Obsession (Magnetic Desires Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: Obsession (Magnetic Desires Book 4)
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In the background Angel yelled for Wolf, but this bastard was going to be out before I stepped away. He tossed out a punch, but either he’d had too many drinks to get in a decent shot or he’d never had to defend himself. Three quick hooks to his jaw and another to his gut and he was down on his knees. Twisting at the hips I pulled back and let swing, tensing at the final moment as I laid out one last punch to the side of his jaw. His head snapped to the side and he toppled.

Wolf stepped in beside me, and I jerked around with a growl, but his thick fingers caught my elbow, squeezing until the haze began to recede. “I’ll take care of this. You two need to get out of here.”

I darted glances at the crowd until my gaze landed on her. Stepping over the guy I’d taken out, I stalked her. “We’re leaving.”

“No.” She shook her head, but her tongue darted out over her lip. Those sexy as sin lips that had always been so responsive.

“You don’t have a fucking choice.” I scooped her up, tossed her over my shoulder and sauntered toward the door.

“Put me down, Mike,” she squealed, slapping my ass as she bumped against my back.

“I told you never to come here.”

“I know, but—“

“What the fuck were you thinking?”

“Put me down,” she demanded. “Let go of me.”

“Answer my question.” I squeezed her hip as I bounced down the stairs. If I hadn’t been there, she would have found herself in more trouble than she could deal with. My blood boiled that she hadn’t learned her lesson yet. How many times did she need to find trouble before she’d realize it only made things worse? I clamped down on the tirade I wanted to unleash, intermingled with the desire to shove her against the nearest wall and take what I wanted from her.

“Stop being an asshole and put me down.”

She wriggled on my shoulder, trying to get loose, and I swiped her ass. A light tap, nothing like what I’d unleashed inside, but the sharp snap of the contact and the way she bounced on my shoulder was a momentary release of the tension coiled tight inside me. Stopping at the truck, I set her on her feet. “Get your ass in the vehicle.”

“No.” She shivered, her gaze slanting across my mouth.

I could take a fucking hint, and what was more, I could take what was fucking mine. Fingers tangled in her hair, I dragged her face up to meet mine, devouring every inch of her mouth until her lips were swollen and bruised from the assault. “Get your ass in the truck.”

Chapter Four



Shaken, my lips stinging from his kiss, I climbed into the truck and waited for him to settle behind the wheel. My insides had caught fire when he kissed me, the burn racing out of control, leaving me wet and aching for more than just his possession of my mouth. He stayed silent as we pulled away from the bar, and I twiddled my thumbs, anything to keep my hands to myself.

“What were you doing out here?”

“I don’t know.” What the hell was I supposed to say? I came to the one place you made me promise not to go, hoping you’d be there.

“Don’t lie to me. This isn’t the kind of place you decide to go on a whim, or because you need a dick,” He grumbled, his hands throttling the steering wheel. “It’s bullshit, Mellie. You’re better than that.”

“Am I?” I snapped back. In three years, he’d never had a go at the way I went about my business. “It’s the way I was built, Mike. Like my father, like Lola. I can’t help who I am.”

“Don’t bring Lola into this. Your sister is not like this.” He waved his hand over the length of my body.

“She used to be.” I ducked my chin to my breastbone. “My father used to say she was a slut.”

“Your father is an asshole. Perfect fucking role model, he was.”

“I know.” I cringed, tucking myself into the seat. “I don’t want to be…this. I don’t want to be like him.”

“Then don’t. Don’t go to places like that. You never used to be so fucking needy when we were...”

“Together? You’re the one who left me. Don’t you think maybe I’m just looking for someone who can replace you?” I slammed my hand over my mouth, my heart stalling out in my chest as I tried to swallow back the words that spewed out. No matter how close to the truth they might be, they’d come out far more accusing than they should have. 

His shoulders tensed, the muscle near his ear bunching for a second. “Don’t you think I know that?”

He’d gone out and had an affair. Not cheated on me, not an,
Oops, I got too drunk and slipped, my dick accidentally landing in some woman’s hoochy.
I could have forgiven him for that. Could have put it behind me. But a full blown under the rug affair for months on end, I couldn’t get past it. “I wasn’t enough. You stopped wanting me.”

I caught a glimpse of his curled upper lip in the light from an oncoming car, before the shadows of tall pines fell over the cab. He hunched over the wheel, his biceps flexing under the cotton of his T-shirt. Then just as quickly, he relaxed, settling back in his seat and squeezing my knee. “I’ll own up to this being my fault. I pushed you away, made you feel…” he took his hand off my knee, and I wanted to grab it and hold it to my leg, slide it up my thigh. Instead, I watched him scratch at his jaw. “I didn’t have an affair.”

“You always say that. But you don’t even try to make excuses. You never did, even when I confronted you. Does it even matter anymore?”
Of course it fucking matters.
He was supposed to be my forever boyfriend, my final fuck, the man who tamed the hurricane. Instead he’d made it worse. I shrugged, backing up my words, even though my mind raced with all the reasons it could never, ever not matter. “It doesn’t matter now. I won’t go back there again.” 

His gaze flicked to me, not surprising when I’d chewed him out and blamed him for every bad decision I’d made since we broke up. I could feel him through the darkness. All heat, sizzling over my skin, and making the ache even worse than it had been before. “I know you won’t. I’m going to make sure of it.”

His hand landed on my knee, did a slow slide up my thigh. My skin prickled under his touch, and my legs parted without a conscious thought as to letting him in. “You think you need dick, sexy legs, to fix what’s wrong with you, and I’m going to give it to you.”

His nails scraped over the sensitive spot on the inside of my leg, before he pulled the flesh between his fingers and pinched me. I arched out of the seat, and he grinned, a flash of white teeth and dark eyes. My lungs fluttered as I jerked in a breath. Would I ever stop reacting to him like he was the only one who could really make me feel? “I don’t need you to fix me.” 

His fingertips swiped my panties, and I wished I’d followed my instinct and left them home tonight. Heat flooded me, swirled through my core. My heart beat a little faster, swelling with the knowledge that I was still alive, not a shell, not a giant black hole of nothingness. Rough fingers pushed aside my underwear and slid through my wetness. Pushing inside me, one finger, two on the second slide, he scissored them inside me, stretching me out. “Fucking drenched aren’t you, Hurricane?”

Wetter than I’d been in years.

He pulled out of me, circled my clit, rolling it between his fingers. “Are you still an honest girl, Mellie?”

“What does it matter?” My breath hitched as he took me close to the edge.

He pulled his hand back, rubbed his fingers together, before using only his palm on the steering wheel. “I told you once before I don’t do sloppy seconds. So you better tell me if you had anyone else between your legs tonight.”

“No.” Shaking my head, I straightened out my skirt, unable to keep the tremor from my hands. Not that I hadn’t thought about it, but the idea of being with someone else had been drowned out by him. By the way he’d eaten me alive with his eyes in his office earlier in the day, and the idea he’d plunged into my head last night. Shaking, I shut my eyes and leaned against the headrest. I couldn’t want him so much, still, after all these years. I shouldn’t entertain the idea of him and me. Our mess had already taken enough of a toll. How close to too far gone could I go before there was no return? Even tonight things had spiralled out of control. If Mike hadn’t been there, would this have been the one night I couldn’t have called him to come get me?  “I wasn’t going to screw anyone. I shouldn’t have gone out there.”

Empty silence stretched out between us, the blink of the indicator as he turned onto another street the only sound. I latched on to it, settling my mind into that
blink, blink, blink
pattern. The truck bumped, rattled, then came to a stop at the top of his driveway. “Mellie, look at me.”

Shaking my head, I screwed my eyes shut tighter. The snap of his seat belt as he took it off, then rustling as he shifted in his seat. “Come on, Hurricane. Look at me.”

The thing about Mike and me was that my emotions, where he was concerned, could shift on a dime. Sure I could blame him for where we’d ended up, but I’d played my part in it, too. Still played it if truth be told. Maybe if I hadn’t delivered the final death blow to our relationship we’d have made it through the rest of it.

“Okay, you want to be like that.” More shifting, and then his hands slid around my waist, his fingers biting into my skin as he lifted me like I was nothing and pulled me onto his lap. Electricity pulsed over my skin as he glided his palms up my side to grip the back of my neck, dragging me forward. He rubbed the spot behind my ear, the rough calloused pad of his thumb grating on my skin as his warm breath tickled my lips, setting off sparks. Even with my eyes closed I knew he was staring at my mouth, could feel it. I darted my tongue out to wet them, to cool the heat pulsing through me.

His lips slammed into mine, capturing my tongue, nipping it with his teeth, and sending a shiver down my spine. The hand on my neck tightened, crushing me to him as he thrust his tongue into my mouth, devouring a whimper.
What the hell? Did I just whimper?
He fucked my mouth with his tongue, making promises I knew he could keep. Every slide, every bite a forerunner of what he would do to the rest of me. Palms to his chest, I slid them between us, over abs that were harder and leaner than I remembered.

“Open your eyes, Hurricane.”

I wrenched them open, air bursting from my lungs at the way he looked at me. Large pupils, narrowed, filled with heat and the wicked sin I so desperately craved. “I’m going to fuck whatever thought has got you worked up, right out of that pretty head of yours.”

“Is that a promise?” I rocked on his lap, felt his hardness beneath the soft, worn jeans. Needed it more than I wanted to admit.

He sucked my bottom lip between his teeth, his fingers biting in to the side of my neck as he clamped down on my mouth. “It’s a threat. You even glance at me like you’re thinking like that and I’m going to slide into you until you can’t remember your own fucking name.”


“No. You don’t need to be thinking that shit.” Opening the door, he lifted me out.

The cold air ripped at me, biting through my thin top. His gaze lowered to my pointed nipples and the edge of my nipple ring outlined against the thin fabric. The cold could be damned, when those eyes of his set off heat explosions in my blood. They bloomed through me, and I considered ripping my clothes off right there. I reached for the hem of my top, bunching it between my fingers.

“Eager?” He took my hands hostage, keeping me from pulling my clothes off in the middle of the yard.

“I need…” But the words wouldn’t come so I nodded instead.

Letting go of my wrists, he closed the distance, curling his fingers through my hair and jerking my head back to lick the column of my throat. “I like you desperate. You want me so much you’d let me fuck you right here.” 

My gaze darted wildly from side to side while he bit the bottom of my jaw. Another whimper bloomed in my throat as he nipped his way up my jaw to my ear. “Your call, Hurricane. You want to go inside say so now, otherwise I’m going to spin you around and spread that luscious pussy of yours right here.” 

“Do it,” tore from my throat as his other hand kneaded my ass, pushing me back against the truck.

And then he’d turned me somehow, pushed me flush to the door. His fingers knotted in my hair, pulling my face back for his hungry kisses. He hiked up my skirt and wrenched my panties down. I bit his lip, sucked it into my mouth while he slammed his digits into me, stretching me out the way he had promised to. The ache inside me already too much, growing with each wet slide of his hand on my pussy. My wetness soaked my thighs, his fingers, everything, as he worked me hard. Sliding out of me, he loosened his grip on my hair, cupped the back of my head and pressed my face against the glass of the door. His other hand clamped on my hip, hauled me onto tiptoes so my ass was to his crotch, his erection straining against the clothing that was simply too much, pressed into my swollen needy flesh. He bent over me, slid his fingers over my clit while he ground his hips to mine, and I moaned as he tweaked the bundle of nerves between his fingers. Actually moaned. Gone were the whimpers that suggested I might enjoy what came next. This was a full-fledged moan, the kind that reverberated through my chest long after the sound left my lips. “Fuck me. I need you.”

“I know what you need.” He growled against my shoulder, his fingers hooking into my pussy for a moment before he spanked my clit. I bounced in his hand, sparks shooting off in my core like fireworks. Why the hell had I let this go? Why the hell had I let him go? Because we were toxic. Because he was a liar, and a cheater, and so was I.

I must have tensed, even slightly, because the warmth of him against my ass disappeared and he tugged my earlobe between his teeth, demanding my attention. “Whatever you’re about to do to fuck up this moment, don’t. You feel my fingers in your cunt?”

A quick nod, a sharp intake of breath as he filled me with all five digits to his knuckles, almost painful in the way they stretched me out yet amped up the heat in my core. The other hand pulled my hips up higher, spreading my legs to open me up the way he wanted, before he slipped out and spanked my clit again. My calves clenched tight, toes tingling. I didn’t cum this way. Not at a man’s hands, hadn’t in years. “This isn’t enough. I need more. I need…”

The wet pop and suck of him finger banging me, while his other hand slipped under my top and pushed my bra up to release my boobs to his fingers, filled my ears. He fumbled, found the bar, and tugged that bastard so hard I cried out, but I came. I shattered, pulled apart with great heaving breaths that I couldn’t control, his fingers coated in my juices, still thrusting inside me and keeping that sucker going until I lost control of motor skills and slumped against the truck, a pile of jelly. Only then did he pull away, hooking his thumbs in the sides of my panties and hiking them up. “You okay?”

I nodded. What else was I supposed to do? How many weeks had it been since I last breathed? Oxygen filled my lungs, dragging in and out as he brushed my hair from my neck and nipped along my spine.

“Come on, beautiful.” He pulled me along, half dragging me on wobbling legs into the house. I dug my heels into the ground, stopping short. He’d always had the moves, the ability to pull me apart like no one else could, but there was something new in the way he took me. Had he learned that in our time apart, or from the woman who had come between us? Was that why I hadn’t been enough to keep him?

“You’re thinking again.” He growled, palming my ass and pulling me up against his hardness. “And I am going to carry through with my threat.”

Never enough.
The ache expanded from low in my belly, pushing my hips forward to feel what he offered. “That was new, different. You learned some new tricks.”

Even to my own ears I sounded bitter. His eyes widened, his lips thinning into a slash before curving up in a feral grin. “No, you’ve just had a lot of lousy lays. Let me fix that for you.”

BOOK: Obsession (Magnetic Desires Book 4)
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