Read Princess Ponies 2 Online

Authors: Chloe Ryder

Princess Ponies 2 (10 page)

BOOK: Princess Ponies 2
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Thank you, Tulip. By the way have you tried the toffee apples here? They’re delicious!




By Tulip Inkhoof



Tomorrow is Harvest Day on Chevalia! Harvest Day, famous for its mud and muck, is a long-standing tradition where everyone helps to bring in the harvest. All year long, the farm ponies have been hard at work, tending the Grasslands and vegetable plots. Harvest Day is their time to shine!

I spoke to hunky farmer pony Mucker and his older brother, Trojan, about their lives on the farm.


TI (Tulip Inkhoof):
Trojan, what’s the best part of being a farm pony?



T (Trojan):
Well, Tulip, for me it’s the sense of accomplishment when you see – and eventually eat! – the fruits of your labour.


M (Mucker):
You mean, the fruits, vegetables, grass and hay of your labour!


Good one, Mucker!


What about you then, Mucker? As the youngest pony on the farm, what do you like best?



My favourite thing is sharing the work with my friends, like Princess Stardust.


A Princess Pony on the farm? Surely you’re joking!


Not at all, Tulip. Stardust and I have been friends since we were foals and she loves to help out on the farm. We always have a lot of fun together.


BOOK: Princess Ponies 2
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