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Authors: Imari Jade

Prying Eyes (7 page)

BOOK: Prying Eyes
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Amelia smirked and moved from the top of the bed, crawling on her knees. She pushed him down on his back and wrapped her fingers around his erection. “Remember you said that.” She bent over from the waist and engulfed him into her mouth. Moments later, she had him begging for mercy. He snatched his cock out of her mouth by the time she tried to come up for air.

“I might need this for later,” he told her as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her swollen lips.

Amelia melted into his arms and kissed him back with equal passion.

Michael ran his hands up and down and around her body. He tugged her to him until her breasts mashed against his chest. The heated look in her eyes was an indication that she was ready to receive him. He lifted her on to his lap and entered her. Amanda trembled and began moving up and down on him. The more she moved, the wetter she became.

Sweat beaded on his forehead after a few minutes of her slow, sensual ride. She rubbed her pelvic area against his, sending him even deeper inside of her. “Ah!” It took everything in him not to come. “You are going to ruin me,” he told her as he moved her around with his hand on her backside.

“No, I’m not,” she moaned. Her head went back and she shuddered. Her hair rubbed against his thighs. “Oh shit,” she said as her buttocks beat out a familiar tune against him.

Michael lifted her into position and held her down on his cock until she came, wetting his lap and making her slide down deeper on him. He bit his lip, trying to hang on. He needed to take control, so he slid her from his lap on to her back and entered her again. On his knees, he could finally lead and take back his manhood.

“I’ll just lie here and enjoy,” Amelia told him as she watched him through lowered lashes.

Just the sight of her with all that long hair sprawled out on the pillow was about enough to make him come. Michael closed his eyes. The little tease had lied. She began rolling those magical hips and Michael finally lost control and came, spilling his seed so deep inside of her it probably went to her brain.

Chapter Seven

Michael slept throughout the entire ride back to the resort, snoring like a baby with a big, silly grin on his face.

The ride for her was totally painful as the driver hit continual bumps she didn’t remember from the ride to Nassau. She thought back to the wee hours of the morning when Michael had recuperated, woken up and decided to steal a little loving while she slept. The only problem with it had been that he had recuperated with an even harder erection than he’d had before, and he had taken her in every imaginable position until he had dozed back off and gone to sleep. She, on the other hand, had spent most of the morning soaking in a tub, trying to get some feeling back in her pussy. Not that she was complaining. Michael knew how to satisfy and please a woman. How many girlfriends could brag and attest to that about their lovers?

“You look like you can barely stand,” Janice told her as they met up with each other in the bathroom after the driver had stopped for a break.

“I’m fine,” she lied. “Just a little sleepy.”

“Michael seems to be tired, too. He’s been sleeping since we left.”

Amelia nodded. “He treated me to a royal performance in the wee hours of the morning.”

Janice made a face, obviously jealous. “Ben was disappointed that I couldn’t get the two of you to join us.”

“He’ll get over it,” Amelia replied, washing her hands. “I don’t share men, and I don’t do women.”

“Pity,” Janice said, eyeing her up hungrily. “I could rock your world.” She stuck out her tongue and wiggled it around.

Even if she was into girls, Amelia thought, she wouldn’t choose Janice. Who knew where that tongue had been?

The two women walked back to the bus, only to be stopped by Ben who appeared to have been waiting for them.

“The two most beautiful ladies in the Bahamas,” he said, eyeing Amelia with a little too much interest.

“She’s not interested,” Janice replied. “Michael took care of her needs last night.”

“What do you see in him?” Ben asked. “He’s nothing special.”

“Our relationship goes way behind physical appearance and sex,” Amelia explained. “We’re friends who care about each other.”

“Janice and I are friends,” Ben replied.

“But do you love her? I don’t think that you do, because if you did you wouldn’t be willing to share her with another man or another woman.”

Ben frowned as he thought about what she had told him. “So, does that mean I don’t have a chance with you?”

“I’m afraid that’s exactly what that means. You are probably a great lover, but I don’t cheat with other men. Michael would never respect me if I did that, and I do so love to be respected more than being loved or being sexually satisfied.”

“I understand,” Ben said as the three of them walked back and climbed back aboard the bus. “But you will keep me in mind if he ever leaves you?”

“Consider yourself thought about if that ever happens,” she lied. She had to climb over Michael’s sleeping form to get back into her seat. He automatically turned towards her and leaned his head against her shoulder.

“Should I ask about the conversation you just had with the two of them?”

“No,” she replied. “I thought you were asleep.”

“I woke up the moment you stepped across me to get off the bus and then I moved to the window to peep out to see where you were going.”

She supposed she should be grateful that he cared enough about her that he would stoop to spying to protect her virtue.

“The two of them tried to proposition me again, but I turned them down flat.”

“Janice, too?”

“Especially her,” Amelia said, trying to get as comfortable as possible in the seat. “Another woman has nothing to offer me.”

Michael snuggled up against her and closed his eyes. “What about Ben?”

“You’re not going to give me one minute’s peace, are you?”

“Nope,” he said. “Not until I have you safe and sound and back in New York.”

Amelia chuckled and closed her eyes. She hoped he remembered that both Ben and Janice lived in New York too.

* * * *

Michael took her for a long drive the next evening. Kamalame was such a lovely little town, and it was a shame they wouldn’t be around long enough to enjoy much of it. He drove into the parking lot of a restaurant.

“Why are we stopping here?”

“We have to eat,” Michael replied. “And you need to sample some of the native cuisine.”

Amelia could not deny that she was hungry. Woman cannot live on sex alone.

Michael turned off the engine, stepped out of the car and then came around and helped her out, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?”

“No,” she said as he led her into the restaurant. She didn’t know what was up with him, but she liked it. He was hot, passionate and very attentive.

The restaurant had a very homey feel as the waitress led them in and seated them at a white wooden booth near a window. The view was breath-taking, overlooking the beach and the blue water filled with boats.

Her date was handsomely dressed in a tan suit and dark brown shirt and tie. He’d combed his thick blond hair back from his forehead, allowing her a rare, unobstructed glimpse of those gorgeous blue eyes. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world to be in his presence but wondered what would happen to their relationship when they went back to New York.

They gave the waitress their order and she returned several minutes later with a crab and rice dish, delicious steamed fish and a Bahamian stewed fish made with celery, onions, tomatoes and spices. After finishing the large meal, Michael coaxed her into trying guana duff, a sinfully delicious dessert made from fruit wrapped in dough and covered in a rich sauce. They topped off their meal with a large glass of ice-cold
, a lemon, sugar and water mixture akin to lemonade.

After their meal, they got back inside the car and just drove around looking at the landmarks until the sun set. The day ended perfectly and in Amelia’s bed.

Amelia took both his hands and put them on her breasts. “I’m about to ride you into the ground,” she replied, rolling her pelvis against him.

“Oh, I do believe I have created a monster. Where is my sweet innocent little Amelia?”

Amelia laughed at his foolishness. “Get ready, Michael. I’m about to rock your world.” She rose slightly and sank slowly back down on him.

Michael whimpered.

Amelia duplicated the action, displaying her control of the situation.

“Oh!” Michael gasped as he squeezed her nipples hard.

Amelia rocked herself on his cock, back and forth, taking him nearly to the hilt.

Michael moved his hands from her breasts to her hips and slid her back and forth on his rock-hard cock. He filled her completely and had her sloppy wet. Moments later, they were both sweaty and oblivious to anything else around them.

Amelia’s body shook. “Oh, oh,” she moaned as the orgasm roared from her toes to her pelvic area. She rewarded Michael with a gush of warm liquid.

“I’m right there with you, baby.” He moaned once and shot into her, emptying his balls deep inside of her.

Amelia rolled off of Michael, tired and exhausted. She landed face down on the pillow.

Michael kissed the small of her back. “You’re phenomenal, Amelia.”

“Right back at you, buddy,” she replied as sleep overtook her. She was going to be so sore again in the morning.

Chapter Eight

The photo shoot ended much too early for Michael and, before he knew it, he and Amelia were back in a rental car, spinning down the highway away from a New York airport. This trip wouldn’t be as long as the previous one from New York to Florida but any time in her company was worth it. He was so in love with her he couldn’t think straight. Should he tell her and ruin their friendship, or keep it to himself and just go on with his life as if nothing had happened between them?

“How long are you going to give me the silent treatment?” Amelia asked.

“Just thinking,” Michael said.

“About what?”

“Us,” he answered.

“What about us?”

“I was just wondering if it would ruin our friendship if I told you that I love you and that I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met.”

“I don’t know,” Amelia said, cosying up to him as close as she could in the front seat. “Why don’t you tell me and see?”

“I love you, Amelia Wilson. Will you marry me?”

Amelia gasped. “Hey, that wasn’t the last line.”

Michael chuckled. “I know, but I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Even before we left New York.”

“You mean before you found out that we share a passion for watching people?”

“Yes,” Michael said, taking one hand off of the steering wheel and fishing a small black box out of his pocket and handing it to her.

Amelia took the box, opened it and squealed.

“I take it that you like the ring.”

“No, I love it,” she said hugging his neck and nearly making him swerve out of the lane.

“Whoa, girl.”

BOOK: Prying Eyes
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