Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..." (5 page)

BOOK: Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
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Downward dog, also referred to as
adho mukha svanasana, is a basic pose for strengthening and resting. It is usually executed many times in a yoga session and also one of the basic yoga postures that beginners need to learn.


Renews energy


Boost digestion


Helps fight insomnia


Tones and strengthens upper back, arms, shoulders, wrists, chest and hand muscles


Promotes overall body circulation


Helps strengthen and stretch muscles in the lower back and leg


Improves self-confidence by reducing stress and anxiety


Eliminates back pain by releasing spine pressure


Position yourself on all fours, hands under shoulder and knees under your hips.


Carefully move hands forward by a few inches, fingers spread wide.


Slowly raise your hips upward. Your body should form a reverse V.


Press shoulders far from the ears.


Slightly bend knees and keep feet a few inches apart.


Hold position for 10 counts.



With warrior pose, you will learn how to be in the moment, increase lung capacity and expand the chest.


Provides relief against sciatica and back pain


Tones organs in the abdomen


Improves shoulder, ankles, legs, back and feet strength


Enhances stability


Improves shoulder and hip flexibility


Stand straight with legs spread, 3-4 inches apart. Turn the right foot to a 90-degree angle, left foot slightly turned in.


Place hands on the hips, relaxing the shoulders.


Extend arms sidewards, palms facing down.


Bend the right knee to a 90-degree angle. Keep the knee over your ankle.


Look over your right hand.


Stay in position for a minute.


Repeat process on the other side.

Tree Pose


Tree Pose helps strengthen back, thighs, ankles and calves. Constant practice will also improve groin and hip flexibility. Tree Pose is ideal for individuals with flat feet or sciatica.


Strengthens and improves the mind


Strengthens legs


Improve balance, respiration and concentration.


Stand straight with both arms placed on the sides.


Shift your weight with only the left leg as support.


Carefully position the sole of your right foot just inside your left thigh.


Find your balance. Palms together, bring both hands in front of your chest similar to a prayer position.


Slowly raise your arms towards the sky, palms still stuck together.


Stay in position for 30 seconds to a minute.


Slowly lower right leg.


Repeat the process for the left leg.

Bridge Pose


Bridge Pose, also referred to as
Setu Bandhasana, promotes stress reduction and relaxation. In this pose, the hips and legs mainly do the work, which in turn alleviates tired feet.


Enhances blood circulation


Beneficial for sinusitis, hypertension and osteoporosis


Boosts digestion


Invigorates tired feet and legs


Alleviates insomnia, fatigue and anxiety


Helps relieve high-blood pressure, menopause and asthma symptoms


Minimizes the onset of headache and backache


Boosts abdominal organs, thyroid glands and lungs


Stretches hips, neck, chest and spine


Helps eliminate depression and stress


Relaxes the nervous system and brain


Enhances strength in the hamstrings, back and buttocks


Lie flat on the ground.


Bend knees directly over the heels.


Position arms on your sides with palms facing down.

BOOK: Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
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