Read Perception Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

Perception (4 page)

BOOK: Perception
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“So wet,”
he growled, the sound incredibly sexy. “So fucking wet.”

wondered whether he was just as shocked as she was by how turned on she was.
Both by him and the situation.

leaned forward, his chest pressing against her. She felt the heat of his breath
on her neck, the rise and fall of his chest against her back. “Fucking hell, M.
You’re gonna kill me here.”

wanted to return the sentiment, but clamped her mouth shut instead.

His words
were merely a whisper, yet they sounded as tormented as she felt. Mercedes had
no idea whether she should be pleased or worried. This was quickly getting out
of control. More importantly, this wasn’t supposed to be about her. Or Xander,
for that matter. This was supposed to be for Samantha’s benefit.

Mercedes glanced back at the couple through the mirror, noticing that their
eyes were focused on her and Xander.

had come to terms with giving Samantha a glimpse into the infamous world of
BDSM by acting as Xander’s sub for a short scene, but her body’s reaction was
belying her demand that this was only a demonstration.

When he
finally took a step back, Mercedes inhaled deeply, but then she suddenly missed
the warmth of his body against hers.

No. No, she didn’t. This was a demonstration. Not the real thing.

flogger tails trailed over her skin lightly again, causing her body to tense
with anticipation once more. By the way that the leather consistently brushed
over her skin, she knew Xander was focused. It wasn’t long before the soothing
stroke was replaced by a soft sting that began as he flicked his wrist, the
heavy leather strands making contact over and over again. With every additional
slap, her body was warming and her pussy throbbing.

She could
think of only a couple of occasions when she’d been on the receiving end of
those tails, and those instances were purely learning opportunities for her.
She had to learn how to use one in order to ensure she didn’t hurt anyone. But
this, this was vastly different.

Never had
she actually started to enjoy it. Not like this.

Sure, she
had always admired the way Xander used the tools of the trade, and she had to
admit, he was incredibly sensual in his movements, but she’d never felt the
effect firsthand.

With her
eyes closed, the images that floated through her mind lined up with the
stinging blows that began across her ass, on her upper thighs, and Mercedes
worried that she was going to lose control.

“Is that
what you want, pet?” he asked her softly, pulling her back from the brink as
his hands traced the heated lines he’d created on her ass.

Master X.” Shit, that had been an honest answer and calling him Master hadn’t
seemed all that strange either.

She was
definitely losing control.

girl,” he soothed her. “Do you want me to continue? Do you want me to make you

“Yes, Sir,” she replied because she knew that was what he wanted to

figured she’d have to fake an orgasm because honestly, she wasn’t into pain
like this. She didn’t believe it was possible to get her off by any form of
flagellation. But he was obviously going to try.

looking forward to watching you come,” he told her, and she had to wonder whether
he could read her mind.

slid his hand around to her front, his big finger once again sliding through
her slick folds. Only this time he plunged one finger inside of her, and she
cried out, the sensation taking root deep in her core, pleasure detonating on

“Yes, I’m
definitely going to enjoy watching you come,” he stated again and Mercedes’s
internal muscles clenched.

At this
pace, she wasn’t going to have much of a choice.

But then
his finger was gone, and the stinging slap of leather against her oversensitive
skin returned.

you have a safe word, and you may use it if necessary.”

didn’t say a word. She already knew that, and she feared that if she did speak
she’d give herself away entirely.

her eyes again, she gave herself over to the moment.

leather kissed her skin over and over, the slaps moving to different places,
sometimes staying in the same place for two or three swats. Again, Mercedes
didn’t make a sound as the minutes ticked by, but her lungs felt restricted as
her body flexed and strained against the erotically sensual onslaught.

She tried
to focus, tried to determine where he was going to land the next blow, but she
found herself drifting. All thoughts disappeared as her breathing increased,
the only thing intruding on her moment of peace was the sound of the leather as
it landed and the bite of pain that sent shards of electrical pulses through
her. It was…

Oh, God.
She couldn’t think anymore.

He was
doing it. Xander was sending her toward that mind-numbing place that all subs
sought. The place referred to as sub-space. It wasn’t unlike Dom-space as far
as she was concerned, but she wasn’t supposed to be there.

With less
force, Xander trailed over her upper back, then back to her ass, down her
thighs, delivering exactly what she apparently needed because Mercedes found
herself floating.

The next
time he pressed up against her, the softness of his slacks against her abused
skin sent heat coursing through her again. He gripped her right wrist in his
big hand high up on the cross while he pressed his lips against her neck and
slid his left hand between her thighs, the flogger obviously forgotten.

“Come for
me, Mercedes,” he exhaled against her ear as he drove two fingers deep inside
of her. “Just for me.”

That was
when it happened.

shattered into a million pieces – only it wasn’t just her body that was
affected. Her mind, or more importantly, everything she thought she knew about
herself, unraveled right there in the comfort of Xander’s arms. 


would consider himself an astute man. Not a lot got past him. So as he sat in
the chair with Sam squirming on his lap, the scene before him had definitely
caught his attention.

Logan’s cock was rock hard, and it had been even before they walked into this
private playroom decked out for some serious BDSM activities. The room wasn’t
overly large, but it was spacious enough to accommodate a St. Andrew’s cross
near one wall, a spanking bench positioned in the center of the room and a man
the size of Xander Boone.

As he
watched what Xander was doing to the beautiful woman restrained to the cross,
he was grateful they’d opted for a private scene tonight. All of the other
rooms, especially those that were equipped with things such as crosses, chains
and ropes, were monitored by staff for safety; therefore open for anyone to

being an owner of the club had its perks because the room Xander had procured
was off limits. Thank God.

in a chair with Samantha on his lap, her attention on the couple about ten feet
in front of her, Logan found himself riveted to what was going on.
Surprisingly, it didn’t have anything to do with the way Xander handled that
toy in his hand either.

No, there
was something else going on here. Something between Xander and Mercedes that
was more erotic than anything he’d seen in quite some time. The last time he’d
witnessed something of this magnitude had been between Luke and Cole that long
ago night when the three of them had focused on Sam.

was happening between Xander and Mercedes, it was… intense. Almost as though
the two of them hadn’t expected it to happen.

Logan and
Sam had been introduced to Mercedes as Xander’s friend and business associate,
but after watching this scene, he had to wonder whether they were something
more than that. From their interactions downstairs, it was clear they were
buddy-buddy because they could easily laugh together and practically finish one
another’s sentences.

the intensity between the two of them right now was palpable in the small room,
and it didn’t matter one bit that Mercedes was strapped to that wooden cross.

So, for
the last few minutes, Logan had watched, absorbing the movements, the reactions
and enjoying what was happening to a degree. He’d only been distracted by Sam’s
sharp gasps that echoed through the room every time that flogger came down on
Mercedes’s now reddened skin.

For a
minute, he thought he would make it through the evening without coming
completely undone. After all, they were there to watch, not participate. And
that might’ve been the case, except Sam continued to squirm on his lap and the
way her curvy ass ground against his aching cock was sending him closer and
closer to the edge.

But then
everything stopped.

almost everything.

Xander pressed up against Mercedes, obviously soothing her with words after an
orgasm that had split the atoms in the room, Logan whispered near Sam’s ear,
“Do you like watching them?” It was an appropriate, albeit unnecessary,
question considering she was still grinding her pussy against his thigh.

she replied softly, her body trembling slightly.

He’d be
damned. Xander had been right.

After a
lot of thought, Logan had decided to approach Xander Boone a few weeks back.
Initially, he had intended to proposition Xander about being a third. That idea
had dissipated shortly after he started talking to Xander though.

Then, during
a long conversation, Xander had suggested that Logan introduce Sam to something
that might catch her interest. This certainly had caught her attention, much as
it had his.

Logan had
openly discussed with Xander some of the things he and Sam had engaged in
previously, the conversation surprisingly comfortable. Not at all awkward like
he initially expected. He had gone on to explain how he enjoyed controlling
Sam’s pleasure, how beautifully Sam responded during those instances, and how
the involvement of a third did something for both of them.

to Xander, the fact that Sam liked Logan’s dominating side could mean that
she’d be interested in more interaction of that nature. As opposed to a
threesome. Logan had informed Xander about their history and the attachment Sam
seemed to have for the men who had briefly entered their relationship.

If he
hadn’t been convinced during that conversation – which he had been – now more
than ever, Logan was absolutely positive that Xander would not be the right man
for him and Sam to get involved with. Not as far as a threesome was concerned

was a Dom and, although Logan didn’t put labels on himself, nor did he
participate in the standard BDSM practices, he knew that his own dominating
nature would clash with Xander’s. Control wasn’t something Logan was willing to
relinquish, and he got the impression that Xander knew that.

when Xander had suggested Logan and Sam learn more about BDSM. Hence, the
reason they were there.

watched as Xander let his hands freely roam over Mercedes’s lush, curvy body as
he took his time, holding her tight and mumbling in her ear. She was gripping
the chains attached to the cuffs around her wrist and leaning back against
Xander, her eyes closed, her hips continuing to undulate against Xander’s hand
still wedged between her thighs.

While he
took it all in, Logan slid his hand up Sam’s bare thigh and beneath the short
skirt that she wore. When her hand came down to grip his wrist, urging him
forward, he edged underneath the elastic of her panties, sliding one finger
through her soft folds.

She was
wet. So very wet.

than pull away, he continued to tease her clit with slow, featherlight strokes
of his finger.

they had played in the hall for a few minutes, Logan knew Sam was probably
hovering right on the brink of orgasm considering he’d refused to let her come.
For her to sit there and watch while Xander punished Mercedes, was rather

Logan brought Sam to this room tonight, he’d had no idea what to expect from
Xander and Mercedes. Or even from Sam. Hell, he definitely hadn’t expected
Xander to whip the dark haired beauty with the skill and precision of a man who
had a lot of practice doing so. Or for Mercedes to take it like a woman who
enjoyed it.

leaned back against him now, her back to his chest, her head tilted to the side
as she watched Xander continue to tease Mercedes gently. Logan pressed his lips
to her neck as he kept his eyes on the pair, realizing then that Mercedes had
been freakishly quiet the entire time, though Logan knew that shit had to hurt.

attention was diverted when Sam tightened her grip on his wrist and pushed his
finger inside of her roughly.

she whispered.

what?” he asked, not keeping his voice quiet. He was well past the point of
caring where they were or who was with them. Not that he usually cared, but he
always considered Sam first.

“I need
you inside me,” she whispered, her voice even lower than before, but she didn’t
stop watching.

didn’t seem to be concerned that Xander and Mercedes were in the same room
either, so he continued, “I didn’t hear you.” He waited for her to respond,
stilling his finger inside of her.

“I need
to feel your cock inside me,” she said more urgently, her voice just a fraction
above a whisper, but loud enough that he knew Xander and Mercedes had heard

“You want
to ride my cock, baby?” he questioned, blocking out everyone else in the room
as he pulled his hand free of Sam’s grasp.


your panties,” he instructed forcefully, helping her to stand which gave him
the opportunity to unhook the button on his slacks and release his cock.

had been a formal affair, which was why he was fully dressed in a tuxedo, but
the jacket was unbuttoned, and he managed to ease his slacks down over his hips
without leaving the chair.

stood, swiftly sliding her panties down her legs and handing them to him. He
slid them into the pocket of his jacket and then pulled her back down on his lap,
still facing away from him. Before she got settled, her soft, cool fingers
wrapped around his cock as she guided him inside of her.

He bit
back a groan, the slick, smooth walls of her pussy sliding down over him.

baby.” God, she felt so fucking good.

With him
clutching her skirt high on her hips, Sam began rocking on his lap as she faced
away from him, watching Xander as he continued to pump his fingers into
Mercedes, obviously looking to draw out another orgasm. Logan had no idea how
these scenes worked from a logistical standpoint, but he was definitely
intrigued by Sam’s obvious interest.

As had
always been the case, Logan got his pleasure from Sam’s. He had no desire to
touch or be touched by anyone else, so as far as he was concerned, if this was
something she was interested in, he was all for learning a few new ways to
please her.

must’ve caught Xander’s attention because the man stopped, turning his head
slightly to face them as he continued with his quest to drive Mercedes over the
edge again.

turned back toward Mercedes, his eyes tracking Sam through the mirror as he
spoke to Mercedes. “Open your eyes and watch them.”

watched as Mercedes opened her eyes and glanced in the mirror to where they
were behind her.

“Do you
like watching them?” Xander asked.

she moaned.

that’s nice,” Xander said, his gruff voice lingering in the air. “Watch her,
pet. Watch while she lowers herself onto his cock. Just like I want to see you
doing to me.”

listened to Xander’s recap as it happened which was oddly arousing. Sam’s sweet
heat gripped him as his cock slid deep inside of her.

must’ve realized Mercedes had closed her eyes again because he offered a more
vivid description. “She’s riding him, slowly, his cock sinking deep inside of
her. But she’s watching us, pet,” Xander told Mercedes.

gripped Sam’s hips tighter as she continued riding his cock, faster this time.
She was gripping his thighs, letting herself drop until he was fully inside of

it, baby. Ride me, Sam. Show me exactly what you like,” Logan urged through
gritted teeth, loving how responsive Sam was to Xander watching her.

the room, Logan barely noticed as Xander unstrapped Mercedes. Didn’t pay much
attention to when Xander pulled her into his arms, holding her close as he
continued to watch Sam.

own release was barreling down on him, and he found it difficult to focus on
anything other than Sam’s tight pussy sheathing him as she began to moan in
earnest. “Fuck me, Sam. Fuck me hard, baby,” he demanded.

God!” she moaned loudly.

eyes came up to meet Sam’s as Logan watched and as though that glimpse were the
detonator, Sam’s pussy gripped his cock and Logan couldn’t hold back.

moaned again, softer this time, a silent release exploding through her as her
pussy clamped onto Logan’s cock.

growled in response, coming hard and deep inside of his wife. And when his
world had righted itself enough for his eyes to focus, he glanced up to see
Mercedes staring back at them.

It was at
that moment that he wondered just what possibilities were in store for him and
Sam in the future. Although he knew it wouldn’t be a threesome with Xander
Boone, he did know that he and Sam had a hell of a lot more to explore.

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