Pollyanna and the Greek Billionaire (Innocent and Betrayed) (7 page)

BOOK: Pollyanna and the Greek Billionaire (Innocent and Betrayed)
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“Could you look at me?” he asked tensely. When she shook her head vehemently, he drew a tense breath, saying, “Polly—”

“I don’t want to,” she whispered. “I think I know what you’re going to say, and I just—” She breathed hard, and her body had started to tremble at the strength required to hold back her tears. “Can you at least tell me what Nona’s told you – what she’s done to make you decide to…
leave me?

Ah, fuck.

How did he answer that without talking about Ana?

Closing his eyes, he forced himself to lie, saying, “She’s made me realize, rightfully so, how young you are.” He managed a mocking smile. “In particular, you’re too young to waste time with someone like me.”

“And that’s it?”

His gaze unreadable, he replied tonelessly, “That’s it.”

The answer hurt, and the pain doubled when she watched Kyr get back to his feet with swift grace. Was it really that easy for him to discard her?
Oh God,
he made her feel disposable.

A hot rush of tears swelled behind her lids, and Pollyanna quickly lowered her head, not wanting Kyr’s last sight of her to be one in tears.
You can cry later, Polly,
she told himself fiercely,
when he’s gone.

But it was no use, and she drew a deep, shuddering breath in a futile effort to control her sobs.

“God, Polly.”
She suddenly felt arms close around her, and by the time her head jerked up and her dazed eyes clashed with Kyr’s bleak ones, he was back on the couch and she was tumbling onto his lap.

“K-Kyr?” she stammered, wanting to hope but not having enough courage to do so.

His arms tightened around her.

“I should leave you,” he said harshly.


She went back to blinking as fast as she could.
Oh, Lord, do not make me cry—

“But when I saw you about to cry—”


Polly didn’t even stop to think about it, simply cried
and louder.

“Idiot.” The billionaire’s lips twitched, but his gaze remained troubled, and her heart squeezed at the contrast.

“Don’t go.” She could no longer stop herself from pleading, even though it hurt her pride to do so.

When more tears fell, Kyr wiped them away gently. “Polly, stop.” When the tears continued to stream down, he asked slowly, “Do you know some women become more beautiful when they’re crying?”

She shook her head, still crying.

“You’re not one of them.”

Her eyes widened and her lips parted and closed. It was his beloved blowfish look, but more than that, his words had stunned her so that she stopped crying.

When she recovered from her shock, she cried out, “Meanie!”

“But effective in stopping the tears, ne?” His voice was gruff, but the gleam in his eyes was beautiful and intense, and the thousand promises in them made her throat dry.

“What now?” she whispered.

His gaze became hooded, and his tone was guarded when he answered, “We take it day by day.”

“Okay.” She didn’t bother playing coy about it, she was just so relieved and grateful he wasn’t leaving.

He stood up, and so did she. Their gazes met, her eyes filled with fear and innocent longing. It made Kyr slowly draw her to him, and he heard himself say, “I am not an easy person to be with. I’m too damaged, too cynical, too damn old. I’ll probably hurt you without knowing, and for that, I’m already apologizing.” Lifting his head, he cupped her chin, smiling wryly as he said, “Given all that, are you sure you still want me in your life?”

“Yes.” She answered without any hesitation, and her eyes shone bright like stars.

Ah, God.

He was the most selfish bastard on earth, to take what she was offering when he knew he didn’t deserve it.

But it was too late now.

His eyes closed. “Be patient with me, psaraki.” And before he realized what he was doing, he was already bending down to press a soft kiss on her hair, committing everything to her – everything except his nonexistent heart.

Chapter Five

“What’s that?” Kyr curiously eyed the massive bag Polly had slung over one shoulder the next day. He watched her put it down next to the picnic hamper with a frown, thinking that the bag looked older and heavier than she was.

“Well…” Her tone, which matched the sheepish smile that had flitted over her lips, fascinated him. He had a feeling she was going to say something insane again. “Coz it’s our first date, you know?”

And because she had started rummaging through her enormous bag, Polly missed the way the billionaire froze at her choice of words.

“I just want to be sure I have everything,” she was saying while pulling out a blanket and then spreading it on the grass. “I want to be prepared.” Kneeling down, she began to take the food and drinks out of the hamper, all of which she had singlehandedly prepared.

Kyr barely understood the rest of her words.
Date. The foolish girl thought they were dating, that they were a permanent item now. Goddammit.
Hadn’t he told her they were going to take it day by day? So why the hell was she thinking they were dating now?

For God’s sake, there had been women in his life he had fucked over a week without even knowing their last names. And yet here was Polly, thinking they were dating after

Looking up, Pollyanna gave the billionaire a sunny smile, asking laughingly, “Why are you still standing, silly?” She took his hand without warning and tugged him down.

Noting his stiff posture, she thought ruefully that maybe her first choice for their date was too ordinary for him. “Is it your first time to go on a picnic date?”

“Yes.” Kyr saw no reason to lie.

“I figured as much.” She looked at him in concern. “Do you want to go somewhere else? I’d be game with whatever, really—”

“No. Of course not.” He forced himself to relax. “New experiences are always a good thing.” He was just going to pretend she hadn’t said anything about dating.

“If you’re sure?” She gave him a skeptical look.

Kyr was beginning to feel a little offended. “I’m not a snob.”

She swallowed back a laugh. “Of course,” she said quickly, even while remembering how Mr. Not-A-Snob looked at her when she suggested they borrow bikes from the staff so they could cycle to the picnic grounds.

Kyrillos Gazis did not do bikes,
that look had said. Limousines, sports cars, Harley Davidson bikes – those were the only acceptable modes of trans. Bikes, especially
ones, were totally out of the question.

Watching her shoulders shake as she silently unwrapped a sandwich, he said pleasantly, “I hope you’re not laughing at me.”

Her fingers stilled, but her shoulders shook harder.

“And if this is all about me being a snob—”

She could no longer keep it to herself, bursting into peals of laughter as she gasped, “B-but your t-tone. It’s a-already s-snobbish—”

Impertinent little blowfish,
he thought even as a reluctant grin stretched on his lips. Her laughter was infectious, and damn if the sound didn’t turn him on. It was like hearing sunlight make music, and after drowning in darkness in four long years, the sound was the most beautiful music to his ears.

Without a thought, he hauled her to his lap, and as she gasped, he caught her mouth in a hard, deep kiss. He gave her no time to think, only allowed her to
as his tongue swept in and laid siege to every inch of her mouth. He sucked hard on her own tongue, and his blood surged hot and primitively at the way she whimpered and sank against him.

When he finally raised his head, giving her time to breathe, she looked up at him with stars in her eyes.

It was an irresistible look, and with a groan, Kyr deliberately shoved all his reservations out of the way and focused on the most important thing in the world: giving Pollyanna her first taste of pleasure.

Feeling the billionaire lay her flat on the blanket, Pollyanna’s eyes flew open just in time to see and
Kyr nudge her legs apart so he could settle between them. The position made her feel exposed and vulnerable in the most feminine way possible, and the way he was so
all over made her feel almost shamelessly weak. But even so, it also left her embarrassed and panicky, and she raised anxious blue eyes to the billionaire. “A-aren’t we going too fast?”

His smile was devastatingly sexy. “No.”

Her heart slammed against her chest as he reached for a wayward curl, and when he twisted it around his finger, the sensual and possessive gesture had Pollyanna gulping with a mixture of excitement and fear.
Everything he did had such a shattering impact on her
, she thought helplessly, and she just wasn’t sure if it was normal.

Before she knew what she was saying, she heard herself mumble jerkily, “I want you too much.” Pollyanna squeezed her eyes shut as soon as the words flew out. Oh dear Lord, had she really admitted that—

Her thoughts were interrupted as she sensed Kyr bending down, and unable to help it, she peeked, and the first thing she saw was his smirk. It was an arrogant, I-don’t-mind-you-find-me-hot kind of smirk, and oh dear Lord, she wished she could hate him for it. But she couldn’t. It just made her want him more.

And then his lips touched hers, and there was no chance for her to think at all.

Kyr kissed her hungrily. He had thought that by now, his desire for her would have waned even slightly, but if anything it had become even more urgent and desperate, the memory of his first kiss with her making him wonder how the rest of her body would feel and taste. Moving down, he laid a hot, wet trail on her neck, and his lips curved in a smile of sexual satisfaction as he heard Polly whimper. When he felt her hands fluttering restlessly under him, he helped her by taking them and settling her hands on his shoulders.

“Hold on.” His voice was tight with desire, and Pollyanna clutched his shoulders hard, a part of her instinctively realizing that the rest of what he had to do would have her reeling.

And it had.

She held on to him tightly as she felt him nuzzle the valley between her breasts, and her nails dug deep in his back when she felt him release the first buttons of her blouse. And then she felt it—

It was like the world had even slowed down for her to savor everything, step by step.

His hands molding her breasts, cupping them, kneading them, and oh God, how her breasts swelled in his touch, as if this part of her body was rejoicing at being touched by its master.

And then he was pulling the cups of her bra down, and oh, how her body arched up at the agonizing sensation of his hot breath tickling the sensitive skin of her breasts.

His name slipped out of her mouth in a moan the moment she felt his lips close over one nipple. The heat of his kiss was excruciatingly beautiful, and all her reservations and inhibitions disappeared in the next second. She no longer cared about where they were and if someone could see them.

Eyes wide, lips parted, and her skin electrifyingly alive, she could not stop staring at the way the billionaire was laving her nipple with his tongue. When he paused to look up, she could feel her face flaming at being caught staring, but even so, when the billionaire asked if she wanted more, his voice rough with desire, all she could do was nod. The way his lips curved told Pollyanna he liked her answer, and her toes curled at how
it felt to please him.

And then he was bending his head down again.

This time, when his mouth closed over her nipple, he meant business. He started sucking, practically devouring her breast while his other hand played with its creamy twin. She gasped and her nails sunk deeper into his back. But still she couldn’t take her gaze off him, not even when he switched to her other breast and did the same.

Over and over, thoughts flashed in her mind, a running commentary that made what was happening feel even more surreal.
Kyrillos Gazis was sucking her nipple. The billionaire’s hands were running over her legs. One of his hands had found its way under her dress—

BOOK: Pollyanna and the Greek Billionaire (Innocent and Betrayed)
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