Playing for Real: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 5 (3 page)

BOOK: Playing for Real: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 5
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She tugged with her shackled wrists at the chains circling her waist, then pushed back the tiny thread of panic. “I don’t feel the same security that I felt with the rope, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. Maybe I don’t always want to feel safe. This is a more primal feeling. More raw. Rougher. Scarier.”

Paolo had begun to stroke her breasts as she was talking and ripples of sensations skimmed over her skin. “But in the back of your mind,” he said, “you know you are safe with me. Is that not right, Julianne?”

He pinched her nipples and she gasped, but she didn’t know whether it was from the sharp pain or the realization that he was correct. She nodded.

“So now as you submit to whatever I require of you, to whatever I want to do to you, you can allow yourself to experience it all. The arousing. The unfamiliar. The frightening.” He lightly slapped her breasts and she surprised herself by not pulling away, but actually arching into the strikes. “You know you do not need to pull back because no matter what, you are safe with me.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Good.” He cupped her face and brushed his lips across hers. “If we accomplish nothing else tonight, you have learned an important lesson.” He surprised her by unhooking the chain from her wrists.

She dropped her arms to her sides. “Are we finished tonight?”

“Do you want to be finished?”

“No, sir.”

“That is very good because I have much more planned for you. I wanted you to get the feel for the chains tonight. I may bind you with them during another session.” He unwound the chain from around her body, uncrossed it from her breasts, then pulled it through the ring in the collar. The links clinked as they hit the floor. When he reached the end of the chain, he attached it to the collar. “Do you remember the standing pose?”

“Yes, sir.” She quickly spread her legs and tucked her hands into the small of her back. When she saw his frown she remembered to lower her gaze.

“Soon I expect this pose to become second nature to you,” he said. “I will correct you a couple times, Julianne, but if you continue to forget, you should expect to be punished so that you will not forget again. Do you understand?”

She’d read often about punishments when researching online and she shivered. “Yes, sir.” The tail of the chain curled on the floor between her bare feet.

“Good.” He lightly brushed his hand over her hair, then turned and walked away from her. Julianne fought the urge to look up. Would she ever lose the desire to peek? To want to know what he had in store for her next? Would she ever lose her curiosity, her need to know what he had planned?

Of course not. And she was certain Paolo was well aware of that. It’s why he wouldn’t tell her in the car what he had planned. He knew the anticipation, the wondering, the uncertainty, helped build the arousal. And he probably knew it also drove her crazy.

“Come here, Julianne.”

She looked up to see him sitting in the center of the sofa, his arms stretched out over the back. Was he really as relaxed as he appeared to be? A slight tremor of apprehension ran over her skin.

“Aren’t you going to blindfold me first?”

He frowned and she realized her mistake immediately. She shouldn’t be asking those kinds of questions. It sounded as if she thought she knew better than him. That wasn’t a good thing. For how long could she use her nerves as an excuse for the stupid things that came out of her mouth?

“No. Not tonight,” he replied. He smiled slightly as if he could tell she realized her mistake. “I want us to become familiar with each other this evening. We cannot do that if you are not able to see me.”


He beckoned her with one hand. “Come to me. Now.” This time he used a tone that told her he wouldn’t ask so nicely again.

Julianne walked slowly across the room, the chain hanging between her breasts. It dragged and pulled between her legs as she walked, rubbing against the sensitive folds of her sex. The sound of the metal links scraping along the floor added to her feeling of being a slave. She stopped when she reached the sofa, then quickly assumed the standing pose he’d taught her.

While she waited impatiently for him to tell her what he wanted her to do, he seemed to be content to sit there and look her over. At least she assumed that’s what he was doing. She had her gaze lowered and she couldn’t see much more than his legs. She strived to keep her breathing slow and even. Counting to five as he’d suggested seemed to help. She focused on his knee and counted again.

“Look at me, Julianne.” She raised her eyes and saw Paolo pat the sofa on either side of his thighs. “I want to learn this body. Stretch out here on your stomach.”

He wanted her to spread herself over his lap? Did she sit down on his jean-covered thighs first and then turn over? Did she climb onto the sofa beside him on her hands and knees and then crawl over him? Or did she lunge? While she struggled with her choices, he sat there, looking increasingly impatient as he waited for her to obey him.

“Is something wrong?” he asked impatiently.

She didn’t intend to upset him and the fact that she did made her stomach ache. “No, sir. I don’t know how to gracefully sprawl over you.”

He laughed then and relief washed over her and loosened the knots in her stomach. “Come here.” He leaned forward and grabbed the chain hanging from the heavy collar around her neck. When he tugged, she fell very ungracefully onto his lap. Another second later, he’d flipped her onto her stomach and stretched her over his lap. The erection behind his zipper jutted hard and hot into her stomach. He pulled the chain out of the way so she wasn’t laying on the links, but he left it hooked on to the collar.

“Arms over your head,” he said. He pressed her head down onto the sofa cushion and ran his hands along her arms so that they stretched over her. He pushed on her cuffed wrists. “Palms flat on the cushions. Leave your hands there. I do not want you to lift your head or your hands until I tell you that you can.”

Paolo began to run his hands over her body, starting with her outstretched arms, caressing her with long, sure strokes. At first his strokes warmed her, relaxed her, as his hands rubbed her back, skimmed over her ribs. When he reached her bottom, he began to knead the flesh, his strong fingers digging into her ass, the force just short of painful. She couldn’t stop from wriggling when his fingers dipped between her cheeks. He swatted her sharply.

“Stop squirming,” he said. “I am learning this body. I need to get familiar with every curve, every crease, every expanse of skin. And you need to become comfortable with my hands on you, with my hands going anywhere I want them to be.”

She sighed, closed her eyes and let his hands roam. It was so hard not to move. The only consolation was the fact that his erection was hard against her stomach and she knew he was as aroused as she was.

Paolo ran his hands down both legs before he brought his fingers back up to the juncture of her thighs. He pushed her legs apart and began to play with the slick flesh there. Julianne groaned with the effort to lie as still as possible as he brushed his fingertips over her clit. Then he thrust two or three fingers deep inside her.

“This is my body,” he growled, grasping her tightly. “Mine to do whatever I want to. My body. Yes?”

She froze. She might feel the urge to submit, but that didn’t mean he owned her body. Did it? “Um…” She lifted her head to look up at him, but she only had a split second to see another frown on his face before he pushed her back down with his free hand.

“I did not say you could move.” He slid his fingers from her core and spanked her, once, quick and hard.

Julianne cried out, curled her hands into fists above her head. And arched her ass into his hand.

Paolo rubbed his fingers lightly over her ass, then spanked her again, even harder. Julianne buried her face in the cushion of the sofa to muffle the sound of her cries as he spanked over and over again. But as one hand struck her bottom, the other gently stroked her back. The thuds from the spanking vibrated straight between her legs, arousing her as much as his fingers had.

The spanking may have lasted a few minutes or it might have been hours. As it had the week before, somehow the pain from the strikes converted into a lovely haze of pleasure and Julianne lost all sense of time, of place, of anything but Paolo’s hands on her, his heavy breathing a counter rhythm to the slaps of hand to flesh.

She didn’t even realize she was squirming again until he gave her an extra hard strike and held her hips down, pressing his hand onto her sore ass. “Julianne, you must lie still.”

“Sorry,” she whispered, and then bit down on her lip before she begged him to spank her some more.

“Such a pretty red,” he said softly. “And the skin is so hot.” Paolo began to rub her bottom, the skin burning, aching, beneath his touch. “I spanked you because you moved when I commanded you to stay still. But more than that, I spanked you because I wanted to. Because you gave me that power when you consented to submit to me.” He dragged his fingers over her and even though the pressure hurt, zaps of arousal shot between her legs. “Do you remember?”

She nodded, her face still buried in the sofa cushions.

“This ass is mine to make red and hot if I so desire. Yes?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He spread her legs and spanked her hard on her wet pussy. “This is mine. Yes?”

“Yes,” she groaned.

He pumped his fingers in and out of her again, building her arousal once more, but too soon he pulled his fingers out of her, leaving her feeling empty. He pressed his thumb against her anus, pushing hard, almost breaching the tight muscles. “This is mine. Yes?”

She swallowed. “Yes.”

He wrapped her hair around his hand and yanked her head up, delivered a bruising kiss to her lips. His gaze locked with hers. “This mouth is mine. Yes?”


He effortlessly flipped her over to her back. The chain caught on her breast, clattering as it dragged on the floor. It brushed across her nipple as Paolo impatiently pushed it aside.

“Keep your arms over your head,” he ordered, then began to run his hands over her body, across every inch, as he had promised when they’d first gotten there. As crazy as it sounded, it almost felt too intimate. She was naked, draped over his fully-clothed lap, while he studied every part of her body, while he touched her, slapped her, stroked her. It had been easier when she’d been blindfolded.

He grasped her breasts, squeezed them hard. “These are mine. Yes?”

Was he going to do this to every part of her body? “Yes!” she cried and closed her eyes.

“No! Open your eyes.” Her eyes flew open at the deep growl. “Look at me. Do not take your eyes off me.”

His expression was intense, possessive. He didn’t hold her gaze, but turned his head to follow his hands along her body. When he ran them down her sides, it was slow enough that he might have been counting each rib. Then, palms flat, he explored her abdomen and hips. His fingers ended up in between her legs again, both hands poking and prodding. Rubbing her labia, teasing her clit, plunging over and over into her core.

Try as she might, Julianne could no longer lie still. Surely he knew it was impossible. He rubbed harder, dragging her arousal higher. Need scrambled through her body. He pinched her clit between his fingers. “Look at me,
.” The soft endearment took her by surprise.

She was so overwhelmed with sensations she didn’t even realize she’d closed her eyes again. She lifted her lids and looked into Paolo’s deep blue eyes. Intimate. Too intimate. But she couldn’t look away. With one hand he plunged his fingers into her over and over again, fast, hard, frantic. With the other hand he focused on her clitoris, teasing that tiny bud of nerves with his fingertips. She arched into him, her hands curling in tight fists above her head.

“Come, Julianne. You can come now.” He rubbed even harder, almost painfully, wrenching her climax from her.

The orgasm crashed over Julianne with the force of a sledgehammer. She screamed as she came apart under his hands. Her hips rocked on his lap, her head thrashing on the sofa cushion.

“This is mine too,” Paolo cried, his voice rough and raw. He pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger. “This orgasm. It is mine. My orgasm. Yes?”

She collapsed against his legs, against the sofa cushions. Wrung out. Shattered. “Yes. Yes. It’s yours. I’m yours. Everything is yours.”

Chapter Two

Paolo knew his aftercare. He gathered Julianne in his arms and held her for a while to give her a chance to catch her breath and come down. In all honesty, he needed some time for his racing heartbeat to get back to normal as well. Her silky hair brushed his face when she buried her face in the crook of his neck. The sweet scent of her desire surrounded him, invaded his senses and kicked up his own arousal. As she snuggled against him, her bottom was a tempting weight on his groin.

Eventually, he groaned and eased her off his lap. Then he got up and brought her back a cup of water. He worked hard to stay outwardly calm and strong as a Dom should, but inside he was shaking. He needed some time alone to replay what had happened, but he couldn’t do it until he brought her back to her place safely.

“I will help you dress.”

BOOK: Playing for Real: Paolo's Playhouse, Book 5
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