One Simple Step (Journey Series) (12 page)

BOOK: One Simple Step (Journey Series)
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Everything around me felt so…alive. I didn’t know if it was just because of the high or what, but I didn’t want this feeling to go away anytime soon, and I think as long as I was with Nick, it wouldn’t. I was definitely liking this
maybe someday more




Chapter 13




“So, I heard you snuck a boy out of your room this morning?” Leah eyed me from across the outdoor table that we were seated at overlooking the water.

I took a big sip of my tea to avoid her, which only caused me to burn the hell out of my mouth, as she waited for my answer with a smirk on her lips. She knew exactly what I was doing. Sometimes I think she knew me better than I actually knew myself.

It wasn’t that I needed to sneak Nick out of my room or anything. I was nowhere near ashamed of what we had done. Some people might think that we were moving a little fast, or at least that I was, but that was their opinion, and really, I didn’t care.

Last night had topped the most amazing nights of my life, by far. I think the best part was just lying in silence afterwards, his warm body engulfing mine, making me feel protected and special as he ran his hands over every inch of my body like he was trying to memorize each curve.

“I didn’t sneak him out,” I finally replied, dragging myself back to reality and avoiding her eyes on purpose. “I just didn’t think he needed to meet Ben like that. Talk about awkward.”

“Mmhmm,” she murmured with a roll of her eyes, not convinced whatsoever. “Like he doesn’t know his sister was having wild sex all night. Ben isn’t dumb, Al, and you’re not exactly quiet. If you’re planning on introducing them, when exactly is that happening? Because I need to be there.”

“I’ll talk to him about it at work, maybe we can all hang out together tomorrow night before you guys leave.” I pouted at the fact that they were leaving so soon. I had to work a later shift than usual for the girl that had been able to cover for me on such short notice the other day.

It felt so right having Chase and Leah here, along with Remy. It felt like the old days when we were in college, but at the same time, it felt like I had this fresh start in this new place that was starting to feel like home.

“Alright, you better make it happen then.” Leah stood up, and tossed her smoothie cup in one of the cans on the patio of the café, a little place that I found one day while exploring the small shops around town.

It was on my way to work, and I ended up stopping here before almost every morning shift to grab a tea for me, as well as a very black coffee for Nick. I had no idea how he could drink the stuff. Even with a pound of sugar and flavored creams, I still couldn’t stomach it.

“Have fun slaving away while I play with my hubby on the beach.” I elbowed her in the side before we went in opposite directions. Even though I loved having Leah here, I was looking forward to seeing Nick. He had “snuck away,” as Leah put it, really early this morning after finally peeling himself away from me.

I could tell he didn’t want to leave as he wordlessly rained kisses down my neck before he finally wrapped the sheet around his waist, and attempted to find his clothes that were trailed from my room to the bathroom. It made me wish we had gone back to his place last night instead of mine so he didn’t have to leave so soon, but who knows if I would have had the courage to push Nick along then.

I greeted several of my coworkers as I walked through the resort, and took my place behind the check in desk that was situated in the lobby. I easily fit in with the rest of the staff, even though I saw a few raised eyebrows when it became apparent that Nick and I were somewhat involved. Now, it seemed more official, but I wasn’t going to let that affect my work at all, or think that I could get away with things that other employees couldn’t. I was going to remain professional, and I’m sure he would, too.

“Ally, what a surprise!” I was immediately wrapped into a warm hug by Jane, an older woman who had trained me for a little while when I first started. We had gotten along instantly.

She smelled just like my grandma and I inhaled deeply, catching the scent of cinnamon mixed with a musky perfume as I pulled away. She stared at me for a second before pinching my cheek, and then wagging her finger at me. “I have a feeling someone has something to tell me.”

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled as I stashed my purse behind the desk, and tapped at the computer a couple of times to clock in. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Jane.”

She greeted a customer, and I kept myself busy by tidying up the desk that clearly didn’t need it. Other than me, Jane was probably the most organized person around here. I think that’s one of the reasons we got along so well.

I wasn’t sure what to tell Jane if she asked about my relationship with Nick. I didn’t want to get him in trouble if it was against company policy, especially since he was pretty much the head honcho around here now. I learned after I was hired into the company that this was one of the last locally owned resorts in town. The owners were older and really didn’t have much involvement.

When Leo left shortly after I was hired on, Nick took over. He ended up working a lot of hours. I could tell it was stressful to have that much responsibility, but he also loved what he did, and I think that’s what was most important.

“So, I see our boy has put a twinkle in those beautiful blue eyes of yours, and you’ve done the same to him.” Jane patted my back, as I grabbed the checklist for the night. I read it over at least three times without responding. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Okay, honey, you don’t have to spill the details to me, I already know. Just make sure you’re careful with his heart. That one has a gentle soul, no matter how tough he looks on the outside. And I can tell you do, too. You ever need to talk, I’m sure old Jane has some good advice.” She gave me a wink before unpinning her nametag and grabbing her handbag.

“Thanks, Jane. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Everything’s just so new. I’m not sure what to really tell you at this point, besides the fact that I think we’re both really happy right now.”

“Good, my dear, that’s all that matters. And speaking of the boss, he wants to see you in his office when you’re finished up with all of the demands for the night. I’m off to see my sweetie now.”

“Night, Jane. Say hi to Theo for me.”

I envied Jane for how she still talked about Theo, her husband of almost fifty years. I had met him a couple of times when he popped in to bring her flowers just because, or a quick lunch during her break. They seemed so in love, even at their age. I wanted that.

I worked through my list quickly and efficiently: 1203 needed extra pillows, 4424 needed extra blankets, and 5239 needed ten pieces of ice, one glass, five blankets, and one condom. Okay…I looked the request over at least five times before I actually believed what I was reading. I read the tiny note that Jane had jotted down, and, apparently, it was some kind of VIP client, and we were supposed to meet their every demand.

Well, then.

After delivering all of the needed items, and having one weird conversation with 5239—I’m pretty sure he was interested in using those items on
—I quickly got out of there, and things were finally settled for the night. I was surprised that I hadn’t seen Nick yet, and I had been itching to ditch my work so I could run to his office and remedy that.

I set a sign out that I would be back in fifteen minutes, even though I knew no one would be arriving to check in at this time of evening. I knocked once on his office door before I heard his muffled reply, and I stepped in, feeling like a high school girl all over again, so excited to see him even though we had just been together that morning.





I basically had to chain myself to my desk to keep from going out to the lobby the second Ally stepped into the resort, and yanking her into my office. No matter how much I wanted to be with her every minute, I needed to remember that this was my workplace, and being at the top, I needed to set a good example.


I didn’t want to leave this morning, but I saw where Ally was coming from. I really didn’t want to meet her brother that way, either. Hell, if I was Ally’s brother, I would’ve been waiting outside to beat the guy’s ass.

Thank, God I wasn’t.

Last night was everything that I had been waiting for, and more. There was that more thing again. With Ally, it seemed like I couldn’t get enough when I was with her. I just wanted more. I needed more. And I didn’t know if I would really ever have my fill of Ally, which I guess was a good thing.

My bad mood disappeared the minute I heard the knock on the door. I threw the file that I had been staring at for the past twenty minutes on the desk, and yelled for them to come in, hoping like hell it was Ally because if it was anyone else, they were probably weren’t going to get too much of a welcoming.

“You wanted to see me?”

I smiled when the door opened, and Ally was standing there with one hip leaning against the doorframe. She had on a multi-neon colored, striped dress in some weird design that ended inches above her knees, along with a pair of sky-high neon yellow heels.

Her lips were painted a bright red today, and her blonde hair was curled into soft ringlets that flowed over her shoulders, one of my favorite ways that she wore it. On anyone else, that outfit might look crazy, but on Ally, well, it was just so

I was seriously gone for.

“Yeah...” I trailed off as she slowly walked across the room, swinging her hips from side to side. I couldn’t really remember why I wanted her in my office, just the fact that I
her, and nothing else.

She came to a stop, and when I turned my chair, she dropped down onto my lap, wrapping her legs around either side. “Hi,” she whispered, winding her hands around my neck and pressing her lips to my cheek. “I missed you today.”

“Mmm, I missed you, too. So much.” I buried my nose in her hair and groaned when she pushed her body harder against mine.

She pulled back, and ran her hands through my hair, biting her lip as she stared at me with those blue eyes that seemed to glitter with something every time I saw her. I hoped that I put a little bit of that happiness into her eyes.

“You look a little stressed, been a long day?” She ran a finger along my jaw that I hadn’t realized was so tense, melting it away.

“Nah, not too bad. How ‘bout you? Get a little more time in with Leah and your brother?”

“Mmhm.” She licked her lips as she leaned back slightly against my desk, and I tried to keep focused on what she was saying. Instead of on the fact that her dress just moved up an inch higher on her thighs, revealing even more of that smooth skin that I had explored all night.

“I didn’t get to go back to sleep this morning.” She pouted out her bottom lip, and I leaned forward to nip at it, before pulling away and smoothing back a curl that had fallen over her eye. I was having a really hard time concentrating on what she was saying with the way she was sitting on my lap.

“So, I let Ben drag me out of the apartment early, and we went shopping for souvenirs for our parents. I think he tried at least five times to convince me to come home. Apparently, the firm that he works for is hiring for an office manager, and he’s mentioned my name a few times. He thinks I should send in my resume. He even has a plan for me to move into the new house he just bought. He has a little guest house above the garage and—”

“You aren’t considering it, are you?” Anxious, I cut her off mid-sentence, sinking my fingertips into her sides as I sat up straighter.

She raised one eyebrow at me and pursed her lips. “I don’t know, maybe.” She shrugged one shoulder non-chalantly. “Why, would you miss me?”

“Hell yes, I would. Actually, I think I would have to follow you there, consider yourself to have a stalker. Does he have room for one more in his guest house?”

Running the resort was my dream, but I would drop it all for Ally in a heartbeat. Maybe that sounded a little crazy when it came to this girl that I hadn’t even known that long, but I really didn’t care.

“Nick, I didn’t even consider it. I’m not ready to go back to Indiana, and I’m not sure if I ever will be. I’m happy right where I am.” She jabbed a finger into my chest, and wiggled her hips, giving me a wicked smile as I groaned and wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her against me even tighter.

I shot a look over at the camera that was focused on the front desk, seeing that no one was in sight, so that meant we had at least ten or fifteen minutes before someone came looking for us.

I slid my hands up her legs, underneath the hem of her dress, and hooked my thumbs into her panties as I raised her hips to slide them down her legs. She gave me a startled look when I lifted her up once again and undid the button on my pants. “Nicholas Bennett, what do you think you’re doing?”

I settled her back on my lap as I pushed her dress up around her waist and ran my hands along the inside of her thighs. “What I’ve been needing to do ever since I left you this morning. I need to be inside of you.”

Her mouth landed on my neck, and I tipped my head back and concentrated solely on Ally. I pushed everything else that was going on out of my head, and just felt what this girl was doing to me. And it felt pretty damn good.

But I could only take so much, before I needed more.

I grabbed her hands and held them above her head, forcing her to tear her mouth away from my neck. “This needs to go.” I slid her dress up and over her head, but pointed down at her heels, the only thing remaining. What was this girl trying to do to me, walking around with no bra? I was one lucky guy. “But those can stay.” I smirked as I stood up and leaned her back against my desk, finally getting to look at her stunning body, sprawled across the mahogany surface. I wish I could have that view every day.

BOOK: One Simple Step (Journey Series)
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