Read Persuading Prudence Online

Authors: Liz Cole

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

Persuading Prudence (12 page)

BOOK: Persuading Prudence
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“Helena, I am sorry if your friends have gotten the wrong impression,” he said gentling his voice. “Yes, we attended a few plays and have gone to the opera a time or two – even danced at various balls and parties, but marriage? I thought you understood in the beginning what I sought was not a life-long affair. You seemed comfortable with our arrangement then. I apologize if I somehow gave you the idea things had changed.”

“So you plan to ruin me by marrying someone else?” she asked tremulously, tears making their way down her face. “I never knew you could be so cold.”

This struck Kolton as a bit overly dramatic. “I find it difficult to believe you will suffer socially if I marry. I am sorry you feel that way but, the fact is, I am marrying Lady Prudence.”

A scowl marred her lovely brow, her lips forming a thin line, her tears apparently forgotten. Kolton steeled himself for a scathing retort, but her expression suddenly changed; the frown disappeared, her shoulders dropping in defeat. “I understand,” she said with a martyred sigh. “But, tell me what made you decide to marry now? And Lady Prudence of all people? I never thought she was someone you would ever consider suitable.”

Kolton gave Lady Whenton an arched look. “Suitable? Why wouldn’t I consider Lady Prudence suitable?” He kept his tone carefully neutral, but his former lover appeared not to notice the sudden chill that entered his voice.

“Well,” Lady Whenton clasped her hands behind her back, subtly—or not so subtly, in his opinion—showing off the slim figure he had once found quite arousing. “You have to admit that she is not your usual type.”

This pricked Kolton more than a little. No, he’d never looked twice at Pru, as a potential lover or a potential wife. The fact others possibly viewed her the same way made him angry at his own lack of substance as well as theirs.

Though he felt his blood begin to boil, he kept his face a mask of pleasant inquiry. “My usual type? And what might that be?”

“You know.” She waived a hand in a helpless gesture.

“Beautiful, intriguing, perhaps possessing a body men would salivate over, and women envy? She is all that and more,” he informed her in a tone which dared her to contradict him.

Helena’s eyes widened, her expression clearly indicating she thought he’d gone mad.

“I-I suppose I should offer my congratulations.” She looked at him through lowered lashes, her lips forming a small, disappointed pout that made her appear both angelic and subtly alluring. It was a look that had gotten Helena her way on more than one occasion. It stirred nothing in him now but annoyance at her obvious attempt at manipulation. “Would it be asking too much for one last kiss goodbye?” She asked, stepping closer and placing her hands against his chest as she tilted her head back expectantly.

What did she hope to gain by such a thing? Did she want to lure him into bed? Think she could change his mind? If that was what she was hoping for, she would be sadly disappointed.

Kolton clasped her wrists and set her away from him. “I am afraid it would. I am engaged; and I intend to be faithful, both before and after my marriage,” he replied firmly.

Lady Whenton stared at him, her expression conveying an equal measure of disbelief and shock, her pale skin reddening perceptibly.

Kolton pulled out his watch and looked at the time, eager to be on his way. “I should be going; I have several appointments this afternoon which I am afraid I cannot miss.”

“Of course,” she replied distractedly. “Let me show you out.”

“No need, my lady, I know the way.”



Chapter Twelve



The light scratching on her door at midnight was not a total surprise to Prudence; she’d half expected Kolton to seek her out after the way his smoldering eyes had caressed her throughout dinner.

She got out of bed, placing the book she had been reading aside, and padded to the door, opening it enough for Kolton to slip in before closing it silently behind him.

“You really shouldn’t be here,” Prudence chastened him softly, though secretly thrilled he was.

“You honestly expect me to possess the self-restraint required to stay away from you, my dear?” he replied seriously as he crossed the room and set a small box on her nightstand.

“I am afraid you must for the time being, my lord,” she informed him with more than a little regret. “What have you there?” she asked, motioning toward her nightstand.

“We can discuss that later,” he replied with a frown. “Why must I restrain myself ‘for the time being’ as you suggest?”

“I am not pregnant. But I would prefer not have to present ‘tangible proof’ as you have requested in the past.”

Her explanation was blunt, and it was clear the information disappointed him. It disappointed her as well, but her overall relief at not being pregnant far outweighed any frustration over being denied the chance to make love with Kolton.

“I see,” he said, his eyes running longingly over her body. “Well, I suppose that settles that.”

Prudence couldn’t help but smile at his downcast expression. “I am sorry, Kolton,” she said sincerely. “I admit I, too, am a bit disappointed, but can I not be of some help with your state of frustration?” She closed the short distance between them and slid her arm around him. Moving her other hand inside his dressing gown, she and grasped his half erect member. The thought of bringing him to climax was an arousing thought. She would enjoy it, even if she couldn’t be pleasured in return. Kolton sucked in his breath as she wrapped her fingers around his growing erection and stroked it suggestively.

“I wouldn’t dream of taking my pleasure without offering the same in return,” he replied huskily.

“It would give me great pleasure, my lord, to take you in my mouth and watch you come for me.”

He groaned. The look of tortured lust on his face sending a spike of excitement through her lower belly.

“Wouldn’t you like me to pleasure you that way, Kolton? I believe you would,” she said seductively as she squeezed his now fully engorged penis.

“Yes,” he hissed, “I would like that very much.”

Smiling at her easy victory, she gave his shoulder a little push and he sat himself on the bed.




Kolton felt a twinge of guilt at not being able to return the favor she offered. But, he vowed to himself, he would reciprocate ten-fold when he was able.

“I thought we had more time before nature interrupted our lovemaking.”

Pru blushed charmingly at his question. Ironic really, he thought smiling to himself, as she was currently lowering herself between his spread thighs.

“I am sometimes early,” she replied shyly. She looked away; obviously uncomfortable with discussing such an intimate topic.

“How would you like me to start?” she asked, changing the subject.

Kolton closed his eyes with a groan as she parted his robe and used both hands to stroke both his cock and the heavy sacs hanging below. He opened his eyes and sent her a heated look. “I want you to part your gown and bare your breasts while you take me into your mouth.”

Without hesitation she unlaced the front of her nightgown, baring her breathtaking mounds to his eager gaze. She smiled seductively and reached for him once again, leaning close and giving his shaft a long, slow lick.

His breathing matched his racing heartbeat as he watched her. “Wait,” he said sliding back on the bed and propping himself up against the headboard with some pillows then reaching out his hand to her, urging her to join him.

She did and immediately went back to what she had been doing. She ran the flat of her tongue along his length, leaving no part except his tip untouched. It felt delicious, but he was eager for her to draw him into her mouth. He groaned and flexed his hips, hoping she would understand what he sought.

She didn’t take him into her mouth, but moved to lap at the head, her pink tongue tracing the circumference and darting out to poke at the little slit at the top. He growled in frustration and slid his hands under her arms, dragging her toward him so he could ravage her mouth. Her lips parted at once and his tongue took immediate advantage, plunging between them into her sweet warmth. She responded eagerly, her tongue dueling with his before they broke apart, both breathless.

“You are driving me insane,” he growled. “Take me in your mouth before I expire from your sweet torture.”

She smiled alluringly. “As you wish, my lord,” she replied saucily and slid down his body, letting her breasts rub along his chest, slowing as they reached his cock. She brushed a nipple down its length before positioning herself again between his legs.




Prudence watched Kolton’s face, wanting to see his reaction to her wanton behavior. She was not disappointed with what she saw. His jaw clenched, his nostrils flared, and his eyes burned with molten heat as he watched her. A wave of purely feminine power washed over her. This stunningly handsome man was on the edge of control because of her.
Prudence. She wanted to hear him moan with pleasure and call out her name when he reached his release, taste his essence just as he had tasted hers.

She cradled his heavy sacks in one hand, massaging them gently as she took his hard arousal in the other, placed a hot, wet kiss on the tip, and trailed her tongue along the underside.

He groaned and bucked his hips. “God, Pru! Stop torturing me,” he panted, gripping the bed sheets so tight she would not have been surprised to hear them tear any moment.

She wanted to see how far she could push him, but decided to wait for another time. Placing another hot kiss on the head of his cock, she tightened her lips, sucking strongly as she took him into her mouth.

A strangled sound came from his throat and his legs trembled. She glanced at his face. He’d thrown back his head, his eyes tightly shut as he gritted his teeth, his chest rising and falling rapidly with his labored breathing.

Prudence felt more aroused than she ever imagined she could be without Kolton’s touch. She wanted more: to bring him more pleasure than he’d ever known, the thought exciting her beyond measure. She took more of his length into her mouth until she felt him hit the back of her throat and swallowed reflexively. His hips gave a sudden jerk and he let loose a guttural moan.

was what she wanted.

She began pumping his shaft with her hand, coordinating her movements with her mouth as she glided his cock in and out of her mouth. She felt his body stiffen and instinctively knew he was close. She stopped, not ready to let him finish just yet.




“Good God, Pru,” he cried hoarsely, “don’t stop, not now!” Kolton rocked his hips in a desperate attempt to reach the peak that was just out of reach. She released him, pressing down on his thighs with both hands, forcing him to still his movements.

“I’m not ready for you to finish yet,” she said breathlessly.

“By God, Pru, if you don’t finish this, woman’s flux or not, I will throw you on your back and take you!” he promised, with complete sincerity.

Her eyes flared with excitement, and she returned her attention to his straining member. He watched her take him in her mouth again, the hot, wet feel of her opening engulfing him. The brief delay had slowed his approaching orgasm and, as she worked him with her mouth and hands, he felt the pressure slowly build once again. He rocked his hips, adding the friction he needed to drive him straight to the edge where he hovered on the brink.

Pru moaned. The sound vibrated through his cock and hurled him over the edge. His body jerked uncontrollably, a choked sound burst from his throat as he came with unparalleled force. She moaned again and squeezed his balls lightly as she increased the suction, her head bobbing up and down while she pumped his shaft vigorously. He gave a strangled cry of untold pleasure. He’d never experienced such a sensation. It felt as if she was sucking his seed strait out of his sacks, his release jetting out of him with incredible strength.

As the wracking spasms of climax eased to softer ripples of pleasure, he collapsed back on the bed gasping for breath. Pru released him with a pop, crawled up beside him, and snuggled against his side, resting her head on his chest.

It took what seemed like hours to get his breathing under control and his heart rate close to normal, before he could speak. “Pru, that was...that God, I can’t even find words to describe how good that was.”

“So, I pleased you?” she asked shyly raising her head to look at him.

Kolton crossed his eyes a moment and blinked in reply. Pru giggled and ducked her head. “Darling, that act has
brought me such pleasure. I lay before you, a man with as much strength as a newborn babe, and could not be more satisfied with the condition.”

Her head shot up in surprise. “Never?”

“Never,” he affirmed. “I only regret that I could not return the favor.”

She lowered her eyes; her cheeks suddenly pink with...what—embarrassment?

“You have no cause to feel regret, my lord.”

Kolton frowned. “Why is that, my sweet?”

She shot him an embarrassed look, the pink in her cheeks growing darker. It took a moment, but it suddenly dawned on him what she might be suggesting.

“You are not saying that you climaxed as well?” he asked in disbelief. At her slight nod, Kolton felt a surge of undeniable male pride. He pulled her close and kissed her soundly, tasting himself on her lips and not caring a whit. “Sweet bloody hell, Pru, you are without equal, with more value and desirability than a priceless gem. I am never letting you go, so don’t ever entertain the notion of leaving me.”

“That is quite a compliment. I have never been compared to anything so favorably, and ever so passionately,” she replied with a look of wonder.

“I meant every word, love. Every word.”



BOOK: Persuading Prudence
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