations.

Wave after wave of pleasure claimed her, as Justin’s shaft continued to stroke to that same rhythm, before he also lost control, and a fiery liquid pulsed hotly on to her nubbin, sending her into a second, even more intense climax than the first.

* * *

Justin trembled and shook in the aftermath of the most intense release he had ever experienced, his ejaculation so fierce, so powerful, and lasting for so long he felt as if he had been ripped apart and was still in pieces, only the sound of their ragged breathing breaking the silence inside the carriage. Eleanor had fallen forwards weakly as her second climax faded, her head now resting on his shoulder as her body still shuddered and quivered with the aftershocks of that dual release.

It was incredible, beyond belief, that Justin should have responded so wildly, so intensely, to just the touch of her hands upon him and the heat of her between her thighs. He enjoyed sex as much as the next man, had bedded more than his share of women the past ten years or so, but he could never remember experiencing such a depth of pleasure before, such a fierce release. It had seemed never ending, until he had felt as if it had started in his toes and been drawn up from his very boots.

His boots...

Damn it, not only were the two of them still fully dressed, but they were also sitting in his moving carriage—a carriage that now reeked of the smell of sex! What on earth had he been

* * *

Ellie was so weakened, so lost in wonder, that it took her several minutes to realise that Justin’s shoulder had tensed beneath her brow. His chest was steadily rising and falling against her breasts, while his hands had fallen away from her waist.

She raised her head warily and looked at his harshly etched features; there was a frown between his eyes, his cheekbones appeared like blades beneath the tautness of his skin, and his jaw was tightly clenched.

So clearly not the face of an indulgent and satiated lover.

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue before speaking. ‘Are you angry with me?’

‘With myself,’ he corrected harshly.

Her eyes widened. ‘Why?’

‘You can ask me that?’ He gave a self-disgusted shake of his head as he placed his hands on her waist once again in order to lift her off him and sit her on the seat beside him. He briskly pulled up the bodice of her gown and refastened the buttons at the back before straightening his own clothing.

Ellie’s legs felt decidedly shaky as she pressed her knees tightly together, gasping as she felt another wave of pleasure emanate from that still-swollen nubbin nestled in the auburn curls between her thighs. Her cheeks suddenly blazed again as she became aware that the uncomfortable dampness of her drawers was not entirely her own.

Could this be any more embarrassing? Not only had she once again lost complete control in Justin’s arms, but the proof of his own uninhibited display was impossible to ignore. How could she have allowed this to happened again? It was utterly mortifying—

‘This should not have happened again!’ the duke echoed at least some of her thoughts, his voice a growl in the silence. ‘And it would not have done so if not for—’ He broke off abruptly, eyes glittering darkly as he glared fiercely at nothing in particular.

‘If not for what?’ Ellie prompted.

‘We have delayed long enough; I suggest you now tidy your hair and replace your bonnet,’ he instructed as he pulled back the curtains and allowed in the sunshine before reaching up to once again tap on the roof of the carriage. ‘Royston House, if you please, Bilsbury.’

Ellie continued to regard him for several seconds before turning away to look sightlessly out of the window, unwilling to allow him to see the tears which now stung her eyes as she did as he instructed and tidied herself.

The way Justin now spoke to her, and the harshness of his expression, could not have made it any more obvious that he deeply regretted what had just happened.

As she must now regret it, though for a completely different reason.

While technically she might still be an innocent, she was certain he had ruined her for any other man. She would only ever want him. Only ever love him. It was a total disaster.

* * *

Justin could not think of a single thing to say or do that would erase the expression of hurt bewilderment from Eleanor’s face; that his behaviour had been reprehensible, totally beyond the pale, was beyond denial, as well as being a betrayal of his role as her guardian.

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