Playing the Game. (Business and Pleasures) (2 page)

BOOK: Playing the Game. (Business and Pleasures)
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Chapter 4



ensen left Rin at the table and asked at the desk to pay the bill. He wanted to be the gentleman of course, plus this had kind of turned into a date. They had ended up staying for lunch, and it had been an unexpected but nice afternoon; he didn’t want it to end, but Rin had a meeting to get to.

Sitting back at the table, he decided that Rin had left her worries for the
office, and he could safely bring up last Monday.

“So, last week,” He started.

“Yes I wondered if you might bring that up,” she said smirking. Jensen couldn’t help but smile,
she had been waiting for me to mention it huh?

“So we have a
good meal, we had… a nice evening, but I don’t get a good-bye kiss?” he said trying for hurt.

Rin bit at her lip still smiling. She was too
cute; he had already forgiven her for sneaking off and not calling. He was intent on seeing her again though, even if she played hard to get.
I am Jensen Altman; I defy you to turn me away!
He thought feeling confident.

“Well, Jensen, you have a reputation you know. I thought I ought to leave you to it, plus I had to get to work. That whole day was pr
etty out of character for me,” she said avoiding his eyes.

Jensen leaned back in his chair
. Well, what does that mean?
He thought; ego deflated somewhat.

“So you would
n’t want to do it again then?” he asked,

“Have dinner with me, I mean!” He added quickly and laughed.

Rin suddenly took a great interest in her drink; Jensen felt the opportunity slipping away.

“Well, I don’t know
Jensen. It was a great night, but I’m not looking for anything serious right now. I have a lot on my plate, especially as of today.” She looked up at him apologetically.

It was ok she just needed a little more coaxing.

“You’re not interested? Ok.” He shrugged, and put his hands behind his head.

“But we
still have to celebrate your promotion.” He countered.

“How about… Friday night. I will pick you up at 8. We can celebrate, dance, eat, whatever you want to do! Nothing serious. Then you can carry on with your full
plate,” he said. Sure she would be up for that much at least.

She finished the sparkly li
quid in her glass and looked up into his eyes. Her expression changed from mild amusement to serious as the moment lengthened, still locked in his gaze, she licked her lips.

“Ok. I was going to turn you
down, but you argue a good case, plus I haven’t been dancing in sooo long.” She smiled,

“But this time you can pick me up from my house, I’m not waiting around on the street freezing my butt off again.” She wagged a finger at him.

“Well alright!”

Inwardly cheering he stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and stepped away from the table. He took a liberty and put his arm around her shoulders, as they walked towards the door.

“Wait, we need to pay the bill Jensen!” she said and stopped suddenly.

lready taken care of my lady,” he said with as much charm as he could manage and nodded to the maître d’.

Outside t
he restaurant, Rin stopped and checked the time.

“My meeting is in an hour,” s
he said.

“Where ar
e you meeting? at the office?” he asked.

“No it’s a new client, just a meet and
greet. We are meeting at their hotel in Elephant and Castle; I'll head back to the office after,” she replied rooting about in her bag and producing a hand mirror.

“I’d better get to the station.” She checked her appearance and dropped the mirror back into the bag.

“I’d offer to drive you, but Anaise arranged for a company car this morning. Ha, I forgot about that! It looks like I’ll be slumming it on the tube too!” he said unable to hide his glee at the thought! It had been quite some time since he had tackled London’s ancient underground network. He loved the grittiness, and soot covered mice… the rats and people not so much.

“Ha! Ok then! Let’s
go,” replied Rin, amused by his excitement of the mundane.

They could only enjoy a few stops tog
ether before Rin had to change lines, their carriage was packed. They stood near the doors as more and more people squeezed onto the train, wedging them against each other.

“Well this is nice.” He joked. Rin had one hand on his chest, the other holding a pole that ran from floor to ceiling. Jensen was over six
feet, so he held onto one of the hanging handles and took the opportunity to slip his other arm around her waist.

“So, we are going dancing on Friday then?” He smiled down at her.

“Yup! I had better go shopping, I think a new dress and shoes are in order!” she said, excitement shining in her eyes.

“Women and shoes! Any club in mind? I
favour a few, but it’s your celebration!” he asked.

The train jolted and
everyone standing staggered.

cried Rin as she fell into Jensen’s chest, followed by a few other passengers who knocked into his shoulder. Still gripping the hanging handle, he pressed his back against the pole and protectively held her tighter, taking advantage of their closeness and breathing in her sweet aroma.

was trying to have a look at the train line map above the seating area but there were just too many passengers in the carriage. He could tell that Rin was looking up at him, but pretended not to notice.
Ha, she is checking me out!
He celebrated to himself. After a moment or two more he felt her arm slip around his waist. He looked down at her, she met his gaze.

“Yours is the next stop,” h
e said, moving her closer still, building up to the question he had been wanting to ask since they had gotten on the train.

“Yeah, looks like I’ll make the m
eeting in good time,” she replied.

“Do I get a
good-bye kiss this time?” he asked jokingly, hoping he didn’t sound bothered either way.

Rin just smiled knowingly and watched him for an expression change. He laughed and looked up at the crowd around them.
Fine, doesn’t matter I’ll play her game.
He thought.

The tannoy crackled into life and announced the next station’s imminent arrival.

He felt Rin’s hand on his face; he looked down at her. To his surprise, she rose up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his, she kissed him softly but full on, then pulled back a little and kissed him lightly again. The train slowed to a stop, and the crowded carriage sprang into life.

Jensen released the handle and wound his other arm around her, lifting her
to his height. He kissed her passionately, then reluctantly placed her gently down so she could leave the train.

“Thank you for lunch Jensen!” she said as she moved away from him.

“Any time. See you Friday Red,” he called back as she was swallowed up by the crowd. He watched for the flash of fire move among the hordes until he couldn’t see her any longer. The doors closed on the full carriage, and the train left the station.



Chapter 5



in collapsed onto her sofa and closed her eyes.
Phew what a week! I can’t believe it’s already Friday!

Since her promotion
to managing director, nearly two years ago, she had completely redecorated her terrace house. She had bought the place a year before when she had been promoted to general manager and could afford the mortgage. She loved her home but with her new status and dramatic increase in income, the prospect of buying a condo in the city centre was now a possibility for her.

Well, there i
s plenty of time to consider options,
she thought,
right now I have to prepare myself. Better get something to eat, or I’ll be a cheap date tonight!
She sat up and looked around her lounge. She hadn’t really considered it through the eyes of another, but it was really rather girly. She had bought her large corner sofa and matching arm chair before she decorated this room, it was dusky pink wide cord with brightly coloured throw pillows. She chose to highlight the rest of the magnolia room with items in pinks and spring greens to match the sofa.

Ok, at least its tidy
, she thought and headed to the kitchen,
also tidy!

After fixing herself a sandwich and showering,
she ran to the shopping bags that had been dumped by the door when she had got home. Bringing them to her room, she pulled out their contents, a beautiful new dress and shoes.
Oooh Jensen will be all over this tonight
! she thought smugly as she held the dress against her naked body. As much as she didn’t want a man in her life, she indulged in the flight of imagination, what would it be like to be his girlfriend, bringing him to meet her peers, on his arm at various social events. He would certainly make her friends swoon at his sheer size and male model looks.

It was fun to
fantasize, but she knew hardly anything about him. She didn’t know what he did from day to day, she had no idea what he enjoyed doing or if he had any other girls on the go. She was not even sure if he was actually into her, he could just be bored, and she was the only available option.

On that thought she ended her
delusions; he was trouble, and she would do well to remember that. She had a career to take care of and very little time for games.

After drying and styling her hair into large loose curls and applying more makeup than she normally would
, she checked the time-
7:49 PM? Oh hell he’s going to be here soon!
She panicked and removed the label from the dress. It was a gorgeous marine blue, high cut front and low back; it was too sheer to allow for a bra. The shoes were strappy and silver, covered with jewels to match the sparkly crystal necklace she had also bought that afternoon.

Happy with her appearance she was about to start the search for a handbag to match
, when the doorbell rang. Suddenly, she was frozen by nerves.
Oh gosh, why am I so nervous?
She thought as she unsteadily descended the stairs to the front door.

exclaimed Jensen, genuinely impressed, as Rin opened the door to him, she smiled and blushed, stepping aside to let him in.

“Hi Jensen!”
she said still feeling nervous. He looked hot as hell! He had combed his hair back and wore a white V neck t shirt, a necklace made of leather thong and two silver chains, with a suit style jacket with the sleeves rolled up and smart jeans.

“You look stunning tonight Red!

C'est un cadeau pour toi.” Stepping over the threshold towards her, he produced from behind him a bouquet of deep orange roses, the same colours as her hair, and held them out to her.

“Oh! Thank you so much!” She cried and inhaled their heady
scent, then reached up and kissed him on the cheek. She had to admit; he was definitely impressing her!

Before he had a chance to pull h
er in for more she stepped away and instructed him to follow.

“Have you decided
where you want to go tonight?” he asked as he followed her to the kitchen.

“Actually no, I haven’t given it too much thought, finding the perfect pair of shoes was the main issue!” she laughed, locating a suitable vessel to display the roses in. She retrieved two flute glasses from the cupboard and brought out a bottle of champagne her mother had
sent to celebrate her new promotion.

“Well, I’m on the guest list at Sapphire, or if you fancy something a little more exotic
, we could head to Soho and mix it up?” He offered.

“You’re on the guest list at Sapphire?” Rin asked in disbelief.

“That club is so prestigious! I’ve read about celebrities being turned away before!” She shook her head and uncorked the bottle, a cascade of bubbles covering her hand and the work top.

“Ha, yeah I’ve heard that too, I’m friends with the owner.”
he replied, watching her lick the champagne bubbles from her fingers.

She wiped away the rest of the spill and ran her hand under the tap. Pouring their drinks, she turned back and caught him staring at her ass.

“So you like my new dress?” she asked handing him a glass.

“It’s befitting
for such a beauty!” He laughed,

“It’s lovely, but I’d
prefer to see you out of it,” he said, and Rin was surprised by how serious he now looked. She raised her glass.

“To secret celebrations!” She toasted. He clinked his glass against hers and sipped.

“Before we go, I just need to find my bag, make yourself at home! I’ll be back in a minute,” she said and headed for the stairs.

Where i
s that bag?
She thought in frustration as she hunted through the shelves of her closet. Just as she located the small silver shoulder bag she had had in mind, she nearly jumped out of her skin when Jensen placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry to make you
jump; your mobile has been ringing constantly since you left the kitchen,” he said apologetically as he handed her the phone.

She read two numbers on the screen, her sister and Anaise?
Well, they can wait until tomorrow she thought. She picked up her necklace and looked at Jensen; he was sitting on the corner of her bed taking everything in. His large frame and general manliness looked out of place in her girly room, she felt a wave of lust roll over her and tried to quash it by fiddling with the clasp of the necklace.

“Could you help me out here?” s
he asked handing him the necklace. She turned and held the mane of curls away from her neck. She felt him stand over her, his size dominating.

“Certainly,” he
replied in a low voice and placed a hand on her shoulder. The sensation sent a tingle through her. She felt a sudden abandon to her morals; he was dutifully attending to her necklace, but the urge to turn and embrace him was strong. She fought it back, but her heart was a betrayer.

She watched herself and Jensen in the
full-length mirror. Inching gradually back into him and bringing her arm from her side, she rubbed her hand lightly over his thigh.

He had finished with her necklace and took her cue,
resting his hands on her upper arms he leaned down to kiss her neck. She backed into him a little more and suggestively rubbed her body against his.

He was quick to retaliate and ran his hand
s languidly up over her shoulders, beyond her breasts, stopping to appreciate her lack of bra. Leaning her head back against his shoulder, Rin continued to watch him in the mirror. With her other arm, she reached behind her and rubbed over his crotch, trying to feel through the thick jean material.

At that
point, Jensen noticed her watching him in the mirror and grinned mischievously. He grabbed her thighs and ran both his hands up under her dress. One hand flattened against her stomach, the other slipped under the elastic of her underwear, stroking the soft mound before sliding a finger across her rapidly lubricating slit. Rin made an involuntary purring sound which intensified as he slid the finger into her.

She closed her eyes
he is straight to business then

She located the buckle of his belt and surprised herself by undoing it quickly. Unbuttoning and unzipping him
, her need escalating with every stroke of his hand.

A jolt of pleasure shot through her from the second finger he pressed into her
, just as she uncovered his enlarging erection. She glided her hand over the silken skin, teasing him with soft touches, exploring the size of his mighty cock.

She began to massage him in rhythm as he manipulated the sensitive nub of her clit.

He watched her enjoy his touch, and she watched him, his large hands coveting her flesh.

had never felt like an exhibitionist before, but she loved it.
Maybe I should install a mirrored ceiling!
She mused.

Craving more she released him and leaned forward slowly, keeping
mirrored eye contact; she removed her knickers.

Watching her slide them over her thighs his expression changed from
a smug cheekiness to sober yearning, serious and filled with intent, his lips twisted out of the smile he had worn into a sneer.

As she stood again, Jensen turned her to face him, a look of hunger and determination
in his eyes. He kissed her fiercely and passionately. She returned his kisses just as desperately, and he pulled her against him.

Holding his large
shoulders, she attempted to move him towards the bed, but he momentarily released her to remove his jacket. He then surprised Rin by practically throwing her backwards onto her bed. She liked how rough he was being; their last encounter had been sensual in comparison.

He climbed up after her and pushed her dress up so high, the lower
swells of her breasts were visible. She looked up at his face and felt another wave of arousal tear through her as he looked back into her eyes- there was no smile. The easy-going Jensen she thought she knew had left and been replaced by a stranger with an animalistic need that felt dangerous. It excited her.

One strong hand grasped her thigh and pulled her down the bed, towards the other hand-brandishing his enormous cock. Without waiting a second longer he pressed the blunt tip against
her; she held her breath as she felt the first inch of him enter. Awaiting him to plunge in, she exhaled, but he allowed her a moment to adjust to his intrusion

tarting slow; he pushed up her pelvis. Rin felt the little sharp pains of her skin stretching to accommodate the girth of his thick erection, as inch after inch slid inside her.

When he reached full depth and their pelvises
met, he lifted her upright. Their torsos tangled together, he was on his knees, her legs straddling his thighs. He tugged her down hard.and fast this time, making her gasp He kissed her roughly, wrapping her in his embrace and pulled her upwards. Rin ground back down again, gripping his shoulders tightly. She felt the hard muscles in his body flexing as he pivoted his full length into her, her fingers exploring his perfect form while he screwed her, taking pleasure from his every aspect.

They writhed together, Jensen
restricting her movements and simultaneously kissing and nibbling her neck. Rin felt dominated by his control, riding up and down on his cock; it felt as though he had filled her up entirely.

Jensen held her tighter and sped up the pace, slamming into her again
and again; she felt herself turning to jelly as the beginnings of her orgasm took over.

The tingling began in her toes and fingers and work
ed their way towards her centre. What started as a pleasant pressure, built up into a heat and engulfed her from the abdomen outwards. She heard herself cry out as she lost control.

Jensen continued to pump her until his rhythm became uneven, she pressed against him with the failing energy she had left.

“Aaaah, Riiiiiiiinnn uhhh!” He thrust deeply a few more times, and slowed, leaning his head against her shoulder and loosening his grip on her thighs. She could feel him pulsing inside her.

Still holding each other their breathing slowed, Rin
could feel the tender spots throbbing where his fingers had dug into her butt. She lay her head against his for a moment, and silently congratulated herself on not messing up his hair.

When the tingles had worn off entirely,
she lifted herself off of him and lay back on the bed.

“Phew!” She huffed, fighting the lethargy that followed a good orgasm.

Jensen was still on his knees, breathing heavily. He gave her a lopsided smile.

“Where is the bathroom?”
he asked, turning and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

“En suite through there.” She pointed and turned to her bedside table to grab the hand wipes she kept there.

After freshening up and touching in her makeup Rin was ready to go again.
That, was pussy meltingly awesome!
She thought.
He is an excellent lay; It's a shame that I can’t make this a regular thing; I am really starting to like Jensen.

BOOK: Playing the Game. (Business and Pleasures)
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