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Authors: Annabelle Weston

NotoriousWoman (7 page)

BOOK: NotoriousWoman
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“You looked so peaceful,” Jolie replied with a
conspiratorial smile.

Kate snorted and checked the clock. “It’s after six.”

“Don’t you worry,” Jolie said. “Jake’s got everything under

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Kate shrugged on her vest.

“Where are you off to? You haven’t had any breakfast.”

“I’m going to feed the chickens.”

“I’ve already taken care of them.”

“Then I’ll collect the eggs,” Kate snapped.

Jolie pointed with self-satisfaction to a half-dozen brown
eggs in a wire basket. Kate exhaled noisily. Her sister ignored her and gave
the pot another stir.

She stalked from the house in a temper. Obviously, the two
of them were up to no good.

Jake was waiting for her. Lips pressed together, she held on
to the brim of her hat to shield her eyes from the sun. He was so incredibly
manly. The rising sun spilled searing light behind and made him appear heaven
sent. She suppressed an agitated snort.
was nothing special. Just a
man who, she would be quick to remind him, worked for her.

“Howdy, Kate,” he said.

She frowned at his familiar use of her name. She’d given him
leave to use it but she was reminded of how he’d called out her name in the
bunkhouse while he pleasured her. For sure, he was a smooth talker.

He pushed his hat back on his head. The bump on his forehead
had yellowed but didn’t appear all that bad, but the side of his jaw was marked
with ghastly patches of black and blue.

It must hurt but he sat astride his mount, grinning.
Apparently, the injury hadn’t soured his disposition.

He herded the bawling calves in the corral and she shut the

“You’re up early,” she said peevishly.

He shook his head. “Have to be in this line of work.”

She grimaced.

“Brought some spring calves down from the range. Appears to
me they haven’t been branded yet.”

“We’ve had other things to take care of around here,” she
said. She didn’t want to admit she’d neglected them.

He leaned on his pommel and his grin widened. That grin.
Ugh. “When did you expect to take care of putting your mark on their hides?
There’s desperadoes in these hills who’ll rustle your herd and no one would be
the wiser.”

“I’m aware of cattle thieves,” she sputtered. He was giving
her a hard time because of last night, no doubt. Kate took a calming breath.
“Now that you’re here, the three of us will see to the branding.”

“Good. We can start this morning.” He dismounted in one easy
motion. He took off his hat and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his
bandana. His wet hair stood up straight. He combed it back with his fingers
then wiped them off with the bandana before tying it back around his neck.

Kate should head for the house. Every bit of good sense told
her to run. She had a notion of what he was up to. He was giving her a glance
at the goods. Even though she liked what she saw, she wouldn’t give him the
satisfaction of knowing he could distract her from her duties.

“I’ll go find the irons,” she said.

He led his horse and walked beside her. “Darlin’, we need to
talk about that bull of yours. I’ve had a good look at him. He’s past his
prime.” His voice was silky smooth but his words irritated her. She’d told him
funds were tight. She’d no money to buy stock.

She didn’t correct him for calling her darlin’. She didn’t
want to start a fight first thing in the morning. She liked that they could be
friendly, that they didn’t always have to be locking horns.

“General gets the job done,” she said.

“Silas Purdy’s got more prime bulls than he needs. He might
consider selling one.”

Kate bit her lip. She probably couldn’t afford whatever
Silas would charge and there was considerable bad blood between the Crowleys
and the Purdys. Was he only saying that to get on her nerves? Or did he truly
not know? She shook her head. There was no way he hadn’t heard about how she’d
accused the Purdys of being behind Pa’s murder.

Everyone in the territory had an opinion about the feud
that’d sprung up. Maybe Jake had just given away the reason he was here—could
he be one of Purdy’s spies? She wouldn’t put it past Silas Purdy to send one of
his men over to see how the Crowley ladies were managing.

Well, in that case, she wouldn’t let on that she had no
money to spare for a new bull; it would only give Jake fodder to report back to
the Purdys, who would be sure to use it to their advantage.

“General’s served this ranch for a number of years,” she

“Time you brought in a younger bull.”

“He’ll get the job done.”

“If you started a new bloodline, your ranch just might

“Maybe so but I’ve made my decision.”

Jake was close enough to rub elbows. Kate kept her eyes
straight ahead. She couldn’t risk a repeat of what’d happened last night. They
reached the shed and she was glad he’d not argued.

“There’s extra rope in the barn,” she told him.

“You can’t go on like this,” he said so seriously she stopped.

“What are you saying?”

He furrowed his brows. “You won’t make it without some


“Mr. Purdy might give you stock on credit. Especially with
me running things.”

Where had he gotten that idea? “You’re mistaken, Jake. I’m
the boss around here.”

He tipped his hat. “Yes ma’am.”

They stood toe to toe. Why were they at each other’s throats
one minute and stealing kisses the next?

She smiled to show no hard feelings. “My father was
old-fashioned. He didn’t like owing his neighbors and friends—even in hard

He shook his head. “These are hard times all right.”

“I’ve tried to follow his example, although it isn’t always

That’s all Jake needed to be told. She was plenty stubborn
and she’d made up her mind.

They continued their walk to the barn.

“All my bull needs is some doctoring. I’ll give him a dose
of Epsom salts and see if that doesn’t perk him up.” She glanced at him
sideways. She could’ve sworn he was holding his breath to keep from bursting
out laughing.

“You’re the boss.”

“I intend to sell some of the stock,” she said, ignoring his
sarcasm, “for the cash we need to get through the winter.”

He scratched the back of his neck. “This time of year?
You’ll not get a good price.”

“That can’t be helped.”

“Will it be enough?” he asked.

She didn’t answer. It was none of his business. “Jolie and I
will get by,” she said. “Just you wait and see.”

“If it’s a matter of my wages, I can wait.”

“I appreciate the offer,” she said, “but I’m going to take
the stock to auction. The money they bring will be enough to cover your pay.”

“You’ll get no argument from me,” he said.

“Good,” she said with a sigh. “I’ll need your help
delivering them.” She realized she was asking him for a commitment. The auction
over in Sylmar was four weeks from today.

A broad grin curved his lips. The lips that had devoured
hers without any reservation. “I’m your man.”

She stood tall and smiled back. Not so long ago, she might
have wished he was saying that for other reasons. She couldn’t be that woman
anymore. At least not in a serious sense. Kate couldn’t help wanting Jake to be
hers for other things…like kissing. And as sinful as it was—sex. Yes, truth be
told, she wanted him. The way he’d branded her with his lips and tongue in the
bunkhouse had stayed with her. Disturbed her. Made her have hot, sweaty dreams
where his bare chest touched hers and she spread her thighs wide for him.

Her eyes met his, and from the flash of desire mirrored in
his gaze, she knew he saw her for what she was. A wanton. And she didn’t care.

“Don’t mention it. That’s what I’m here for.” His gaze said
what his words didn’t—that he was here for more than branding cows.

Acting purely on instinct and an intense craving to feel him
close, Kate grabbed Jake’s hand and pulled him inside the darkened barn. She
was surprised he let her do it but didn’t let that stop her. She pressed him
against the wall, his face in shadows.

“Don’t say anything,” she demanded before lifting on her
tiptoes and kissing him.

Jake growled in the back of his throat, reached his arms
around her, gripped her buttocks and pulled her taut against him. His cock was
hard, thick and pressed to the apex between her thighs, making her body ache
and pulse. She shuddered, sucked his tongue, pressed her breasts hard against

“Touch me,” she whispered, grabbing one of his hands from
her behind and pressing it to her breast, feeling his thumb brush over her
aching nipple.

“With pleasure,” he murmured against her lips.

Jake massaged her breast, pinched her nipples, rubbed his
cock back and forth against her cunny. Unbridled moans escaped her, and her
flesh ground into his, greedy for more. Sparks of pleasure shot through her,
and her breaths were shallow and hitched. Oh my… Kate was spiraling up so fast,
she was sure she’d ever come down.

She tore her lips from his, wrenched his shirt open, feeling
a moment of guilt at the buttons popping off, but the sight of his chest and
the scent of his masculine skin undid her. Pressing her lips to his muscled
torso, she licked, tasting salt and man.

“Oh Kate…” Jake moaned, his hands fisting in her hair.

She kissed lower, toward his navel, having to kneel in front
of him. When she did that, his bulging cock was gloriously within view. Letting
her inhibitions go completely, she nuzzled against his hard length, taking in
the musky scent that had her mouth watering.

“Kate? Are you all right?”

Kate jerked her gaze up and met Jake’s eyes. He looked at
her with question, concern. Her cheeks flushed with heat as she realized she
was still outside and had just had an extremely erotic fantasy regarding the
man standing in front of her.

“Fine. Let’s get those cows branded.” She rushed, nearly
running ahead of him—actually away from him and the way he made her body burn
for something wicked.

Chapter Five



Kate cursed under her breath as she held the box that had
contained the ranch’s supply of Epsom salts. How had they run short? Why hadn’t
she noticed they needed to replenish the supply? This would be another point
for Jake Madden to drive home. If she’d been taking care of business, there
would have been enough medical supplies for her animals.

She stomped her foot in frustration then inhaled sharply as
white-hot pain sizzled up her leg. She tossed the empty box aside and lifted
her foot to examine her injury.

A rusty nail protruded from the bottom of her boot. The rest
of the nail had lodged in her foot and hurt like hell.

“Damnation!” she shrieked, unable to hold back any longer.
She tried to pull on the nail but more searing pain sliced through her foot.

“Those aren’t the words one normally hears from a lady.”
Jake loomed in the doorway of the storeroom. She glared at him, hoping he’d get
the message that his comments weren’t appreciated.

“You’re gonna hear worse,” she said, unleashing her breath
at last.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, leaning against the doorjamb.

“Nothing that concerns you,” she replied, trying to keep her
temper under control.

“That’s not what it sounded like.” He straightened and
walked inside. “It’s my job to keep you out of trouble.”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m perfectly capable of taking
care of myself.” Honestly, the room was barely big enough for one. Two were
most definitely a crowd. He kept on coming.

“Sit.” He patted on a crate.

Kate did what she was told. The pain in her foot pulled her
off the path her irritation would surely take her.

“Let’s see what we’ve got here,” he said.

“Be careful.”

He picked up her foot and set it on his knee. The ground
beneath her foot was stained with blood. The sight made her queasy. She held on
to the nearest shelf and steadied herself.

“Don’t go fainting on me, sweetheart.” His jibe didn’t sit
well with her. First darlin’, now sweetheart. He was getting too familiar.

“I’m not your sweetheart,” she said through clenched teeth
and she meant every word. She pulled her foot out of his grasp.

“Come on, Kate. I was only teasing.”

She’d like to tell him about boundaries, remind him he was
not to take liberties. How she wanted what was best for herself and the ranch.
How she’d appreciate if he’d keep his opinions to himself.

He yanked out the nail. Her eyes must’ve bulged from their
sockets. She choked back a bloodcurdling scream, biting the inside of her
cheek, trusting him, understanding it was the only thing he could have done.

Her foot dropped to the floor. She stood and wavered. The
room had shrunk to a much smaller space than when she’d arrived. She squared
her shoulders and willed away the dizziness and the uneasiness growing in the
pit of her stomach. Without further ado, she put her weight on her heel.

“Hold on, I’ll carry you.”

She managed to keep herself upright despite the pain. “Leave
me be.”

Jake blocked her way. She tried to move past him but he
stayed put.

She glared at him. Her skin was cold. Her foot was
throbbing. She grew lightheaded and whimpered in the back of her throat. She
needed to go to the house and get her foot cleaned and bandaged. “Get out of my
way. I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“Now you listen here, Kate Crowley.” His fists rested on his
hips, his jaw ticked furiously. “I’m here to help. You’re going to do what I

She sucked in a breath.

Brows narrowed, he stared coldly at her. He wasn’t joking.
“I’ve had about all I can take of your stubbornness. The last thing this ranch
needs, Jolie needs, is a sister who’s too bullheaded to do what’s best for

Kate opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She was
stunned he would remind her of her responsibilities to her sister and she hated
him for it.

Jake clutched her elbow, steadying her. Despite the pain in
her foot and her woozy brain, his touch didn’t go unnoticed. His fingers dug
firmly into her skin, holding her securely. She was tempted to lean on him but
caught herself just in time.

“Come on, put your arm around my neck.”

She started to protest, tell him she could manage, but he
waved away her words. With strong, steady arms he lifted her into the air, one
arm under her knees and the other around her back. He held her close, his body
warm and his heartbeat strong.

“Thank you,” she murmured and wrapped her arm around his
neck. Despite the fuss she’d put up, she did wonder if she would be able to
make it back to the house without crawling.

He only nodded in response.

She laid her head against the dampness of his shirt, sure
this was a mistake, that she’d regret letting him get close again.

He kicked the front door open and brought her inside.
Thankfully, Jolie wasn’t there. She must be out and about doing chores. Jake
set her on a kitchen chair. She withdrew her arm from around his neck a little
bashfully, as if they’d been caught doing something they shouldn’t.

“I’m sorry, Katie. I’m sorry that you’re hurt.”

Nobody had called her Katie in years.

Jake went to the stove and set a pot of water on the front
burner. When he came back, he knelt in front of her and pushed up her pant leg.
He was gentle as his work-roughened skin brushed against her. His touch sent a
torrent of desire spiraling through her.

She swatted him away, a warning that he had gone far enough.

“Let me take off your boot. I’ve got to get a closer look at
this wound,” he said.

Her throat was tight. What she was about to say left her.
Again she felt lightheaded—but for other reasons altogether.

He watched her with his penetrating gaze. She nodded and
held on tight as he tugged at the leather. He lifted her foot and eased off the
boot. Her blood-soaked sock came next.

He stroked over the flesh of her foot then her ankle. Her
knees fell open and his gaze went straight to her core.

She shuddered, the rusty old nail forgotten. All she wanted
was for him to kiss her again. Touch her the way he had last night in the
bunkhouse. Take her to every unimaginable place. She wanted to touch him too,
to hold his cock and stroke him until he moaned with pleasure.

She blushed but that didn’t stop her from wanting him. She
touched his arm and he stiffened. When he looked up at her, she saw what he was
after. He wanted the same thing. His eyes were blazing with need, a hunger
meant only for her.

Jake leaned forward, unbuttoned her britches and pulled them
down to her knees. He pressed his mouth to the inside of her thigh. She jerked
with the delicious sensation. He didn’t stop. Wanting all he had to give, she
scooted to the edge of her chair. Her nerves were shattered by his closeness and
all it promised. Her eyelids fluttered and she wetted her lips.

She realized all her bravado with a whip had only been an
act and Jake had seen through her from the start. Her sharp temper was meant to
keep men away, to protect Jolie and herself.

All her objections to Jake Madden scattered like seeds in
the wind.

She was helpless.

His tongue snaked out to twirl in a circle against her
quivering thigh.

She panted, held her breath, let it go in a rush. The
anticipation of what he was about to do was driving her wild. She wanted more.
She wanted all of him. This time there would be no flash of anger, no

“Oh God,” she moaned and wasn’t ashamed for him to hear how
his touch affected her.

His thumb left a trail of sparks up her leg. He massaged her
thighs and she threw her head back. He hauled her chair closer. Her cunny was
only inches from his mouth. She’d an idea of his intentions and there would be
no complaints.

“May I kiss you, Kate?” His eyes were hooded, languid.

She nodded, unable to answer. This time he had asked. She
gladly gave her permission. His hot breath heated and rolled over the sensitive
flesh of her nether lips.

She let out a gasp and then a moan as his tongue touched her
nub, lazily licked the tip. He circled her tender flesh, sucked at it, flicked
his tongue rapidly inside her. All he did was madness. The sweet surrender
she’d experienced the night before was nothing compared to this moment.

Now his hot mouth was on her, tasting her. His tongue delved
into the depths of her cunny, thrusting deeper to the very center of her. She
might die, just collapse right there on the kitchen chair. Without a doubt, she
would go to her reward one happy woman.

She braced her weight on the chair, and with her other hand
she knocked his Stetson aside and threaded her fingers through his thick hair.

Her hips rolled with each movement of his tongue. Saints
above, she was fucking his mouth. And she wasn’t going to stop, not with this
delicious tension building like a thunderclap. Not with her legs quivering
ceaselessly, her breaths coming in quick pants and her heart beating louder
than a hundred horses galloping. She was going to…

“Jake!” she shrieked as her body broke apart, spasms ripping
her apart as they had the night before, but this time a hundredfold

He sucked her cunny until her shudders subsided. Then he
kissed the inside of her thigh. But she wasn’t going to be the only one
pleasured today. Now it was his turn. She pushed him back, preparing to offer
him the chair, when the door slammed open. She yanked her pants up and Jake
stood quicker than a bolt of lightning.

Jolie came into the kitchen, stared hard at them and
snorted. “Pardon me,” she said with what could only be a mock apology. “I
didn’t realize you two were carrying on or I would’ve knocked.”

Kate’s cheeks burst into flames. “Don’t you jump to any
silly conclusions. Jake was helping me with my injured foot.”

“What’s wrong with your foot?” Jolie asked, clearly not
believing that any foot needed tending.

“I picked up a nail in the supply shed,” Kate responded, her
emotions fully under control. “Jake was only making sure all the nail was out.”
It sounded like a sorry excuse but Kate couldn’t think of anything better.

“Yes,” Jolie said. “That’s what it looked like to me.”

The kettle whistled on the stove. Jake adjusted his breeches
and went over to take care of it. Thankfully, he’d been silent.

“We’re branding this morning,” Kate told her. “Get into your
riding clothes.”

Jolie took a step back and frowned. “I was going into town.”

“Not today,” Kate replied. She wavered on her feet, unable
to put any weight on her wound.

“You stay where you are,” Jake said.

“There’s work to be done.”

“Not until you soak that foot.”

“Yes, do as you’re told,” Jolie chimed in, clearly enjoying
Kate’s discomfort.

Kate was outnumbered and sat down.

“I could use a clean pail,” Jake said from the stove. It
appeared he’d taken charge of her household. “Add some salts while you’re at

“We’re out of Epsom,” Kate said wearily.

Jolie took off her shawl and hung it on the back of her
chair. She hurried to the cupboard underneath the dry sink and pulled out a
bucket. “Will this do?” She was clearly unhappy.


“Guess I’ll go finish my chores and leave you two alone.”
Jolie tied her bonnet. “Unless you need a chaperone.”

Kate didn’t protest but she did exhale fire in the girl’s

Jolie lit out of there.

Jake filled the bucket with steaming water and hauled it
over to where Kate was sitting.

“It’s too hot,” she declared.

“The heat will draw out the dirt,” he said. “We can’t have
you dying of an infection and leaving Jolie on her own.”

He reached for her ankle but she withdrew her leg just in
time. She didn’t want to be boiled. She’d put her foot in the hot water in her
own good time.

“Come on,” he said. There was no anger in him, only the
gentle kidding of a man who could be her friend. “It’ll be good for you.”

“How did you become an expert on what’s good for me?” she

He cast her a crooked smile that went straight to her cunny.
He had her there. He knew
what was good for her. And damn if she
didn’t want him to take her right there on the kitchen table.

Shaking her head, she dipped her big toe in the water. “This
is scalding,” she protested.

“The lesser of two evils,” he replied. He stood over her
until she’d submerged her entire foot.

“You’re going to kill me for sure,” she said, gritting her
teeth so she wouldn’t cry out.

“Maybe.” He grinned.

The worst was over. The lingering pain in her foot, she
could deal with. Jolie would sulk for a while and then forgive Kate’s bad

A cowboy who could deliver pleasure the way Jake Madden did
was another matter. She should be wary, she should be careful, but her heart
was fighting her every step of the way.


Jake pondered what to make of the sudden change in Kate. She
been willing, riding his mouth, her cream coating his lips. There was no
mistaking how much she’d enjoyed his special charms. Now she was as cold as a
mountain stream. The fight had come back.

He’d have to say he enjoyed her feistiness and show of
temper. A woman running a ranch had to be tough as nails. He wondered if her
bravado hid a bucket load of doubt and misgivings.

Appeared to him, Kate Crowley wasn’t the hellion folks made
her out to be.

Jake sat next to Kate. She didn’t move away—there were no
two ways about it, they were two people trying to sort out their mutual
attraction and wondering where they went from here.

He smelled her perfume, lilacs or some such flower that grew
in the valleys. It reminded him of peaceful summer days tending the herd,
bringing the cows up to greener pastures.

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