Read Prince of Passion Online

Authors: Donna Grant

Prince of Passion (10 page)

BOOK: Prince of Passion
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She felt Aimery’s presence before she saw him. She was tired of running, tired of hiding from the Fae that had hunted her for centuries. It had been two thousand years since she had seen her own realm.

The Fae drew their magic from their realm, but she had been able to feed her magic with her hatred. And any Fae knew that would turn one evil.

“I didn’t expect to find you here,” Aimery said softly.

She shrugged and glanced at the handsome Fae commander. Aimery had a long list of admirers, but he had yet to find his mate as far as she knew.

“When I was younger, I used to dream about the day I would fall in love, of the family that would soon follow and the years of happiness ahead,” she confessed. She wasn’t sure why she told him such a secret when she hadn’t shared it with anyone before.

Aimery regarded her with his swirling blue eyes. “What happened?”

“I never expected to fall in love with a human.”

They grew quiet as they both stared at the sleeping couple.

“Did you ever find your mate, Aimery?”

He hesitated for so long she thought he might not answer. “Nay,” he finally said.

“Do you think you will?”

“In time,” he answered.

She took a deep breath and faced him. “I’m ready.”

“So be it,” he said and grasped her wrist a moment before they transported to the Realm of the Fae.


* * * *


Aimery wanted to hit something. Hard. He couldn’t believe that even when he begged before Saynarra had been put to death, she still wouldn’t release Senga from the spell.

And now he had to tell Keiran all hope was lost.

After everything…he hadn’t been able to do anything for the Sinclairs.
Failure wasn’t something he was accustomed to, ever, and he didn’t like the feeling that threatened to choke him.

If only he had known what Saynarra had become. If only he had been there to warn Keiran and Senga beforehand, none of this would have happened. The curse might now be lifted, but Keiran’s pain was Drahcir’s pain.


* * * *


Keiran opened his eyes to see a wren sitting on the window. He lifted his head and the bird flew off into the new day. Keiran shielded his eyes from the bright sun and yawned.
He stilled when Senga’s fingers moved against his.

His gaze jerked to her face. Beneath her lids, he saw her eyes moving.

“Senga? Love, come back to me,” he begged. “Please, Senga.”

A half laugh, half sob burst from his lips when her eyes fluttered open, and she took a deep breath. He waited anxiously until her gaze met his.


He smiled. “Aye, love.
It’s me.”

“You look awful. What…” Her words trailed off as her eyes widened as she began to recall what had taken place. “How?”

“I doona know, and I doona care,” he said and brought her against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed all over her face. “I’m just glad to have you back.”

When she wound her arms about him and nuzzled his neck, Keiran knew true bliss. He leaned back enough to claim her lips in a kiss that began gentle and soft but soon turned heated and passionate as their desires soared.

Though he wanted to lay her down and pleasure her body for hours, it would have to wait. He ended the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers.

“We’re in Drahcir,” he told her.

She grinned, her eyes round. “Truly? You did it, Keiran. Just as I knew you would.”

“Nay, love. You did. You ended the curse.”

She glanced away. “It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, leaving you. She had bespelled you to sleep through our conversation, but she swore you wouldn’t remember me.”

“I didna at first. Aimery helped me realize that I had found you, and once I remembered you, it broke the pact you and Saynarra had. You returned to me, but she used her magic to make you sleep for eternity, never waking.”

“She’s the Tnarg,” Senga said.

Keiran nodded. “She showed all of Drahcir. Aimery caught her and brought her back to their realm for trial. She was put to death for her deeds against humans.”

Senga bit her lip. “Is that what broke the spell?”

“Nay,” said a voice behind them.

Keiran glanced over his shoulder to find Aimery. “Then what broke the spell?”

“Saynarra did it,” Aimery said. “I begged her to lift it, but she refused to answer me. I think she had already removed the spell before I asked.”

“Had she agreed, would it have saved her life?” Senga asked.


Keiran frowned. “Then why did she no’ admit it?”

“I think she wanted to die,” Aimery said and walked to a window. “She turned from our ways. Evil had sunk into her soul, and she was tired of it. She wanted freedom. The only way to do that is death.”

Keiran wrapped his arm around Senga. “I’m sorry she’s dead, but I’m glad she released Senga.”

Aimery turned to them and smiled, his hands clasped behind his back. “I suppose this means you’ll be keeping the crown?”

Keiran chuckled at Senga’s furrowed brow. “Aye, I will.”

With a nod Aimery walked to the door. “I’ll inform both sets of parents. Prepare for an invasion of the family,” he said before he walked from the room.

“You were going to give up your rightful place as heir?” Senga asked.

He nodded and kissed her again. “Without you, I’m nothing.”

“Can this wait?” Lucian said as he strode into the room with a bright smile. “I saw Aimery in the corridor and he told me the news.”

Keiran groaned. “Can you come back in a bit?”

“Nay,” Lucian said with a chuckle. “I want to meet my new sister-in-law and the future queen of Drahcir.”

Keiran rolled his eyes but couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up. Just the day before his life had been filled with despair, and now as he gazed at his beautiful mate, the future stretched ahead of them, leading them who knew where.







Two weeks later…



Senga’s hands fisted in the covers, her back arched as she moaned. “Keiran, please,” she begged.

He didn’t lift his head from betwixt her legs as he continued to lick her sex, teasing her clit until she was writhing and breathless. Every time she neared to peaking, he would stop and fondle her breasts or kiss her.

“I need release,” she cried out.

He chuckled, the sound vibrating against her sex and making her grind against him. His finger pushed inside of her, stroking her slowly at first then increasing his tempo as he added a second finger.

“It’s too much. Ah, gods, Keiran,” she moaned. She was so close to orgasm, the tension inside of her strung tight as a bow, aching for release.

Just when she thought he might give in, he flipped her onto her stomach then lifted her to her hands and knees. His large hands rubbed over her bottom, cupping and spreading her cheeks as he rubbed his cock against her.

“I love your bum.”

Senga was beyond words. She tilted her hips, making her bottom rise in the air. When he moaned, she smiled, knowing he ached as she did.

Finally, his cock rubbed against her damp sex before sliding into her. She cried out as he gripped her hips and buried himself to the root. He gave one hard, quick thrust that sent her blood to boiling.

It was exactly what she needed. He began to pump inside of her, making her breasts sway as she closed her eyes and drowned in ecstasy.

The faster he drove into her, the quicker her body rose. When her orgasm finally washed through her, she screamed his name and her body clenched around his rod.

Yet, he continued to thrust, his fingers biting into her hips as he ground into her. She knew he was close by the way he quickened his tempo. After the pleasure he had given her, she wanted to return the favor so she began to move against him.

“Senga!” he shouted as he plunged deep inside of her and spilled his seed, his body jerking with his climax.

Their ragged breathing filled the room as they fell as one onto the bed.

“I think I’m done for,” Keiran whispered.

Senga chuckled and wiped a strand of hair from her damp forehead. “You said that an hour ago.”

“Give me another hour then.”

She turned her head to look at him. “The ceremony was beautiful.”

“And long,” he said with a frown.

The ceiling glittered with each movement of her hand from the beautiful yellow diamond he had given her that now caught the rays of the sun. “I love the ring.”

“It suits you,” he said and kissed her temple. “I doona think I’ll have to wait another hour. My cock stirs for you again.”

Senga rolled over and grasped his hardening rod. “You are needy.”

“Only with you, love. We keep this up and you’ll be swelling with child soon.”

“Hmm. That would be nice.”

Keiran tossed her onto her back and rose up on his elbow while his other hand cupped her sex. “Shall we make sure of it, then?”

“Oh, yes,” she moaned when he slipped a finger into her.

“Never say I’m no’ willing to please my queen.”

Senga knew for a fact he was most willing to please. And she was very glad of it.

With the curse broken, the Sinclairs and Drahcir would remain hidden for all time. No more would the princes have to leave and battle the Tnarg. All was as it should be.

She had found her mate, a man who would fill her days with love and light and laughter. Truly a dream come true.




Look for more of the Royal Chronicles starting with book 1, PRINCE OF DESIRE



Lucian, a prince of a secret kingdom, must find his mate and return with her to Drahcir before time runs out.
He’s unprepared for Isabelle and the insatiable appetite he has for her.
But will the desire they feel be enough to convince her to venture to a hidden kingdom where magic is a way of life?


Isabelle has resigned herself to her life, until a fascinating, devilishly handsome Lucian walks into her life.
He shows her desire and adventure that shakes the foundations of her world.
She can’t live without him, but can she give up the life she knows for one she can’t begin to imagine?


BOOK: Prince of Passion
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