One Night in the Outlaw's Bed (2 page)

BOOK: One Night in the Outlaw's Bed
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“Girl, you okay?”

Maggie looked at Mora who watched her intently over
the sugar-coated rim of her glass. She hadn’t told anyone about this carnal
need to have a man that was so, so very wrong for her. But she had just enough
alcohol in her bloodstream, just enough liquid courage pounding through her
veins, that telling Mora now about something that she had kept deep down inside
of her didn’t sound like such a bad idea.

“This about the fact you’ve been eye-fucking Diesel
since he walked in?”

Maggie didn’t respond right away, just grabbed her
drink and tipped it back, taking in a mouthful and swallowing it until her
throat grew numb. She may not have ever told anyone how she felt for the biker,
but Mora had lived in Steel Corner her whole life, too.

“You do realize that your silence is confirmation
enough?” Mora lifted a blonde, arched brow at her. “And you do know that you
can’t lie worth a shit, and I’m pretty good at reading people?” Mora smiled widely.
There was a chorus of deep male laughter, and they both turned and stared at
the four MC members sitting around the table. The bottle of whisky between them
was nearly gone, but it was still pretty early in the night, and she knew that
bottle would be replaced as soon as it was empty.

“We should have gone someplace else.” Maggie looked
over at Mora, who was still staring at the bikers.

“Why? Everything else in this town is so lame
compared to this place.”

Maggie did agree with Mora, but it was also a bar
owned by the Grizzly MC, one that was currently filled with many of said bikers.
The energy in this place was intoxicating, if not a little dangerous. She looked
around and saw several of the club members she recognized, but many that she
didn’t. They all had a common denominator, and that was the fact their cuts
stated they were part of the Grizzly MC. There were a few men that didn’t have
cuts on. They played pool or sat at the bar, and she had to assume they were
passersby. The residents of this town tended to stay away from anything that
had to do with the Grizzlies for obvious reasons.

“Besides, the eye candy is pretty spectacular here.”

“Yeah, I can’t argue with you there, but you notice
we are the only women here fully dressed, and the only ones that don’t look
like we are about to kick someone’s ass?”

Mora chuckled and went back to drinking her
margarita. “You know what I think you need?” Mora paused. “I think you need to
do something to get out of your funk and make this homecoming a hell of a lot

Uh oh, she could only guess what her friend without
a filter was about to suggest, but Maggie had a pretty good guess when Mora
looked over at the MC members at the table again.

“Don’t even say it.”

“Say what?” Mora was still looking away when she
answered. “I just think if you want Diesel so bad, which I can’t blame you by
the way, I think you need to do it. What do you have to lose?” Mora looked at her
again. “I’m being serious right now, Maggie.”

Yeah, she could tell that, and there weren’t many
times that Mora was serious. She was more of a party all the time kind of girl.
“What am I supposed to do, Mora? Go up to him and tell him that I want to have
sex with him?” Mora opened her mouth, but Maggie shook her head. “Don’t answer

Mora smiled.

“You know I’m not outgoing like you are. Heck, I’ve
only been with two guys sexually in my life, and even that a lot left to be

“That’s my point, Maggie. You’re twenty-three, moved
out of this crappy town after high school, got a degree, and did something with
your life.”

Maggie snorted.

“I’m serious. So what if shit didn’t go the way you
envisioned? Everything happens for a reason, right? It isn’t like you don’t
know those guys. I mean your dad owns the shop they come and get a lot of their
parts for their bikes for. And they have known you guys for
have even drunk with your dad before.”

“Mora, they are bikers, lead a dangerous life, and
are so not what I should get involved with. I’m trying to get my life in order,
remember?” Maggie swallowed another mouthful of her drink. “Yeah, my dad might
be close with them, but I never was, not like that, and besides,” she leaned in
a little closer, “I’ve been gone for five years. He probably doesn’t even
remember me.”

Mora shrugged but didn’t respond.

“Besides, he would eat me up.”

Mora chuckled and looked at the bikers again. Maggie
followed her gaze and saw a busty brunette now giving Diesel a little lap
dance. Ugh, that girl had it going on in the body
was for sure. Her big fake breasts were all jiggling around in that
loose top, her flat stomach was on display with a little belly button ring
punched right through it, and those jean shorts were so minuscule every time
she bent over to shake her chest in Diesel’s face Maggie could see the crease
where her thigh and butt cheeks met.

“That girl would eat me alive.” Maggie had meant to
keep that to herself, but the alcohol was making her blurt things out she
normally wouldn’t have said. “Even if I had the balls to go up to Diesel, you
think he’d pick chubby Maggie over that skanky thing?” Maggie was short, on the
thicker side, and her long brown hair never did what she wanted it to. She
didn’t have the long legs that the scantily clad woman now currently straddling
Diesel had.

“Come on, girl. Let’s dance.”

Maggie sucked down the rest of her drink. Yeah, she
had nothing compared to a lot of females, Mora included. John had broken up with
her for a woman that had more going on for her in the looks department than
Maggie could even compare with. If those thoughts weren’t enough to put her in
a slump she didn’t know what would. Mora grabbed her hand and hauled her to the
small dance floor that was currently occupied by a few couples moving to
Aerosmith. The song ended, and another one began. It was slower, kind of
sensual, and Maggie was feeling more than loose enough to let go and enjoy
herself for once in her life.

Chapter Two


Diesel lifted the shot Court handed him and tossed
it back. Drevin and Court were currently having an argument over who had gotten
their dick sucked more times in the last year. Dallas seemed to be sulking, and
he had been that way for the last week. But he didn’t offer up any information,
and Diesel wasn’t the prying type.

“Dude, what about you?”
Drevin tried to get Diesel in on the conversation.

“Man, don’t get me involved. I’m not talking about
my dick with you assholes.” He grinned at them. Although they kept trying to
bring Diesel into the conversation, he was more interested in something else.
Not even the barfly, who was also a club whore, could distract him from the
curvy brunette dancing. What he should have done was haul Maggie Drake out of
there and taken her back to her father’s place. This bar wasn’t a place for her
to be hanging out in. Hell, she should be at home under a blanket with a mug of
hot chocolate in her hands, not at a place owned by and filled with Outlaws.
Diesel was happy he was who he was, but that didn’t mean he wanted to see a
young girl like Maggie here, getting drunk and checked out by a bunch of
motherfuckers. And that was exactly what was happening. As soon as he had
entered the bar with the other club members he had instantly seen her. He
wasn’t going to lie and say the human part of him didn’t get hard as a rock at
the sight of her almost modest attire. Diesel was so used to seeing females
flaunt their shit
barely covering their
pussies and tits up because they thought that was what a male wanted to see.
Some may very well like no mystery at all, but Diesel, no, he wanted to have to
imagine what a woman looked like under her clothes. The bear side of him had
risen up, too, scenting out the familiar part of her, and the fact she was a
grown woman now. It had been years since he had seen her, five to be exact, and
although he was aroused to see her now, back then she had just been the
daughter of Brian Drake, a close friend of the club and the guy The Grizzlies
got a lot of the parts for their Harleys from.

“Dude, I’m telling you that female sucked my cock like
she was a Hoover.” Court leaned back in the seat and slammed his hand down on
the table. The beer caps that littered the scarred wood jumped from the action.
“She sucked my cock for so long my shit got numb.”

“Man, you’re insane if you’re trying to play it off
like you could last that long,” Drevin said with a chuckle. “I know for a fact
I saw you go into one of the backrooms with a club whore, and no more than
twenty minutes later she was coming out wiping her mouth like she had just
eaten dinner, and you followed behind stumbling to put your belt back on.” Drevin
was outright laughing now, Court had a scowl on his face, and Dallas still wore
this perpetual stoic expression. The two prospects that had joined them out
tonight, Dark and Tore, laughed their asses off.

Diesel turned his attention back to Maggie and
watched her sway her hips to the music. He had felt her eyes on him, and when
she wasn’t looking he was the one staring at her. He shouldn’t, and not because
he was thirty-nine and far too old for her. He should stay away because
compared to him she seemed like this innocent virgin, and he was this vicious
bear starving for fresh meat. He was a dirty bastard with filthy sexual needs,
ones that would have marks on her pretty cream colored flesh, and leave pain
resonating throughout her body. When he found a female to relieve himself with,
he liked things rough, liked to be in control. As much as Diesel wanted Maggie,
wanted to feel
push deep inside of that tight
little body, wanted to feel her come from the force of him fucking her, and
wanted her nails digging into his back until he hissed out in pain, he knew he
couldn’t have her. She was too good for the likes of
was for fucking sure.

The female currently on his lap and grinding her
shit all over him had clearly thought his erection was for her and from what
she was doing, because the low hum of approval that came from her told him as
much. When she reached down and attempted to slip her hand down his pants, he
stopped her with a firm hold on her wrist. He turned his head to look at her,
but all there was reflected back at him was the look of dirty need. He hadn’t
slept with this particular female before, and although a lot of the MC members
had a favorite club whore they slept with on more than one occasion, Diesel was
a one woman kind of male. He didn’t like to double dip and didn’t like sloppy
seconds, but females that hadn’t been with any of his MC
were far and few between, especially ones that liked his dirty kind of sex. He
lifted the female off of him and set her aside. She huffed out and pouted in
disappointment, but he still had his focus on Maggie. Fuck, she had blossomed
from the short and chubby girl he had seen at her dad’s shop to this curvy
woman that had nice, wide hips and big fucking tits. Her thighs were thick
enough to hold onto him as he fucked her against the wall, her hips went on for
miles, and her ass had him imagining spreading those round cheeks and licking
her tight hole between them. He looked at her breasts again and nearly groaned
aloud. The mounds were so big, so naturally bouncy, that his cock jerked as he
watched them move up and down and from side to side while she danced. He should
really look away, find a female to screw nice and hard, and put his thoughts of
having Maggie out of his head. But he was also a masochistic bastard with
sadistic tendencies, and wanting a female like Maggie, knowing he couldn’t have
her because he was so very bad for her, was as masochistic as it got. But the
things he wanted to do to her, the pleasure and pain he wanted to give her, were
all sadistic, and
damn hot as the images played
through his head.

“D, hey man, you going after something?”

He looked over at Court who spoke. The female that
had been all too willing to stroke Diesel’s cock was now working herself all
over Court. But the biker wasn’t interested and pushed her away. Drevin was
right there, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her on his lap. Yeah,
Drevin was a newly patched in former prospect, and wasn’t picky on what he
stuck his dick in, or if he got sloppy ass seconds in the very same night.

“You like something over there?” Dallas said in a
low, deep voice and tipped his chin toward the dance floor.
scoping out that hot piece of ass out there with the jeans on?”
was a slight slurred quality to Dallas’s voice, and it was clear the male was

Although Diesel knew who he was referring to, he still
looked in Maggie’s direction. Her eyes were closed and her arms were up in the
air as she moved slowly to the music. Her friend was dancing the same way, and he
could see the redness tinting Maggie’s cheeks. She was drunk, which he would
have known even if he hadn’t been close enough to smell the alcohol coming from
her pores. He was a bear shifter, as were all the Grizzly MC members, but there
were a lot of bullshit ideas on what a shifter could and couldn’t do. They
didn’t heal instantly when
and although they
had heightened senses and strength when in their bear forms, when they were
humans they still had weaknesses. And Maggie Drake was one fucking weakness for
Diesel, but he couldn’t quite understand why. His bear was pacing back and
forth inside of him, needing to be released, and for the first time in his life
he had never felt so pulled in two different directions. His pulse beat in his
dick, and the longer he looked at her the more he wanted her. She had been cute
back in the day, and the last time he had seen her was when she was only
seventeen. She had been just a kid, and he wasn’t some sick fuck that wanted
any part of that, but now? Now she was all
, and
as much as Diesel knew he shouldn’t even tempt that darker side of him, he honestly
didn’t know if he’d be able to be strong and stay away from her.

BOOK: One Night in the Outlaw's Bed
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