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Authors: J.a Melville

Passion After Dark (5 page)

BOOK: Passion After Dark
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The small satisfaction for Dominick as he spent the next few hours watching his bellezza as she drank with her friend and danced once more was the fact that he could tell by
the way her eyes frequently scanned the crowds and he noted the pensive look on her face that she wanted him back every bit as badly as he wanted to go to her, but he couldn’t, not yet, not now.


I spent the next few hours at the night club just wanting to go home. Cassie thought I was crazy and had been drinking too much and that I must have hallucinated a man, something she seemed to find hilarious if the peals of laughter were any indication.

For the umpteenth time I tried to tell her again abo
ut the man whose appearance in my life if only briefly was going to be burned into my brain for all eternity. He was the most stunning example of the male form I’d ever laid eyes on and that was all I could think about, getting laid by him but sadly that wasn’t going to happen now. Like it or not, he was gone, chased off by my bloody house mate who was still giggling at me in her more than tipsy state as she drank her sixth Baileys and Ice.

If he was so damned good looking Allie and seemed into you if he was holding you, then why did he run off? I’m serious, I never saw him. Are you sure he was really there?”

I gave her another withering look. “
I’d only had two drinks by then and even now, I’m not drunk, I can remember what happened and trust me, a man that looked like him is not something you forget in a hurry but he left and I don’t know where he went. I have no phone number for him or anything, just his name.”

Well what was his name again? Maybe we can ask around or look him up in the phone book. You might get lucky.” Cassie said, her voice sounding a little slurred from the alcohol.

God I wish.” I muttered to myself. Get lucky I meant. God dammit, the first man in ages I’d had any real interest in and he was gone. It was depressing just thinking about it. “I want to go home, are you ready to leave?” I asked hoping desperately that she would say yes. I just wanted to get home so I could wallow in self pity and spend some time with my back up boyfriend which was one of the names I had for my vibrator. Normally I had a good relationship with it but tonight I wanted him, I wanted Dominick to be the one making me come, not my battery operated boyfriend.

Of course I could say that now but I
’d never really been one for leaping into bed with a man on the first date. My encounter with Mr Dark and Mysterious could hardly be called a date so even less reason for me to jump the man’s bones after having just met, but something about him made me want to forget the rules of dating I normally had and throw caution to the wind and have a one night stand. Even though inside I suspected one night would never be enough with a man like him.

Oh come on Allie. You’re making me depressed now. There’s no good men here tonight so let’s head home to our vibrators, shall we?” She grinned at me and I couldn’t help laughing at her bubbly enthusiasm even if we were both just facing some time spent with our plastic boyfriends.

We finished off the last of our drinks and I carefully stood up, hitching my dress down to a decent level i
f just below my ass could be classed as decent and with a final glance around the room, wishing desperately that Dominick would suddenly show before me again, I followed Cassie out of the night club to where a line of waiting taxis were.

Just as I was abo
ut to climb in, I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched and I scanned the darkened car park and the grounds surrounding the club but in the darkness I could see nothing. With a stab of disappointment I followed Cassie into the taxi, my heart heavy with the realization that I would probably never see the god like creature that I had had my brief encounter with.



Dominick watched his bellezza with her loud friend for the next few hours and as he watched her expression and her body l
anguage as the evening wore on, he had to fight the strong urge to go to her when he saw her expression become more and more sad. She still scanned the room sometimes and he knew she was looking for him. The attraction, the pull to her was obviously as strong for her as it was for him, which proved to him even more that they were destined for one another.

Now all he had to do was not lose sight of her and get her alone because what he had planned for her was to be a very private thing.

When he saw her and her friend finally stand up to leave, he quickly exited the nightclub, moving with his usual speed, agility and stealth so he wouldn’t be seen by anyone but especially not Allegra. He didn’t want her to know he’d never left the club. The time to approach her again had to be very carefully thought out as he was not going to let her get away again without first sampling her life force. He had to do it to start preparing her for the bonding of their minds and bodies but he needed to do it for him too because he wanted her so badly and he knew, he knew by her scent alone that she was going to be unlike anything he’d ever had before.

He had himself safely tucked away in the shadows watching for her when they both finally stepped from the night club, heading for
the first taxi in the line up and he smiled to himself when he saw his bella stop and her eyes move around as if looking for someone. She couldn’t see him, he was too well hidden for that but it only served to prove that their connection was far stronger than she realised because it was obvious that she sensed him, that she somehow knew he was nearby.

Once she was in the taxi and it started to pull away, he took off after it, determined that he was not going to lose sight of her until he had tracked her t
o her home. It was going to be easy for him to do anyway as there was no way the taxi with it’s near half a million kilometres on it could ever out run him.

With a grin at himself and his cocky
behaviour, he began to follow the car, his eyes locked on it until after about 15 minutes it finally pulled up outside an older style but very large two storey home in a quiet neighbourhood.

Again he felt that sense of satisfaction when he saw her look around when she climbed out of the taxi. This was going to be e
asier than he thought as she was already so connected to him, so aware of him. Well, she might not be aware that it was him she was sensing but she was certainly aware that someone or something was watching her, even though he knew she was questioning what she was feeling all the same.

Now he knew where she lived, the pressure was off a bit and he could settle in to wait for the perfect chance to approach her again but in the meantime he decided he would just watch her for a little while tonight and see wh
at she did, if she dreamt of him but he would make sure he headed for his own home before sunrise. It was just easier to remember his limitations sometimes. To not overdo things he thought, as his fingers rubbed without conscious thought against the barcode tattoo on his neck, the tattoo that he’d seen her looking at with curiosity earlier. If she only knew what it meant, would she still have been happy to stay in his arms? Would she still have become aroused at being near him? Would she still have called him beautiful?

She would find out soon enough and he hoped that by the time she did, his hold over her would be too great for it to affect the way she felt. T
hat tattoo represented his freedom as well as his protection and one day soon she too would wear the same tattoo but not yet. There was much to do, before she was ready for that.

He closed his eyes briefly
as his senses were suddenly filled with thoughts of her, with her scent and he knew he had to get closer to her. The lights were on upstairs in the house and silently he climbed up until he was able to get up close to her window and look inside. He already knew what she was doing before he got to her window but he needed the visual to go with what he could hear and with one glance at her, his cock turned as hard as stone in his black jeans and he knew he couldn’t watch her doing what she was doing without joining in the only way he could. As he watched her, he reached down and popped open his jeans, reaching in to grab his rock hard dick and closed a hand firmly around it.



Once Cassie and I got inside the house we both said good night as neither of us seemed interested in prolonging the evening.

It had been an evening of mixed emotions for me. I guess I hadn’t had to put up with any octopus men, well not really bad ones anyway which was nice, I think, but the one man who had piqued my interest like no man ever had and who had affected me in ways I’d never felt, had gone and the chances of encountering him again were slim and with my luck, non existent.

I knew it was going to be a poor alternative to call on my vibrator and that was a surprising revelation for me.
My B.O.B had always been my faithful companion when men were scarce but sadly I was in greater need of the real thing tonight but not just anyone, I wanted him, Dominick, fuck, even the man’s name was sexy and I said it again, letting it roll off my tongue as I savoured it. God, I was so hung up on a man I’d only known for just moments and who for all I knew could be a huge disappointment in bed or a pain in the arse to be around for any length of time.

Yeah tell yourself that often enough and you might start believing it.” I whispered as I peeled off Cassie’s borrowed dress and began my nightly ritual to prepare for bed.

slipped on my oversized t-shirt that I slept in and climbed into bed, reaching across to the bedside drawer to pull out my Clayton’s man. “The man you have when you don’t have a man.” I joked to myself.

I reached under my t-shirt and began to caress my br
easts, plucking at the nipples until they were hard and while one hand worked on them, I lowered my other hand with the vibrator until I could press it up against my clit, turning it on and gasping when the vibration immediately set of sparks of pleasure against what I called the nerve centre of my body.

I knew this wasn
’t going to take long. I’d been turned on while in the arms of Dominick and despite his disappearing act, I still wanted him and the constant thoughts of him only served to fuel my desire.

As I slowly built myself up, alternating between pressing the vibrator against my clit and burying it inside me until it was hard up against my cervix, which was another pleasure centre for me, I began to gasp and moan, shifting restlessly on the bed, my
eyes closed and my head filled with images of those stunning blue eyes and that gorgeous face watching me.

The pressure began to build inside me and finally with a cry of his name. “
Dominick.” Which I muffled in my pillow so Cassie wouldn’t hear me, I reached my orgasm, the pleasure intense and pulsing through my body, seeming to radiate out to my limbs, leaving me feeling weak and my body heavy, so heavy I couldn’t move. Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes for some reason as my body slowly came down from its release.

I dropped the vibrator to the floor and rolled over, strong emotions suddenly taking me over and I began to sob quietly, unsure why I was but assuming it was just some reaction from my orgasm and perhaps the disappointment that lingered
since it was him that I wanted in my bed, caressing me, bringing me to orgasm instead of my B.O.B. I wanted Dominick and I struggled to come to terms with how quickly that stunning beautiful looking man had made such an impression on me but partly my tears were for the realisation that I would probably never see him again.



Dominick watched his bella donna from his vantage point on the roof of the downstairs section of her home and his grip tightened even more on his cock as he heard he
r cry out as she reached her climax, his hand sliding up and down the long, thick, hard length of his shaft as he worked himself towards his own release.

He watched her roll to her side and start sobbing almost sil
ently, her tears tugging at him since he knew why she cried and over it all her sweet scent mixed in with the smell of her orgasm filled his senses driving him crazy with a desperate hunger and need and with one more almost vicious tug on his swollen cock, he exploded, pumping his cum over the tiles of Allegra’s home, his teeth gritted to stop himself crying out from the intensity of his climax and once he had stopped spurting his thick creamy release over the roof, he used his thumb and finger to squeeze the length of his cock, milking the last drops from the head of it and finally finished, he tucked himself back in his jeans and did the fly up.

He stood watching Allegra, watching her crying and fighting the urge to risk it all and go to her but he didn
’t. He simply stayed where he was, his expression tortured until she suddenly glanced up, looking straight out the window and for a moment their eyes met, or so it seemed before he lunged back, plastering himself against the wall of the upstairs level as he waited silently to see if she had seen him and would open her window.

After several minutes with nothing happening, he carefully moved back to look in on her and saw straight away that she was asleep, her cheeks still damp from the tears she
’d shed.

He stayed watching her until the early hours
of the morning, surprised at how much pleasure just the simple act of watching her sleep provided him but when he sensed that the sun was close on making its first appearance for the start of the new day, he reluctantly removed his gaze from the woman sleeping in her bed and silently and without being seen, he jumped down from the roof of her home and with a glance around him, to make sure his presence had not been detected by any of her neighbours, Dominick headed off to his home just as the sky was turning from black to grey with that first hint of dawn.

BOOK: Passion After Dark
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