Once and Again: Petal, Georgia, Book 1 (14 page)

BOOK: Once and Again: Petal, Georgia, Book 1
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“That’s none of your business.”

“It wouldn’t be if you weren’t stumbling and falling because you’re so messed up you can’t even walk straight.”

“Those are prescription pills! You’re treating me like I bought drugs on the corner.”

“I’m not treating you like anything. I understand those are pills your doctor gave you to deal with the stress of Dad’s leaving. And I know how hard it’s been for you. Petal is a small town. Everyone knows your business. But they don’t judge
, not the way they judge him.”

“I don’t know why you’re talking about this. I don’t talk to you about what you do.”

“Like what? What do I do that has me falling down and hurting myself and asking my son to lie to my daughter about it?”

Her mother blushed. “Chris is having a hard time but he’s getting better.”

“He’d be a lot better if he wasn’t seeing his mother drunk or stoned all the time.”

“This conversation is finished. I don’t have to make excuses to my daughter about what I do. They’re pills my doctor gave me and a few glasses of wine never hurt anyone.”

“A few bottles of wine to wash down your meds
hurt people. It’s hurting you right now. Yes, they’re prescription but I checked, you’re not supposed to drink when you take them. And you take more than you should at a time. People abuse their medications all the time. You’re self-medicating because it hurts. I get that.”

“You’ve been looking at my pills? I forbid it! I won’t be managed like a child. I had enough of that for years.”

The counselor had warned Lily about getting involved in arguments that took the focus off the real problem so she steeled herself and tried to keep to the topic. “You’ve checked out of your son’s life. I’m raising him, not you. He’s a great kid. You are totally capable of being a good mother. I know that because that’s what you were to me. You drink too much, and you shouldn’t be combining the alcohol and pills. You’re going to not wake up one of these days and then what? How many people does Chris have to lose?”

“What I do is none of your business. Nancy was telling me you’d get this meddlesome and I guess she was right. If you think you can come in here and treat me like you do Christopher, you’re out of your mind. You can just get out now if that’s your plan.”

Nancy. Of course.

“Well, no I can’t get out. There’s no way I’d leave Chris here with you unsupervised. No way I’d let him discover you in a pool of vomit.”

“I told you the oil I made the hush puppies in was bad. That’s why I got sick.”

“Your body saved you from overdosing. Christ, Mom, I’m not stupid! We ate the hush puppies too. No one else got sick. You have bottles in your room. You’re hiding how much you drink now. You know it’s bad or you wouldn’t be hiding it. This is out of hand. Stop it while you still can. I checked. Your medical insurance covers all sorts of different things. I think you’d benefit by at least seeing the counselor a few times a week. Just to talk to her about all the stuff you can’t talk about with me or anyone else. She won’t judge you.”

“I don’t need a psychiatrist! I’m fine. I can stop when I want to. If that’s what it takes to shut you up, I will.” She stood, her hands shaking with anger.

Lily doubted her mother could simply stop. Not without a place to put all the reasons why she sought the oblivion of her haze to start with. But the counselor had said this would be a probable outcome and that it might take several tries before Pamela truly heard what she was saying.

“You know you can always talk to me too. I’m not going to judge you.”

“You’re judging me right now! You always judge.”

That hurt.

“I want you to be all right. I don’t want Chris to see you this way. I don’t want Dad to wreck your life any more than he already has. I’m not judging why you do it. I know why you do it. I’m saying your son sees it and I know the mom I had growing up wouldn’t want that.”

“You said your piece. We’re done. I’m a grown woman and I don’t need to clear anything with you before I live my life.”

Pamela left the room and Lily just sighed. She’d done it. Had no idea if it would help or hurt, but she’d done it and it was all she could do for the moment. If it got worse, she’d have to move to different plans, plans she really hoped she didn’t have to go through with. But she’d protect Chris no matter what.

Chapter Ten


When he called her again, it was as she worked on a coatdress she’d been commissioned to make for a bride she’d also taken engagement pictures of a few weeks back.

Her clothing business was bringing some nice and much needed income into her life after her old job had finally ended. Between the clothes and the photography, she was doing all right.

Which was good as it was one less worry and she had so many it made her feel better to be able to cross something else to panic over off her list.

And it kept her busy enough that she didn’t have to think about the conversation with her mother earlier that day.

“I’d like to see you.”

She smiled, knowing he couldn’t see it. “I can’t tonight. I have too much to do.”

“A girl’s gotta eat. Why don’t you let me make dinner for you?” He put all his sexy into that voice of his and it brushed over her skin like a caress.

But she couldn’t lose herself in his body. In the way he cared about her. Too many risks to run to him when she was upset.

“I’ve got too much work to do. Really. You can make me dinner another night.”

He sighed heavily. “I want to see you.”

“It hasn’t been that long, you know.”

He laughed. “Well, as I’d like to wake up to you every morning and spend all my time with you, long isn’t the issue. I want to see you every day.”

She wanted to believe it.

“We can see each other Sunday at dinner.”

“Sunday is three days from now.”

It was her turn to laugh. “You’ll survive. Use your hand. And don’t forget to give me all the details. Or maybe let me watch another time.”

He made that sound of his, the one he used on her and rendered her to goo. “You’re killing me.”

“I have to go. I’m putting together this dress and it’s all hand-sewing work at this point.”

“Don’t stay up too late. You need to rest.”

Oh he was so much. Damn it. Too much to resist. “Thank you. You too. I’ll see you later. Sweet dreams.”

She wanted to give all that to him. To unload her fears and anger and let him help her be okay. But she was chicken.

So she just kept working and tried not to think of the way he said her name.



She opened her door to find him on her doorstep nearly five hours later.

“What are you doing here?” She yanked him inside, looking around.

“No one saw me. It’s dark and your steps are at the back of the house. I even walked so my car isn’t around.”

“It’s midnight! Why are you here?”

“You’re upset.” He moved to her after locking the door. Brushing his thumb over her cheek, he peered closely at her face. “You’ve been crying.”

“I don’t want to talk just now. I need to sleep.”

He looked around at her sewing stuff. “You do. But it doesn’t look like you have been.”

She didn’t want to talk about any of it. Having to confront her mother had been more than enough emotional upheaval for the day.

His gaze went hooded and a shiver ran through her. A delicious awareness of his presence. “Hi.”

He smiled. “Hey, Miz Travis.” In two steps he was touching her, his hands roving all over her body. “Too many clothes.” He unbelted her robe and pushed it from her body, leaving her in nothing more than boxer shorts and a tank top. “Well now. I like this.”

She used to wear his boxer shorts back when they were together. She loved to sleep in them.

“Whose are these?” He slid a fingertip inside the waistband and slid it around her body, leaving gooseflesh in his wake.

“Mine. All you guys wear boxer briefs now so I just went and got my own. Why are you here?”

“Because I needed to touch you. I needed to kiss you and sink inside you. I’ve missed you.”

Flattered, she smiled up at him. “We only saw each other two days ago.” Heat flashed through her as she remembered that stolen time in Beth’s closet.

“But remember, I didn’t get to taste you.”

She forgot anything she was going to say and didn’t bother to argue when he sat her in a nearby chair and got to his knees between her thighs.

He pulled her boxers down and off and simply stared at the beauty of her body. Her nipples were hard and visible through the threadbare tank she wore. The outline of that sexy piercing showed, thrilling him, making him even more glad he’d taken the risk and finally just gone to her.

“Open your thighs wider. I can’t get to all of you unless you let me.”

She closed her eyes for a long moment and then complied. More beauty as the dark, slick, pink cleft was bared to his gaze. “Your pussy is so lovely.”

Her blush was pretty. Not an embarrassed one, she didn’t show any signs of embarrassment with him when it came to sex. Which he appreciated and knew was an important step to their finally being together in reality. Out in the open. No, he knew her reaction was a flattered one.

“Were you wet before I arrived?” He kissed up the inside of her thigh and then cut his gaze to her face, mouth hovering near her pussy.

She shook her head.

“This is all me?” He didn’t stop the smile.

She nodded.

“Cat got your tongue, sweetness?”

“You should use yours. On me. Right now.”

He chuckled, the breath washing over her clit. She sighed as he pressed a kiss to her clit, her fingers tangling through his hair.

He continued to kiss, open mouthed, that beautiful pussy that was all his. Didn’t matter who came between. She was his now and he’d never let her get away again. He wanted to worship this sweet and salty spot forever and ever.

Her clit was hard against his tongue as he drew the flat of it over and then tickled the underside with the tip. Her gate was hot, wet as he slid a fingertip around it a few times until slipping it in deep, and then added another.

So good. Sweet holy fuck she tasted perfect. Like nothing and no one else, and he couldn’t seem to get enough. He wasn’t a man who shirked away from going down on his partners, but this was different. Whatever it was between them was different and always had been.

He craved her. Craved her taste, the sounds she made as he licked and suckled. Found himself thinking of eating this pretty pussy at least three dozen times a day.

Her thighs began to tremble as he took her higher, not breaking his rhythm. She tugged him closer. His cock stretched the front of his jeans at that. Wanting to be where his fingers were. He forced patience, wanting to make this all about her. Wanting to show her what she was to him.

His eyes may have watered from her grip in his hair when she came in a hot rush against his mouth. But he wanted more. Continued nuzzling and kissing until she hit another climax and finally pushed him back as her chest heaved.

“Now that we’ve taken the edge off, I propose we get totally naked and get flat so I can fuck you so hard your tits jiggle just the way I like.”


Minutes later, he lay on his back with a beautiful woman straddling his body. “Life is good.”

She gave him a smile, but he saw the sadness still in her eyes. He was pretty sure he hadn’t caused it or she wouldn’t be fucking him just then. He’d get her all buttered up first and he’d talk to her about whatever it was.

She rose and fell on him, her hair sliding forward over her shoulders, hiding her face here and there. Her body was tight around his. Wet from his mouth and her climax. The weight of her made him happy, felt right as her inner thighs slid over his hipbones. He wanted her so much it nearly hurt, but when they were like this, nothing else mattered. When they were like this, she was his and he had no doubts of it.

Her nails scraped down over his chest, pausing at his nipples, playing until he writhed with how good it felt. This was a surprise to him. He’d never thought much about his nipples, being so fond of the female variety and all. Leave it to Lily to know though.

She took her time. Slow and deep, teasing him, bringing him into a rhythm only the two of them knew. Seductive. Soft like her skin, and yet heady, sticky and unbelievably hot. She added a swivel and he might have blacked out for just a second it was so good.

“I know you’re down there thinking about when you can take over.” One corner of her mouth quirked up.

Yes, he liked being in control.

“You’re doing just fine for now. I especially like…mmm, yes that little swivel there.”

She undulated on him and he thanked the heavens above she took those dance classes in high school. The woman knew how to work her hips to the greatest effect.

He slid his palms up her sides to her breasts, playing with her nipples through the material of the tank. She arched to get closer and her pussy rippled around him when she did.

That’s when he couldn’t take any more and rolled, flipping them over so he could be on top and in control.

She laughed, but it wasn’t mocking.

A laugh that died on a moan when he picked up the pace and began to fuck her in hard, feral digs. Her nails dug into his biceps as she wrapped her legs around his waist to change his angle and get him even deeper.

There was no sound but the blood rushing in his ears and the soft slap of wet flesh meeting. Her skin slid against his, sweat making the friction sweeter until he couldn’t take it another second and blew hard, deep inside, her name a plea on his lips.



He petted down her side as she snuggled into his body.

“Now that I’m sated for a few minutes, why don’t you tell me about it?”

She sighed. “What do you mean?”

He turned her to face him. “What made you cry? I can see you’re upset. What’s wrong?”

“I confronted my mother today about the drinking and pills.”

“I take it it didn’t go well?”

He was trying very hard not to sound like he was upset or pissed off. The way this issue made him react wasn’t about her and it wasn’t the time for his feelings on it.

BOOK: Once and Again: Petal, Georgia, Book 1
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