Private Pleasure (Sun Stroked Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Private Pleasure (Sun Stroked Book 3)
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He wanted this. And never before had he ever wanted anything this much. Cody dragged her into his embrace. He needed her in a way that scared the shit out of him. When she became pliable in his arms, his lips found hers for the first time. They kissed long and deep.

Even though he’d been between her legs, licking her most private parts, this kiss felt far more intimate than anything he’d ever known.

Their tongues joined and tangled. She moaned, drew his tongue deeper into her mouth and sucked like she couldn’t get enough. He echoed the sentiments. Everything about the way their mouths came together turned him inside out. Cody began pillaging her mouth with his tongue until tremors rippled across her skin.

He slipped his arms around her back. With a slight shift, he drove his hard cock into her in a thrust that allowed his thickness to indent her abdomen. The action would tell her in no uncertain terms what she did to him. She thrust her pelvis forward, urging him on.

He brushed her wet hair back and began trembling. He broke the kiss before it obliterated all his control. He inched back and said, “You are so beautiful, Abby.” He took a breath and filled his lungs with her sweet, feminine scent. His hands skimmed her curves. “Your body makes me so fucking wild. I want to kiss every inch of your skin. I want to spread your pussy with my tongue and drink your sweetness. I want to put my fingers and cock deep inside you and make you come for me, again and again. I want to pleasure you like you’ve never been pleasured before.”

She moaned in acquiescence, her body spasming with need.

“Will you come for me, Abby? Will you do that for me?” Beneath her wet bikini top he could feel her nipples tighten with arousal.

“Again, and again,” she murmured, impatience lacing her voice. She offered herself to him so openly, so honestly, that a rush of tenderness overcame him and nearly knocked him off his feet.

“Cody,” she murmured. Her gaze was dark, full of urgent need.

“Yeah, babe?”

Shifting her stance, she widened her legs and rubbed up against him. Bold, aggressive eyes met his. “I want you to remove my bathing suit and kiss every inch of my body,” she demanded. “Then I want you to tease your cock between my legs and fuck me with wild abandon until you reduce me to a quivering mass of contentment.”

Seeing her so aroused, and knowing he was right there along with her, prompted him into immediate action. “My pleasure,” he said, desperately needing to get her naked and writhing beneath him before he lost all ability to think rationally.

Cody slipped his hands behind her back and untied her top. The thin scrap of material fell to the floor, forgotten. He drew a sharp breath when his gaze settled on her supple breasts. His body registered every delicious detail. He dropped to his knees and shimmied close to her. He gripped the bands of her bikini.

“Wiggle for me, Abby.”

As she wiggled her hips, he pulled her wet bathing suit down to her ankles. Hunger consumed him at the sight of her standing completely naked, her blond curls damp from her cream. Her body called out to him in seductive ways, ways that made him wild. He brushed her inner thighs with the backs of his hands, feeling her wetness, thrilled that he’d made her this way.

He moved his mouth to her breasts, taking one beautiful nipple between his lips. Abby arched her back and plowed her fingers through his hair. He brushed his tongue over her breast, teasing her swollen nub. She let out a wild cry and pressed harder against him. Growling in delight, Cody turned his attention to her other breast. He brushed his lips over her nipple and tweaked it between his fingers.

He moved one hand between her thighs and felt her creamy desire. He pushed a finger into her warm, wet pussy. She was so goddamn slick he nearly lost it then and there. As pleasure swamped him, he cursed under his breath and exhaled a slow, controlled breath.

He slid his finger in and out of her and watched the way her eyes rolled in ecstasy. “Does that feel good, Abby?” he breathed into her mouth. He pushed another finger inside for a snug fit. “Do you like it when I fuck you with my fingers?” Her purr resonated through him and her clenching muscles answered his question. Needing to taste her, he buried his face in her sex, ravishing her with his tongue until she came in his mouth.

“Ohmigod,” she whimpered as her body quivered all over.

“Mmm,” he moaned, lapping up every delicious drop of her liquid desire.

Breathing hard, he stood and pulled her to him. His mouth found hers for a deep, wet kiss, and she moaned when she tasted her creamy essence on his tongue. She sagged against his body and Cody pushed her damp bangs from her forehead. Hot and sweaty from the steamy heat, their bodies melted together as one.

She ripped at his shirt. Her hands drove him wild as they raced over his body. Lost in the sensual haze, he stepped back and tore his clothes off, desperate to answer the pull in his groin.

“Jesus Christ, Abby. I don’t have any protection.”

He was in dire need here, in the middle of a goddamn crisis and didn’t have any condoms.

“My beach bag. Hurry.”

Thank God.

Cody quickly rooted through her bag until he found a condom. He wasted no time sheathing himself and gathered her into his arms for a heated kiss. Then, taking her by surprise, he spun her around and bent her over the bench, pressing her breasts into the cedar slats. At first she gasped at his roughness, and then she tipped her ass up, offering herself to him.

“Please fuck me, Cody.” He heard the raw ache of lust in her voice.

A low growl of longing rose from his throat. Unable to help himself, or slow himself down, he widened her sex lips and plunged into her, so hard, and so deep that he drove her into the cedar slats. Then suddenly, as her heat closed around him, he stood stock still, afraid to move, afraid to breathe, afraid of losing it.

He sucked in a sharp breath at the thought of what might happen next. Oh, Jesus, what the hell had he gotten himself into?

“Abby,” he whispered. He was so damn close to losing himself in her.

Thunder overhead shook the walls and caused the lights to flicker. As the weather raged outside, inside Cody was facing his own storm. He closed his eyes in distress, calculating his next move.

Abby’s sweet pussy tightened around his dick, tormenting him to new heights. She glanced at him over her shoulder and angled her body. Her hips began moving, pushing him in and out. In and out. Christ, she was so hot, so tight, so slick.

So damn perfect.

Their sweet union felt more emotional than physical, and the sudden swell of emotions terrified the hell out of him. Truthfully, he needed this to end, almost as much as he needed it to go on.

“Cody,” she murmured, as though reading his distress. The warmth in her eyes never failed to affect him. “I want you to let go,” she encouraged. As her words sank in, the longing to do just that ripped a hole in the shield around his heart. “And make wild, passionate love to me,” she urged.

Her open display of emotions stirred things up inside him, unlocking the door that kept him safe. Feelings long ago restrained swam to the surface, and he suddenly found himself ruled by emotions. A deep passion that he had absolutely no control over raged through him.

Ravenous and completely out of control, he unleashed himself on her, unlocking the caged animal, driving his cock into her, slamming her body against the cedar bench, crushing her beneath him.

“That’s it, Cody.” When he gripped her hips, she reached behind herself to close her hands over his. “Just like that,” she whimpered.

Through her erotic touch, every emotion he’d ever stifled came rushing to the surface—pain, pleasure, joy and sorrow. But in some strange way, there was a freedom in opening up to her.

He pumped harder and faster. He’d slow down in a minute. In just one minute. Then he’d gather his control and make it good for her. He knew he was being a selfish prick, taking more than he should, but at the moment he couldn’t seem to help himself.

“Cody.” Her erotic whimper made him throb. “More. Harder,” she demanded, the pleasure in her voice fueling his need.

They both began trembling and panting, breathing raggedly. He rode her impossibly harder, slamming into her, giving her everything he had to give. Her muscles contracted and her slick juices poured over his shaft as she came all over him, again and again. Her tremor reverberated through his blood, and the explosion of his senses pushed him over the precipice.

As her sex tightened and clenched around his cock, he climaxed so hard, he nearly lost consciousness. “Holy fuck,” he bit out, shock waves rocketing through his body.

After the tremors subsided, he remained inside her, their bodies joined as one, still unable to move.

“Oh. My. God,” she murmured, breaking the quiet. “Cody, Oh. My. God…” It seemed that was all she could to say.

Cody laughed. It was a strange reaction, he knew, but none-the-less, he laughed. He laughed long and hard, until Abby joined in. The two of them laughed together, sharing in something private, something special.

When the laughter finally subsided, he pulled his cock out, removed the condom and dropped to the bench. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply, passionately.

“You’re amazing, Abby.” As he gathered her into his embrace it occurred to him that for the first time in a long time he felt contentment, even peace.

When her eyes met his, her sweet voice roused him from his wanderings. “Well, my best educated guess is that you really are the devil in disguise,” she teased.

Cody chuckled, a calmness settling over him. “I think you just bring that out in me.”

When the lights flickered again, he ran a soothing hand over her flesh. Suddenly the power shut down, plunging them into darkness. Abby snuggled in closer. “Don’t be afraid, Abby.”

“I’m not afraid.”

Somehow the way she trusted him readily and completely really got to him, leaving her mark on his soul. He fumbled around in the dark, in search for their clothes. “We’d better get out of here.”

He heard a rustle, and then Abby flicked on a pen flashlight.

He grinned. “You’re always ready for every crisis aren’t you?”

“I’m a planner, what can I say.” He heard the amusement in her voice.

Once they were both dressed, they slipped from the sauna and made their way outside. Bodies touching, shielding each other from the elements, they trekked back to Abby’s cabana. Cody couldn’t deny there was a new intimacy between them. Nor could he deny that opening himself up to her had helped calm the demons, contrary to what he’d believed. He knew he still had a long way to go, but at least this was a start.

He glanced at her. When she smiled, it warmed his soul. Curious to know more about her, he asked, “Why are you here, Abby? What brought you to this resort?”

“My friends talked me into coming. They wanted to live out their deepest desires.”

“I take it you’re referring to the magic elixir.”


“So, do you have any deep desires you’d like fulfilled?” he asked.

“I never used to think so. In fact, I thought the elixir was wasted on me.”

He sensed she was holding something back, which seemed out of character for her. He was about to ask when she cut him off and asked a question of her own.

“Do you have any deep desires, Cody?”

“To get off this island and be left alone,” he said, quick with his usual response.

“Is that why you spend your time on the mountain, all by yourself, with only your scope?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“What are you looking for when you’re up there?”


You can’t find what you’re not looking for.

As he decrypted Malik’s words, it occurred to him that maybe he wasn’t looking for solitude at all. Maybe he was merely hiding from the real world, and maybe his deepest desire was to feel love, laughter and happiness again. And he couldn’t find it because he wasn’t looking for it.

And maybe it took the right woman to show him that.

A jolt of lightning flashed up ahead, startling them both. He tightened his hold on Abby. “We’d better make a run for it.”

She gave a breathy, intimate laugh that stroked him from head to toe. “That’s not so easy to do with rubbery legs, Cody.”

He clasped her hand. “Come on. I won’t let you fall.” Together they hustled down the footpath. Less than two minutes later they burst into Abby’s cabana, laughing like silly school kids.

“Let’s get undressed and get under the covers,” Abby said, peeling her clothes off like they got naked in front of each other every day.

When they were both under the covers, they snuggled close, talking quietly and touching each other intimately. As the storm raged outside, their lips connected once again, and before he knew it they were making love long into the night, slowly, sensuously, passionately, savoring every soft touch, every delectable kiss, every sweet climax.

After a quick nap, they made love again and talked until the wee hours of the morning, until the storm died down and the sun was on the horizon. They talked about his job, her job, the past, the present and everything but their futures, because at the moment, he had no idea what his held.

As the sun burst through the lace curtains, Cody rolled to his side to watch her sleep. A bone-deep warmth coursed through him. She looked very peaceful, angelic and so content. He grinned. Maybe he really had reduced her to a quivering mass of contentment. He dropped a soft kiss onto her mouth and slipped from her bed, not wanting to disturb her sleep.

“Cody,” she whispered, her soft voice surprising him.

“Yeah, baby? What is it?”

“Will I see you later?”

“I’ll see you.”

“Yeah, why?” she asked, sounding drowsy, her eyes barely open.

“Because I’ll be watching…”


bby woke
to birds chirping and bright sunshine streaming through the lace curtain’s in her room. She stretched out her tired limbs while her thoughts rushed to Cody and all the wonderful, amazing, passionate things they’d done the night before. Every muscle in her body clenched at the memory.

She turned to her side and spotted her agenda book. Lord, she might be a planner, but she certainly hadn’t planned on the feelings Cody aroused in her.

She knew they’d connected on a deep level and truthfully, thanks to her taking a chance and veering off her path for once, she’d experienced intimacy and passion with him unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

So now what? Did she go back and marry Artie now that she knew life had more to offer and that passionate men really did exist. It just took the right woman to bring it out in them? But did that mean she was the right woman for Cody? Or that he’d even want more?

Confused, and no longer content with her well-mapped-out future, Abby climbed from her bed and made her way to the shower. Even though sleep pulled at her, she had a busy day scheduled and wanted to lie in the sun and sort through matters before it all began.

After her shower, she pulled on her bikini, grabbed a peach from the fruit bowl on her table and made her way outside. She glanced around, her gaze scanning the jungle, wondering whether Cody was waiting, watching…

Deciding he was probably asleep, she laid her peach beside her and stretched out on the chaise lounge, needing the quiet time to clarify her thoughts and strategize her next move. As her lids drifted shut, the sound of her cell ringing pulled her from her slumber.


She jumped from her chair and rushed into her cabana. Breathlessly she said, “Hello.”

“Good morning.”

Her heart hammered. The deep masculine voice turned her knees to rubber.

“Good morning,” she whispered in return. Her thighs clenched with heated memories as his seductive voice played with her libido.

“How did you get this number?”

“I have my ways,” he said. A pause, a heavy sigh, and then, “I miss you.”

As her sex fluttered with need, it occurred to her that Cody was making the call that Artie should have been making.

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have snuck out this morning.”

He chuckled. “I can’t wait to hold you again.”

She clutched the phone tighter, her pulse skyrocketing. A riot of emotions raged inside her. “

“Why don’t you take the phone and go back outside.”

Her glance shot to her open door. “Cody, are you watching me?”

“Yeah. I told you I would be.” Arousal edged his voice.

Abby stepped out into the sunshine and glanced toward the hilltop. “Where are you?”

Instead of answering, he said, “Go lie back on your chair.”

She immediately obliged. With a quick decision, she decided right then and there to seize this day, this moment and this man, to temporarily shelve her worries in the far corners of her mind to sort through later.

“Now stretch your legs out.”

“Like this?”

“That’s a good girl, Abby.”

His tone was low, husky. “Only problem is, you’re still dressed. I want you to take your bathing suit off.”

She drew a sharp breath and murmured low, “You’re a very naughty boy, Cody.”

“Yeah, I know.” The amusement in his tone tugged at her insides.

Abby laid the phone beside her and slowly peeled her bathing suit off. She could hear Cody’s low growl of longing when she brought the phone back to her ear.

“Is that better?” she asked.

“Not quite.”


“Your legs aren’t spread.”

“Oh, right.” Abby widened her legs, taking note of the sticky wetness between her thighs. Goddamn, she was turned on. She heard a rustling sound that made her wonder what was going on. She tried to keep her voice level but failed. “Cody, what are you doing?”

“My cock is hard, Abby. I’m stroking it.”

Oh. My. God.

She brought her hand to her throat and swallowed, trying to keep some semblance of control.

“Do you like knowing I’m rubbing my cock while I watch you?”

“Oh, yeah,” was all she managed.

“Your breasts are beautiful. Will you touch them for me?” Abby crooked her neck, positioning the phone on her shoulder in order to free both hands. She brushed her thumbs over her nipples and arched into her touch.

“Mmm,” she moaned. “That feels so good.”

Cody’s breathing deepened. He gave a lusty groan, and she could hear him work his hand over his cock in double time.

“Very nice,” he murmured. “Now pinch your nipples. I want them red and swollen.”

Abby pinched herself hard and gave a little yelp. Flames licked over her. She was so turned on, she began shaking.

“You see that peach beside you?” His soft voice caressed her flesh, and she could feel color rising on her cheeks. “I want you to take a bite and drip the juice all over your nipples. Get them nice and slick for me, and then imagine me licking them clean.”

Her entire body heated from the inside out. She bit into the peach and then dripped the sweet nectar over one plump nipple. When she heard him suck in a deep breath, she widened her legs and drizzled the peach juice over her clit. The cool liquid stimulated her nerve endings.

The combination of sweet peach and arousal reached her nostrils. “Fuck…” Cody bit out.

“Do you like that, Cody?” she murmured, reveling in the sensations. Becoming dizzy with desire, she dropped the peach and stroked herself. Good God, she was desperate to ease the tension inside her.

“Put your fingers inside your pussy for me,” he said in a strangled voice. “I want you to climax with me. Then I’m going to come down there and lick up all your sweet peach cream.”

His sexy words brought on a shudder, such that her entire body trembled from head to toe. Never had she done anything so wild and wicked. No, she corrected herself, that wasn’t exactly true. Ever since she’d met Cody, she’d been doing lots of things that were wild and wicked. Things that she wanted to continue to do…

With need consuming her, she pushed two fingers inside her while her thumb worked her clit. Her hips rose from the chair and her sex muscles clenched. The action drew her fingers in deeper. She took deep, gulping breaths while her throat tightened with pleasure.

She heard him groan. “That’s a girl. Come with me.” His coaxing voice brought on her climax.

Her sex pulsed and spasmed with her release. She tossed her head to the side and cried out Cody’s name while she rode the waves of pleasure.

After a long moment when she gulped for air, Cody’s husky, labored voice brought her back to him. “Stay put, Abby. And keep your legs open.”

Less than two minutes later, she felt Cody’s presence in front of her. She opened her eyes to see him standing over her, dressed in bathing trunks and a blue T-shirt, looking like sex incarnate. The intense look on his face nearly stopped her heart.

His nostrils flared as he dropped to his knees. His eyes swept over her, taking in her spread legs. “You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” he whispered in a tone that was alarmingly tender.

They exchanged a look before he buried his face between her thighs. The soft blade of his tongue found her clit. She felt his body tremble. “You taste delicious,” he murmured. His long, intimate strokes immediately brought on another orgasm. He inserted a finger and that was all she needed to shut down her brain. Fire whipped through her blood. Her hot juices flowed endlessly into his mouth.

“Mmm. I love how responsive you are.” His voice ended in a soft whisper.

She glanced down at him. The way his dark eyes smoldered when they met hers made her breath catch.

His fingers continued to idly stroke her clit. “You’re a wild woman, Abby Benton.” Mesmerized, she watched Cody stand, come up beside her and place the sweetest, softest kiss on her mouth, a kiss so tender and passionate it touched something deep inside her.

“I just think you bring that out in me,” she rasped, swallowing hard.

He grabbed her hand and tugged her out of the chair. “Let’s go inside and get something to drink.” Abby gathered her belongings and followed him into her cabana. He grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge while she dressed. He spotted her agenda and turned to her. “You really are a planner, aren’t you?” When she nodded, he asked, “So what’s your plan for the rest of the day?”

Abby glanced at the clock. “I have a hot-stone massage booked in ten minutes, then a late lunch with the girls.” She winked at him. “Even though you already told me it’s not your thing, would you like to join me for a couple’s massage down by the ocean?”


The gravity of that one word hit her hard.

“I guess. Then maybe we can take a swim.”

She saw the mischief in his eyes and wondered what he was up to.

Less than ten minutes later they found themselves sprawled out on a massage table, merely a foot separating them, with only their bathing suits on. When the seductive scent of vanilla oil reached Abby’s nostrils and the first warm rock touched her back, she moaned in delight.

“Mmm, that feels so good,” she murmured, licking her dry lips.

She turned her head and watched Cody’s eyes widen. He pitched his voice low and whispered, “You’d better stop making sexy noises, Abby, or I won’t be able to control myself.”

If that wasn’t an invitation to tease him, she didn’t know what was. She shifted restlessly and continued to moan, deciding it was time for her to have the upper hand for a change. She lowered her voice to match his. “Oh, my, that heat goes right through me. It makes me feel all hot, tingly, and…

Cody growled. “Abby, you do know you’re going to pay for that, right?”

His seductive tenor played havoc with her hormones. She flashed her lashes at him as shivers of pleasure raced down her spine. For the next thirty minutes she moaned, purred and mewled, until the fire in Cody’s eyes became explosive.

Just as the massage came to an end, she murmured, “Mmm, I do believe that feels better than sex.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Cody threw the sheets off, grabbed her by the arm and hauled her away from the massage table and into the water with him.

She gasped. “Cody, what are you doing?”

“Proving to you that a massage does not feel better than sex. Now, follow me.” Anxious to see what he had in mind, Abby swam out to the rocks with him. They were tucked out of sight, away from the beach, but easily viewable from the hilltop. As they climbed from the water, she glanced around, realizing they were in the exact same location as the couple they had spied on yesterday. She grinned, understanding his earlier mischievous look, and what he was up to now. Cody obviously had this planned all along. Out of nowhere a burst of warmth brought on a shiver. It touched her deeply that he brought her here on purpose so he could play out her secret desires, her darkest fetishes.

Cody grabbed her, hauled her to him and locked his arms around her waist. He planted a hard, ravenous kiss on her mouth then inched back to catch her eyes. He cocked his head. “Is that better than a massage?”

As the air crackled with sexual energy, she tried for casual. “Not even close,” she managed through the haze of lust.

Cody’s eyes darkened. He unhooked her bathing suit top and turned his attention to her breasts. The soft blade of his tongue flicked over her nipple, hardening it, and it was all she could do to stifle a heated moan. When his thumb scraped over her aching bud, she briefly closed her eyes against the erotic sensations.

“Is that better than a massage?”

She drew a deep breath and looked past his shoulder, going for bored. “It’s debatable…,”she said, humoring him.

Growling, Cody dropped to his knees and dragged her down with him. Hastily, he pulled her bikini bottoms from her hips and widened her legs. He nuzzled her pussy, inhaled her aroused scent, and then gifted her with one long luxurious stroke of his tongue. As his mouth moved over her clit, she nearly erupted.

Oh, Lord…

He cast her a knowing glance. “How about that, Abby? Does that feel better than a massage?”

Her heart pounded erratically. She made a sexy noise and shifted. “I’m not sure. The jury is still out.”

With that Cody tore his clothes off and grabbed a condom from his bathing suit. She bit her lip and watched him, taking pleasure in the sight of his gorgeous, naked body. Without drawing out the foreplay, he quickly rolled the condom on, spread her legs wider, and in one swift movement drove his cock all the way up inside her. She gasped as his fullness stretched her wide open. Moisture pebbled his flesh as he furiously pumped in and out of her. When she shut her eyes in surrender, he said, “Look around. I bet someone is on that hilltop watching me fuck you.”


Her pulse kicked up a notch and her pussy muscles clenched with the approach of an orgasm. Just knowing others might be watching filled her with raw lust. Frantic, she clawed at his back and grabbed his ass, driving his cock deeper into her heat. Moments before her orgasm hit, Cody stopped pumping and gave her a devilish grin. One sexy brow rose in amused awareness. “Now tell me,” he said, having brought her to the edge only to keep her there, hovering like a damn hummingbird, payback for all her teasing, she assumed. “Does this feel better than a massage?” His voice was rough with emotion, and she sensed it took all his effort to maintain his control while he played with her.

Frazzled, she muffled sexually frustrated curses under her breath. Cody laughed in response, which reminded her how much she loved the easy intimacy between them.

In desperate need of an orgasm, she drew a shaky breath and conceded defeat. “Yes, yes, of course this feels better than any massage,” she burst out. “Now, make me come, goddammit!”

Chuckling, Cody unleashed himself on her, pumping and pushing deep, giving her exactly what she needed as she lost herself in him, body and soul.

Seconds later she tumbled into an orgasm. Her hands tightened around his back. She held him to her, never wanting to let him go. Cody threw his head back and groaned. She felt his cock throb deep inside her and knew he was joining her in release. Everything about their coupling felt so right, so perfect, that a myriad of emotions rushed to her heart. She found his mouth and kissed him with all the passion inside her.

BOOK: Private Pleasure (Sun Stroked Book 3)
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