Read Primal Heat Online

Authors: Crystal Jordan

Primal Heat (12 page)

BOOK: Primal Heat
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His concern, his outrage and anger on her behalf, broadcast through their mental conduit. “What did they do to you?”

“Mostly nothing. Just…ignored me, neglected me, collected a monthly check for my upkeep that never got spent on me. Some of them hurt me, kicked the crap out of me, used me as a punching bag when they'd had a bad day or too much to drink or both. One foster mother got pissed off about something I did and shaved all my hair off. It's why I keep it so long now—took forever to grow it back out.” She ran her fingers through the tangled locks, remembering the humiliation of when she'd looked like a recovering chemo patient for months. Her throat closed tight and she had to swallow several times to be able to speak again. “It could have been a lot worse. I saw exactly how bad it could be in one of my first foster families. One of the older girls was pretty much a sex slave for our foster father. He was the town mayor—how warped is that? His wife knew about it and did nothing. No one did anything.”

“I'm so sorry,
. I wish—” He shook his head, cut himself off, all the while stroking her back, petting her, relaxing her into telling him more.

“I looked her up after I got out of basic training in the army. I didn't even know her that well. I was only there a few months before they moved me, but I had to know what happened to her.” She closed her eyes, only to see that haunted, walking-dead expression the girl had worn. “She committed suicide a few years after I left. She was only fourteen. Sad, pathetic waste of life. She didn't even get a chance to live, and be strong, and stand on her own two feet. I doubt she ever knew what it was like
to be someone's victim.” She sniffled, staring down at his chest until she was sure she wouldn't cry. “So, that's why I like to be in control, independent. It might not be as good an
as your physiological one, but it's all I've got.”

He ran the back of his knuckles over her cheek. “You're a remarkable woman, Bren, to be so strong.”

“Thanks.” She huffed on a laugh, as flustered by the praise as she had been by the compliment to her looks. When she felt his pride in her come through their connection, a hot flush flooded her face. “Can we talk about something else now? Or, even better, do something besides

“We can do whatever pleases you.” He flashed a little grin, a flicker of renewed desire reached her from him. “I'm at your disposal.”

She felt his cock harden and prod between her thighs, and she let her hands drop to his pecs. His heart thumped under her palm, and the beat sped with each passing moment.

Heat centered low in her belly, gripping her tight. She leaned down and offered him her mouth. He took it, greedy for her, wanting her, even though she'd revealed how messed up she really was inside, his lust for her was undimmed. To say that pleased her was something of an understatement.

She smiled against his mouth, humming in delight when he licked her lips to show her he noticed. He noticed everything, reacted to her every moan and sigh when they had sex.

Planting her hands against the stone ground on either side of his shoulders, she made sure she didn't hurt him again by touching his wound. She pushed down on the floor, using it for leverage as she rubbed her sex against his to stimulate them both. She felt the flood of his passion enter her mind and liked it too much to care that she wasn't the only one in her head. Throwing her head back, she moaned. “I need—”

“Yes.” He reared up and bit her exposed throat. “Me, too.”

She tugged at his clothing, wanting him as unashamedly naked as he had been that afternoon, wanting him inside her again. “Help me.”

“Yes.” He arched his back, managing to work his shirt over his head while she stood to strip as fast as humanly possible. Being superhuman, he beat her to it and lay stretched on his pile of clothes, naked, hard, and waiting for her. His eyes gleamed with appreciation as his gaze roved over her body.

“Farid.” She cupped her breasts, her nipples tightened, and heat arrowed between her thighs.

He shook his head. “You're so lovely. Don't cover yourself.”

“I wasn't.” She brushed her fingers across the soft undersides of her breasts, stroking in circles until she centered on the tips and teased herself while he watched. His big palm slid down the muscled planes of his belly, and he wrapped his fingers around his cock, pumping it hard.

Moisture flooded her sex, and she slipped one hand down to part her damp lips. He groaned, his eyes sparking. His gaze hardened with lust, the need sharpening on his face. “Come down here.”

“I thought you'd never ask.” She knelt beside him, still stroking herself, and smiling when he laughed at her. In all the times she'd seen him, he'd rarely laughed, and usually it was a derisive, condescending laugh meant to make the mere humans feel inferior or stupid. This side of him, the lighter, freer, more passionate side, was one she enjoyed. A lot.

He grabbed the hand between her thighs, pulling it to his mouth to lick and suck her wetness from each finger. She moaned and swayed toward him. Her free hand curled around his hard cock. He hissed and jerked, pushing his hips into her touch. She squeezed him tight, sliding her fingers up and down the long, hot shaft. The flared crest dripped beads of precum, and she rubbed his slick juices into his flesh. “I want to suck you, Farid.”

His laugh was a rusty sound. “I don't know if I'll survive it, but I'm not going to refuse such an offer.”

Tugging her hand away from him so she was free to move, she slid forward to press a kiss just beneath his collarbone. She lightly raked her nails up his sides, then circled one of his nipples with her fingertip. She heard him swallow, and she glanced up at him to see his fangs protruding from his gums and a muscle ticking in his jaw. She flicked her tongue over one flat nipple, blowing a stream of air over the dampness to make it bead. “You taste good, Farid. After every one of those dreams, I imagined what it would be like to touch you like this, to take you in my mouth.”

He snarled, his claws scrambling against the stone floor beneath him. “Yes. Touch me. Taste me. Do whatever you want, just don't stop.”

“Don't mind if I do.” She winked at him before she kissed her way down his body, her hands stroking and massaging his hot flesh and hard muscles. Silk over steel.

By the time she reached his cock, his hands were fisted at his sides, his groans rumbling like thunder in his chest. When she took him in her mouth, he arched into her, his body bowing in a tight line. “Bren!

She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, catching the beads of moisture there. Sucking him between her lips, she worked her tongue down his hard shaft. He hissed, his muscles shaking. She wrapped her fingers around the wide base of his dick and used her other hand to cup his soft sacs. Her teeth scraped oh-so-gently against his skin and his fingers splayed against her head, sliding into her hair to hold her in place. His claws rasped against her scalp and goose bumps broke over her flesh. His low, helpless groan sent power rushing through her.

What made her moan was the intensity of the heat that gathered between her thighs. It was the same sensation as when he reached for her mentally, and she realized that was what he was doing now. She pleasured him physically and he pleasured her mentally, sensations shooting straight from her mind to her body.

Anun, that is so fucking wonderful.
This time his groan echoed in her head as well as her ears.

She whimpered, her mouth still stretched around his cock. Her own hips worked in time with her lips as he plundered her mind. She could almost feel his cock fill her pussy as it filled her mouth. It was too much, her senses reeled from the duality.

Working his cock with her lips and tongue, she hummed around his shaft, and a low roar ripped from him. He fisted his hand in her hair, anchoring her there as he plunged his cock deep in her mouth. His pleasure crashed into her thoughts, overwhelming them until there was nothing left but the ecstasy cycling back and forth between them. Her sex fisted tight as his psychic power centered on her pussy, forcing her to experience that too full stretch of his cock pounding within her. It sent her over the edge, shoved her beyond anything she'd ever known before. She couldn't hold back from coming, her hips pumping, her moisture slipping in beads down the insides of her thighs. She sucked him deep with each wave of bliss that ripped through her.

He growled, pulling her mouth away from his cock. “No more,
, or I won't last a moment when I get inside you.”

“You were already inside me.” She braced her hand on his muscular thigh, swaying hard as she shivered with the satisfaction still throbbing through her.

“So I was.” His grin was slow and hot, possessive and greedy. “I want more. Ride me, Bren.”

“Yes.” She straddled his thighs, and he groaned when her sex moved against his. Positioning herself over his cock, she brushed the head against her slick sex. A muscle in his jaw ticked as he arched beneath her, pushing the first inch into her pussy. They both moaned at the hot penetration. She sank down, taking the rest of him more slowly.

His hands cupped her hips, and she shivered when she felt his claws scrape over her naked flesh. She loved seeing the evidence of his passion, his lack of control. The way starbursts exploded in his eyes faster and faster the more excited he became, the way his fangs and claws came out.

She stroked her fingers up his abs and pecs, feeling the flex and cord of the thick muscles there. She lifted and lowered herself on his dick, at first slowly, but faster and harder as the flames within her threatened to consume her. The thread between their minds stayed open, passion and exhilaration filtering between them, building with each pass. The mental connection enhanced the physical stimulation. The slap of their skin, the play of his muscles, the feel of riding high and wild with all that barely leashed power beneath her. The sweat that beaded on her skin, cooled by the chilly wind that whipped through the cave. Her nipples hardened to painful points, but she didn't care. It was one more feeling that shoved her closer to orgasm. She was so close, it shimmered just beyond her grasp.

He looped an arm around her neck, pulling her down so he could kiss her. Licking her lips, he made a slow, bone-melting show of it. He purred into her mouth, letting the rumble roll down his muscles until it pulsated through his lower belly.

She choked at the incredible sensation, digging her nails into his chest. “God, I can feel the vibrations
inside me

“That was, in fact, the point.” He grinned and did it again.

A mindless whimper ripped from her as his purr reverberated against her clit. Her sex clenched tight, and her muscles shook as she held off coming then and there. “It's a damn fine point to make.”

“I am known for my ability at convincing, arguing, speaking.” His green gaze flashed with his amusement, his eyes heavy lidded with passion. “Making points.”

“It's good to have talents.” She sucked his lower lip deep into her mouth, scraping her teeth over his flesh as she pulled back and released him. “Tell me more.”

He purred again, lower, deeper, and she moaned and undulated against him. She worked herself harder and harder on him, the stretch of his cock, the heat they generated together was incredible. Her pussy flexed every time she took him deep inside her, sending bursts of pleasure out from her core. Any second now, she would shatter. The ragged sound of his breathing, the building waves of power flooding through their link, told her he was there with her every moment.

He threaded his fingers through her hair, cupped the back of her head, and forced her mouth to his.
Come for me, Bren. Give me everything.

She had no choice, she'd already come too far. A deep, rumbling purr broke from his throat, and she screamed against his lips, her body convulsing. Her sex fisted around his cock over and over until she thought she'd die. It was so good, so amazing.

Nothing that was so wrong had ever felt so right.



He awakened with a jolt, clamping his arms tight around Bren to shield her. She lay sprawled across his chest, her legs straddling his hips. His senses opened wide and he felt…nothing nearby. The forest was quiet except for the small bits of Earthan wildlife. They were safe.

Kyber's impatient tones filled his head.
Are you nearly done rutting, cousin? I checked in with the
yesterday to assure them I had found and bonded with my One—

Truly? Congratulations.
Farid was pleased for his cousin but was now doubly worried that they'd leave Earth in a horrific mess without a backward glance.

Wonder, joy, and awe radiated through the link with Kyber.
Her name is Jana Townsend. She is…everything I imagined and more. She is perfect.

A stab of envy rocked through Farid at his cousin's easy bonding, and he tightened his grip on his own One.
I'm glad for you both.

Thank you.
Kyber sighed and got back to his main point.
In any case, Tylara claimed that you—or someone else—disabled your shuttle so we couldn't track you, because it is not showing up on our ship's sensors. And it will be a few more hours before the site you landed on is within the line of sight of
imagers. Tylara worries more about the “someone else” touching your shuttle than you disabling it. Says you aren't stupid enough to do something like that. When I checked our connection last night, you were busy fucking someone, but Tylara is most insistent that I ask directly.

Biting back a chuckle so he didn't awaken Bren, Farid answered the other man.
Thank Tylara for me. General Arthur's people blew up my ship. Kindly send someone along to this location to fetch me. I'll be bringing a guest with me.

BOOK: Primal Heat
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