Read One Night Stand Online

Authors: Parker Kincade

One Night Stand (14 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand
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She was jerked to her back. Pain exploded through her body when her attacker straddled her, pinning her arms beneath her. She bucked her hips, desperately trying to get away. “Ain’t you a feisty one.” At his familiar drunken drawl, she froze. Her hands twitched as she remembered the feel of this one’s jaw under her fist. Clete.

“Remember me, darlin’?” He leaned in until she could feel his breath against her face. The smell of beer and rancid meat made her gag. She turned her head and choked back the bile that burned the back of her throat. His fingers dug into her jaw as he forced her head back to look at him. “Ya gonna tell me not to touch ya now, little girl?” He slapped her face hard.

Fire blazed in the skin of her cheek, taking her breath away. She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. He pressed his weight on her, severely restricting her air supply. She twisted, trying to release her arms. “Get … off … me,” she gritted out, renewing her struggles to be free.

Clete ignored her. “Ya see, at first, I was just gonna come here and rough ya up a little. Ya know, teach ya a lesson ’bout what happens when little girls mess around with guys like me. But knockin’ ya out outside wasn’t as satisfyin’ as I hoped. So I drug ya back here for what I really wanted.” He grabbed her chin and shook her head from side to side. “Took ya long enough to wake up.” His gaze drifted to her chest. He licked his dry, cracked lips.

“I followed ya,” he sneered. “That night. I watched ya ’bout fuck that guy outside. Watched ya wrap yer pretty little legs around him. Givin’ him what I wanted.” He tore the front of her shirt open, leaving her bare to his gaze. “So now I’m thinkin’ ya owe me a little of what ya screamed for him.”

Amanda didn’t even try to follow his drunken logic. She shouted in fury as he palmed her bared breasts. She had to find a way out of this. Her gaze darted around the room, looking for a weapon. Something, anything to help her. Anything to distract her from the feel of his hands on her. “Scream all you want, darlin’. Ain’t no one to hear ya.” She gagged as he ran his tongue up her cheek. “I’m thinkin’ to take my time with ya. Enjoy ya right good.”

He was stinking drunk, thank God for that. Drunk men weren’t rational.
Keep him off balance.

Amanda curled her lip. “You aren’t gonna enjoy jack shit if I have anything to say about it.” She braced herself for another hit. It came hard and fast. The tangy taste of blood hit her tongue as she felt her lip split open. She didn’t even try to stop the tears that streamed down her face. “That all you got?” she said as she fought to shake her vision clear.

He growled at her. As his hand came around her throat, she caught a glimmer of silver from his belt.

A hunting knife.

“Shut up, bitch!”

She was frantic now. She needed him to come closer. She shuddered at the thought, but it was her one shot. Maybe her only shot. “Some man you are, you slimy bastard,” she ground out.

He swayed above her, watching her with disbelief. “What’s that?” He leaned down to get nose to nose with her, loosening his grip on her throat. Amanda gasped for air, using all of her strength to smash her head into his. She felt the bridge of his nose give way under the hard bone of her forehead. Just like her brothers had taught her.

He yelled out as he leaned back and clutched at his nose. He looked down in shock at the blood that flowed into his hands. She twisted violently beneath him and pulled her arms free.

She didn’t … wouldn’t think. She grabbed for the hilt of the knife on his belt. The minute the knife cleared the sheath, she plunged it into his thigh. His scream filled her ears as she pushed away from him. She got to her feet and ran toward the kitchen. Just as she cleared the doorway her feet were pulled out from under her again and she went down hard.

“I’ll kill ya for that, bitch.”

Amanda felt something warm run down her forehead. This was it. She’d taken her chance and lost. Dizziness overwhelmed her. She watched in wonder as a large shadow formed behind Clete. She imagined her knight in shining armor coming to save her. “Joe,” she whispered before everything went black again.


Joe kicked through the front door just in time to see Amanda hit the ground. He cursed and grabbed Clete by the back of the neck. He watched with horror as blood ran down Amanda’s forehead. His blood ran cold as he saw the skin exposed by her torn shirt, his gut clenching at the thought of another man’s hands on her, hurting her. His body shook with the need to kill the motherfucker who’d touched her. The motherfucker he had in his grip.

Joe slammed Clete into the floor and grabbed the hilt of the knife still sticking out of his leg. “If anyone is gonna die here today, it’s you, you fucking asshole.” Clete cried out as Joe wiggled the hilt back and forth. “And I can make it take a long time.”

“Joe?” Amanda’s voice was weak.

Pushing Clete’s face to the floor with a warning, Joe released him and rushed to Amanda. “I’m here, baby,” he said, dropping to his knees beside her. He helped her sit up before pulling her into his arms. “Shh, it’s going to be all right now. I’ve got you.”

To his surprise, she pushed him away. “Get him out, Joe. Please, just get him out,” she begged, her arms going around her legs a second before she dropped her head to her knees. “Just get him out,” she repeated over and over.

Rage unlike he’d ever known blanketed him. He brushed his hand over her hair before he stood. “You’re safe now,” he promised.

Rising to his full height, Joe moved like a predator, approaching Clete with deadly intent. He clamped his hand around Clete’s throat and forced him to his feet. Joe tightened his grip, fully aware he’d stopped the flow of air. He pulled Clete toward the front door and outside onto the porch. He wanted Clete as far away from Amanda as possible. Joe tossed him from the porch, dust kicking up as Clete landed in the dirt with a grunt.

“Not so tough now, are you?” Joe stalked down the steps. He circled Clete, his anger all-consuming. His boot connected hard against Clete’s rib cage before he moved around him once again.

Joe grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him up. The smell emanating from Clete made Joe’s eyes water. “You wanna play, tough guy? How about you play with me, hmm? I guarantee it won’t be like taking on a woman half your size.” Joe slammed his fist into Clete’s face. He grinned as Clete went down again, the sound of bones breaking under his fist filling him with satisfaction. “Ouch,” he taunted, “that’s gonna hurt when the alcohol wears off.”

“Joe.” Joe’s head snapped around at the sound of Amanda’s voice. “Enough,” she pleaded.

Joe glanced back at Clete, anger still coursing through his veins. He clenched his teeth against the need to punch the fucker again. Clete watched him warily, his eyes dazed, although from pain or alcohol Joe wasn’t sure.

Joe leaned over, his hands on his knees as he fought for control.

His Mandy. Mine.
Calm washed over him at the thought of her.

Clete moaned on the ground, his hands coming up defensively when Joe knelt down beside him. “Consider yourself lucky, you piece of shit.” For good measure, he reached out and pinched Clete’s broken nose between his fingers. “If you so much as even think about Amanda again, I’ll kill you.”

“Joe, stop.” He looked over his shoulder to see Amanda sink down on the top step of the porch, clutching the railing for support.

He released Clete and took a few steadying breaths before closing the distance between them. He stopped halfway, taking in the sight of her. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She was here, alive and looking back at him with such emotion that he was swamped with shame over losing his shit with Clete. After all she’d obviously been through, she’d also had to snap him out of his rage. God, she was so much better than him.

He was a killer. He would’ve killed Clete and been more than happy about it.

She offered him a slight smile. Joe was in awe of the strength and resolve he saw in her eyes. He wouldn’t disappoint her. No matter how hard he had to fight the urge to kill Clete—and he really wanted to kill him right now—he wouldn’t do it.
was what mattered. Only her. He’d do whatever it took to be the man she needed.

Amanda looked past him and her eyes grew wide with alarm. “Behind you!” she yelled.

Joe spun back to Clete, who’d pulled the knife out of his leg and was gunning in his direction. He raised his forearm, feeling the sharp sting of the blade as it sliced through his skin. Twisting his arm over, he grabbed Clete’s wrist and snapped it. The knife dropped to the ground with a thump, Clete following close behind.

Joe kicked the knife out of reach and snorted in disgust at the blood pouring from Clete’s leg. “You stupid fuck. You’ll probably bleed out right here.” Joe ripped off his shirt and quickly tied it around Clete’s leg, pulling it tight to slow the bleeding.

He grabbed his SIG and shoved the business end in Clete’s face. “You move again and I’ll add a bullet wound to your list of injuries. You get me?” Clete cradled his arm but said nothing. “Gotta put pressure on this wound,” Joe said innocently as his boot came down on Clete’s leg wound. He pressed hard, just to make sure he stayed put. Okay, maybe not just to make sure he stayed put. He may not be able to kill him, but he could sure make him suffer a little.

His brief glance back at Amanda filled him with a mixture of emotions. Seeing her wounds again renewed the rage that threatened to bubble over the surface. He felt like a volcano that was about to blow.

No, he couldn’t look at her yet. Not while Clete was still within striking distance. He had a firm hold on the reins of his anger, but a man could only be pushed so far.

One thing he knew for sure.
wouldn’t be pushing him away again. She was his. When this was over, she’d damn well know it.


It was total chaos. And perched on the porch steps, she had a bird’s-eye view of the show. Swarming like locusts, police and medical personnel descended on her yard. Amanda watched with puzzled eyes at the three police cars parked in her drive, one belonging to the sheriff. Even though she couldn’t remember exactly, she was pretty sure this constituted their entire force.

Joe had ditched his weapon, choosing instead to bind Clete’s hands with rope he’d found in the barn while they’d waited for the police to arrive. He’d barely looked at her. In fact, he’d kept himself very busy with Clete, talking to her over his shoulder to ascertain whether she was okay or not. She was fine, she’d told him. All things considered, she rather thought that was the truth.

A tall, handsome man approached Joe. “What you got there?” she heard the man ask.

“Sheriff,” Joe greeted, reaching out to shake his hand.

The sheriff shook his head slightly, gripping Joe’s hand. “Since we’ve known each other all our lives, how about you cut the crap?”

Joe pulled him in and clapped him on the back. “Thanks for coming, Cooper. I’d appreciate it if you’d get this piece of shit off Amanda’s property.” He indicated an unconscious Clete.

Cooper whistled through his teeth. “Jake said Clete might have gone off the deep end. What happened here? He get mauled by a mountain lion or something?”

“Or something,” Joe replied.

“You do all this damage?” Cooper asked suspiciously as he bent to check out Clete’s injuries.

“Very little of it actually. He’d sustained the majority before I even got here.”

“Well.” Cooper stood and brushed off his hands. “He’s still breathing.”

Joe stiffened at Cooper’s side. “He went after Amanda, Coop.” His voice held a deadly edge. “He should thank his lucky stars he’s still alive.”


Joe nodded his head in the direction of her perch. “Amanda Martin. You may remember her; her family has owned this property for a long time.”

little Amanda Martin?” Coop said with interest. “I remember seeing her on occasion when I’d come out with my dad.” He whistled. “As cute as she was then, I’m not surprised she grew up to be such a stunner.”

Amanda tried to smile and gave them a quick wave to indicate she could hear them. She heard Joe mumble something under his breath as Cooper approached her.

“Amanda? I’m not sure if you remember me.” Cooper approached her slowly, his hands clearly where she could see them. He eased down on the step below her, as if trying to stay as unthreatening as possible. “I’m Cooper Jackson. My dad was the sheriff when you were younger.”

“You got a pocketful of candy like your dad?” Amanda asked.

Cooper laughed and patted his pockets. Finding what he sought, he offered her a yellow-colored gem. “Like father, like son, huh?”

She laughed, quickly followed by a moan as she brought her hand to her split lip.

Coop reached out and gently touched her leg. “How about you let my guys check you out?”

“Coop?” Joe snapped. “Stop mauling her and get the fuck over here.”

With a sigh and a nod to Amanda, Coop started back toward Joe. “Is that how you talk to your sheriff? How about a little respect?”

Amanda couldn’t make out Joe’s reply.

Joe and Cooper, along with several other officers, surrounded Clete as paramedics went to work on him. The men spoke in hushed tones, but as backs stiffened and hands turned to fists, Amanda knew Joe was relating the story of what had gone on out here. There was an aura of authority surrounding Joe that was impossible to deny. He oozed confident male as he stepped aside and let the officers take control of Clete.

Amanda waved off several of the men who tried to approach her. She didn’t want the police or the paramedics. She wanted Joe. Why wasn’t he coming to check on her? Her heart broke at the thought that she may have lost him. He had to know she hadn’t meant what she said. How could he believe she felt nothing for him after the time they’d spent together?
Because I’d led him to believe it, that’s why.

He’d come back, though. That gave her hope. She shuddered at the thought of how differently this night could have turned out if he hadn’t.

A pretty female paramedic approached Joe with a friendly smile. Too friendly. Jealousy burned Amanda’s gut as the woman attempted to look at Joe’s damaged knuckles and wounded arm. Did she have to keep touching him? To Amanda’s amazement, Joe seemed unaffected by the woman’s attentions. Irritated even. He turned to the woman and bent to look her in the eye. As he spoke, the woman’s cheeks turned bright red. Then she turned and stalked back to the ambulance. He didn’t flirt with her or allow her to care for him. He turned her away as if she was nothing more than an annoyance. Amanda knew she shouldn’t be pleased, but honestly, she was tickled pink.

BOOK: One Night Stand
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