Pitbull: He plays hard on the field...He plays harder off it. (3 page)

BOOK: Pitbull: He plays hard on the field...He plays harder off it.
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"So," I said.

"So," she repeated, swirling the wine in her glass.

"Your friend's nice," I said, pressing my leg a little harder against hers.

"Yes, Megan's lovely," said Emily, swirling her wine a little faster. "She's a real friend."

The tension between us was electric, and I resisted the urge to lean forward and kiss her. I enjoyed the part of the game we were at — the part where both people knew what was going to happen, but nobody voiced it. The anticipation was making my mouth dry and my stomach flip, and what was going on
my stomach was best left to the imagination.

I kept the conversation casual. I would make my move when I'd enjoyed the tension for a little longer. "A medical convention, you said? Does that make you a doctor?"

Emily took a sip of wine, her lipstick leaving a faint impression on the rim of her glass. "Something like that," she said, "what do you do?"

She was playing her cards close to her chest, but I supposed a doctor had a reputation to preserve.

I could play that game too. "I do this and that, you know?"

"This and that?" she said.

"Yeah, I've got my fingers in a lot of pies," I said, "I'm a business man."

I wasn't lying. I owned properties which I rented out, and I'd signed many a contract with companies who'd wanted me to front their ad campaigns, although that sort of work had dried up as my 'indiscretions' had piled up. I
a business man.

Emily studied me intently. Her mesmerising eyes danced over my face in such a way that I
had to work at not leaning in for a kiss. I'd never wanted a woman so badly before. She'd almost made me completely forget about the ban I'd received only hours before, and I knew that a night with her would wipe it from my mind completely — until I woke up the following morning at least.

"You look familiar," she said.

"I've got one of those faces," I said, watching her lips.

"That's what I told Megan. She said you looked familiar too."

I moved closer to her, and let my hand graze the skin of her fingers. My heart pounded as I touched her, and Emily's forearms broke out in goosebumps. "Forget
face," I said, "has anybody told you how beautiful you are?"

Emily's face reddened and she took a deep breath, her tits rising and her pupils dilating. "Thank you," she murmured.

Her eyes shimmered in the light as I stared into them, her pupils wide and excited. "Megan had a great idea," I said, "do you want to do the same? Take a bottle of wine up to my room, I mean."

Emotions criss crossed her face as she made her decision. Embarrassment, excitement, and even a little shame, but the overriding expression on her perfect face was one that made my balls tighten — lust.





Chapter Four



"Megan had a great idea," he said, his eyes exploring my face, sending shivers of anticipation along my spine. "Do you want to do the same? Take a bottle of wine up to my room, I mean."

I sucked in breath and tried to ignore my heartbeat assaulting my ears.

My God, he was everything that a man should be — handsome, confident, funny, and with a sexiness oozing from him that sent my hormones into overdrive.

In what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a few beats of my excited heart, I made my decision.

"I don't normally do things like this," I said, feeling foolish as the words left my mouth. Wasn't that what
said, when they were about to do something they thought was wrong? I didn't think having a one-night stand was wrong, so I chastised myself and continued. "I think it's a great idea, though."

Jack licked his lips and cast a glance at my boobs. My nipples tingled and blood rushed to the heavy throb between my legs. "Give me a minute," I said, getting up and grabbing my bag. Jack moved his hand to his crotch when he thought I wasn't looking and adjusted himself. The idea of him sitting in a public place with an erection caused by thoughts of me, did nothing to subdue the heat that threatened to make my legs buckle. "I just need to nip to the ladies," I said, already walking towards the door in the corner of the room. I'd never bought condoms from a machine in a public bathroom before, and the idea conjured up notions of desperation and lust. Which were two things, that at that moment in time, I had in bucket-loads.

Struggling to keep my hands from shaking, I inserted my coins into the machine and pulled the lever for a box of condoms that were 'ribbed for her pleasure'. In for a penny — in for a pound, if I was going to go through with it, I was going to go through with it in style. The box felt exciting in my hand, and I slipped it into my bag before standing in front of the long wall mirror and studying my reflection.

I looked happy, I looked nervous too, but above all else, I looked like a girl who knew what she was doing — knew what she was getting herself into. "Enjoy yourself, Emily," I said to my reflection, before blowing myself a kiss and leaving the bathroom.

Jack was sitting at the table, a bottle of wine in front of him and a wickedly sexy smile on his face. He stood up as I approached, and I was relieved to see that he'd managed to adjust any bulge he may have had in his jeans from out of the public domain.

"Ready?" he said, nodding towards the archway that Megan had used.

I smiled and turned towards the exit. "Let's go," I said, gazing up at him as he came to my side.
God, he was tall.

The short journey to Jack's room was the most intense few minutes I'd ever experienced. I worried about how long it had been since I'd had sex, I worried that Jack wouldn't like me when he saw me undressed, and I worried that I'd be a let-down in bed.

Overriding all my worries though, was my pussy. It beat a steady throb between my legs, and I knew that my underwear would be moist if not soaking wet. My clit was hard and begging to be touched, and as Jack placed an arm around my waist as we climbed the stairs, my stomach muscles juddered.

"It's just down here, on the left," said Jack, fishing his key card from his pocket. "Number eighteen."

The fact that his door was only two away from mine and Megan's room, further calmed the annoying little voice that kept second guessing if I was doing the right thing. If I did wish to leave, I literally had only a few feet between Jacks room and my own.

As he inserted the key card and the door clicked open, I took a deep breath and followed him inside.

No sooner had he closed the door behind me, Jack placed his big hands on my shoulders and pushed me against the wall. I realised that small talk and a glass of wine was probably not on the agenda as he lowered his face towards mine, his beautifully formed lips parting slightly, and his aftershave enveloping me in a cloud of masculinity.

I wanted it as badly as he did, and with a soft moan I opened my mouth and met his kiss with an eagerness that took me by surprise. His tongue eased its way into my mouth as our lips locked, and I pressed myself against his hard chest as he began to explore my body, his hands strong and urgent as they made their way down my back and onto my arse.

He grabbed a buttock with each hand and squeezed tight, making me gasp. He removed his mouth from mine and spoke quickly, his voice crackling with desire. "I wanted to fuck you the minute I saw you," he said, massaging my arse and grinding his hardness against my stomach.

I sighed as I felt his excitement against me, and realised that his whole body seemed to be in proportion. He felt big, very big, and that knowledge spurred my lust on to even higher levels.

"Well, get on with it," I said, placing a hand on the back of his head and pulling his face back to mine.

His tongue found its way back into my mouth and his lips moved passionately on mine, pressing hard and becoming more slippery as our saliva mingled.

His mouth tasted of beer and his breathing was fast as his hands moved back up my body until they cupped my breasts, his fingers digging into my flesh and his palms pressing my hard nipples, making them tingle.

I ran my hands along his back over the hard ridges of muscle that seemed to sculpt every inch of his body. To my disappointment, he pulled away from me. Disappointment turned to animal lust again as he pointed at his bed. "Get on there," he said, his voice hard, and his fingers fumbling with his belt buckle. "I'm going to fuck you harder than you've ever been fucked."

I made a noise that I'd never heard myself make before — a cross between a purr and a moan. Ignoring my new found, and slightly ludicrous vocal repertoire, I crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, flicking my shoes from my feet.

"I'm looking forward to this," he practically growled, as he approached me, his belt buckle hanging loose and his hands gripping the bottom of his t-shirt as he slid it up and over his torso.

I gazed open mouthed and wide eyed as he revealed himself to me. Tattoos covered a torso that made my pussy shudder, and my nipples harden even more. Neck and shoulder muscles bulged and his stomach was formed from ridges so deep that he looked as if he carried absolutely no fat. It was the male body of my teenage dreams, and I felt my mouth salivating as I spoke.

"Jesus," I said, "are you some sort of bodybuilder?"

He looked down at me with a stare that turned me to jelly. "I play a little rugby, now and again," he said, beginning to pull his jeans and underwear down together.

I stopped myself from swearing as he revealed his cock. It sprung from its fabric cage like a length of steel. I'd seen big dicks on films before, and in photographs, but I'd never seen one in real life, especially one that was soon to be inside me.

It was long, but it wasn't the length that made me bite my bottom lip and wriggle my arse on the bed, trying to give my pussy a little relief. It was the width, or girth, as the magazines called it.

As wide as the bottle of beer that he'd drank from in the bar, and lined with thick veins that pulsated as excited blood flowed through them, Jack's cock was impressive. Magnificently impressive. So impressive that I found my hand reaching out towards it, totally independent of any conscious order that I'd given it.

"Not yet," said Jack, taking a small step backwards. "I want to taste you first."

As he stepped out of his jeans and boxers I was aware that my tongue was rolling in and out of my mouth, and my bottom lip was becoming sore from the constant nibbling of my teeth. He was nothing short of perfect. Wide thighs framed his huge cock and his tattoos made him look…
. I
he was fierce. I knew there and then that I needed more than the sensual love making that I'd been used to with my ex-fiancee.

"Lie back," said Jack, as he approached me. "Open your legs for me."

I did as he asked, hitching my dress up to my waist and taking hold of the elastic waistband of my underwear. "No," said Jack, lowering himself between my legs. "Let me take them off."

He hooked his fingers beneath the elastic, and the touch of his skin against mine made my flesh dance as my muscles responded with shuddering contractions.

I squealed as, with one powerful flick of his arm and wrist, he tore my panties from my body, the fabric briefly tightening deep inside my slit, and the waist and leg elastic digging into my thighs.

"Nice," he murmured, lowering his mouth to my inner thigh. "That's a nice fucking pussy."

I watched as he traced a hot wet line up my leg, his tongue caressing my flesh and his teeth nibbling as he neared my pussy.

"Oh my God," I groaned, my hips rising off the bed as his breath washed over my swollen lips. I entwined my fingers in his hair and dug my nails into his scalp. "Please," I begged.

He locked his eyes onto mine, and with a long stroke of his tongue that slid the full length of my slit, he made contact with my most intimate of places.

I tried to keep my eyes on his as he licked, nibbled, and sucked, but my head sagged back onto the bed, and I pressed myself hard onto his face, wanting him deeper, needing him inside me.

His tongue probed me with delicious wriggles that brought me closer to climax with every second that passed. His hands cupped my arse cheeks and he massaged my flesh, his fingers soft and his grip firm.

Jack moaned as he worked on me, his deliciously low growls of pleasure sending deep vibrations through my clit. My teeth dug deep into my bottom lip, and I pressed my nails further into his scalp, pulling him deeper into me.

He lifted his head from between my legs, his face shiny with my juice. "Take your dress off," he ordered, "and bend over."

Without any hesitation, I slipped my dress off my shoulders and lifted it over my head. I found my bra clip and clicked it open, allowing my tits to tumble free under his intense stare.

"My bag," I said, regaining some of my senses. "I've got condoms in there."

Jack scanned the room and found my bag on the table I'd tossed it onto. The firm muscles of his perfect arse rolled as he walked to grab it, and his cock reared in front of him, shifting from side to side as he moved.

BOOK: Pitbull: He plays hard on the field...He plays harder off it.
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