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Authors: J. Hali Steele

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotica

Quench (7 page)

BOOK: Quench
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“Then have me,” Viv cried out. “Have whatever you want.” If
it meant Alek would have Nikol too, she’d deal with that when the time came.

Keeping her legs wide, Alek rose up and climbed onto the
bed. He pushed his cock through the crevice of her pussy, wetting it in her
cream. When his broad head stood at her entrance, she lurched up to capture it.

He drove all the way in and she screamed in his mind.

Take my cock, Viv. Every inch of it.

He slammed his shaft inside her, ground into her pelvis.
Easing his cock out, he thrust back in—again and again. The muscles in his arms
quivered on each side of her. Viv wanted to feel his arms around her, have them
hold her always.

Case grunted somewhere behind them and Tres yelled, “I’m
coming, baby.”

Their voices spurred Viv on, helped to drive her into Alek.
Like an airplane gathered speed to rise in the sky, her orgasm lifted, reached
a pinnacle and spiraled down and out. Tears of joy and love slipped into her
hair. Arching up, she said, “Never let me go.”


“Come,” she murmured, trapped beneath him. She melted each
time his hard body hit against hers, each time his cock plunged in and out of
her wet pussy. “Come for me, Alek.”

Her heels pushed into the bed, she leveraged herself up,
taking more with each stroke he delivered. Another orgasm whirled to life, on
the verge of erupting, but he stopped.

“Come here, honey.” Pulling her into a sitting position, he
flipped her around and pushed her onto the bed on her knees. “I want to fuck
you right.”

His hands swept the length of her back and he ran one finger
dead center down her spine. Viv arched up in reaction. It felt as if he’d
touched every nerve in her body with one stroke of his finger. Alek slammed his
cock deep into her pussy.

“Unhh yes. More,” she crooned.

Reaching between her legs, she slid her fingers over her
clit and let her fingernails scratch his penis each time he pulled from her

“Harder, babe. You can’t hurt me enough.”

Reaching farther, she gripped his balls and squeezed tight,
scraping them with her nails.

“Oh yeah, that’s it.”

His hands had a grip on her hips and each time he pushed in
he dragged her back to meet his onslaught. Alek pummeled her pussy until she
couldn’t stand it.

Her vagina convulsed around his thickness as she neared the
point of no return. Liquid tumbled down like a landslide, crashing from her
pussy, drenching his already wet cock.

she slashed into his mind,
I’m yours

He jammed his length quicker, farther with each shove until
his hips jerked hard and ground against her ass. He tensed, his back arched and
he grunted, spurting cum deep inside her.

Viv shuddered under him when she felt the turmoil and
anguish bounding through his thoughts.

“I can’t keep you,” he growled. Collapsing over her back, he
buried his face in her hair. “I’m so sorry.”

The anguish in his voice cut through Viv like a knife.
Everything in the room stopped. No noise, no voices, just his heavy breathing.
Turning her head to look for the others, she found they were alone.

“It’s too late. I won’t let you go.”


He rolled off her and lay on his back, his arm across his
eyes. “You don’t understand.”

She lay on her side and glared at him. “Understand what?
That you desire a man? I don’t give a shit, Alek. You wanted me, you got me and
I’m not letting you go.”

He turned to make eye contact. How could he explain it? “You
don’t know what you’re saying. You’ve been in my mind, you know I can’t stay
away from him.”

“We’ll deal with that when and if the time comes.”

“This thing with Nikol, I don’t understand it so I don’t
know how to make you.” Looking away from her, he mumbled, “I can’t live without
his blood.”

After a short while he rose from the bed and dressed. “Come
on, I’ll take you home.”

Viv threw her legs over the side and, standing, she dressed
in leather. Her hair slid into a neat braid down her back. Disappointment
settled over him seeing her lovely thick mane pulled severely behind her in a
plait. Gone was the pretty dress that showed her delicious thighs.

She stared at him and said, “I’m ready.”

Pulling her against him, he dematerialized, taking her back
to the basement of the mansion.

Leaving her by the bed, he strode to the door and she
stopped him.

“Don’t go, Alek.” Her blue eyes shimmered with tears.

Goddamn it. Those were the words she’d said when he laid
with her while she healed. It
him she thought about.

He loped back across the room, took her in his arms and held
her tight. Moving his hands over her shoulders, stroking her back, her ass,
Alek engraved the feel of her, the scent of her, in his memory. Stepping back,
he ran his fingertips down her face and, using his thumbs, he wiped her tears
away and brought them to his lips. He sucked each one, savored her flavor.

“Honey, there’s only one person in this world I’d change for
if I could. You.” Leaving her hurt him to the bone but that’s how it had to be.
change what I feel, Viv.”

He envisioned a vise wrapped around his heart and he closed

Alek turned and walked away.

Why lead her on when nothing could come of it? His steps
were heavy as he climbed to the second floor. Snatching the door open, he went
into the office. He ended up on the balcony staring across the arena into the
desert. The moon was slipping over the horizon. Sunrise wasn’t far off.

Both cats clawed mercilessly at his insides. At least they
weren’t battling each other and that was worth something.

His nails dug into the railing, leaving fresh gouges. How
would he feel when she left? With her gone his life would go back to the hell
it had been, or be even worse.

His heart would go with her.

“You know, you’re more of a jackass than your prince is,
chasing around the countryside like a maniac looking for his mate.”

Alek jumped so high he damn near tipped headfirst over the

“What the fuck are you doing back here?”

Phoenix sat behind the desk. “Waiting for you.”

“You are one sick fuck. You stripped her of the ability to
vanish and leave her here for me to deal with. Why?”

“With both of you polluting the air with mating scent I
couldn’t breathe. I thought it’d be good to leave you alone for a while.”

“What did you say?”

“Boy, she’s your mate.” Phoenix rose from the chair and came
out on the balcony. He leaned on the wall in the far corner. “What is it with

“You ever stop to think maybe you’re the jackass? I can
have a mate.” Alek faced back to the desert and hills beyond.

“How you like having your cats all buddy-buddy?”

Alek whipped around. “Christ, it was you in my head?”

“Shit, I had to nudge you along. You would have been an
old-ass man by the time you got around to bringing them together.” Phoenix
sucked at the breeze that blew across the desert. “They will still live separately
in you but they are one on the outside. You’ll get used to it.”

He should have known. This cat could probably read God’s

“Yeah, you should have known and no, I’m not
good. Alek, you’re special, embrace it.” He looked toward the door. “Your
woman’s coming.”

my woman.”

“Good God, am I going to have to change her for you?”

Growling, Alek bristled, his hands clenched into fists. If
he’d been in his cat his hackles would be up. “Don’t ever touch her again.” Aww
hell, this was not a battle he wanted.

Viv stepped through the door. The sight of her had him
gulping air. Damn he wanted her. Forever.

Phoenix’s green eyes nailed him to the railing. “When is the
last time you thirsted for Nikol’s blood?”

Alek’s mouth opened and closed, opened again but no sound
came out. How long had it been? He’d drunk from the prince early in the morning
the day he met Viv. That night was when he first tasted her blood. Three nights
ago. He’d never gone so long.

“Three days, almost four.” There had been no sexual urges
for Nikol, no desire rode his back like a monkey except the desire to have the
woman standing in front of him.

Viv’s head moved back and forth, finally resting on Phoenix.

“What are you saying?” she asked.

“You’re his mate, the answer to his prayers. His only thirst
is for you.” Phoenix spun past her and stepped in the door. “First and foremost
we are cats but we’re also vampyres, so we lust for whatever feeds us. Nothing
says we gotta fuck it unless we want to.” He grinned wide. “You guys can handle
it from here, right?”

“Hey!” Viv yelled as Phoenix flickered out of sight. “What
about my powers?”

His form shimmered back into the room. “The ping in the arm
was a booster shot to speed up the mating that would have happened anyway. Your
power to dematerialize is fine.” He smiled at them both. “She didn’t want to
leave so she couldn’t. You didn’t want her to go so she couldn’t.” Phoenix
vanished in a shower of white light.

“Goddamn him,” Alek said. “Maybe he is the fucking devil.”

You’re getting closer but don’t push it, boy. I don’t
like you that much
. Laughter surrounded the arena.

Thanks, man.

My pleasure.

“Alek, what the hell just happened?”

He couldn’t wrap his arms around her fast enough. His mouth
slammed into hers so hard, he drew blood. Running his tongue over her lips, he

“What happened is now you’re mine, baby.”

“That works both ways,” she purred. “I’ve been yours since
the day I touched this.” She ran her nails up the front of his pants. “And I
still like how it feels Mr. Got-a-helluva-package.”

His cock throbbed under her hand.

“Viv, there’s so much I need to tell you. I don’t care if
you walk on all fours or wear fur ever. Law and Dace hardly ever change, you
can be like them if that’s what you want.” He lifted her chin up to gaze into
her sparkling blue eyes. “Don’t you want to see the sun again?”

“Yes. I want to see everything the way you do, I want to run
with you, play with you in the desert sun.” Her fingers brushed his cheek and
stopped on his lips. He sucked one into his mouth and wrapped his tongue around
it. She looked at him with so much love in her eyes. “I want to be with you all
the way no matter what it means.” She peered at him. “Are you okay with the
Nikol thing? I don’t care one way or another.”

“As my true mate you would but trust me, all I need is you,
honey. Since the day I first tasted you.” Now he knew it was true, he
understood why he hadn’t thirsted for Nikol’s blood, which was what caused his
overriding desire to be with him carnally. Phoenix had been right—it was his

Alek lifted her in his arms and twirled around the small
space. Taking her to the railing, he placed her ass on it and stood nestled
between her legs. The sun began to peek over the horizon and his beasts settled
down quietly inside him.

Waiting for Alek to create their mate.

Vanishing with Viv in his arms, they tumbled into the bed in
the room below the mansion. He still needed to protect her from the sun until
she decided if she really wanted to be what he was.

“I want you so bad right now. But there’s something I need.”

She nibbled on his earlobe. “What?”

“Quench my thirst.”

The End


About J. Hali Steele


J. Hali Steele wishes she could grow fur, wings or fangs so
she can stay warm, fly or just plain bite the crap out of... Well, since she
can't, she would much rather roam where her fictional big cats live—in the high
desert of California. She enjoys spending time with her sisters and friends who
willingly listen to her ramblings about the paranormal world and anything else
that goes bump in the night. They're a captive audience, but she promises to
untie them soon!

A multi-published author and a member of RWA (PAN), when J.
Hali's not writing, she can be found snuggled in front of the TV with a good
book, a cat in her lap and a cup of coffee.


Hali welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her
bio page



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Print books by J. Hali Steele


of Desire

in Love


An Ellora’s Cave Romantica






ISBN 9781419931543


Quench Copyright © 2014 J. Hali Steele


Edited by Ann Leveille

Cover art by Dar Albert


Electronic book publication May 2014


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