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Authors: T.S. MCKINNEY

OVERTIME (3 page)

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Riley smiled. “I really think that should do it. I can’t wait to see your boys wearing nothing but some itsy bitsy panties and our jerseys. I’m pretty certain that should make our fans happy, as well.” Riley leaned across the table. “What sordid punishment do you have planned for the Kentucky boys…not that we will have anything to worry about? We are so going to kill you guys on the court.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Definitely,” Dick countered. “We are fucking Kentucky! You know we’re basketball gods, right?”

Colton rolled his eyes. “That’s what we’ve heard.” His eyes flickered back to Jagger, pinning him with a hungry gaze that nobody in the room would be able to ignore or deny. “I
think sometimes the desire to win can overcome a mountain of obstacles. I guess we will end up seeing who has the biggest desire to win, won’t we?”

“What’s it going to be, Montgomery? Like Jagger said, we have a late night practice scheduled.” Riley didn’t care for the way Colton was eye-fucking his point guard…or the way Jagger was squirming like he was a bitch riding a nice, hard cock.

“When Florida Gulf beats Kentucky…I get a date, twenty four fun-filled hours long, with your point guard,

Silence hung heavy over the room, every Kentucky mouth gaping wide open in disbelief. Colton was looking even more arrogantly confident than usual. Aubrey was smirking so he must not have been shocked by the announcement. Dick looked like steam was about to burst right out of his ears. Riley looked deep in thought but an ugly frown marred his forehead. Jagger looked…green.

He couldn’t have heard him right. He did not just say he wanted a date with him. He did not just say that in front of every damned person in that room. He…he just did not

“Hell, Jag, I didn’t know you…I didn’t know you swung that way,” Dick mumbled, finally breaking the silence. Maybe he didn’t realize he did it…maybe he did…but he eased his chair a couple of inches away from Jagger’s side.

“Shut the fuck up, Dickerson!” Riley hissed.

At the same time, Jagger said, “I…I don’t.”

“This isn’t the fucking flesh trade, Montgomery. It’s supposed to be fun and games, just a way to try and humiliate the losers. If you think for one minute that I’m going to give you one of my players to do…to do whatever the fuck you want with him, you’re fucking insane! What the hell, man? You damned well better be joking.” Riley was furious and everybody in the room knew it.

Colton looked like he could care less how furious Riley was. He looked like a man who wanted something and intended to have it. There was a look of hunger in his eyes that made one think he’d waited for this particular opportunity for far too long. The promises lurking in those orbs made Jagger feel nervous and warm all over.

“Hell, Riley, I’m not asking to fuck him center court in front of everybody. It’s just a date…a nice dinner and some G-rated entertainment.” Colton leaned up and placed his elbows on the table. “What? Are you suddenly afraid you might actually lose? I thought you Kentucky
boys didn’t have anything at all to worry about? Our tiny little Cinderella team doesn’t have a fucking chance against the Wildcats, do we? What’s all the whining and crying about?” His green eyes glittered with a challenge.



Chapter 3



Sure, it had been less than twenty-four hours since he’d come face to face with Colton Montgomery for the first time in four years, but he’d managed to think of nothing
Colton Montgomery every moment he was awake. He thought of the way Colton’s emerald eyes had looked at him so intently that he felt like the man could dig into his soul, see all his secrets, know all the things he didn’t want people to know. Dick had described it as ‘dude, Colton Montgomery just spent the last thirty minutes eye-fucking you’ and then summed it up with ‘and he wants to fuck you’—typical Dick.

He’d thought he was prepared, thought he’d managed to build up an immunity against the rich prick that had stunned him years ago, but the second he’d walked through the door and saw him, every protective barrier he’d worked so hard to build over the years disintegrated with one lusty smirk from Colton. Fuck, he was in so much trouble. Riley knew

One look in Riley’s eyes and Jagger didn’t have the first doubt that Riley knew he was attracted to Colton—
for Colton. His captain had given him a sympathetic look. It was as if he had somehow figured out that Jagger had always had the hots for a boy way out of his league and now, fucking now, when he didn’t need any distractions,
boy decided it would be fun to tease the poor kid—make him think he was wanted for something other than…hell, what was he good for if it wasn’t going to be sex? He’d never given himself to another man. Actually, Colton was the only man he’d ever looked at with those thoughts dancing around in his head. He’d fucked a handful of women over the years and enjoyed it…just enough to get the job done. There had never been the first doubt in his mind about his sexuality until Colton-fucking-Montgomery’s ten words. Fuck!

The basketball hit him square in the chest, bouncing away and damn near knocking the breath out of him. “Shit, sorry, Riley. I was going over some plays in my head. I’m good. I swear.” Thank the fuck they were just in warm-ups before the championship game.
We Will Rock You
was blasting over the speakers because that song never got old when it came to championship games, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. Championship games were always a bundle of excitement—add a Cinderella story into it, and the people and media ate it up. Shit,
even half the state of Kentucky
hoped Florida Gulf would win or at least make a good showing.

What the fuck did they know
? They didn’t have any idea what was on the line…how their winning might damn well destroy him. Sure, it was all fun and games for Colton Montgomery, but it was his fucking self-esteem, pride, and sanity up on the auction block.

“Get your head out of your ass, Jag. I’m going to need you at one hundred percent tonight if we plan on winning this game.” His hands flung around the arena. “The entire crowd is either openly pulling for Florida Gulf or secretly hoping they win. I feel like we’re up against everybody in this fucking arena and my fucking point guard has his head shoved all the way up his own fucking ass!” Yeah, his tirade ended with a scream. That was Riley for you - he hated to lose. Well…correction - he didn’t like losing but if everybody played their
, he could take it. When they lost because one or more of them
‘had their head up their fucking asses’
, he completely lost it.

He was already losing it.

“My head isn’t up my ass, Riley. I’m good. When the whistle blows, I’m going to shove this ball all the way up Colton Montgomery’s arrogant fucking ass.” He gave Riley a fist bump, hoping that was a normal action. He’d seen others on the team doing it

“I hope so, Jag. If not, I’m afraid he’s planning on shoving something else up yours.” Riley crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Jagger, waiting for a reaction…any reaction. He wasn’t disappointed. Well, he was disappointed because he was fucking certain that without their point guard playing top notch, they were damn well going to get beat, but, on the other hand, some life in the kid’s eyes was something to see. Finally

“There’s no need to be gross, man. I’m ready. Colton Montgomery will
score the first point tonight; mark my words.”

Riley rolled his eyes. “I don’t necessarily think its gross, but I don’t think it’s what you’ve got penciled into that fucking life-plan that you’ve had since day-fucking-one.” He shoved another basketball against Jagger’s chest. “I’ll hold you to that promise of him not scoring any points, Jag…just don’t let him do the same to you.”

The warning buzzer sounded before Jagger could respond (and question the ‘not necessarily gross’ statement) and the crowd went absolutely nuts. This was it. Championship game—it would look awesome on any resume he sent out. If they won…no,
they won, he could
probably pick which accounting firm in Kentucky he wanted to work at. It all came down to this night.

Even after he’d promised himself he wouldn’t do it, his eyes drifted to the other end of the court and immediately found his adversary. Colton Montgomery, in all his fucking, glorious, arrogant, rich beauty was staring right back, a confident smile curving his lush lips. He offered a wave and wink. Jagger flipped him off and headed to his bench.

Colton was going down tonight. When this night was over, he would never have to hear that name again or see his handsome face. As Riley had said—he could get right back on track with his life-plan. Sure, everybody made fun of him and his need to stick to the rules and follow a plan, but everybody hadn’t lived the shit-show he’d barely survived as a child. If they had, they would have understood the necessity of him having a plan and sticking to it as if his very life depended on it. Hell, it very well could.

Two hours and thirty seven minutes later, Jagger had held Colton to zero points, just as he’d predicted but they were still smack dab at the end of their second overtime…with the fucked-up referees just calling a technical foul against Kentucky and a technical foul against Florida Gulf. The score was currently tied with no minutes left in the second overtime. Both teams had to hit their technical free throw in order to head into overtime number three.

Riley and their coach were screaming at the referees at the tip top of their lungs and were probably going to get another technical slapped against them if they didn’t shut the fuck up. Dickerson, who had had the worst fucking game in his entire career, had clearly close-lined one of Florida Gulf’s players—they’d earned their technical. He hadn’t seen what the Florida Gulf player had done that had earned them their technical foul, but he didn’t really care if it was a fair call or not. He had too much riding on them winning.

One glance over revealed that Colton looked as smoothly smug as ever. Tough shit to him. Riley would shoot their technical shot and Riley didn’t miss a free throw. Worst case scenario, they went into their third overtime. Best case, whoever shot the technical free throw for Florida Gulf would miss and the game would be over and he would finally be able to breathe again. Shit, he hadn’t been able to grab a good breath since the first fucking buzzer. He’d managed to score twelve points (half of what he usually put on the boards), but Colton’s hard body continuously brushing up against him and his stupid sexual innuendos taunting him every chance
he got…yeah, it had wreaked havoc on his…well, on his everything. This night needed to end before he had a nervous breakdown in front of thousands and thousands.

“Florida Gulf Coast will be shooting their technical foul shot first!” The announcer called out over the intercom. “The team has chosen Colton Montgomery, their team captain, to take the shot!”

Jagger wanted him to miss so fucking badly. He wanted the peace of mind that he would never have to face the bastard again and he wanted the arrogant prick to get embarrassed in front of the crowd. To be perfectly honest, he wanted every bad thing (other than death or serious maiming) to happen to him about right now.

The fucking asshole turned around, stared him down, and shot another fucking wink in his direction. Bastard!

Standing at the free throw line, as relaxed as if he was only in a regular season practice, Colton Montgomery took the ball from the ref, took a couple of bounces, and launched it in the air…

“Nothing but net!” The announcer screamed. Traitor! Every fucking person in the stadium was turning out to be a traitor. Cinderella story his fucking ass!

“Riley Thompson, captain for Kentucky, has been chosen to shoot the technical for the Wildcats, folks. Let’s go ahead and put this out there—he’s one hundred percent for the season with his free throws!”

Riley walked past him, offering him a firm slap on the ass as he went by, and sauntered to the free throw line, just as atrociously arrogant as Colton had been. Jagger felt a smile tug at his lips. Two of Florida Gulf’s starters had fouled out during the last overtime. Without those guys, the Wildcats would wipe the floor with them in the third overtime.

“You’ve got this, Riley!” Dickerson yelled and then sent the crowd his ugliest snarl because they were screaming and stomping the floor—it was loud enough to wake the dead as they tried to do anything to distract Riley from his goal.

“You okay, Jagger?” Dickerson asked when he finally turned his attention away from the crowd. “Riley never misses, you know.”


He missed. He fucking missed. He fucking missed the free throw. He fucking missed his first fucking free throw of the fucking season.




Chapter 4



Two weeks later, Jagger was still having nightmares about Riley’s free throw not finding its mark for the first time ever. Two weeks of hearing Colton’s stupid threat about fucking him hard dance around in his head. Two weeks of wondering and worrying about what his ‘date’ would be like. Two weeks of pure hell. Two weeks of excited anticipation that he would deny to his dying day.

While he’d been tormenting himself with all the worries about what Colton had planned for him, stroking his cock each and every night with
‘fuck you hard, Wildcat’
floating around in his head, he’d also managed to ace all his finals, graduate, and find a job with a very prestigious accounting firm that offered him a salary that he never in his life dreamed of getting. Seven days—that’s all he had to wait before he started his new job. He’d planned on this day, dreamed of this day forever, and it was finally within his grasp. So why was he only thinking about Colton and their stupid fake date?

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