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Authors: Imari Jade

Oasis (6 page)

BOOK: Oasis
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Layla walked over to the bed. “How is your headache?”


“Gone. There’s just a little thumping.”


“I’m glad. The prince is so worried.”


“Why? I just had a little spill.”


“He’s been here a couple of times to check on you while you slept.”


Charisma climbed off the bed. “He doesn’t have to worry about me. I’m fine.”


Layla nodded. “That’s just the way he is. He’s a very caring man.”


They walked to the bathroom and both women stepped inside. “Are we talking about the same man?”


“Yes, Prince Shakir. He told me not to leave your side, just in case you had a concussion.” She turned on the water and it poured into the sunken marbled tub. Layla poured in some bath salts and bubble bath.


Charisma used the toilet, undressed and stepped into the tub, sinking into the warm water. Layla sat down on the chair and waited for her to bathe. Normally this would have made her uncomfortable but she knew that it was customary in come cultures. The water felt great. “How long have you worked for the Hakeems?”


“For four years. They’re really nice and the pay is good.”


Charisma got out of the tub when she finished washing and Layla helped her dry off, tying a towel around her.


“You’ve got big hips. My grandmother said that women with big hips will carry a lot of boy babies.” She giggled. “She say’s I’m a girl maker.”


“Your grandmother sounds like a very smart woman.”


“Oh, yes. She’s the village midwife and she’s never been wrong about these things. She helped with the births of the princes and princesses, too. Prince Shakir was a most difficult birth because he was so big. Nearly ten pounds.”


Charisma sat down by the sink and allowed Layla to wash her hair. She thought about what the young woman told her. She couldn’t imagine giving birth to a ten pound baby.


Layla poured warm water on her hair to rinse out the shampoo. Then she toweled it dry. “You have beautiful hair, and look at all the colors…gold, brown, and red.”


“It’s called highlighting. It’s a process done to the hair to give it light.” They went back into the bedroom and Charisma sat down at the vanity table. “Can I ask you something personal? You know, between us girls?”




“Have you ever been with Shakir?”


“You mean sexually?”


“Yes. You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal.”


“No, I haven’t. He and I grew up together in the palace. He’s like my big brother. He has never approached me in that manner.”


“Would you like him to?”


“Oh no.” She paused. “Since we’re discussing such things, please don’t say anything, but I like Prince Amon.”




Layla giggled. “I think he’s cute.”


Charisma agreed. Amon was easy on the eyes. All the Hakeem men were. “So what’s stopping you from dating him?”


“It’s me. He’s asked me out a couple of times but I’ve turned him down.”




“Because he is a prince and I am just the granddaughter of a midwife.”


“So you think that you’re below him?”




“I bet Prince Amon doesn’t see you that way. He wouldn’t ask you out if he did.”


“Do you truly believe that?”


“Yes, I do. The Hakeems don’t strike me as the kind that marries for money.”


“No, you’re right. What are your feelings toward Prince Shakir?”


“He’s nice.”


“Yes, he is, and he obviously cares for you.”


“Oh, how can you tell?”


Layla laughed. “By the way he looks at you when you’re not looking at him. And this.” She walked over to the dresser and brought back a big white box.


“What’s this?”


“Your outfit for dinner.”


Charisma opened the box. It was a white peignoir and the matching robe. “It’s lovely but inappropriate for dinner.”


“Not when you’re dining alone. Prince Shakir is not like his brothers. He’s not deeply embedded in what is customary and what is not. He is his own man and he likes beautiful things.”


Layla helped her into the gown and it fit perfectly. “You must also wear these silver slippers. The heels will bring you almost eye level with him.”


Charisma put on the slippers.


“You look lovely. Prince Shakir will be pleased.”


“Yes, but how am I to get to the dining room like this? I’ll have the palace staff gossiping.”


“Prince Shakir has thought of that. I am to escort you to the private dining room through this hall.” She opened another door. Charisma followed her. They walked a few minutes and then stopped. Layla knocked on a door and left her.


* * * *


“Be still my heart,” Shakir said when he opened the door and found Charisma standing there. “Please come in.” Charisma stepped inside. Shakir closed and locked the door. “How are you feeling?” He led her to the dining table and held the seat out for her.


“I’m feeling much better.”


He sat down next to her. “I’m glad. You had me worried for a moment.”


“Thank you for the concern. Where are we?”


“In my suite.”


“Oh. It’s very nice.”


“And private. No one comes to this part of the palace without an invitation.” He lifted the cover from the platter and Charisma’s eyes sparkled.


“Is that baked chicken?”


Shakir nodded. “I heard it was your favorite.” He lifted another cover. “And fresh greens, yams and our version of gumbo.” He served her first and then himself. “Bon appetite.”


She sampled the gumbo. “This is delicious. How many languages do you know?”


“Several. It helps me with business.”


“You mean the prince business?”


Shakir laughed. “No, I breed Arabian horses and camels and I own an import business. I use the rubies and diamonds from my mines.”


“You mean you work?”


“Why is that such a surprise? Yes, I work. I go to an office and I have employees.”


“But you’re a prince.”


“It’s a title at birth. Third in line to be exact, which means I’ll have to bump off my father and two older brothers if I ever want to be king.”


“Do you want to be king?”


“No, too much politicking.”


“Is raising camels and horses lucrative?”


“Yes. I supply them all over the world.” He paused. “You did not ask about the diamonds and the rubies.”


“I’m not really into jewels. One of these days I’m hoping to find nice pear-shaped sapphire for my birthstone ring. But other than that I’m not interested.”


He laughed. “Enough about me. Tell me about you. What is your life like in the
United States


“Well, as you know I am a student at the
New Orleans
. I like to take wild-life photos…which was what I was doing when we met in the desert.”


“So you’re a freelancer?”


“Yes, but I don’t really have to work. My parents left me plenty of money when they died.”


“What did you father do for a living?”


“He raised sugar cane. He and my mother were on their way to visit her relatives in
Puerto Rico
when their plane ran into bad weather. They died enroute.”


“I’m sorry.”


“Thanks, but that was a very long time ago. My aunt and uncle have looked after me ever since.”


“Now tell me about Robert Edwards.”


“What’s to tell? I met him through my uncle. He needed a date for a political party and I was handy. That’s the extent of our dates…we go to functions together.”


“Not very romantic.”


“No. What about you? Do you have a swarm of princesses running behind you?”


Shakir laughed. “No, I’m single at the moment.”


“Ah, come on. You’re tall, dark and princely.”


Shakir rose. “Come on. Let me show you the rest of the place.”


Charisma rose and he took her out to see the gardens. “It’s amazing what grows in this heat.” She bent over to admire the cactus.


Shakir’s body responded to the sight of her backside. Charisma straightened up and he led her back inside and down another hall. The walls were lined with portraits of family members, plaques, statues and tribal masks. “This is another formal dining room, and over there is the sitting room.” They went in and out a couple of bedrooms and bathrooms, a library and an office. “This is my sanctuary.” They stepped down into a patio at the back of the wing.


“What a breath-taking view.” The dark African mountains and the desert set the scene.


“I come here to think.”


“It’s beautiful and tranquil and the landscaping is amazing.”


About as amazing as she looked in that bikini the other night
. “Let’s go in.” He took her up another hall and opened a door.


Charisma stepped in. “Whose room is this?”






He nodded. “It’s my bedroom.” He locked the door. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t bite.”


Charisma giggled innocently. “I’m not afraid. This is so huge. Is that a wide-screen television?” she asked excitedly.


“Yes, I have my vices. I’m a television-holic. I had it made in


“I’m a televison-holic, too.” She turned. “Look at that bed. It’s big enough for a basketball team to sleep on comfortably.”


“A friend made it for me. It’s hand-carved from trees right here in
and the mattress is from
. It’s supposed to be the best in the world for sleeping.”


Charisma sat down on it and bounced. “I used to get such a kick out of bouncing on my parents’ bed when I was a kid.”


Her breasts giggled with each bounce. His penis stirred.


“It’s also firm. The one I had back in my dorm room was as hard as a rock. Sleeping on the floor was more comfortable.”


Shakir sat down next to her. “No one as lovely as you should ever sleep on the floor.” He ran his hand up her arm until it rested on her shoulder. Charisma nuzzled it with her cheek. The hairs on his hand rose. “That gown was made for you.”


“It’s soft.”


“Like you.” He slid one of the straps down and kissed her bare shoulder.


Charisma trembled. He removed the strap, exposing a pear-shaped breast with a huge pink nipple. He squeezed it between his fingers and it budded. “Oh,” he whispered. She stared back at him as he lowered his head and captured a nipple between his teeth. Charisma gasped.

BOOK: Oasis
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