Owned by the Yakuza: A Japanese Mafia Bad Boy Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Owned by the Yakuza: A Japanese Mafia Bad Boy Romance
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Hide laughed. “Someone needs to listen to you girls, after all, the clients only know how to talk about themselves and wouldn’t be able to tell if a woman was troubled if their lives depended on it.”

I smiled and shrugged. “It just sucks being the new girl.”

Hide nodded. “Don’t worry, they’ll warm up to you soon enough.”

“I won’t be here that long anyway,” I added under my breath and took a sip of wine.










The bar formally known as Typhoon, the one that had been firebombed by the Shimazu-kai, was finally reopened. In the few weeks that had passed, we hired a new manager, paid out the employees to keep them quiet, and had the bar completely renovated.

“Imperial?” I looked at the sign.

Masaru nodded. “Yes, English names get the locals all excited.”

I shrugged and walked in. “Sure, sounds good to me.” The bell chimed and the door swung shut behind us.

Tatsuya and Kaoru were sitting in the corner. The same quiet corner that we had always sat at. It felt strange being here without Kenichi and for a second, I missed my brother. He’d be sending me pictures from the wedding soon, I was sure.

Instead of focusing on those useless emotions, I took charge of the meeting. “Where’s Yuji?”

“Food poisoning, apparently,” Tatsuya said with a shrug. “Seriously, that guy has no luck.”

“Ok, everyone else, report.”

I listened as everyone took turns talking about what was going on in the business. The Shimazu-kai were beginning to move again, and that made me nervous. I didn’t want to face anything without Kenichi by my side. Of course, I couldn’t admit that. I kept my face neutral as they informed me.

“What about you?” Tatsuya asked.

I was surprised he even bothered to ask. Most of them weren’t interested in my desk work. That was unless Tatsuya wasn’t drunk enough to forget the conversation we had the other morning. Damn him, trying to make me feel included, when I knew full well that I had nothing interesting to report on.

Wait, I did. My heart skipped a beat, thinking of Oriana.

“Two nights ago I found some old files in the office, and someone owed us money for years and were somehow forgotten about.”

“Ooh. Please tell me you broke his legs.”

“No, no, that’s too kind. Threatened him didn’t you? Cut off a finger?”

I braced myself as they continued to fire off punishments, each worse than the last. “No, not quite,” I said. The excitement deflated.

“Then what?” Tatsuya asked, eyeing me hard over his glass of beer.

“I went to the apartment on file and it turns out that the man who owed us money just died in a car accident.”

Kaoru laughed. “Karma.”

“But,” I went on, ignoring his outburst. “He does have a daughter and she’s going to have to pay the debt. She’s in university– ”

Tatsuya leaned in, cutting me off. “Ohh, a daughter huh? Want me to go take care of it?”

“Actually,” I said, feeling the satisfaction rise in my blood. “I already did. She’s going to be working off the debt in the hostess club in Shibuya.”

Everyone was silent for a second.

“Working it off?” Kaoru repeated. “People don’t do that. She needs to pay up, now. Or else, well, you know.”

I frowned. “You know, we can get our money back without threatening to kill people, Kaoru.”

“That’s no fun.” Tatsuya chimed in.

I glared at him. “If we murder everyone who owes us money, how the hell do expect to get it back, idiot?”

Tatsuya’s face went red. He set his glass down and got up from the table. “Excuse me.” He stalked off, ripping the bar door open and slamming it behind him.

Everyone was quiet for a second, staring at their drinks.

“Her debt will be paid off in no time,” I added. “She’s a beautiful girl, a million yen can easily be made in a few weeks.” I found myself defending my decisions yet again. If it had been Kenichi, then no one would have questioned it.

I hesitated and then sighed, getting up and following Tatsuya outside. He was leaned against his motorcycle and smoking as usual.

Tatsuya looked up and then avoided my eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I started.

Tatsuya held up a hand to silence me. “Please, don’t apologize. You’re right. I shouldn’t have questioned your methods.” He grinned. “So, is she hot? Let’s go get a look at this girl.”


The club was busy for a Tuesday night.

The hostess at the front door bowed deeply when we arrived. “Hello Himura-san, would you all like the usual room in the VIP section?” She looked at me to Kaoru, Masaru, and her eyes lingered when they stopped at Tatsuya.

“Yes, please.”

We went upstairs. Our room was prepared, comfortable seating with sake on ice. The lighting was dim and we had a view of the main area below us. I took a seat near the balcony so I could look down into the bar.

There was a burst of fiery red hair on the main floor. I watched as Oriana sat amongst a group of salarymen, one of them was telling a story and they were all laughing. Oriana seemed to be guiding the conversation while pouring sake into empty cups. The men flocked to her as I knew they would. Her tips alone could cover the debt in no time.

Sora and one of the other hostesses came in to keep us company. Sora made a point of sitting beside me. “Good evening, Himura-san. How are you doing tonight?”

“Good,” I said. For the first time since I had known her, I found her presence to be too much. When she turned her attention to Kaoru, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“So, where’s this girl of yours, Tadao?” Tatsuya asked.

I felt Sora tense and she glared at me out of the corner of her eye. I ignored it. “She’s down by the bar.” I gestured over the balcony. “She isn’t going to be entertaining VIPs.” I laughed and that seemed to appease Sora’s jealousy.

Tatsuya and Masaru stood up, leaving the hostess who had joined them on the sofa. I didn’t miss her disappointed expression.

“Wow, is that her? The gaijin?” Tatsuya whistled.

Sora clenched her teeth.

“Yes, that’s her. Though, technically she was born here so I don’t think she’d like you calling her a foreigner.”

“Hair the colour of the setting sun,” Masaru mused. “Amazing.” He looked over his shoulder. “Hey,” He said to the hostess he had abandoned. “Go get her, save her from those drunk commoners. I want to meet this girl.”

The hostess hurried off, muttering curses under her breath.

I sighed.

“Typical,” Sora hissed.

“Excuse me?” I looked at her.

“Can I speak to you privately, Himura-san?” Sora asked me, standing up.

I didn’t feel like I had much of a choice. “I guess if you’re going to be that way.” I followed her out of the VIP lounge and to the hallway. “What’s up?” I asked, once I was sure we wouldn’t be overheard.

Sora blinked, fighting off frustrated tears. “That girl can’t keep working here!”

“Oriana?” I asked.

“Of course, Oriana!” Sora whispered angrily. “She’s taking business away from us, we’re not getting any tips with her around. The men can’t get enough of her.” She rolled her eyes.

“She won’t be here long,” I said. “And the customers will get tired of her soon enough, she’s just a novelty right now.”

Sora seethed. “Is she a novelty for you?”

“What?” I blinked, taking a step back. “It’s all business to me.”

Sora pursed her lips. “Somehow, I highly doubt that.”

I gritted my teeth. “Sora-chan, what the hell do you want me to say? I can’t help it if you're jealous over this new girl. It’s just business. Get over it!”

Sora’s mouth hung open. I realized then, that I had never yelled at one of the hostesses before. In a fit, I had lost control of my usually calm demeanor.

“I’m sorry,” I sighed. “I’m just very stressed out right now, with Kenichi being on vacation, and all.”

Sora hesitated and then touched my cheek softly. “It’s ok, Himura-san. I’ll let you and your little exotic firebird be alone for now. Call me when the novelty wears off.” She smirked and walked back into the VIP lounge.

I rested my head against the wall, tapping it. “I’m such an idiot,” I muttered.

“Well, most men are when it comes to these things.”

I opened my eyes at the sound of Oriana’s voice. I prayed that she didn’t hear the argument. If she did, it didn’t show in her expression.

Oriana leaned against the wall beside me. For being several hours into her shift, she still looked lively and sober. Too many hostesses had a hard time saying no when clients bought them shots. The navy dress she wore was riding up her thighs after walking upstairs.

I caught a glimpse of her milky skin and my body flooded with lust. The office was just a few doors down, maybe we could get a few minutes alone together.

“I can see something is troubling you, what is it?” Oriana shot me a line straight from the hostess handbook.

I smirked and shook my head. “That won’t work on me.”

“No?” Oriana fluttered her long eyelashes at me and edged closer. “Then maybe this will.” She brushed her lips against my neck. “Are you ready to take tonight’s payment, Himura-san?”










Tadao was fierce. As soon as the words left my mouth, he seized me and carried me to the office. He flung open the door and locked it behind us. Tadao twisted me around and unzipped my dress with one quick jerk.

I leaned into him close as he kissed my neck, mixing kisses with small bites. Shivers went through me and goosebumps erupted over my skin. Finally, I would be able to experience all of him. No one would dare question him or why we were together alone in his office for so long. I leaned back against the desk and kicked off my shoes.

Tadao’s eyes worked up and down my body. He stepped forward, plunging towards my full breasts. He squeezed with one hand and sucked on the other, biting and prodding until my skin was red.

The pain was electrifying. He was so good at administering punishment and pleasure. Suddenly he stopped. He took a step back and motioned to me.

I understood his silent command. Slowly, I undressed him. First the black blazer, it was heavy with cash and weapons. I draped it over the chair. Then I unbuttoned his shirt, taking my time with every one and leaving butterfly kisses on his exposed skin.

As the white fabric was pulled away, his yakuza tattoos were revealed, covering his back with vibrant colours. I pressed my fingertips over the irezumi of tsunami waves and dragons that reached to his sides, admiring the hard defined muscles underneath. Then I knelt down and unbuckled his belt, working slowly at his lower half until he was entirely naked.

Now I felt too covered, even though I was only in a lace bra and panties. I awaited his instructions, my mouth watering for his cock.

“Good girl,” Tadao chuckled. “This isn’t your first time doing this, is it?”

I blushed. “First time in real life, actually.” I had imagined doing this a million times alone in my bedroom but never had I had a sex partner that completed me like he did.

“Really?” Tadao took my hand and lifted me back up to his level. His erection grazed against my navel.

I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe.

Tadao pressed himself against me. His hands grazed over my lower back and clenched my ass tightly. Then they roamed back up, his fingers walking up to my bra and opening it with a snap of elastic. He didn’t back away, our bodies still fused together.

I was trembling with anticipation. Where had he come from? He wasn’t a yakuza. He was a freakin’ sex god. I couldn’t think of any experience I had ever had that was as sexy as this. The feeling of his breath against the hollow of my throat was enough to make me squirm.

Tadao held onto my hips, walking backward and sitting on the chair across from the desk. His nipples hardened as his body hit the cold leather.

I squeezed my legs together. I could feel the wetness seeping through my panties.

“Take those off and get on me.” He commanded.

I nodded dumbly, pulling my panties down and moving to his lap, straddling his legs.

Tadao grabbed my ass, lifting me up and positioning me above his cock. He teased me, moving the head up and down my slit and pushing against my clit. Without warning, he thrust up into me with one clean movement.

I shrieked, biting down on my lip as my pussy was stretched open savagely. He didn’t move, leaving me trembling, impaled on his shaft. I opened my eyes. He was staring at me, waiting for a signal that I was ok. He wouldn’t break the mood by asking. I fluttered my eyelashes, nodding discretely.

“Come on then, fuck this cock that you love so much.”

His voice made the fire spread within me. My skin was hot and sensitive; every touch was overpowering. I rode his cock, moving up and down his length slowly, and then faster and faster with every stroke.

BOOK: Owned by the Yakuza: A Japanese Mafia Bad Boy Romance
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