Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! (15 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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Chapter 24


As Juanita walked to Alfredo’s house, she looked around her and took in the natural beauty of the cove. She knew that she would miss this place. Roberto was right to fight for keeping it this way. Maybe she could stay a couple of more days for a short vacation. She’d earned some time off.

Once inside, she called Bob’s cell and had to leave a voicemail telling him about detaining Miguel. She assured him that Alfredo was arriving so everything was under control and she’d file a computer report tonight.


Bob felt the vibration of his cell as he drove home from his weekend tennis game. He was looking forward to a cold beer and lying on the deck with Carrie. It struck him suddenly that he wanted to be home because she was there.
What would home be like when she left after the weekend?
he thought? “Damn,” he swore softly, “I don’t want her to go.” He gripped the wheel at that realization pulling the car over to stop for a moment. He got out and walked across the road where the ocean lay out in front of him.
Was he ready for a long-term relationship again?
He thought about how well they had gotten along for the past week or so. Maybe they'd try living together and see how that goes.

Taking a deep breath, he stared out at the water. “That idea works for me,” he voiced to himself.  Now, he just had to convince Carrie.
Would she be happy with that or want more?
He walked back to the car with a plan in mind.  He would make her dinner tonight and bring up the subject when she was relaxed and in a loving mood. Feeling better about his decision, Bob headed for the store to pick up the groceries he would need for tonight.

Entering the house with his arms full of bags, he called Carrie’s name. When she didn’t reply, he set the groceries down checking the deck to see if she was relaxing outside. No Carrie there.
Maybe she’s writing on the deck downstairs,
he thought heading down the stairs. Stepping out on the deck, he called her name but she wasn’t there, either. “Hum-muh,” he mused, “Her car is here, but she’s not. Maybe she walked down to the park. I’ll take a quick shower and go find her.”

Striding into the bedroom, he heard the classical music first – the aria from Madame Butterfly drifted across the room.  Slowly opening the bathroom door, he found Carrie soaking in a bubble bath with her eyes closed listening to the music.  He smiled in relief just as the scent of jasmine from the lighted candles hit his senses. “I found you,” he whispered to himself while he paused to take it all in.  She looked lovely in the candlelight flickering on the ceramic tiles. Orchids surrounded the tub in the window box. Carrie was covered with frothy bubbles but her arms rested outside the water. She opened her eyes as Bob approached flashing him a smile. She wiggled her fingers to get him to bend down so she could kiss him hello. He took her face into his hands and returned hers with a long, slow kiss.

Turning down the music, she asked, “Want to join me?” Bob laughed spontaneously and undressed to slide in behind Carrie so her back rested on his chest.

Wrapping his arms around her, he whispered, “You are a joy to come home to.”

She smiled over her shoulder, “You must have won every game today.”

“No, actually I didn’t. I simply realized how good it felt to be coming home to you,” Bob murmured as he kissed her pink warm shoulder. “M-m, you smell good,” he kissed her neck and bit her ear lobe.

“Your endorphins are raging,” Carrie chuckled turning and floating in front of Bob to look into his eyes. “No, that’s not it,” she said suddenly.  She stopped and studied him closely. “You really did come home to me,” she said in awe. “Bob, that’s wonderful.” She slid her arms up to his neck and kissed him properly.

Grabbing her buttocks he moved her body over his. “It stunned me, too, Carrie, just how much I wanted to come home to you today.” He kissed her again absorbing her mouth with his. Carrie moved her hand down over his heart and felt it racing. She slid the arm down to his waist to pull herself over his hardening cock. Rubbing her slippery body over his shaft she hummed her pleasure breaking their kiss. “I thought I was getting myself ready for tonight,” she chuckled, “But I think you're giving me an afternoon delight.”

Touching her face with his fingers, Bob whispered, “I can’t wait to have you, Carrie. I want you to stay here with me. Let’s live together and see what happens,” the words tumbled out of his mouth and he kissed her again to show her how much he wanted her.

“You want me to live here with you?” she repeated breathlessly when his kiss ended.

“Yes,” he replied drawing her back for more.

“Wait, Bob,” she pushed lightly away. “Let’s not get caught up in this sensuality we have between us. What about your kids coming to visit in a few months? How are they going to handle me living with you?”

Bob stopped and stared at Carrie before replying. “Honestly, Carrie, I think they can handle it. He looked down for a second before continuing, "Diane brought her lover into her house last year and they accepted him. I simply haven’t told anyone about that,” he said looking into her eyes. Keeping his gaze on Carrie he finished, “I understand from my son that it didn’t work out. He wasn’t ready for a family.”

Carrie kissed him lightly, “Like I said, Bob, you are wonder to me." Shaking her head, she continued, “That must have made you feel like you were being replaced.”

“A little bit,” he confessed, holding her lightly in the water, “But I realized her life had to move on and what else could she do since she’s got the kids. I did feel like 'old money bags' for a while but I got over it.”

“Why don’t I stay for another week to give you a chance to talk to the kids about visiting this summer? Maybe you could mention I’m here and get their reactions. I want to do this, Bob, but I want to be included in every part of your life.”

“I agree,” he nodded and kissed her quickly. “I promise to call them tomorrow while they are home for the weekend.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Carrie pulled him to her, “Come here then and let me kiss you. I’m crazy about living here with you.” She kissed him as she floated over his body in the water.

He pulled her up close whispering into her mouth, “I love having you here.” Pulling his legs over hers, he pushed up so his shaft thrust between Carrie’s legs and she tightened them to hold him like a vise.

“Oh, my, you are the big, papa bear” chided Carrie. Moving her arms to his shoulders she raised just enough to feel the tip of his penis stroke her vagina.

“That’s me, and I’m ready to eat your porridge,” he teased. Putting his hands at her waist, Bob lifted Carrie and thrust up so he filled her. She braced her legs at the back of the tub and arched so he could fill her again. Their motions set a rhythmic wave in the tub. Carrie could hear little splashes over the side as they rode the waves together.  Bob buried his face between Carrie’s breasts and kissed each one while he pumped into her. Their moans could be heard over the soft music and just as Bob felt her muscles tighten, he drew her down for a deep kiss thrusting his tongue into her and nipping on her lower lip.  They came together, panting and letting the waves roll over them.

Once Bob caught his breath, he ran his hands down Carrie’s back. “Come on, love, I want to dry you off and lay with you on the deck where we can feel the sun on our skin.”

Pushing her back to lie in the water, he stepped out grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist. Getting a towel for Carrie, he took her hand steadying her as she stepped out into his arms. He brought the towel around her back settling it to her waist leaving her breasts exposed. “I love how pink they are from the hot water,” he praised leaning forward to kiss them.

“I think they still want you, Bob,” teased Carrie, rubbing them against his chest.

“We have all night to be together, Carrie. I promise to kiss every lovely inch of your body. Right now I have to run back upstairs and put the groceries away. I’m cooking a special dinner for you tonight.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely. I’ll meet you on the deck." She turned to stroll into the bedroom but made a brief detour into the closet once he stepped outside. She had something planned for later but the deck might be the perfect place for it.

Reaching in her nightstand, Carrie pulled out new black silk hose slipping them up to her thighs. Then she pulled on her black stilettos and walked out onto the deck. Leaning over the rail to look at the cliff and out to the sea, she let the afternoon breeze cool her body until Bob walked up behind her.

“Woman, your legs go on forever in those heels,” he admired, running his hand across the lacy tops of the hose. He sat down on the lawn chair and kissed Carrie’s butt while tracing his hand down her leg. She looked down watching him with a twinkle in her eyes.

“Come have a glass of wine with me, love. You’ll drive me crazy standing there with nothing but those stockings on.”

Carrie looked over her shoulder and winked at him. “That’s the plan, Bob, sometimes I like to surprise you,” Carrie teased. Do you still have my other black stocking stuffed in your jacket pocket?”

“Oh, yes. I’d forgotten it was there till I reached in my pocket during a meeting this week and touched it. I’m sure I turned red for a second before I recovered.” He took her hand and guided her to the lawn chair next to him.

“Let’s toast our new beginning. Here’s to living together and loving it,” Bob smiled as he touched his glass to Carrie’s. “I just got news from the motel while I was upstairs. Juanita left a message telling me they have detained Miguel and hope to get a confession from him. He walked right up to the property like he owned it already.”

“Oh, Bob, that is great news. Do you think the worst is over now?” Carrie stretched back lifting her arm overhead resting it on the back of the chair so her breasts were thrust high and her legs were at their longest.

Leaning forward, Bob shook his head. “I won’t be satisfied till we send a letter to the timeshare company that we have evidence to use against them if they don’t back off. However, that decision is not up to me, Jose and Alfredo will have to decide since they live there. It affects them more than me.”

Carrie turned and lifted her silky leg to place it between Bob’s. She pressed gently so her stiletto rested at his naked crotch. “You’re a clever man, Bob. I guess we should wait to call Mary until we know all the details.” She flexed her leg to push lightly on Bob’s penis.

“You’re a clever girl,” Bob returned, “I think I know what’s on your mind,” he winked as he lifted her foot out of the stiletto and began massaging it. He took his time working the muscles and between the toes. “I think you want more attention,” he murmured sucking her big toe into his mouth.

“That does feels sexy through the silk,” commented Carrie watching him begin to work his way up her leg. He paused at the mid-thigh lacy top. Lifting it, he blew hot air into the hose and kissed her leg before letting the lace fall back into place. Turning his head, he kissed his way up her thigh to her stomach. Her skin felt cool with the late afternoon breeze and his tongue was hot dipping into her navel.

“I simply didn’t get enough of you,” Carrie murmured stretching provocatively and opening her legs wider as an invitation.

“I think these black silk hose bring out your alter ego, Carrie.” He leaned down to blow a kiss across her stomach and then crawled between her legs to rub his moustache back and forth over her mound.

“I’m going to love you with my tongue,” he whispered low, lacing his fingers in her hands and burying his face in her muffin. With alternating kisses and love bites he worked Carrie into frenzy. Holding tight to his hands, Carrie felt her orgasm rising. Just as she started to lift her hips, he pressed down and drove his tongue into her labia. Suckling the top of her clitoris with his lips, his tongue worked its magic until she squeezed his hands and shuddered in a climax.

“Oh, I needed that,” she cried between pants. Bob kissed her mound and her silky legs. “Promise me you will wear these often, they turn me on, too” was Bob’s husky reply. They lay together on the chair wrapped around each other till the sun disappeared.

“Let’s go cook dinner together,” Bob invited when he stood and stretched, then reached for Carrie’s hand. “You can be my French maid in those stockings.”



Chapter 25


Things were not going so well for Miguel as he stared at the policeman in front of him. He thought Jose had been exaggerating, but his hands were clammy from fear now that he saw the badge and handcuffs on the desk.

“Miguel, Jose and Alfredo here want me to just turn you over to the Jacada family and let them bury you in cement. What do you think about that? I’ll call Felix and tell him you’re the rat that turned him in.”

Miguel looked at their solemn faces and back to the officer. “You’re supposed to protect me, man. I’ve offered to give information so I can get a deal.”

Alfredo stood up and walked over to Miguel, “We don’t need your information, Miguel. We already know everything from Mary’s computer. You met and emailed with Felix Jacada to carry out a sabotage plan at Pleasure Cove so his family could buy this place for Royal Hacienda at a rock bottom price. We have the trash bag you stuffed in the boat, and a witness that you tampered with a plane on our motel property.”

“Here’s what I want to know,” interrupted Jose as he stood to circle Miguel’s chair. “What did you do to spoil the salsa in the bar? I know you came here to gloat today at all the sick people.”

Miguel snickered, “Do you think I’m stupid, Jose? I’m not talking unless I have a deal. You can’t prove it was me who did all these things.”

“You don’t get a deal,” retorted the officer getting in his face, “Because I don’t like you. I’ll bring Felix in and make him sweat. Maybe he’ll roll over on you.”

The blood drained from Miguel’s face. He looked up at the three men circling him and dropped his head.

“Cuff him and throw him in jail,” urged Jose, “I want this scum out of my office.”

The officer leaned over the desk to reach the handcuffs while grabbing Miguel’s arm. “Lean forward and put your hands behind your back.”

“Wait. Wait! You don’t know everything. You just think you do,” pleaded Miguel pulling his hands loose and throwing them up in front of himself for protection.

“What can you possibly tell me that I don’t already know?” the officer demanded with his hands on his hips towering over Miguel.

“It’s true that Felix had a contact inside Royal Hacienda. They had a plan to buy up properties all the way from Cabo San Lucas north to Los Suenos. They wanted to sell exclusive memberships so pilots and internationals could fly directly into a Royal Hacienda Resort. They would give them boat access to each of the resorts along the coast so guests would travel privately and stay as long as they want.

“Did the Los Suenos Resort even know what Felix was doing?” asked Alfredo. I know several people there so I can confirm your story. We found one of their security badges on our beach a couple of week ago.”

“What?” stammered Miguel. “No, I don’t know,” he shook his head in confusion. “I only dealt with Felix who’s a security manager at Jacada. He wanted to make his own mark, and he said this place looked easy.” Miguel threw Jose a nasty look.

“I guess we’re not so easy, cardon,” hissed Jose as he kicked Miguel’s chair. Alfredo stepped up and pulled Jose back.

Looking at the police officer, Alfredo walked around the desk. “I’m going to follow a hunch that Los Suenos knows nothing about Felix’s little plan. This sounds like an over-eager cousin trying to muscle his way into management.”

Turning to Jose, Alfredo asked, “If we leave you and Miguel for a few minutes, do you promise not to kill him? I can make one phone call to Los Suenos and confirm Miguel’s story.”

Jose threw an angry glare at Miguel and nodded. The security guard was still holding the gun so Miguel wouldn’t dare try to escape. “I want another security guard outside the door just in case he tries something stupid.”

Heading for the door, Alfredo nodded and asked Jose very quietly, “Do you think Juanita has any new information on the timeshare company?”

“I don’t know. You should check,” Jose murmured.  As Alfredo left with his friend, he called out to a security guard passing by. “Bring your gun and stay right here.” He stopped to turn and glare directly at Miguel before closing the door.

Exiting the back door of the motel, Alfredo walked toward the rear of the building where the new construction continued. It was quiet for the holiday and the men had complete privacy.

“Do you believe him?” Alfredo asked as he turned to face his friend. “I really can call someone but I’d rather not play that card if I don’t have to.”

“I think Miguel is telling us what he thinks is the truth. This sounds just like a corporate move. They usually work two-three layers deep so they have protection all around them. Miguel is the perfect fall guy for them.”

“Judging by the way he’s sweating, I don’t think you can trust Miguel to give any more information. He was ready to roll over after an hour of questions,” stated Alfredo, “I could try one more bluff with Los Suenos to see if he spills anything else.”

“I would like a chance to talk with Felix. Let me call headquarters and have them run a file on him. I want to know what else he had done lately. Why don’t you check in with your office, Alfredo, while I check him out?”

Jose paced the room angry that he was tired and hungry and hadn’t seen his family in twenty-four hours. “We changed the locks at Mary’s house, idiota, if you get out of this alive, grab your boxes on her back patio and we never want to see your face again in this village, understood?”

“Understood, I’ll be happy to leave this place behind,” mumbled Miguel. “You’ll never be able to pin anything on Felix. The company lawyers will protect him.”

“I have my own ideas in mind for Senor Felix. My guess is he’s just like you – a punk trying to weasel his way to the top.”  Jose stopped and stared at Miguel. “You know you’re looking a little peaked there, Miguel, would you like a shot of tequila?  It might help you grow some backbone. I can bring a few chips and salsa from the bar.”

Miguel sneered at Jose. “I would have loved to see your face when people starting puking from the bad salsa. I soaked those tomatoes in pesticide water. It’s a little trick I picked up in Mazatlán.”

“You’ll be wishing for bad tomatoes when you eat the gruel they serve in a Mexican jail,” promised Jose picking up the phone to check in with the front desk. It was time to set up for the evening buffet. He needed to return to the bar.

Alfredo knocked lightly on the door before entering with the police officer. They walked straight to Miguel’s chair. “We are having you arrested for sabotage and food tampering,” Alfredo announced. This officer is taking you to Tiajuana so it will be harder for your friend, Felix, to find you. By the way, we called Los Suenos and they have never heard of Felix Jacada or the Jacada family so that makes you the fall guy.

Miguel stood defiantly shouting, “No.”

Shoving him back down, “Let me have the pleasure,” Jose scoffed as he grabbed the cuffs and put them on Miguel’s wrists. Jerking him up, he turned him over to the security guard. “Walk him to the police car.”

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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