Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)
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He stopped because Caroline had smacked his arm, hard. “Jeez, Kason, have some class. You can’t talk about previous uh…girlfriends when his current girlfriend is sitting right next to him!”

Looking confused, Benny sputtered, “What?”

Alabama giggled again and looked at Christopher. He just shook his head and murmured, “Jesus, this was a bad idea.” Alabama laughed at him again and put her hand on his thigh.

Loving the feel of Alabama’s hand on his leg, Abe put his hand over hers and intertwined their fingers. He then tried to clarify what his friends were bungling so badly. “What my so-called ‘friends’ here are trying to say is, that I don’t like liars, and I don’t like people who steal. Even buying a dress with the intention of wearing it and then returning it is a type of stealing. It’s not right and it’s not cool.”

Alabama got what he was saying and gripped his thigh harder, making him look down at her. “I don’t lie or steal.”

Abe smiled. “I know, sweet. You’re too nice to do either.”

The night continued and Alabama relaxed. She was actually having a good time and no one seemed concerned she wasn’t talking much. At one point, when she’d stood up to go to the restroom, Caroline joined her. “You know us women can’t go by ourselves. We’ll be back,” she’d exclaimed to the group at large.

Then she’d taken Alabama’s hand and they’d walked toward the restroom. Upon arriving they’d done their business and when they were washing their hands, Caroline said what she’d obviously been wanting to say all night.

“Christopher’s a good man. He was on the plane with me, Matthew, and Sam when the terrorists tried to take it down. He was the one who gave me my nickname. He was the one who convinced Matthew to fight for me. I’d do anything for him.

Alabama flinched. Here it came. Caroline obviously didn’t think she was good enough for Christopher.

“That being said, I like you. You’re just what he needs. I’ve never seen Christopher so relaxed. The way he looks at you is how Matthew looks at me. If you’re just using him for whatever reason, please let him go now. But if you really like him, and I think you do, please protect his heart. These guys are tough. They’re strong and macho, but they’re marshmallows inside. You can hurt him. I’m just asking you not to.”

Taking a quick glance around the empty bathroom, Alabama forced herself to answer and to try to reassure the other woman. “I’m not going to hurt Christopher. I like him. I know I’m not good enough for him, but until he figures that out, I’m staying.”

The smile that came across Caroline’s face was blinding. She reached out and pulled Alabama into a hug. Alabama was too surprised to do anything other than awkwardly put her arms around the other woman.

“Welcome to the family, Alabama,” Caroline gushed. “I’m so glad Christopher has found someone who’s worthy of him. Not some skank who just wants in his pants.”

Alabama did something she’d never done in her life before, she blurted out, without thinking, without looking around to make sure Mama wasn’t lingering nearby, “Oh, I want in his pants all right.”

Caroline pulled back in surprise, then leaned back and laughed as if Alabama had just said the funniest thing she’d ever heard. “Oh man, you guys haven’t done it yet?”

Embarrassed now, Alabama could only shake her head.

“Now I know he
likes you. Hang on tight, girlfriend. Hang on for the ride of your life. If you ever need me, don’t hesitate to contact me. Us old ladies have to stick together.”

Alabama could only nod as Caroline grabbed her hand again and they walked back toward the table.

When they arrived, Caroline gave her another secret smile and sat down next to her man. Alabama watched as Matthew leaned toward Caroline and kissed her. It wasn’t a polite “I’m-in-front-of-company” kiss either. It was passionate, and it lingered. Alabama was almost embarrassed to be a witness to it. But on the other hand it was amazing. It was the kiss a man gave to his woman. A kiss that showed her how much he loved her, how much he couldn’t wait to get her alone. It was beautiful.

Looking away, Alabama caught Christopher’s eye. Whoa. His eyes bored into hers. “Everything go okay in the restroom? She didn’t scare you away?”

Alabama shook her head. “No, she was great actually. You have amazing friends.”

“I do, don’t I?” He paused. “You ready to go?”

“Go? But it’s still early…”

“I want to be alone with you. I want you, Alabama.”

Alabama’s stomach did flip flops. Did she want this? If they left now, she knew they’d end up in bed together. She didn’t want to overanalyze it. “I want you too.”

At her words Abe’s breathing sped up. He put his hand on her elbow and immediately stood up. “It’s been real guys, we’re headed out. See ya later.”

Without giving her a chance to say much more, he threw some bills on the table to cover their drinks and headed for the door.

Alabama looked back at the table to see Caroline wink at her. She smiled back.


* * *

The ride back to Alabama’s apartment was done mostly in silence. Alabama had told Christopher she’d been glad to meet his friends and he’d only grunted in response. Alabama almost laughed. It seemed as if their roles were reversed—he was the one without the verbal ability at the moment.

He drove quickly, but safely, through the streets back to her little apartment. Alabama knew what was coming and was nervous, but excited. It was time. She was ready to make love to Christopher.

Christopher parked his car and silently got out and met her at the front of the car. Alabama was too impatient to wait for him to come and get her out of the car. They walked hand in hand up the stairs to her apartment. Alabama handed over her keys when they reached her door and he unlocked it for them. Christopher placed the keys in a basket by the door and slipped her purse off her shoulder. He took her face into his hands and leaned down to kiss her.

Abe was holding on by a slender thread. Alabama was sexy as hell and he couldn’t wait to get inside her. She was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. She was sweet and kind and beautiful. He kissed Alabama deeply while walking her backwards into the room. He hadn’t dared pay any attention to her small bed in the corner before. He knew he wanted her there, but he’d been taking things slow. They were finally ready.

He backed her toward the bed until her knees touched the mattress. Abe wanted nothing more than to push her back on the bed and strip her naked, but he had to make sure she was on the same page as he was. “You want this right, sweet? It’s not just me?”

“Make love to me, Christopher. I’m yours.”

Abe didn’t hesitate. Alabama’s words were all the permission he hadn’t known he’d been waiting for. He grasped her shirt at the hem and drew it upward, not breaking eye contact. He wanted Alabama to know he saw
. That he wasn’t stripping just another woman’s body, but he was stripping
woman’s body.

Alabama’s heart skipped a beat as she watched Christopher’s eyes as he drew her shirt up and off. It wasn’t until he threw it behind him on the floor that he took his eyes from her face and ran them down her body. Of course, he’d seen her before in their make out sessions, but this was different. This was more intimate, more personal. More everything.

“God, sweet. You. Are. Beautiful.”

Abe took Alabama’s hands in his and held them out away from her body. She
beautiful. Her bra was a basic black cotton piece, but it fit her personality. The dark fabric against her light skin made for a wonderful contrast. “Take if off for me,” he murmured letting go of her hands so she could obey him.

Alabama blushed, but did as he asked without question. Whatever he wanted, she’d do. She reached behind her and unclasped the hooks of her bra. She dropped her arms and the straps fell down her shoulders and then down and off her arms. She caught the garment with her hand and let it drop to the floor.

Abe inhaled. He wasn’t going to last long. She was perfect. He watched as her nipples beaded as he took her in. She was breathing hard, but he could tell it wasn’t in fear. Alabama wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He took her hands in his again and once again held them out to her sides. “Beautiful,” he murmured as he leaned forward and took one of her pouty nipples into his mouth.

Alabama groaned. Abe knew how sensitive her breasts were from their earlier sessions on the couch. She tugged at her hands, wanting to touch him. Wanting to make him feel as good as he was making her feel. Abe didn’t let go, and instead tightened his hold on her. She’d do as Abe wanted, if he let her do what
wanted, he’d never last.

Abe knew he was on the edge. He couldn’t wait anymore. This first time was going to be quick, but he consoled himself with the thought that they had all night.

He finally dropped her hands and reached for his own shirt. “Get undressed and get on the bed. I can’t wait.” His voice was low and hard, and sexy as hell.

Alabama watched as Christopher tore off his own shirt and bent down to undo his boots. She quickly unbuttoned her own jeans and shimmied out of them. She peeled her undies off and dove under the covers.

She watched as Christopher stood up and toed off his boots. He undid the buttons on his cargo pants and quickly shed them. Looking her in the eyes for the first time since they’d started undressing, he asked, “You ready for me?”

God yes, she’d been ready for him for a while now. “Yes, I want to see you. Please.”

Alabama inhaled as Christopher took off his boxer briefs. He was beautiful. He was larger than the only other man she’d slept with. She knew she didn’t have a lot to compare him to, but he was long and obviously hard…for her. It was difficult for her to wrap her mind around everything that was finally happening between the two of them.

Before she’d gotten her fill of looking at him, Christopher threw back the covers and joined her.

“Don’t hide from me. I want to see every inch of your delicious body.”

He crushed her to him and growled into her mouth. He wanted to take his time and learn Alabama’s body, but he couldn’t, not this first time.

While kissing her, Abe brushed his hand down her body. Alabama moaned under him and opened her legs to him. Feeling she was just as excited as he was, Abe separated their lips by a scant inch and murmured, “You’re so ready for me. I love feeling how wet you are, and it’s all for me, isn’t it?”

Alabama nodded and thrust her hips up into his hand as he caressed her deeper. “I’m ready. Please, Christopher.”

Possessiveness shot through him unexpectedly. He never felt possessive toward any of the women he’d been with in the past. He guessed he’d been using them to get off just as they’d used him for the same. But with Alabama, it was different. She was his.

“This is gonna be quick. I had plans to take this slow. To make sure I memorized every inch of your body before making love to you, but I’m not gonna last. I’ll make it up to you later. I can’t wait. You’re mine.”

Alabama just nodded and gripped his biceps harder.

“Say it, Alabama. Mine.”

Alabama gasped. “Yours, Christopher. Please.”

“Are you protected sweet? I’m clean. I have to get tested by the Navy regularly.”

Alabama tried to get her thoughts together. They should’ve had this talk already, but neither of them had been able to wait and she’d been too embarrassed to bring it up before.

“I’m on the pill. I needed to regulate my…er…you know.”

Abe thought she was cute. She was embarrassed to talk about her period, but they were in bed about to do the most intimate thing two people could do with each other. Adorable.

Alabama continued, embarrassed. “And…uh…I’m clean too…I’ve only been with one other guy and it was a while ago…so…uh…”

“Shhhh, I know you are. I never thought differently. I want to come in you bare. But it’s your choice. Whatever you want, it’s up to you.”

“You, I want
, Christopher, please,” Alabama begged. She’d never felt this way before. The last time she’d slept with a guy, he’d barely gotten her wet and then shoved himself in. It had hurt, and he didn’t seem to care. He just grunted and pumped in and out of her until he’d gotten off. Then he’d had the nerve to ask if it’d been as good for her as it had been for him. Thank God, she’d made him wear a condom.

She hadn’t known how good sex could really be. Hell, she and Christopher hadn’t had much foreplay either, but she was ready for him. More than ready. She was soaked. One kiss was all it took for her to want him more than her next breath.

Then he was there. Christopher eased up on his knees and looked down at Alabama. She lay before him naked with her skin gleaming from the sweat popping over her body. He ran his hands from her shoulders down to her belly and then up again. Squeezing and caressing. Up and down he went. “Beautiful,” he exclaimed breathlessly. “Mine.”

Alabama could only nod and watch as he spread her legs wider and scooted closer to her core. He raised her up until her ass was propped up and resting on his knees. He took hold of himself with one hand and placed the other on her pubis, right above where she wanted him most. He held her still as he slowly pushed the head of his cock into her tight center.

BOOK: Protecting Alabama (SEAL of Protection Book 2)
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