Passion For Hire (Passion #5) (11 page)

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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Finally he pulled away before she could drain him and she quietened, falling back into her almost comatose state which was typical when the change was taking effect.

He raised his eyes to glare at Lucas. “What the fuck possessed you to do this? Just because she asked you to, doesn’t mean you should have done it. What the fuck will we do if she dies?

“She insisted it was for everyone’s benefit father. She sees things in her dreams and she saw this just last night she told me. She also saw a better future coming for all of us. I…I know it might be wrong but I couldn’t deny her. She made it seem so good.”

At Lucas’s words Adrian remembered how Faith had woken from a dream just this morning, and those words she’d mumbled which made no sense then, were suddenly clear to him now. She’d dreamt this change and the silly little fool had acted on it. Had she given no thought at all to what she was doing? She was getting herself changed into a fucking vampire? Why would she willingly choose to be one? It wasn’t that good as far as he was concerned. He sometimes wished his mother had never cast that spell on him when he was a baby. That she’d just let him die from the gunshot wounds he’d sustained.

“Yeah well if she doesn’t turn which can happen despite her taking the blood and she dies, she’s not going to see anything now is she? Dammit I’m too busy to deal with a baby vampire. She may have to stay here with you for a while but then her family is going to want to know where she is. Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He leapt to his feet and began to restlessly pace the room.

“I’m sorry father but Faith told me that my mother would be able to go to a place where she would be cared for, and have people around her plus I would be free, free to walk outside and not be a prisoner of my rooms any more.”

“You shouldn’t have been so quick to believe her son. She wanted something from you, so how do you know she didn’t just tell you what she thought it would take, to get her what she wanted?”

“She sounded so convincing and she’s nice. She’s beautiful in fact. Do you know if she’s involved with anyone because I would like to get to know her better?”

Adrian felt his stomach clench at Lucas’s words. Getting to know her better was probably just a nicer way of saying he wanted to fuck her. He didn’t get out of the house so he’d have to be incredibly horny. If he left Faith here for a couple of days until he figured out what to do with her, chances were they would fuck. His son would be a good match for her, but why did the thought of her with any other man, even if it was Lucas, suddenly make him feel uncomfortable?

Just then he heard a faint sigh, followed by a groan and when they both turned to look, Faith was moving her head from side to side, her eyes still shut. Her heart was now silent and already Adrian could see the effects of the change on her. Her hair looked thicker, shinier than it had already been. Her lips were plump and her skin totally blemish free, like the finest porcelain. God she was stunning but then she’d always been stunning.

Her eyes slowly opened and she blinked a few times, before a frown marred her forehead. Adrian knew she would be suffering the typical confusion felt at the early moment of conception. They went through quite a transition becoming vampire and often they were unaware what had taken place at first.

Her head turned, meeting his eyes and he watched them widen. Suddenly she sat up and looked around at her surroundings. “Adrian? What happened?” Her voice had that typical croakiness to it that they all experienced when first changed. It was from all the blood he suspected.

He dropped down alongside of her. “You’re in my home sweetheart. You came to see Katherine and my son. Do you remember asking Lucas to turn you vampire? He had problems doing so and called me. I was the one who changed you. I sired you Faith.”

She sat up and said nothing more, just looked at him for the longest time and it was amazing how becoming vampire had made her already incredibly vivid blue eyes that much more intense. They were magnificent, captivating and he couldn’t look away.

Still she sat staring at him, not moving, not speaking until without warning she lunged at him and he caught the gleam of her fangs before she bit down on his neck and began to feed.

Damn, he was hard instantly. He’d never been bitten by a woman before. It hadn’t been sexual when he’d allowed Lucas to feed from him. He was usually the one doing the biting but it was highly arousing having her feed from him as she was. He couldn’t focus on anything but the feel of her fangs in his vein and the hardness of his cock. He was aching with the need to come, and he feared he was going to lose control in his pants for a moment, until he heard someone cough uncomfortably, and looked up at his son.

Lucas was staring in fascination at them, excitement burning in his eyes, and Adrian could see he was hard too, his pants tented out from his straining cock.

Faith wasn’t showing any signs of letting up on him, sucking down his blood rapidly, and he knew, if she kept going the way she was, she’d drain him and he’d die a slow death. “Sweetheart, please, you have to stop. You will kill me if you drain me; stop.”

He braced himself ready to fight her off but she shocked him by lifting her head and grinning at him. The sight of her with fangs that dripped his blood was going to take some getting used to.

As she continued to stare at him, she suddenly growled, a low, sexy growl that went straight to his cock and she launched herself at him. “Oh fuck.” He swore.

“Father what is wrong with her?” Lucas asked.

“Have you forgotten what it’s like son? But then you were denied all that because I locked you up. When we’re changed our blood lust is hard to control but once we feed, then the blood lust is replaced by an insatiable lust for sex. We learn to be more controlled when we’ve been vampire longer, but Faith is a baby vampire and she won’t have any control. She is going to want servicing.” He eyed off Lucas. “Have you ever had sex?”

“Only a couple of times.” He admitted.

Adrian wasn’t sure how he would go having his son join in and help him service Faith, but he still couldn’t claim her as his, and maybe he could wean himself off her and her off him, by slowly handing her over to Lucas.

“Well now might be the time to further your education. Take your clothes off son.”

Lucas stared at him for a moment, as if doubtful of what he’d just heard, but then he hastily began tearing off his clothes until he was naked.

Adrian could see he had potential. He was tattooed, with a large eagle that covered his back but otherwise unadorned other than a nipple piercing. He was well built, not heavily muscled but athletic looking and he had nothing to be ashamed about down below either. His cock was big, long and with a wide mushroom shaped head which was weeping a drop of pre cum.

Lucas stripping seemed to get Faith’s attention, and she climbed off him, turning to the young man, lust in her eyes. As she watched him like the hunter eyeing off her prey, she began to strip and when she was naked, she leapt at Lucas, nearly knocking him off his feet.

Adrian felt a stab of pain at the way she so eagerly dropped him to rush to his son, and the feeling he was experiencing only seemed to increase the more he watched her. Then it hit him, what it was that bothered him; he was jealous, jealous that the woman who had claimed they were destined to be together, could so easily turn her back on him and run, or in this case jump on another man. Still he knew it was wrong, he had no right to be jealous. He’d promised her nothing. In fact all he’d done was push her away. He had no one else to blame but himself if she chose to be with his son now. The only thing he’d promised her was that they had no future together. In some ways he’d brought all this on himself; even her coming to see his son and the fact she was now vampire, was inadvertently due to him. No matter what he did, he was like the kiss of death, the dark shadow of doom. He fucked up everything, everything and everyone around him. His family should have let him die when he was shot as a baby and spared him this eternity of guilt, and the suffering he brought to all he touched. He hated what he was, and who he was; he really was nothing more than one big fuck up.

Chapter Eleven

Oh my god but these feelings surging through me now I was vampire were intense. The blood had been good even though it was cool and from Adrian rather than a warm human’s body, but I hadn’t counted on the surge of lust that was flowing through me, raging like some kind of out of control brush fire.

I wanted sex and although I wanted Adrian, becoming vampire hadn’t changed that, I found myself tempted by Lucas too. He was such a good looking young man and seeing him naked was only fuelling my desire even more.

Maybe if I fucked him a few times it would make Adrian jealous and he’d want me for himself? It was a childish way to try and win him over, but I was past caring how I did it; I just wanted to stir him up, make him realise we were destined to be together.

Lucas fell back on the bed as I threw myself at him and I climbed onto him, looking into his handsome face. I bent down and touched my lips to his and kissed him but there was nothing, no spark like there was with Adrian. I felt him start to respond, but I pulled away again, shifting down his body until his cock was standing up in front of me.

I curled both hands around him, sliding them up and down the length before flicking my thumb over the almost angry looking head. I heard him groan and when I looked into his face, his eyes were closed, his expression strained.

I bent my head and slowly took him into my mouth, working him deeper and deeper, tracing the heavy veins that stood out all over his penis, with my tongue. Lucas began to make noises in his throat and I felt his hands in my hair, restless and pushing me down more forcefully on him.

Suddenly hands cupped my buttocks and I dropped Lucas’s penis from my mouth, turning in surprise to see Adrian behind me, naked and erect. His eyes met mine briefly, and I gave him the tiniest smile before turning my attention back to Lucas.

I gasped around his penis when Adrian slammed into me, pushing me forward. He held me firmly in his big hands and began to fuck me hard and fast, the force of his hips thrusting Lucas deeper into my mouth then out again.

Within moments I heard him groan, and jerk in my mouth, just before his release pumped into my throat where I hastily swallowed it. When he collapsed back against the bed, his expression that of a man who was very well sated, I had barely released him from my mouth, when a hard, violent thrust turned all my attention back to Adrian.

God he was like an animal, driving into me hard and fast. He was wild, out of control, savage, and so incredibly hot. I realised the night I’d spent with him, when he’d taken my virginity, he’d gone easy on me and I now I could understand why. If this was what sex between two vampires was like, then it really was animalistic, primal, intense and so unbelievably hot. I longed to see his face, to watch the expression on his beautiful features, but he was behind me, his face hidden to me.

Every thrust, every slide of his penis in and out of me pushed me higher, closer to my orgasm. I could tell, with the stirring of my senses, with the feeling spreading through my body that this was going to be bigger than anything I could have experienced while human.

Adrian let out a low growl, bending over me, his chest resting on my back. His fangs grazed my skin and when he buried them in my shoulder, an answering growl burst from my lips. As he fed, it was enough to push me over the edge and I exploded, my orgasm tearing through me. It seemed to go on and on, increasing in intensity, like a wave building momentum as it headed towards the shore, before peaking, spreading through me, lighting up every part of my body in a kaleidoscope of colour and sensation. My fangs descended and frantically I dropped my head, biting into Lucas, feeding from him as my body convulsed through its release. He cried out and I felt another wash of his cum coat my breasts and stomach.

As Lucas came on me, and I trembled through my own release, my muscles milking Adrian, he thrust hard into me once, twice more before his whole body tensed. With my name falling from his lips in a throaty growl he ground his hips hard against me, and I felt him filling me, his body over mine until he was empty.

Slowly we all disentangled ourselves and I dropped to the floor unsure of what would happen now. Adrian pulled himself together first and his expression was guarded when he turned to me. “You’re going to have to stay here Faith until I work out what the hell I’m going to do. If my father or Flame, any of them sees you, they will know you’re vampire. I may have to lie and say you’ve run off because I wouldn’t commit to you or something.”

“Why can’t you just tell them the truth Adrian? It may not be as bad as you think. You can’t do to me what you’ve done to your son. We can’t spend our lives in this eternal prison because you’ve decided the only way to deal with us, is to put us in the too hard basket.”

Adrian snorted. “You came here to beg my son to change you. You caused this Faith. I accidentally took Lucas’s life and he’s been a prisoner here ever since. I live with the guilt and the regrets from my actions every fucking day of my life. Now you’ve willingly come here and got him to change you or start to. What did you hope to achieve? Did you think I’d declare my undying love for you and we’d ride off into the sunset? Nothing’s changed, if anything, you’ve complicated my life more. I can keep what I did to Lucas a secret but how do I hide you? You will have everyone looking for you, sooner or later.”

His words stung and I felt tears prick the back of my eyes. Only Adrian could be cruel and hurtful to me while his cum ran down my legs. The annoying thing was that he was kind of right. Not about riding off into the sunset and declarations of undying love; although that would have been ideal, but I had hoped to force his hand. To leave him with no choice but to go to his parents and confess all, but Adrian was more stubborn than I’d given him credit for. Well fuck him then. He didn’t want me, I didn’t need him. He wasn’t going to confess to his family, well he was in for a surprise. My visions showed me what would happen and I had faith in them.

“Just go.” I said wearily. “Make up some bullshit excuse to everyone as to why I’m not home. Continue down your path of lies, self-loathing and guilt.”

“Are you dismissing me from my own home?” Adrian’s expression was incredulous.

“Yeah I am. There’s nothing more for us to discuss, and you insist on being a stubborn mulish ass, so fuck off.” I snapped at him and watched him straighten, an expression crossing his face which looked suspiciously like pain. I hoped it was pain. He hurt me so often; in fact he was still hurting me. It was time he found out what it was like to be on the receiving end of it.

“I can’t leave you. You’re a new vampire. You will want blood and I don’t trust what you might do to get it.”

I shook my head at him. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’m not going to go on some crazy blood frenzy and leave bodies everywhere. Besides I’m sure Lucas can keep an eye on me and let me feed from him a little, can’t he? We don’t know if I’m a full blood vampire or a hybrid like him. Maybe I’ll still be able to eat food. Plus, what about Katherine, does anyone feed from her?”

“I look after Katherine, I don’t make a meal of her and besides she’s blind, I can’t mind control her. I need to be able to make eye contact for the mind controlling to be successful.” Adrian sighed heavily and began dressing. “Fine, I will lock you in though. I don’t trust you not to escape. The blood lust when it comes is hard to control when you’re new. I can’t risk your exposure as vampire to the humans, and believe me the smell of blood makes your fangs want to descend. Controlling them so they don’t is something you must learn. Now I will leave you two alone and be back tomorrow. Oh, and clean yourself up, you’re covered in cum.”

With one final long look at me, he turned his back and walked away, leaving me alone with Lucas. I heard the bolt slide across to lock us into the suite that had been Lucas’s prison for the last couple of years. There was the murmur of voices and finally the sound of the front door opening and closing and Adrian was gone.




When Adrian got back to his father’s home, he was thankful in some ways that it was very late and that he didn’t have to deal with any of his family. He had to think about what the hell he was going to do about Faith.

What had she been thinking when she decided to track down his home where he kept Katherine and Lucas? How the fuck had she done that? He’d never told her anything about the location of his home, to avoid her going all goodwill on him and running over there to help him as she’d offered to do. Whatever the hell her version of helping him could have done anyway.

Well, she wasn’t helping him now. In fact she’d majorly fucked up and complicated his life even more. How the hell was he going to make up some believable excuse for her disappearance? He couldn’t let his family find out she was vampire because then they’d want to know who changed her and Lucas’s existence could be discovered.

Why would she want to be vampire? Now he’d had to leave her with his son and that worried him. He didn’t want to think about what they might get up to now they were alone. Ok, she hadn’t exactly leapt on his cock and ridden him like he was a horse in the Melbourne Cup, but locking the two of them up together would surely prove too much of a temptation. One young horny vampire and one vampire who’d been denied sex for a long time confined together? It was only a matter of time before something happened. Still, he had no right being upset about it. He had repeatedly pushed Faith away and he’d told her numerous times there could never be anything between them. So why did the idea them possibly being intimate together upset him so much?

He had to stop torturing himself with those kinds of thoughts. He’d locked them up together so it was only a matter of time. Faith’s control as a young vampire wouldn’t allow her to think rationally about her decision. She would simply react on impulse, be driven to fuck because as vampire they were little more than animals. A baby vampire had no control. It was something that took time to learn, to think and not just react on instinct.

Adrian groaned, trying to shut his mind to the flood of images of Lucas and Faith together. They weren’t even real, they were simply images made up by his tortured mind to drive him that little bit closer to insanity.

It was a relief to finally make it to his room and close the door shutting out everything and everyone, at least for a little while. He determinedly pushed his thoughts aside, stripping off his clothes and walking naked through to the bathroom. He showered quickly and collapsed into bed, falling into a troubled sleep. Even in sleep he couldn’t rest though and his mind was plagued with unwanted dreams of his son and Faith wrapped in one another’s arms.


The following evening Adrian waited in his room until he was sure his family had left, well his parents especially. He knew he had to get out of the house before Fabian and Sirene returned. His mother wasn’t working tonight so they probably wouldn’t be long and were just out hunting.

He needed to drop in and check on Faith and Lucas, feed them and Katherine before going to work. It was best friends Elle and Hanna for tonight. They weren’t gay but they enjoyed sharing a man and they preferred to pay him as he would act out whatever fantasy they desired.

Dressed for the evening with the best friends, he wore his leather pants, blood red silk shirt and leather vest. His hair was pulled back into its customary ponytail and he was ready. When he stepped out of his room, he tensed when he saw Damien and Flame. He thought everyone was gone but he had to be unlucky enough to run into Faith’s sister.

“Well, well, well, the mysterious man himself.” Damien grinned. He looked over Adrian’s shoulder. “So where’s Faith?” Before Adrian could respond Damien continued. “Don’t try to make out you and her aren’t involved in some way at least. We heard you the other day. I think half of Hobart would have heard you two or her at least. Noisy little thing isn’t she; so no more virgin in the house?”

“I’m not discussing this with you Damien.” He snapped. “I don’t know where she is, I’m not her fucking keeper despite what she thinks. All this crap she comes up with about being mine. I don’t get involved with anyone.”

“Oh so you’re just using my sister? Is that what you’re saying?” Flame’s face filled with rage and Adrian silently groaned. That wasn’t what he’d meant, and stirring up Flame was never a good idea. She was volatile and a true redhead, quick to lose her temper. He could use his dominant self on her but that only seemed to work back when she was filled with self-loathing over being vampire, and blaming herself for the car accident that had led to her being turned. Now she’d adjusted to what she was, he’d lost control over her. Her guilt was gone and he envied her. He wished he could be free of it, but it consumed his every waking moment.

He sighed heavily. “No Flame, that’s not what I meant and as for her virginity, she came to me in the fucking shower insisting I take it. She said it was a liability to her. She was trying to find someone at the club to fuck her, and I got her out of there and took her home, thinking I might have defused her crazy desire to discard her virginity, but no, she came to me. You have no idea how many times I told her I couldn’t do this to her. I tried to put her off, wanting her to find someone better than me, wanting her to do so much better than a man who can’t commit to her, who can’t commit to anyone.” His voice cracked slightly which got both Flame and Damien frowning at him. “I have to go.” He said and turned, walking swiftly down the hallway where he grabbed his car keys and left the house.

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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