Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series)
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"Oh really!" Gabriel was surprised. "And here I was worried about you. Sounds like you stayed busy."

"Yes, another gang was in camp."
And Barry was busy entertaining Angel
. But she didn't want to talk to Gabriel about her. If Angel's name never came up again she would be happy.

"Well I'm glad you found a wa
y to keep busy while I was gone," Gabriel interjected into Julianna's thoughts as they walked into their shack, and Gabriel closed the door behind them.

"Now where were we?" Gab
riel said as he turned Julianna into his arms and claimed her lips in a hungry kiss that took her breath away. Julianna's response was no less fierce than his own. She was just as hungry for him as he was for her.

Gabriel gently brushed her cheek with the back of one of his big hands, taking a moment to look into Julianna's smoldering green eyes. He wanted to make sure she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Satisfied, he wrapped his arms around her lower back and pulled her tightly up against his hard lean body.

He kissed Julianna again and again. Then he kissed her neck and trailed kisses down to the front of her throat where the top of her dress stopped him, just as Julianna let out a moan. Gabriel was on fire now as he unbuttoned Julianna's dress, and dropped it to the floor with the rest of her undergarments.

Lifting Julianna with ease, Gabriel carried her to the small bed and laid her down gently. He stood staring at her beautiful body as he undressed. Once all his clothes were on the floor with hers, he climbed onto bed beside her.

Julianna was nervous and a little scared, but her passion for Gabriel overruled. Julianna wasn't completely naive, she had seen animals mating on the farm she grew up on in New York, but when she watched Gabriel undress, she was amazed at his arousal.

Gabriel began to kiss and caress Julianna all over, until he had her whimpering and arching for more. When he couldn't control his own needs anymore, Gabriel climbed on top of Julianna and slowly entered her. As he breached her maiden head, she cried out. Gabriel stopped for a moment till her pain eased, then he began a slow rhythm that made Julianna forget all about the pain she had just felt.

As their needs rose, so did the speed of their lovemaking. Just as Gabriel was not sure he could contain himself any longer, Julianna went over the edge and was lost in ecstasy, and Gabriel quickly followed.  Spent, they laid in each other's arms and drifted off to sleep.

*     *     *

A couple of hours later, Gabriel laid in bed awake wondering what he'd just done to Julianna. What was he thinking? But that's just it, he wasn't thinking! They weren't married and she could possibly even be pregnant now.

As Gabriel climbed out of bed, Julianna woke up and asked sleepily, "Where are you going?"

"Out," was all Gabriel said harshly, as he hastily put on his clothes and went out the shack door headed for the outlaw gang's saloon. He needed a drink and needed it bad!

Julianna was confused and scared. She knew something was wrong. Did she not please him tonight? Maybe he wished he had been with Angel instead? Where was he going now? To Angel?

Julianna was full of questions she had no answers to. As her eyes filled with tears, she pulled the covers up. She let the tears flood out until she cried herself to sleep.

*     *     *

Hours later, Gabriel came home and climbed into bed. Instead of snuggling up to Julianna like he had been every night, he faced away over by the edge of the small bed, and went to asleep.

Julianna heard Gabriel come in. She had hoped he would come to her and tell her everything would be alright. Instead he went to sleep facing away from her.

When Julianna woke early the next morning, Gabriel was already gone. She laid there for a while thinking about last night's wonderful lovemaking as all the same questions came back to her. Determined, if it was about Angel she would make him forget about her. And if it was her . . . well, she would get better with practice.

Julianna had found that she enjoyed helping Barry, and had no intentions of stopping just because Gabriel was back in camp. She climbed out of bed realizing she was sore from their lovemaking and slowly dressed, brushed her hair up into a bun, and went out the door headed to the cook's shack.

Julianna had just cleaned up from the breakfast rush when Gabriel walked in, and sat at his usual table in the back corner. He watched her work as Barry brought him some breakfast. He visioned her cleaning dishes in their own home with their children under foot.

He knew he needed to apologize for last night when he had run out on her. Having finished his breakfast, Gabriel walked up behind Julianna and quietly said, "Let's go for a walk."

Gabriel's warm breath on Julianna's delicate neck instantly ignited a fire inside her. As she laid the dish cloth down she nodded and asked, "Do I need to tell Barry I won't be back in time to help with dinner?"

Gabriel whispered to her, "That would be a good idea because we need to talk." Nodding her head again, Julianna walked over to Barry and quietly told him she wouldn't be around to help out for dinner.

As they walked out of the cook's shack, Gabriel took hold of Julianna's hand and gently squeezed with a warm smile on his face. He was trying to ease the tension between them and it seemed to help some, as Julianna timidly smiled back.

They walked hand in hand out of the outlaw camp and up to a ridge that overlooked the valley, that held the camp's livestock. Julianna was amazed at the total amount of cattle the Phantom outlaw gang had.

"Robbing banks and stagecoaches is not the only business the Phantom outlaw gang is into. They rustle cattle, alter the brands, and then ship them off to be sold. Of course they keep some for eatin' purposes," Gabriel explained to Julianna.

Gabriel then led Julianna over to sit under a natural bluff overhang, that shaded the ground from the intense sun. He then began . . . "I'm so sorry for what I did to you last night."

At first Julianna thought he was referring to him walking out on her last night, but soon discovered he was talking about their lovemaking as he said, "It shouldn't ever of happened. I took advantage of your innocence and it won't happen again."

"You didn't take advantage of me. I knew what we was doing and I wanted you to make love to me."

"That still don't give me no right to take away your innocence, and ruin you for your future husband," Gabriel explained.

Future husband?
Julianna couldn't believe what she was hearing. "The only man I want as my husband is you!"

Not realizing he had been holding his breath, Gabriel exhaled and said sadly, "I want you too, but once I kill those men, I won't be any good to you. You deserve a better man than me."

Hurt and angry, Julianna jumped up and stormed a few feet away before she turned on him as he stood up. "What gives you the right to decide what I deserve?"

"I'm only doing what is in your best interest." Gabriel knew she would be upset, but he did not expect her to lash out at him in this way.

best interest. You have no idea what is in my best interest!"

Gabriel couldn't help but be aroused by the fire and temper in Julianna as she raged at him. Her hand swung at his face to slap him as she said, "How dare you."

But Gabriel was quick to grab her arm before she made contact. Too many years having lived on the edge, to not stay alert for all quick movements. Gabriel pulled her hard against him, and kissed her with such force it bruised her lips, but not hard enough that she didn't want more. She put her arms around Gabriel's neck, and pulled him down for another kiss. This time much gentler, as their lips parted and their tongues continued the battle.

When they came up for air, Gabriel looked into Julianna's deep green eyes as she said, "You're the
man I will ever want. I love

If there had been a turning back point, it was gone
now. The world, her father, could damn him forever, Gabriel didn't care. He wasn't going to let her go. Hoarsely, from raw emotions Gabriel said, "I love you too."



















Chapter 5

Gabriel took Julianna home and made sweet passionate love to her the rest of the late afternoon and into the early evening. He only left long enough to go see Barry about a couple steaks and baked potatoes for their supper. While he waited for Barry to cook up the steaks, Gabriel visited with some of the outlaw
s eating supper in the cook's shack.

As he was about to leave with two platefuls of food in hand, Ted walked in with his wife Ruby. Gabriel nodded hello to Ruby as Ted said, "Gabriel we head out at daybreak."

"I'll be there," was all Gabriel said to Ted, as he hurried back to Julianna with their plates of food. He did not want to ruin his good mood right now. Tomorrow morning would come soon enough . . .

Their passion momentarily satisfied and their bellies full, Gabriel sat across from Julianna at the table looking at her dressed in only his shirt. He was already getting aroused again. As he tried to keep his mind on the matter at hand he said, "I will be gone in the morning when you wake up. Ted told me over at Barry's that we leave out at daybreak."

Julianna tried not to show her fears. She wanted to be strong for him and for herself. But she knew that there was real danger in what he was about to go do. With the faintest glimmer of a tear in her green eyes she said, "How much longer must you keep doing this?"

"A little while longer.
" Was all Gabriel would say on the matter as he dug through his trunk and pulled out a .38 derringer. "I'm going to show you how to use this, and you carry it in your skirt pocket while I am gone."

"Gabriel you are scaring me. What do I need that for?"

"Just in case, baby." Gabriel played it down. "I don't expect anything to happen, but I don't want to take any chances. Angel isn't here this time to watch out for you, and I will feel better knowing you have that derringer in your pocket while I am gone."

"You had
, your
watching me?" Julianna questioned in anger.

s? Angel is not my mistress. I had her keeping watch over you because she is the best shot in this outlaw camp with a pistol, or her buffalo gun."

"If she is not your mistress, then
is she?" Julianna demanded.

Gabriel had already told Julianna too much about what he was doing here in the Phantom gang's camp. The more he told her, the more danger she and the lives of others were in. Because of that he was careful how he worded things
. "She is a messenger. We would pretend she was my woman so she could come to camp to deliver and take messages."

"And if I asked you who she was delivering messages to, would you tell me?"

Julianna was relieved to learn there had never been anything between Angel and Gabriel, but she still wasn't sure she liked Angel.

"No, it is better you don't know. For now, you just go along as being my woman, content living in an outlaw's camp, and you will be safe."

That wasn't going to be hard for Julianna, as she was happy being his woman. She would be content anywhere as long as she was with Gabriel.

Before going to bed for the night, Gabriel showed Julianna how to load and fire the .38 derringer. Making her promise that she would not leave their shack without it.

*     *     *

Upon awakening, Julianna could tell by the position of the sun that she had slept in longer than she had planned. Hurriedly she dressed and went to go help Barry in the cook's shack. Julianna didn't like the idea of putting the pistol in her skirt pocket, but she ha
d promised Gabriel she would. Grabbing it from the table, Julianna put it in her pocket as she was headed out the door.

Julianna's days while Gabriel was gone were uneventful. Majority of her daytime she spent helping Barry in the cook's shack. She would visit Ruby at the mercantile store after the breakfast rush was over, and she would read in the afternoon before supper time. By the time she made it home from cleaning up the cook's shack with Barry, she was tired and ready for bed.

*     *     *

The Phantom outlaw gang rode hard all day. They had left just before daybreak, and it now was getting dark as they stopped a couple miles away from the stagecoach road into Texas Creek.

"BJ said the stage is due to come through this area tomorrow afternoon. We will stay here until then. That way our horses will be good and rested before we hold up the stage tomorrow, just in case we need to make a fast get-a-way," Clayton explained to his outlaw gang.

"Boss, how about a couple of us go on into Texas Creek, scout around to see what's going on, and get a couple bottles of whiskey so we don't go stir crazy tonight?" Chet suggested, eager to have a drink of whiskey and a whore, and not particularly in that order.

"Not a bad idea. Levi, Tate, you two go. But don't draw attention to yourselves and don't stick around long," Clayton ordered, knowing it was ill advised to send Chet into town. Chet was the youngest of the outlaw gang members, and still had a lot to learn.

"Boss why can't I go?" Chet was not ready to give up hope of going to Texas Creek yet.

"Because BJ also said there is a Calvary regiment roaming around, and I don't need you screwing this up by getting drunk and in a fight, and then thrown in jail. I need every man here to be able to carry off the gold that is going to be on that stagecoach," Clayton said with finality, not leaving it open for anymore discussion.

Clayton was a little worried about what BJ had said about the Calvary roaming around lately. With BJ owning the Wolf's Den Saloon, he was in the perfect place to learn the gossip and going-ons around the town in Colorado City.

Clayton often paid BJ and Brent Saunders, the telegraph operator, to keep him informed of the local news and shipments of gold and payroll money transported in the area. It had been a profitable business decision paying them a percentage of the take.

The story BJ told was that the Calvary was looking to crack down on all the outlaw gangs in the area. This said to Clayton that his hideout was going to be full and busy for a while till things settled down and the Calvary left the area.

This also meant that Clayton was going to need more supplies shipped into the Phantom gang's camp, and to do that he needed more money. If they could pull off this robbery then he would be set for a while.

The rest of the gang started setting up camp as Levi and Tate rode off in the direction of Texas Creek. By the time they got back with the whiskey, the supper of ham and beans, and biscuits was ready.

With his supper Gabriel had a few swigs of whiskey, but refused to drink any after that. He knew
were the ones the Calvary was really looking for, and he wanted to stay alert throughout the night. All because he had kidnapped Julianna, the governor's daughter. If the gang found out who she was, both of them would be dead.

*     *     *

The gang lounged around their temporary camp most of the morning. They cleaned and reloaded their pistols, and brushed and checked the hooves of their horses. Saddled up, they headed out after they finished dinner of left over ham and beans.

The outlaw gang stayed concealed in a tree covered draw close to the road, while they waited for the stagecoach that was carrying the gold shipment. Not too far away up on a mountain ridge, Levi was scouting the area, and kept watch for the coming stagecoach when he spotted a Calvary regiment in the far distance headed their way. "Oh hell!" And as he looked back towards the stage road, he saw the stagecoach coming in the distance too. "And here comes the stage." Levi raced down the mountain
to the outlaw gang, and spurred his horse up to Clayton.

"What in tarnation lit the fire
under your ass?" Clayton asked trying not to show his concern.

"The stage is coming, but that's not all. Over on the other side of that mountain in the distance is a Calvary regiment headed this way!" Levi pointed in the direction of the mountain ridge he had kept watch on.

Gabriel spoke up then, "Looks like we better pass on this one."

"No. We're taking that coach! Just no shooting unless we have to. Now let's go!" Clayton ordered as he raced off to the road, while the r
est of the outlaw gang followed. Gabriel wished he was anywhere else right now. If just one shot is fired, that regiment will be on them like fleas on a hound dog. The only advantage they would have is that their horses were fresh, whereas the Calvary probably had been riding since sunup.

As the stagecoach neared, the outlaw gang stepped their horses out into the road with their guns drawn, hoping their large numbers would call the stage driver's bluff. It didn't work though, as the man riding shotgun wasn't about to give up without a fight
, and started shooting at the outlaw gang, before they were within good shooting range.

Gabriel hated to see a good man killed, but it was better if it was just one killed than possibly all the passengers on the stagecoach. It was a judgment call he hated to make, but he didn't
see he had a choice as he said, "Alex, drop him!"

All the gang members could shoot good, but Alex had one thing in common with Angel. She was an expert shot. Taking careful aim, she shot the man right in the heart just before the stagecoach drive
r pulled the horses to a halt.

The gang was almost in a panic now as they knew those shots would bring the Calvary at a run. "Throw down that strongbox o
f gold!" A couple of the outlaw gang members yelled, and waved their guns to emphasize their impatience.

The stagecoach driver threw down the strongbox of gold dust and nuggets
, while some of the gang members climbed down from their horses. They shot the lock off the strongbox and put the bags of gold into everyone's saddlebags. The Calvary had already topped the mountain, and was headed down their way at full speed . . . Seeing the Calvary was already too close for comfort, the Phantom outlaw gang took off as fast as their horses would carry them. 

*     *     *

Back at the Phantom outlaw camp, Julianna was sitting, reading one of her books when all of a sudden she felt very anxious. She wondered why? Was it Gabriel? Was he okay? She couldn't shake this feeling the rest of the afternoon. Even while she helped Barry in the cook's shack that evening it gnawed at her. She had no idea Gabriel was literally running for his life at the moment . . .

*     *     *

The Phantom outlaw gang rode hard till their horses were getting winded, forcing them to slow down. Having started on fresh horses, the outlaw gang did gain some ground on the Calvary unit that was chasing them. It wasn't much though, maybe a half hour, if that. As they came to a stream, they quickly watered their horses and pressed on at a steady fast pace.

The army did have one advantage. Each of their horses did not have to carry an extra 50 pounds of weight in gold. Luckily for the gang, their horses were use to long hours of hard riding with little or no food and rest.

With the sun almost gone, it will force the Calvary to slow their pace as they try to follow the outlaw's tracks in the dark. Levi was leading the pack, and Gabriel hoped that Levi had some of his tracking tricks planned for their hasty return to the Phantom outlaw's hideout.

To Gabriel's relief, Levi obviously had planned ahead. He led them up into streams often to come back out on the same side they went in at, just much further upstream. Gabriel even swore Levi was taking them the wrong way one time, but when they came out near a rock ledge that he recognized in the moonlight, Gabriel never doubted Levi again.

The horses were getting really tired, so the outlaw gang now had the horses going at a slow pace. Gabriel knew Levi had gained them at least a couple hours, if not more. Even though there was moonlight, it would be hard for the Calvary to track them in the dark on land they did not know, and where the tracks just disappeared . . .

*     *     *

The moon had disappeared as daybreak was only minutes away. All night Julianna tossed and turned as sleep eluded her. Restless, Julianna climbed out of the small bed, dressed and went outside for a walk. She hadn't made it far from their shack when she looked up to see the gang's horses coming into camp. The horse's heads hung low in exhaustion as the men's heads hung down in sleep from the long grueling ride.

Just then the camp dog started barking, waking the outlaw camp
, and the sleeping outlaws on their worn-out stumbling horses. Gabriel was so happy when he opened his eyes to see Julianna rushing towards him. When he slowly climbed off his big horse he fell into her open arms as she hungrily kissed him.

"I'm so glad you are back here safe. I've been worried sick all night, ever since I got thi
s feeling yesterday afternoon," Julianna said as she hugged and kissed Gabriel again.

"We had the Calvary
on our heels the whole way back," Gabriel told Julianna in exhaustion. "If it wasn't for Levi's smarts, we may not have gotten away."

"Oh Gabriel!" Julianna hugged him so tight, she never wanted to let him go again. "Come on, let's get you to bed." Julianna took the horse's reins from Gabriel and led them both back to their shack. She left the horse hitched out front as she guided Gabriel inside and closed the door.

BOOK: Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series)
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