Read Pleasure Point-nook Online

Authors: Eden Bradley

Pleasure Point-nook (13 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Point-nook
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He held a hand out to her. “Walk with me, Miranda?”

She wasn’t sure why she took his hand, why she let him lead her from the dock and
onto the sandy beach. Why she silently left her hand in his—was it the strength of
his fingers threaded through hers?—as he led her to a small cove of palm trees and
blooming pink hibiscus. There was a cabana set with flowing white curtains blowing
in the ocean breeze, a bamboo lounge on woven mats.

“Sit with me, Miranda. And I’m asking, not ordering.”

She nodded, sat, her heart a lump in her throat. What would he say? What
he say?

It shocked her when he got down on his knees in front of her and took both her hands
in one of his—a naturally commanding move that thrilled her as it always did with
him. She ordered her libido to calm so she could focus. But her body always melted
at his touch. Damn it.

“Miranda,” he started, his gaze catching hers, holding it. “I spent most of last night
thinking. About you and me. About possibilities. About worst-case scenarios, if you
want to know the truth. And I have to admit I’m an idiot for not figuring it out sooner.
And my idiocy has hurt you.” He squeezed her hands. “I’m sorrier for that than I can
ever express to you. All I can do is ask your forgiveness. And ask you to come to
London with me in four weeks’ time to meet my daughter.”


She felt as if she were dreaming. But his grip on her hands was real.
was real. The emotion naked on his face was as real as everything she felt herself:
shock. Pain.
. Her heart was a hammer, threatening to burst through her chest. Did she dare to
hope? Had she ever dared dream of being happy again? She was tired of being static,
of choosing to be, but she was still scared.

“Roan, do you have any idea of how you hurt me?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes. I think so. I know I’ve blown your trust, in every way. On every level. And
if you’ll only agree to be with me, to give this another shot—here, and in the real
world outside of this place—we don’t have to even play for a time. Simply be together.
Rebuild the trust. I swear I’ll do my best never to let you down again.”

“If you’re doing this all like…like some kicked dog with its tail between its legs,
I don’t think I can stand it.”

A small grin quirked one corner of his mouth. “Do I seem like the kicked-dog type?”

She had to smile. “No. Not ever.”

He moved in, his face drawing closer, his arms going around her waist. ‘Say you’ll
come with me, beauty. Say you’ll be with me. I spent the entire night staring at the
moon and the sea, making myself smart enough to realize what an ass I’ve been.”

“The entire night, huh?”

He lifted one of her hands and brushed a quick kiss over it, making her shiver. “There’s
my girl. All fire and sass. And the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, in every
way.”  He paused, lifted the other hand, kissed it as well, firmly, his lush lips
pressing her skin, and she felt it all the way down to her bones. “I love you, Miranda.
And I’m not currently lost in some post-orgasm haze. I am not afraid to say it to
you anymore. I want to say it. I want you to know. I love you. You have some idea
how long it’s been since I’ve said those words to any woman. They’re important words.
And you’re an important woman, important to me. Do you understand?”

She nodded, tears making her throat close up, aching in her chest. But they were happy
tears—the first she’d cried in longer than she could remember.

“Ah, love,” he said, wiping her cheek with his thumb. “No need to cry, is there?”

She shook her head. It took her a moment to be able to speak. “No. No need. Not if
you want me. If you love me. Because I love you, Roan. I have for…since the moment
I met you, I think. It feels like forever but it’s been a whole five days. How crazy
is that?”

“As crazy as the way I love you. The way I want to love you.”

“Yes. And I want to show you, too.” She bit her lip, making a quick decision. “Roan,
will you meet me in Club Sin in an hour?”

“You’re serious?”

“That’s where this started. And there’s a reason for that, isn’t there?”

“Yes. I suppose Vardalos, or the island, or whatever goes on here—someone thought
there was a reason.”

“And the island always knows what you need. Isn’t that what everyone says?”


“Then what we need is the club. It’s almost a neutral territory for us. It’s where
we are our most raw selves—isn’t that what you said?”

He smiled. Beautiful. “Something like that, yes.”

“Then meet me there.”

“Whatever you desire, love.”


She left him to walk back up the beach, found an empty golf cart and went straight
to the dungeon. She didn’t need to change, didn’t require any props. She let herself
in and found the low lights burning, casting golden shadows across the sleek black
walls, the shining floors.

She undressed completely and climbed onto a red vinyl-covered table hanging from the
ceiling by chains at each corner, and knelt there. She closed her eyes, breathing
in the scents of leather and the lingering desire these places always held—or that
was how she perceived it.

She drew in a deep, meditative breath, then another, preparing herself, clearing her
mind. Waiting with eager anticipation, her body and her heart blazing with a joyful
need for him.


She knew she’d been there for some time when she heard him come in and approach her
where she knelt naked on the red table.

“Lord, Miranda. How perfect you are,” he said, awe in his low tone.

Opening her eyes, she blinked at him as he came nearer. She didn’t want to say anything
just now. She simply wanted to be there with him. In the moment. In the way that had
established such a powerful connection between them—that power guiding their relationship,
an even exchange no matter that he was the Dom. This was how the power exchanged worked
at its very best, and she was filled with gratitude that they had this amazing connection.

Sensing that conversation was done for the time being, he stepped closer, until he
was standing before her. She let herself inhale, breathing him in: man and leather
and something purely
. And love was like a high, thrumming note curling and spiraling through her system.

He leaned in and kissed her, a sweet press of lips, then again and again. She wanted
to twine her arms around his neck but wanted just as badly to submit to him, to do
only what he asked of her while they were in this space, these roles. It felt too
important to give him that gift, to have him accept it. Because she wanted—needed—something
more from him. She didn’t know if he would offer it, but she had to find out. She
had to let love lead them both. Meanwhile, her heart fluttered in her chest, as if
butterflies were caged there, beating their fragile wings against her heart. It was
the loveliest feeling she could remember ever having.

He smoothed his hands over her shoulders, over the tops of her parted thighs. Then
they came up to hold her face, cupping her gently.

“I love you, Miranda. Even more that you wanted to do this for me. For us. I can’t
begin to comprehend how this has happened so quickly, but I’ve spent too many years
overthinking everything. It’s time to simply feel. And what I feel is that you are
. Do you love me, my beauty?”

She swallowed hard, her throat tight with emotion. “I love you, Roan. With all my
crazy heart. Crazy because, as you said, this has happened in a matter of days, somehow.”

“Maybe that’s the only way the universe could sneak this past my guard, and yours.”

She smiled. “You might be right about that.”

“I’m right about something else, too. That we belong together. That I belong to you
as much as you do to me. Do you believe that?”

“Yes. And Roan, I never thought I’d belong again. To anyone. But this is

His fingertips stroked her jaw, her cheeks, as he stared into her eyes until she could
feel the love pouring out of him, through her. Into her heart, filling her up. “Then,
will you be mine, love?” he asked. “Will you take my collar?”

This was everything she’d been waiting for, everything she’d yearned for in those
distant reaches of her mind and heart—those unacknowledged places—before she’d even
met him.

There were happy tears in her eyes as she answered. “Yes.”

He smiled as he wrapped her in his arms, pulling her half off the table. And he kissed
her so hard he took her breath away. When he set her down, he pulled a delicate gold
chain from his pocket.

“I got this from Vardalos early this morning. I couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t wait. I’ll
have something custom-made for you, but for now, will you take this as a symbol of
our connection, our commitment, our love?”

How was it that these simple words felt sacred to her? But she knew it,
it to the core of her being.

“I will take it. I’ll commit to you. Belong to you.
you. I love you, Roan.”

His features were softer than she’d ever seen them as he fastened the gold chain around
her neck, his hands gentle as he swept her hair aside. Then, with his gleaming green
gaze locked on hers, he began with the pressure points that seemed to be what he particularly
loved, and which she had come to love as well. It was what they needed to seal their
collaring—that exquisite exchange of power that had brought them together, and which
sealed them now.

He held her jaw in one hand, forcing her head up and back, elongating her throat,
and pressed his thumbs against the tendons on one side. The pain lanced into her,
just enough for her to feel it, to feel his sense of command. At the same time he
reached behind her head and buried his hand in her hair, close to the scalp, grasping
it hard. Something in her let go at that moment, her body submitting to his as if
by muscle memory, and she loved that they had that between them.

Still holding her hair, he drew her head down until he could catch her gaze once more.
There was power in that—in the way he watched her with such focus, such intensity.

He moved his hand down and pressed the delicate point below her collarbone, releasing
only when she gasped. Desire flooded her along with the pain, as always. Desire and
the hunger for

She pulled in a breath when he moved his hand down, finding the point on the side
of her breast, finally letting her hair go so he could press on both sides at once.
She breathed through the pain, and he leaned in until his eyes were inches from hers.
Until she could feel his breath soft on her face. He pressed harder. She gasped and
he released the points. Still watching her closely, he used one fingertip in the center
of her chest. This point always made her feel utterly helpless. Controlled. Commanded.
She loved it, even as the pain drove deep into her body. Pain and a flood of aching
need in her sex.

He pressed harder and harder, directing her to lie back. Even once she was flat on
the table, the vinyl cool against her naked flesh, he kept up the pressure. Finally,
just when she thought she’d have to squirm, to cry out, he released it, and she drew
in a deep breath. It was only seconds later when he chose a new spot lower down in
the center of her ribcage, pressed. Commanded. Watched her intently, breathing with
her as she panted in desire and pain.

He whispered, “Can you take more, my beauty?”

“For you, yes.”

“That’s exactly what I needed to hear, love.”

As he pressed harder she clenched her jaw against crying out—and let it go on a long
sigh when he used his other hand to brush the wet and aching slit between her thighs.
Pleasure rippled over her skin, sank deep into her system as his fingers sank deep
inside her. She arched her hips.

“No, no, beauty. Still for me.”

She did, losing herself in the pain. In the pleasure of his slowly plunging fingers.
In the authority and power of his command.

“Miranda, look at me.”

She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes. She blinked, then held his gaze.

His fingers slipped from her body.

“Roan, please…come back to me.”

“I am back, my beauty. My baby,” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt, stripped it off.
“I want you never to have any doubt. I’m here. I want to be, always.” He grasped her
hands and pulled her upright, parted her thighs, and she waited with breathless anticipation
as he kicked his way out of his black jeans, until he stood as naked as she was. His
eyes were burning with an unbanked green fire, and she felt the blaze in the deepest
corners of her soul. There was love there. Passion. And it was all focused on her.

He moved in between her thighs, holding her face as he kissed her, and nothing had
ever felt better—his wet mouth, the way he kissed her as if he could never get enough.
The hunger was pouring into her body like liquid heat. Need for his body. Need for

When his sheathed cock entered her she cried out, hung onto him. Together they panted
their pleasure, whispered their love for each other. They moved together, as if one
body, one heated rhythm. Pleasure spiraled inside her. She felt the heated throb of
his cock, his arms tightening around her. He pulled back to look at her, and they
watched each other as they came, both crying out, clenching and pulsing as pleasure
washed over them.

They stayed together, with his strong arms around her.


“Yes, love?”

“I need to tell you something. It seems as if somehow you’ve made all the old pain
go away. The experience is still there, of course. Memories. Sadness at what I’ve
lost. But finally, I’m okay.  And I want to say it was you, but you were simply the
catalyst that made me see I had to let it go. And I have.”

“I felt that myself last night. That sense of clarity. But I think I began the letting
go after that conversation in your apartment. I knew I needed to. It just took a long,
dark night for me to accept it. To process the idea. To know in the deepest places
in my soul, places I’d been too damn stubborn to look at that I’d already healed from
the loss. That wasn’t what I was hanging onto, exactly. All I had to do was make the
decision to move on. I’ve moved. And ended up here, with you. This is exactly where
I want to be.”

BOOK: Pleasure Point-nook
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