One Rough Night (BWWM Motorcycle Erotic Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: One Rough Night (BWWM Motorcycle Erotic Romance)
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I nodded.


“Okay. Here you go. And
make sure you read it very carefully, that’s important.” he said, handing the
paper to me.


“So no fucking tonight?”
I asked, somewhat disappointed.


He shook his head.


“No. I need you to read
and fill that out for me first. Once I’ve determined you are the proper woman
for the job, we can begin training. I’ll explain more once you’ve handed me
that contract. Until then, good luck and see you tomorrow.”


I glanced at his bare
chest one last time before heading out the door and into my car. I felt as
though I was in a daze as I drove home. Fortunately he didn’t live that far
away from my hotel. I just couldn’t get the sight of his bare chest out of my


When I got home, I sat
down at my homework desk and prepared myself to read this paper. My heart
pounded as I began to read. This man was not playing games. He was really
serious about what he wanted. I started with the questions first:


Are you a




That was easy enough. I
just hoped my inexperience didn’t turn him off or anything. I’d have to hope he
was the kind of guy who loved to pop cherries. I giggled and stuck a finger
down the front of my pants. Just the thought of his shirtless chest was making
me slick. I couldn’t wait to see him shirtless again. And maybe next time, he’d
take his pants off again for me. And maybe bring out a whip… I shook my head
and got back to the questions.


How old
are you?




          I hoped he liked teenagers.
I had turned 19 just a few months ago, so he’d be stuck with a teenager for a
little while. He didn’t seem to mind when I told him. Maybe he preferred
younger women?


Are you
willing to become a member of Hell’s Titans?


Wow. I was being offered a chance to
join an actual Motorcycle Club. I hesitated for only a second before writing my
Of course.


          I needed to feel what it
was like. I wanted to be a part of something incredible. I also wanted to fuck
Rust. That was the main thing. I grinned as I bent down and read the contract


In signing this you
essentially bind yourself to the Hell’s Titans Motorcycle Club. Anything you do
will reflect on the Club. In return for binding yourself to the Club, you are
invited to live in the mansion. Sign below if you understand and are ready to
become the newest member of Hell’s Titans MC.


I grinned and signed my
name. Holy shit I could live in a mansion! I wouldn’t have to worry about
paying for rent or anything. I’d be living with and getting fucked by a
gorgeous billionaire.


I almost felt light
headed as I went to bed that night, thoughts of Rust running through my head.
All that night I spent dreaming about Rust taking me away and fucking me. I got
everything packed and ready to go before work the next day. I couldn’t wait to
move in!


I practically raced to
the mansion after I finished work. When I knocked on the door, I was greeted
with two handsome, burly guys. Are all motorcycle gangs this hot? They looked
me up and down.


“So you’re the new
recruit, huh? Rust told us about you.”


I nodded nervously and
they stepped aside. One took my bags and the other led me to the living room
where Rust was.


He looked up and smiled
as I walked in the room. “Give us a little bit guys. You can meet her later.”
They nodded and left the room. It was just the two of us again.


“Have you signed the
contract?” he asked.


I nodded and handed him
the paper. I waited eagerly as his eyes scanned the page, reading my answers.
Fortunately, he found them acceptable.


“A virgin, eh? I knew you
were young, but I figured with your eagerness to fuck me, you had at least had
some experience. But it’s okay, in two weeks’ time, you’ll be ready.”


He looked up at me and
put the paper away.


“Shonda, from now on, you
don’t have to go to work. In fact, I’d prefer if you didn’t. I want you riding
with us. We’ll get you a bike and everything.”


“O-okay,” I said


He smiled.


“I can tell you’re a
little freaked out. But after I’ve fucked you, you’ll definitely be more…


He stood up.


“I’ll have one of my guys
give you a tour later. For now, let’s get down to business. Follow me to our
Fuck Room.”


I followed him along a
gigantic hallway. I looked around, drinking in the sight of my new home. Old
paintings lined the walls and there seemed to be hundreds of doors. I felt bad
for whoever had to clean this, imagining them having to clean all these rooms.


We got to a single red
door at the end of the hallway. Before opening it, he turned to me.


“This is what I call our
‘Fuck Room.’ I’ll give you a brief rundown of what we’ll be using, how we’ll be
using it, and what our schedule will be. We aren’t fucking just yet, that will
come soon enough. I want to show you my equipment first. After that, my guy
will settle you in.”


He opened the door and I
stepped inside. I gasped. This room was
It was about the size of
my entire hotel floor. Collections of whips and studded belts lined the walls.
There was what looked like a closet in the far corner of the room filled with
all kinds of outfits. On the other corner was a gigantic, king-sized bed, where
I assumed we’d fuck.


He smiled, noticing my


“Yes, it’s a big room
isn’t it?” he said, walking to the bed. “As you can see, I’ve been collecting
BDSM stuff for a few years now. That bed is where I test out all my female
recruits,” he said, pointing to it.


“Y-you’re into BDSM?” I
asked. I’d watched some porn with BDSM, but I’d never thought it would be
something I’d try out.


He nodded.


“Oh yeah. You’ll have to
take a little punishment before you can join us officially.”


He must have noticed the
startled look on my face. He smiled.


“Don’t worry, I can tell
whether or not a girl will like getting punished even if she can’t. And I know
you’ll love it. The stuff on the walls is mainly for show. Very rarely will I
use one of these,” he said taking a huge, thick cat o’ nine tails off one of
the shelves.


“I have a huge collection
of stuff we can use in my closet over there,” he said, setting down the nine
tails and gesturing to the little room in the other corner. I followed him
over, still looking around in awe at all the stuff on the walls.


He led me in to the
brightly lit little room. I grinned in spite of myself as I examined all the
equipment in there, imagining someone using them on me. There were several gimp
outfits hung up, studded belts, collars, handcuffs, ropes, tape, leashes,
slings, paddles, and on the back wall, a huge X.


I felt my pussy juice
seep through my pants as I imagined Rust tying me up and fucking me. I imagined
him pounding me with a paddle, punishing me for being naughty. He had
everything I could possibly dream of. Holy shit, maybe he was right. Maybe I
did want him to punish me!


I walked over to the back
of the room and examined the big X.


“Ah, that’s my X-frame. I
don’t know how much we’ll use that, it’ll depend on whether or not you want to
keep up the punishment,” he said, walking over and putting a hand on my
shoulder. “Basically you get tied up with your arms and legs sticking out, and
I… pound you,” he said with a smirk.


I grinned.


“When do we fuck?”


“All in good time,” he
said. “First I think you need a little demonstration. It’s time for your first
punishment,” he said firmly, pointing to the ground.


My heart started to
pound. I was more nervous than I’d ever been in my life. But I also felt
something else - excitement. I bent down obediently and braced for the pain. I
heard a
and suddenly fire erupted from my ass. Even with the
shorts on it hurt like hell.
went the paddle one more time as the
pain raced from my ass to my brain and spread all over my body.


But it wasn’t just pain I
felt. I almost wanted him to keep going. I felt my pussy throb with desire as I
waited for him to tell me it was okay to stand. I couldn’t wait for him to
punish me even more.


“Stand up,” he commanded.


I obeyed and straightened
up, watching him put the paddle away.


“That was only a little
taste. When we fuck though, I think you’ll find it a lot more pleasurable. I
have to ease you into it or else you won’t like it. Understand?”




“Good. Now I’m going to
call my guy and he’ll take you on a tour of the house. I’ll see you later,
baby,” he said, giving me a light spank as he brushed past me and out of the


I wanted to jump on the
bed and relax and think about what had just happened, but the guy was already
on the way and I didn’t want to anger Rust. I waited patiently in the doorway
of the Fuck Room as I thought about all the things he could do to me…


But it wasn’t long before
one of the bikers from the doorway showed up. “Hey honey, I’m one of the
officers here, Max.” He looked almost as hot as Rust did, with black hair and
tattoos running down his body.


He beckoned to me and
began to give me the tour. Rust seemed to have a room for everything in this


There were three floors,
each for different things. The first floor held the Fuck Room and several walk
in closets along that huge hallway and in the living room. Apparently the gang
went out to clubs often; they seemed to have outfits for any situation. The
living room had a huge flat-screen TV and another couple closets. Nothing too
exciting there.


The kitchen was on the
far end of the house near the sliding glass door to the backyard. The backyard
had a huge pool that the gang would use for parties. Apparently it was the only
pool for miles. According to Max they didn’t party much, but when they did it
was crazy.


Next, he led me up to the
second floor. This floor had only a few rooms. The first room was the workout
center. It had every kind of workout equipment I could think of. No wonder
these guys looked so fit. They must use this stuff every day.


The next room was the
game room. It had another huge TV with game systems and a huge Blu Ray cabinet.
Max told me that when they liked to watch a lot of TV, including porn. I didn’t
look but I imagined they had a whole other collection of pornos on their own
cabinet. I giggled and followed Max to the last room.


This was the library. I
was kind of surprised because Rust didn’t seem like the kind of guy who was
really into reading. It was also the biggest room I’d seen yet. Books from every
category I could think of lined the shelves. His library was at least the size
of the local public library. I wondered why it was so big. I guess the gang
liked to read?


I followed Max out of
this huge room and up one more flight of steps.


“This floor is the
bedrooms. There are fifteen bedrooms here. Not everyone lives here though so
there’s usually always room.”


“Which one is mine?”

BOOK: One Rough Night (BWWM Motorcycle Erotic Romance)
9.09Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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