Peachville High Demons 01: Beautiful Demons (18 page)

BOOK: Peachville High Demons 01: Beautiful Demons
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The darkness circled around Agnes, and she screamed. It pulled her from the room. The glass of the sliding doors crashed as she broke through. Then, she disappeared behind a blanket of red flames.

A Beautiful Demon

As soon as Agnes disappeared into the fire, I ran for the stairs. My lungs burned from inhaling so much smoke, but I pushed my body to its limit. The flames consumed most of the top floor, and the two lower floors were lost in a sea of thick smoke. In the distance, I heard sirens wailing.

“Harper! Harper, where are you?” Drake's voice rose above the noise.

“Here,” I tried to shout. Instead, my voice came out cracked and dry. I coughed and fell to my knees on the second floor landing.

I forced myself up again, grabbing the banister and pulling myself down the stairs. The overhead lights on the first floor cut through some of the smoke. I saw Drake's tall form rushing back and forth, and I reached out to him.


My hands circled up around his neck just as my legs gave out again. Drake lifted me into his arms and carried me from the house. Outside, the bonfire was going strong, but no one was dancing or cheering. Everyone was backed up across the street from the cabin, their horror-stricken faces watching as Foster's house burned to the ground.

“Agnes,” I said. “Where's Agnes? We have to make sure-”

Drake put a hand over my mouth. “It's going to be okay, Harper. Don't talk. Be still.”

I struggled, my mind racing. She would come for me. Agnes wasn't going to stop until I was dead. Drake carried me across to the other side of the road and laid me down in the grass. I tried to stand, looking back toward the burning house to see if I could find her.

That's when I noticed a flash of bright red on the ground in front of the house. My mouth fell open. Agnes lay in a crumpled heap beneath the third floor balcony, her body broken and still. When the fire department arrived, the paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene. Later, authorities theorized that she must have gone into a panic when flames trapped her up on the third floor. She broke through the locked balcony door and jumped to her death to avoid burning alive.

It would be a long time before I told anyone the truth about what really happened to Agnes that night.

I was in the back of the ambulance breathing in oxygen from a face mask when Mrs. King came rushing around the corner to see if I was alright. A blanket was wrapped around my body to shield me from the night air.

“Thank goodness,” she said, placing her hand over her heart. There were tears in her eyes. “I don't know what we would have done if we'd lost you.”

Her emotion touched my heart. I tried to smile, but my entire body ached from exhaustion. She climbed into the back of the ambulance with me and asked the paramedic if she could have a moment alone with me.

“You have no idea just how special you are to us.” She stroked my hair gently and put her arm around me.

“Agnes-” I said, then began to cough again.

Mrs. King pulled the oxygen mask from my hand. Confused, I took in a shallow breath. She placed her palm flat against my chest and closed her eyes. My body began to hum and tingle, and I felt a warm energy flow through me.

“Breathe,” she said.

I took a deep, cleansing breath and felt no urge to cough. “How...?”

She smiled and brushed a strand of hair off my face. “Shhh,” she whispered. “All of your questions will be answered, I promise. But you need to be patient.”

Patience is a hard thing when there are so many unanswered questions. I opened my mouth to ask just one, but she placed her palm against my forehead.

“Rest,” she said. “I need you at a hundred percent, okay?”

I nodded, feeling suddenly very sleepy. My lungs no longer hurt, though, and that was very good.

Mrs. King pulled the blanket up to my chin and smiled.

“You're going to make a beautiful Demon.”


Book 2 of the Peachville High Demons Series

December 2010

About the Author

Sarra Cannon grew up in a small town in Georgia where she learned that being popular always comes at a price. Now, she lives in North Carolina with her amazing husband and her teeny tiny Pomeranian, Snickerdoodle. Books and music are her greatest passions. She has never been a cheerleader, but it's possible she knows a few things about casting spells.

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Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for purchasing Beautiful Demons and for your support of Indie authors like me. I always wanted to be a writer, and it feels like a dream to be able to do this for a living. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the book and will continue to follow Harper as she unravels Peachville's secrets.

Please feel free to message me online through twitter, facebook, my website or my blog. I always do my best to answer messages and say hello when I have the chance. If you want to check the progress of the next book in the series or see what's coming up after the final Peachville High Demons book, check my website or blog for more information. I keep a "word count" meter up on both sites and update my progress almost every day.

Thanks again for letting my stories be a part of your life! I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

xoxo - Sarra

Table of Contents

This Is Your Last Chance

Do Not Touch My Things

Trouble Always Finds Me

Guys Like Drake Only Date Cheerleaders

Voices At My Window

The Big Stone Demon Statue

I Must Be Electro-Charged

Someone Might Get Hurt

What Is It With This Town And Cheerleaders?

My Best Attempt

Maybe He Wasn't A Demons Fan

That Necklace Was Everything To Me

Tori Has A Secret

For A Girl Like You

What With Tori's Disappearance

You'll Need To Come With Us

No One Ever Believed

Is That You?

This Town Isn't Like Other Places

Sit Down Girl

I Must Be Dreaming

I Wasn't Supposed To Forget


Not Anymore

A Better Life

I Must Have Seen It Wrong

It's Not That Simple

Promise Me

This Week Is Going To Be Tough

Is This Supposed To Be A Good Luck Charm?

A Demon On His Back

I Have Carried My Fear

We Were Connected Somehow

It Totally Worked

The New Demons Cheerleader Is...

A Night To Remember

They Choose You

A Part Of Me

A Beautiful Demon

BOOK: Peachville High Demons 01: Beautiful Demons
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