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Authors: Allison Hobbs

One Taste (11 page)

BOOK: One Taste
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egina! I’m locked up!” Matt blurted out when Regina picked up the cordless. “There’s been a terrible misunderstanding and they’re holding me in Chester. I need you to post bail right away!”

Shock registered on Regina’s face. Her body went limp, then she straightened her back, composing herself. If she’d heard those grave words a few hours ago, Regina would have blabbered hysterically, “Locked up! Oh, my God. What for? Listen, don’t worry, honey. I’ll be there to bail you out as soon as possible.” Then she would have run around in confused circles as she tried to get herself dressed and out of the house to go get her falsely accused husband out of jail.

But under the circumstances, after having experienced the shameful disrespect of being informed by her husband’s mistress, that he was too busy to take her phone call, Regina could only murmur a sarcastic “Oh really?”

“I know you’re upset about that phone call. And I’m going to explain everything later. But right now, I need you to focus. They’re holding me on a number of bogus charges—”

“Such as,” Regina interrupted. She was close to unleashing all the fury she felt at Matt’s indiscretion, but she struggled to keep herself calm so she could hear all the charges.

“Drug trafficking, for one.” Matt groaned in disbelief. “Now, you know that’s a lie. They’re also accusing me of possessing an illegal firearm that was found in the glove compartment of my van. I’m innocent and I can prove it—”

“If I had my way, they’d be adding adultery, also, to the list of charges,” she added in an icy tone, which informed him that she held no sympathy for his predicament.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to start an argument at a time like this!” Matt started inhaling and exhaling, loud and furiously. Finally, he took a calming breath and said softly, “I messed up, baby. I’m sorry.” Then his voice took on a gruff, admonishing tone. “But this is not the time for sarcasm, Regina.”

“I can’t think of a better time,” she retorted. “You’re having an affair with the young woman who works for you. It’s true, isn’t it? And your association with her brought about these outrageous circumstances?” she asked in a chillingly calm tone.

“Yes, it’s true. But it’s over. I swear. I don’t want anything else to do with her. Now, can you please focus on the current situation?”

Regina was silent.

Assuming his wife’s silence meant she forgave his infidelity since he’d vowed that it was over, Matt began blurting out orders. “First thing tomorrow morning, I want you to get in touch with your credit union. You’ll need to get a loan for fifty thousand.”

“Your bail is fifty thousand dollars?”

“No, it’s three hundred thousand; I only need ten percent to make bail. But I’m going to need a really good attorney to handle these multiple charges. We’re probably going to have to pay the attorney at least twenty thousand for a retainer.”

“We?” Regina blurted, incredulous. “How dare you involve me in this disgusting mess?” Unable to maintain her cool demeanor
or contain her rage, she shook with anger. “The only attorney I plan to pay is a divorce attorney.”

“Regina!” Matt bellowed. “This is not the time for you to have a tantrum. Now, get a grip and get focused.”

“Get a grip!” she repeated with disdain. “Isn’t that what you told me while I grieved for Devon?”

“I grieved, too!”

“We should have mourned the loss of our son together. For ten years I’ve been trying to get a grip—for your sake. You wanted me to shut off my emotions, get rid of them in the same manner you wanted me to get rid of Devon’s things—”

“I didn’t think it was healthy to keep his things inside his bedroom as if he was going to come home—”

“It wasn’t healthy for you to insinuate that being distraught over the sudden death of my only child was crazy,” she shouted. “You were so disapproving, I was forced to box up my feelings, tuck them away, keep my pain out of sight….” Regina’s voice cracked with emotion. “All for the sake of not appearing crazy. Well, I acted crazy, anyway. I cried and grieved in the basement. Yes, that’s right. Down in the basement with Devon’s locked-away toys and clothing, I grieved!” Regina divulged bitterly. “I wept and wailed when you weren’t around. Cried out in anguish for as long and as loud as I needed.”

“I didn’t know…”

“How could you know? You were too busy replacing Devon with your nephew.”

“I never…” Matt paused. “I refuse to dignify that accusation. Listen to me, Regina.” He spoke in a near whisper. “I was worried about you,” he told her in a tone filled with such compassion, Regina hardly recognized her husband’s voice. “The amount of
time it was taking for you to heal seemed…” Matt faltered. “It seemed like you were taking it too far. I mean, a year or two of grief is understandable, but to be unable to function after a couple of years…well, it’s just not acceptable,” he said, his voice now mean and filled with disgust, vacant of any tenderness.

“Don’t you dare tell me what’s acceptable,” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Losing a child is
acceptable. It’s not!” she wailed.

“Okay, okay, calm down, Regina. Listen, when I get out, we’re going to get counseling. Grief counseling—together. We’ll see a marriage counselor, too. I’m going to make this right, baby. I promise.”

A hard lump formed in Regina’s throat. Tears brimmed in her eyes. A few years ago—even a few months ago—her husband’s words would have soothed her. Given her hope. But a lot had changed in just the past few hours and Matt’s sudden willingness to try to repair their broken marriage was simply too little, too late. She swiped at the tears that streamed down her face and, steadying her voice, she said, “The fact is, seeing me falling apart was too much of a reminder that you’d let our son down.”

“It was an accident,” Matt yelled. “If you want to point a finger of blame, then you should point it at yourself.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “How dare you blame me, you bastard!” she shrieked in outrage. If it were possible, she would have reached through the phone line and strangled Matt with her bare hands. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cochise shifting his position. Having her private pain, her raw emotions, laid bare was obviously making him extremely uncomfortable, but there was nothing Regina could do about it. She was too far gone to even make an attempt to compose herself.

“I hope you rot in jail,” she snarled. “I’m not lifting a finger to
help you get out. As far as I’m concerned, you’re exactly where you belong. You’ve got to be out of your mind to ask me to take out a loan for the legal trouble your cheating has caused.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to punish me forever for one lapse in judgment. It was the first and only time, Regina. In twenty years of marriage, I’ve been unfaithful only once.”

“Only once?” she asked sarcastically. “I’ve
cheated…” Her voice trailed off. She and Cochise hadn’t actually had intercourse, but she wondered if their heated foreplay counted as cheating. She supposed it did. Still, her own infidelity would have never occurred had she not found out about her husband’s illicit affair. “Matt, our marriage can’t be fixed. It’s over,” she said adamantly.

“You’re my wife! Do you want to throw away twenty years over one mistake?” Matt fumed.

Twenty years of loyalty had earned her nothing. Not warmth or compassion. And until only recently, out of some warped sense of duty, she’d been putting up with a sex life that was so bad it was pure torture. Marriage to Matt had not been pleasant. She exhaled, relieved that it was finally over.

“Look, I have to go. Maybe your sister can help you out,” Regina suggested.

“My sister can’t afford….”

“And neither can I,” Regina interjected. “I’ll drop your things off at your sister’s house in the morning. When you get your next phone call, don’t waste it on me—call your girlfriend,” she added bitterly.

“Regina!” Matt yelled.

Regina sighed. “Seriously, I’m getting a divorce, so when you do make bail, please don’t come here,” she warned.

“It’s my home, too.”

“You’re right,” she said, letting out a tired sigh. “I’ll have my attorney contact you to discuss property division.”

Matt shouted, but his words were made inaudible by a loud beeping sound, followed by the dial tone. Regina presumed there was a time limit on Matt’s phone call. She gave a mental shrug.
Oh, well.

Maybe she was bone weary from battling for so long to save a doomed marriage, maybe it was the purging of her feelings regarding the death of her son that caused her to tremble uncontrollably. Whatever the case, overcome with emotion, Regina could not hold back the floodgate of tears. Sniffling and crying and feeling suddenly wobbly on her feet, Regina tottered briefly.

In a matter of seconds, Cochise was off the sofa and at her side, catching her by the arm. He held her in a protective knot as she cried soul-deep, shameless sobs for her lost child—her lost marriage. Cochise held Regina tight until her crying ceased.

Feeling suddenly self-conscious that Cochise had seen her unravel twice in one night, Regina straightened and withdrew from his embrace. “Matt’s in jail. He’s been arrested on drug charges and possession of a gun. That’s all I know right now. I know you said you came back to get a ride back to Chester, so I’ll take you.” She swiped away residual tears.

“You can’t drive tonight,” Cochise said firmly. “And I’m not going to leave you here, all alone.” His dark eyes were serious.

“I’ll be fine.” Her voice rose an octave. “Really, I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.”

“You’re right. I’m not,” she finally admitted.

“I can’t leave you here all alone.” He shook his head. “It’s against the Recovery House regulations to stay out overnight, but if it’s all right with you, I’d like to call the house manager and see if
he’s willing to bend the rules.” Cochise studied her face. “I don’t mind sleeping down here on the sofa if you don’t have a spare room.”

If Cochise was granted permission to stay, he darn sure wouldn’t be sleeping on the sofa or in one of her spare rooms. She pictured them together in bed. “Go ahead, make your call.” She waved toward the phone she’d just hung up.

Giving Cochise some privacy, Regina went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and took out a bottle of water. She shoved thoughts of Matt’s predicament out of her head. Leaning against the kitchen sink, sipping water, her gaze traveling past the dining room and into the living room where Cochise paced, broad chest bare, with the cordless phone next to his ear.

Her face flushed and her mouth watered. He was such a tantalizing sight. Delicious eye candy! Did she dare hope that such a beautiful, virile man would wind up in her bed, fulfilling her lustful desires for as long as she could stand it?

She watched as he returned the phone to the cradle.
Can you stay?
She searched his face for an answer, but his expression was unreadable. He took slow steps toward her, his eyes downcast. His averted gaze warned her to prepare for a letdown.

Regina turned her back to him and braced herself for the sharp pang of disappointment. Cochise stood behind her, but didn’t say anything. “Well?” She intended to sound nonchalant, but the anxiousness in her tone squeaked out. Regina cringed at the sound of her desperation.

“Baby, I ain’t going nowhere. I’m staying right here with you,” he murmured, turning her toward him, dissolving her humiliation as he wrapped her in his strong arms.

Relief and utter joy washed over her. “I need you,” she told
him, feeling sexually emancipated. Pulling back a little, she looked at him, her eyes gleaming with raw, carnal lust. “I’ve never needed anyone like I need you right now.”

Her mouth sought his. He dipped his head, meeting her kiss. Cupping her face, Cochise parted her lips with his tongue, stroking her mouth, licking and tasting her with unabashed passion. Yearning welled up inside, and Regina felt herself melting as liquid heat pooled between her thighs.

Time no longer existed. One moment she and Cochise were in the kitchen and in the next moment, they were upstairs, and she was lying naked in her bed with her legs spread. Did she walk upstairs? Did Cochise carry her? And when did she come out of her robe and gown? Her mind was fuzzy as if she’d had too much to drink. With Cochise’s head between her legs, his tongue pressed against her clit, she indeed felt intoxicated with pleasure, too disoriented to recall the exact order of events.

Her clit swelled to a hardened bud. Regina thrust forward, seeking more pressure from his tongue. She cried out as if her flesh had been punctured when his tongue left her clit and plunged deeply inside her. She gasped, whimpered, and writhed.

Crouched on the floor at the foot of the bed, Cochise held up her long, shapely legs and probed her sensitive insides with his tongue. She clutched the bed covers and then sat up, her fingers clawing his back. Fearing that in the frenzy of passion, she’d tear the flesh on his smooth, well-muscled back, Regina briefly came to her senses and snatched her hands away.

Acting purely on impulse alone, she leaned back on her elbows and opened her eyes to watch Cochise perform cunnilingus. She couldn’t see his expression; his beautiful features were hidden as he buried his face inside her pleasure zone. But what she could see—his silken dark hair spread across her parted thighs—was
such a sensual sight, she shuddered and was suddenly overcome by a rush of vertigo. Her heart lurched, the room seemed to spin, her vision dimmed and she fell back heavily, her head flopping against the pillow as she gave in to the swirling sensation that began moving deep inside her groin.

Unimagined pleasure ripped through her, causing her chest to heave. Her nerve ends felt raw, exposed. Then her body began to quake in the wonderful aftershock of the first orgasm she’d ever had that wasn’t self-administered. It was the most blissful moment of her life. She felt such peace and fulfillment; she could have easily drifted off to sleep.

Cochise rose from his crouched position. As he climbed onto the bed to lie beside her, she felt his shaft brush against her thigh. In an instant, Regina was aroused and fully alert. She sat up and gazed at the length of his magnificent body as he lay curled next to her on his side. He was indeed a magnificent sight to behold. She ran an appreciative hand along bulging muscles in his back, his shoulders, and his arms. But wanting something else, her hand wandered over his rippled abdominals and caressed a thatch of dark hair beneath his navel. Her curious fingers moved downward toward the muscle that interested her most.

BOOK: One Taste
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