Read Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #bdsm, #ménage, #f/m/m, #dom/sub

Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5 (8 page)

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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Aiden was already standing beside the wheel and he gave it several turns, watching as Sunny’s arms stretched upward until she was nearly on her toes. Her slender back was slightly arched, her breasts barely mounded, but the tips were a vibrant dark pink. Every rib could be counted, and her bare pussy was lusciously exposed, the flower-like fringe of her delicate inner lips protruding.

Mondo walked around her, touching her hip, hefting a buttock, making a show of inspecting her before coming to a halt directly in front of her. Glancing downward, he smiled at the hint of worry in her eyes. “Trust me,
?” He forgave her moment’s hesitation. He wanted her to squirm. “Any time this gets too intense, use your word.”

She shook her head, her hair shivering around her. “Still don’t need it, Sir.”

“Hold that thought.” He pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Craig?” he said, with a beckoning curl of one finger. To Sunny he said, “Do what you have to, but don’t you dare come, sweetheart.”

Craig came up beside him, a brow arching.

“Eat her out.”

He turned his back on her gasp, instead eyeing the remaining members of his degenerate band. “Aiden, may I borrow the services of your sub?”

Aiden pursed his lips, pretending to hesitate, but then turned to Jenn. “Serve my friend, Jenn.”

The tall brunette walked with a sway in her steps, the swagger meant for Aiden as she came closer.

At last, Mondo faced Sunny, whose blushing face was strained. Already Craig was licking her folds, his fingers playfully pinching her nipples. But her gaze was on Jenn as she knelt in front of Mondo, pulled down his rigid cock and swallowed him in one smooth, succulent glide.

Mondo threaded his fingers through Jenn’s long hair, tugging it to force her to take more of him, and then he began to pump, forward and back, while Sunny’s eyes widened and her hips followed his motions, as though the two of them were fucking each other.

“Marti,” he said, waiting as she came to him. He leaned toward her ear. “Find a vibrator. I want it up her ass, but take your time getting it there. Let me come first.”

“Yes, Sir.” Marti giggled and Jackson swore from where he stood.

A loud, tight
sounded, and Mondo’s gaze shot to Sunny. Her eyes were squeezed tight, her hands were fisted around chain, legs trembling as she strained to widen them. The tilt of her hips exposed her swollen clit that was bulbous and red.

As Mondo watched, Craig gave it a rasp of his thumb, which set Sunny rocking in her chains, another anguished moan ripping from her throat.

“Sunny,” Mondo called out.

Her eyelids blinked slowly open, and he almost relented seeing the anguish in her tearful eyes. Instead, he gave a shake of his head. “Not yet. Watch me come.” Then he stared down at Jenn. “Jerk me off. Let her see.”

Jenn edged to the side and licked up and down his shaft, further wetting him, then she spit into a palm, gripped him and began to gently pump on his shaft.

“Harder. You know how I like it, dear.”

She tightened her fist around him and moved faster, slipping her free hand lower to tug on his balls. As slick, slapping sounds filled the room, Mondo kept his gaze on Sunny, watching as her body trembled, her hips jerking, trying to flee Craig’s targeted ministrations because she was close and she was trying to obey.

Mondo gave into the pressure of his balls, kept his attention focused on Sunny, showing her fidelity by letting her see that her struggle to obey was what fed his pleasure, not Jenn who was simply the instrument, just as Craig wasn’t the one controlling her pleasure now.

The tension built until his head dipped toward his chest and his breathing quickened.

“Do you want me to swallow it?” Jenn asked, changing hands but never losing the rhythm, although now she was adding a twisting motion.

, that’s good.” He shook his head. “No, I want her to see it fly.”

And fly it did, arriving in long spurts that hit Jenn’s shoulder but otherwise arced from his pumping hips, the last sloppy bits burbling gently over her tight fist.

With sweat sprouting on his forehead and chest, he reached down and patted Jenn’s shoulder. “Thanks, love. Return to Aiden.” Without ever breaking from Sunny’s shimmering stare, he stroked his waning erection, giving himself a much harder squeeze and tug than Jenn had managed. His arousal in check, for now, he stalked toward Sunny, determined to show her exactly how complicated and simple their loving could be.

Pain was simple. Finding the pleasure in it was the complicated part. But he’d handled all his rough edges and was ready to play now.

Chapter Eight

The look on Mondo’s face as he approached was at once feral and beautiful. Frightening on some levels, but Sunny wanted all of it. Wanted the raw. Wanted the sweet. Mostly, she just wanted to come.

Craig’s dedicated strokes and swirls left her on the very edge of an orgasm. Watching Mondo’s face as he’d come, his sharp-edged cheekbones further honed by ecstasy, had nearly pushed her over the edge. She’d envied the damn carpet for the stripes of thick white come glistening there. If he’d asked her to suck it from the fibers, she’d have bent to the task, grateful for a taste. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she’d told him she wanted everything he had to give.

At that moment, when he’d groaned and the first spurt had erupted, she’d hated Jenn kneeling beside him, her hand working his slick shaft. Already, she felt possessive, jealous. Somehow, the fever pitch Mondo had worked up inside her was drawing down emotions she wasn’t all that pleased to know she could feel.

He held out his hand and Jenn slid a flogger across his palm, this one longer than the one he’d used on her, the flanges knotted at the ends. Her breath caught, waiting as he raised it, dying for the kiss of leather. Instead, he stroked Craig’s back and buttocks over and over, softly at first, then popped the knotted tips against Craig’s flanks.

Craig groaned loudly and then his hands cupped her buttocks, digging fingers into her flesh. His tongue left her slit and slid into the crevice between her labia and thigh, robbing her of more intense and tempting pleasure.

She jutted her hips, demanding more, but then slender fingers traced the divide between her buttocks, smoothing a slick trail of gel. She tightened. Sunny shook her head, eyes widening with alarm.

Mondo glanced up from Craig, his gaze narrowing on her.

Sunny lifted her chin, accepting his challenge and breathing deeply through her nose to relax as the fingers toyed with her anus. Cool gel rubbed around and around the small hole and she jerked her hips as a fingertip intruded, but she otherwise didn’t react, holding Mondo’s gaze until he resumed the strokes he was giving Craig.

Again, she was assaulted with jealous anger, wanting those strokes on her own skin. Her areolas dimpled. Moisture trickled down. She gripped the chain above her manacles and held herself still as something else, cold and metallic and round, slipped inside her ass.

A loud hum sounded, and a vibration began deep inside her forbidden passage, causing ripples of pleasure to travel up and down her feminine channel. Tears pricked her eyes, because this was too much. Too intimate. Her sex swelled, her clit hardening, growing painfully engorged, but Craig paid no attention to it. His hot, quickening breaths gusted against her wet, open folds, providing no relief for her painful arousal.

Mondo swung his arm outward and snapped forward, laying a stripe on Craig’s back and shoulder.

Craig shuddered and sucked at her labia, pulling on her delicate inner folds, his tongue stroking the edges inside his mouth.

“Mondo, Sir,” she pleaded, a tear slipping down her cheek.

Mondo delivered another sharp lash to the man who was shouldering his way between her legs, burrowing against her but never touching the hardened knot. “What do you want, Sunny?”

She shook her head, her hair waving against her sweat-slickened back and sticking there. “I want to feel the bite of those lashes. I want it right between my legs. No more teasing.”

His arm dropped. “Craig, you’re done.”

Craig kissed her inner thigh and crawled away, his own frame shuddering as he walked on hands and knees toward Aiden. He bent at the other man’s feet, his hands braced apart, holding his weight as he ducked down to kiss Aiden’s toes.

Sunny’s attention was stolen again by the feel of a mouth pressing kisses on her bottom, of soft fingers slipping between her legs from behind to rim her feminine entrance. When a tongue traced her crack from behind and then licked her around her anus, and more fingers tugged on the wire connected to the vibrator tucked inside her, she knew her knees would have crumpled if the chains hadn’t held her upright.

She wanted to shout. To scream. Her body was tense and her clit ached. “Please, Sir.” The texture of her voice was ragged, broken apart by her harsh pants.

Mondo’s cock was stirring, rising again. He braced his legs apart and ran a hand up and down his shaft, watching her as she watched his deliberately taunting strokes. He wrapped the dark brown flanges around his cock, drawing them off slowly, his eyelids dipping. Then he lifted the flogger and ran the soft, supple leather over her shoulders, rubbed her breasts, teasing the tips. He rubbed lower, pushing the leather between her legs where her moisture soaked into the strands.

He held it against her, pressing upward, giving her pressure but not penetration. Fingers spread her rear hole. The tongue teasing her ass narrowed to a point and slipped inside to flutter there.

Sunny shook her head, her body beginning to tremble head to toe. She met his hard, challenging glare and slowly lowered her head, breaking with his gaze. “Please, Sir. Whatever gives you pleasure, I will accept,” she said softly, while inside she felt an easing, a surrender of her heart and pride. Her will was no longer hers. She wanted to belong to him. To serve him. To accept his care, because she knew surrender was the answer to this taut, yearning need. So much more than mere arousal, although that was curled so tightly in her belly her stomach hurt.

He reached out a hand and cupped her breast. Then he leaned down and kissed the tip, his mouth latching around it, tugging and biting.

Her body jerked. More moisture ran down one thigh.

Mondo gave her mouth another kiss. “You are so beautiful, Sunny,” he whispered. “Remember your word.”

And then he moved back and raised his arm. The first stroke of the flogger wasn’t a gentle brushing stroke—it stung her belly. She gasped, but it was followed by a moan, because the sting released a little of the tension coiled so tightly in her belly. More strokes followed, the little knots biting her skin and landing so quickly she couldn’t catch her breath.

Her skin was on fire, a heavy pulse settling between her legs as more fluid oozed from inside her. The wicked tongue probing her ass withdrew. The vibrations of the little egg still lodged inside her kicked up a notch. And then there were more strokes landing on her buttocks, and she was buffeted front and back with fiery stripes that bled away her mind.

Her thoughts splintered. Her body arched. She rose on her toes, shaking the chains, moans spilling from deep inside her as her skin heated and her sex swelled. A stinging lash stroked a nipple and she bit her lip to hold back a scream, because she didn’t want him to stop. “God, please, more, Sir…

And then abruptly, the storm ended. She eased open her wet eyes, staring blindly at Mondo whose chest was slick with sweat and billowing from his deep, harsh breaths.

The restraints around her wrists fell away. Then those around her ankles. She’d have fallen but a strong arm wrapped around her, and she glanced up at Aiden who gave her a soft, approving smile. He kissed her cheek and handed her to Mondo.

He crushed her against his chest, his lips pressing kisses against her temple, her cheek, and then she was raised high, carried against his chest toward a deep mat. There he knelt, lowering her to the ground. He opened his arms, and she scrambled up, her arms latching around his shoulders, her weakened legs locking around the crests of his hips.

His cock was centered, the head nestling between her folds, and he slowly lowered her, sinking her cunt down his thick, hard cock. When he was fully embedded and they rested against each other groin to groin, she laid her forehead against his shoulder and sobbed.

“Too much?” he whispered, sweeping back her hair and pulling to raise her face.

She gave a quick nod. “I’m shaking.”

“I feel that,” he said, his expression tense, his dark eyes studying her. “But was it too much?”

Sunny shook her head and swallowed hard. She cast a glance around the room. His friends were standing around them, women wrapped in comforting embraces. Everyone sharing soft smiles, much like the one Aiden had given her. Again, tears leaked from her eyes, trailing down her cheek. “Thank you,” she said to the group.

A sigh lowered Mondo’s chest. “I love you. I can tell you now, I’ve never been so moved watching a woman come apart.”

Sunny sniffed and blew out a deep breath. “I didn’t disappoint you?”

His smile stretched slowly, lending his dark, exotic features a boyish quality she’d never seen before. “
, no. You were perfect.”

She wiped away her tears with the back of one hand. “I didn’t want to cry. I was afraid you’d stop.” A shiver shook her, and her pussy clenched around him. “Mondo. Sir?”

“Yes, little one?”

“Please. Please, take me now.”

To her enormous relief, his arms encircled her, bringing her closer to his chest. Once her breasts were mashed against his, his hands fell to her bottom. Pressure, from his cock and the vibrator, gave her a delicious sense of fullness. He gripped her firmly and began to move her, lifting her and then pushing her down, moving her up and down his cock. She was glad for his strength, because she had none left. The slow, steady rise and fall soothed and excited.

She didn’t care that they had an audience while he fucked her. Somehow, the intimacy of their actions was enhanced, made even more beautiful by the fact they were sharing this with their friends. “I like this,” she said, aiming a shy glance around the group.

“Blame Marti. She started it all. Her and her naughty list.”

Marti fluttered her fingers in a little wave, one corner of her mouth curving upward. “I never expected the guys to be so completely into this. They’re very dedicated.”

Jackson pulled Marti into his side. “Our pleasure lies in bringing you pleasure,” he said, his gaze moving from Marti’s widening grin to Sunny.

“Then I think we’re all very lucky,” Sunny said, and gasped because Mondo must have tired of the conversation. He dug his fingers deep into her fleshy bottom and quickened the pace.

Soon, she could barely breathe much less form a thought. Something she knew was likely to happen a lot. Gripping his shoulders, she felt her strength renew and used her knees, tucked in beside his bent legs, to aid his up-and-down motions.

Mondo traced a hot welt on her bottom and then pressed into it. The twinge of pain gave her a burst of pure pleasure and she bounced faster on his cock.

“You like that?”

“Mmm-hmm,” she said, concentrating now on the pain and finding it did indeed enhance her arousal. Then the vibrator still lodged inside her ass quickened.

Her mouth dropped open and she tilted her head back. “Oh God,” she groaned. “Can’t wait.”

“Then don’t, my love. Fly, baby, fly.”

And she did, soaring over the edge on a wave of pure, red-hot pleasure, her scream nearly strangling her.

Sunny gripped his shoulders, pulled his hair. She bounced and shoved downward, deepening the penetration, fucking him now, long and hard, her hair whipping around her. And at last, she let go, flying free with just his arms, his kisses, his wonderfully deep churning upward strokes lifting her higher and higher.

When she came down, he hugged her tightly against his chest. Her breaths rasped. She snuggled closer, drying her cheeks against his shoulder. “I’ve never…” Her voice trailed off because she didn’t know how to describe what had just happened. She’d orgasmed, yes, but the pleasure had been so much more than that.

She felt complete. Welcomed home. Warm, inside and out. Cherished. “I love you,” she murmured, and raised her head to press a kiss against his waiting mouth.

The kiss was sweet. Tasted of salt—of sweat and her tears. “I’m a damn leaky faucet,” she said, blinking her eyes to read his expression.

His face mirrored her contentment. And yet he was still rock hard, still lodged so deep she felt the strong pulse of his cock. And she knew there was so much more he would share with her. A whole new world of love and pleasure. Theirs to explore.

Around them, their friends had begun their own loving explorations. A strangely natural and beautiful event. A marriage of friendship. A consummation of vows they’d all entered.

Mondo rubbed his thumb on her bottom lip. “I like this neighborhood.”

She grinned. “Think you’ll be spending a lot of time here?”

His smile was warm and held a touch of arrogance. A one-sided grin full of male superiority—something she’d allow without challenging because he’d earned it.

She wondered how long it would be until he moved in with her, because she couldn’t imagine not spending every moment of their free time just like this. Immersed in each other, sharing the splendor of their loving with their expanding circle of friends.

“I’m so lucky,” she said. “I was alone and lonely. I didn’t know how much until I met you.”

Mondo sighed. “I’m the lucky one. If not for my stubborn friends, I would never have found you.”

They snuggled closer, the sounds of energetic couplings happening all around them. An orgy of laughter and delighted moans rising. They weren’t alone in their happiness. And she couldn’t imagine a future that didn’t include them all. Slowly, she pressed on his shoulders, lifting off his body to stand on slightly rubbery legs. Her glance went down to his lap and his engorged cock. “Teach me how to please you, Sir.”

BOOK: Once Is Never Enough: Delta Heat, Book 5
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