Read Racing the Moon Online

Authors: Ba Tortuga

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #erotic, #Gay/Lesbian

Racing the Moon (10 page)

BOOK: Racing the Moon
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MJ arched up, muscles going tight and hard as fuck. "Oh. Oh, damn, that's more."

"Yeah. Yeah, breathe. Let it burn. It'll be good." They'd always told him it was good. He hoped to fuck at least Woody would never lie to him like that. One deep breath, then another, and MJ's body relaxed a little, landing back down on the mattress. Yeah. That's it, just relax. Good man.

He stroked MJ's belly with his free hand, stroked the cock that hadn't flagged one bit. At least that told him there was no pain. "Good now?"

"Uh-huh. Different, but good." MJ's head tossed a little, lips parted and wet, tongue flicking out to taste.

Sonny almost bent to take a kiss. Almost. That felt...weird. Which was even weirder when his hand was half buried in MJ's ass. Instead he got the condom with his free hand, tried to wrestle it open.

MJ chuckled, the sound a little breathy. "Want some help, man?"

"Yes. Damn it." Shit, he prided himself on his dexterity, too.

That set MJ to laughing, body rippling around his fingers, eyes just dancing. Asshole. Pretty fucking asshole.

"Well, help me, you jerk." He grinned, letting his fingers crook just so...

"I am help... Oh, sweet fuck!" The condom fell from MJ's fingers, half-opened. "Again. Fucking do that again."

"This?" That look. Jesus, that look. Sonny did it again just to see that look, feel the strain of MJ's muscles.

"Uhn." MJ was his, hello. Look at that throat work.

Sonny bent, licked at the skin covering one pec. "Condom, Precious. Where's the condom?" He needed it now. Really. Now.

"Uh... I. Damn." MJ scrabbled around, fingers just searching for it. "Damn. Oh. There. There we go. Here."

He took it, got it out, smoothing it over his cock. Then he started oiling up. Slowly, easily, he moved his fingers out, sliding his cock into place against MJ's hole. "You ready?"

"I." Those eyes met his, a little wide, a little wild. "Yeah. Yeah, okay."

Breathing deep, he lifted MJ's hips in his hands and guided his prick inside, bit by bit. Oh. Oh, fuck. His eyes tried to close, but Sonny blinked them back open, needing to watch, just to be sure he wasn't fucking this up. Needing MJ's reactions.

MJ panted, hands sliding over his own body, petting and stroking in long sweeps. "Fuck."

"About to, Precious." There. Sonny slid in all the way, MJ's body finally taking him in, letting him slip right up, hip to ass.

That earned him a groan, MJ's fingers on his arms now, trembling a little.

"Hush. S'all right, MJ. S'good." His body wanted to move, but Sonny held himself there, letting MJ get used to him, letting that heat loosen around him a little.

"Yeah. Yeah." MJ wriggled, then that muscled chest hitched as the man took a deep breath, that insane grip finally easing, becoming something more heated and less panicked.

"Oh..." Sonny moaned, cupping MJ's ass with one hand, using the other to pet, to stroke, just rubbing over MJ's belly and chest, pinching his nipples. He could feel each one of his touches in the way MJ's muscles shifted and fluttered, moving around him. That was enough to get him moving, his hips rolling, pushing him in and pulling him out. Even with the condom, it was a fucking wild ride.

Man, the deep, raw sounds were just pouring out of MJ, the man's eyes rolling like thrown dice. Once he got a rhythm going, got his breathing in and out, he reached for MJ's cock, hand circling it. Fuck, the man was hard, hot, leaking like crazy.

"Yeah. Yeah, I want. Come on." MJ was panting, shoulders off the mattress, pushing back against him.

He knew it. MJ was a natural. Sonny let go, really moving now, fucking MJ hard and fast. Sweat ran on his skin, his lungs heaved, and damned if he didn't just stroke MJ until his arm was tired, thumb working the tip.

He felt MJ's orgasm building, could see that tanned skin going dark right before MJ shot, hips bucking. Crying out, Sonny bucked right back, his hips snapping, just sawing back and forth as he shot inside MJ's body, filling that damned condom.

MJ moaned, eyes closed, lips open. So fucking pretty. Just too fine for color TV.

Without even thinking, he bent, putting his lips to MJ's, kissing gently, tongue coming out to taste. A deep hum pushed into his lips, MJ tasting him right back, tongue touching his, nice and easy.

Sonny remembered to grab his cock at the base and pull out, tying off the condom clumsily before collapsing down beside MJ to exchange long, lazy kisses. MJ's hand landed on his nape, thumb drawing slow circles as they tasted each other, watched each other.

Sonny rested heavily against MJ, lips and tongue moving, his eyelids drooping. He might just be ruined for life.




Chapter Nine


Uhn. Beer.

MJ leaned back in the booth, watched Sonny chat to the bartender, probably talking about some damned hallucinatory illegal booze. Or cigarettes. Or something.

Man had a pretty ass.

He was on his third beer, taking advantage of the local hotel's wifi hot spot to make a few money transfers, contact a couple clients. Ogle Sonny's ass. Plan another job on the East Coast.

Normal shit.

Sonny's front was nice, too, the open shirt he managed to pull off even in a hotel bar showing off his abs and belly. "Man, you should taste this home-brew stuff they have. Not quite rum, not quite moonshine..."

"Does it make you hallucinate, too?" He could lick all the way up and just enjoy himself thoroughly.

"I have no idea. You'll find out in a bit, I bet." Sonny grinned at him, leg brushing his, hand on his shoulder a moment as Sonny slipped past him. "So, have you gotten over being sore at me for hauling you off?"

"I'm just not thinking about it." He was sorer at himself for falling for it, for waking up on the beach.

"Okay." Those long, clever fingers slipped under his shirt at the small of his back. "So, you about done?"

"Yeah, I juggled pennies." Mmm... that felt good. Damn good. "You find out any wicked booze recipes?"

"I have an appointment for tomorrow night. They'll either let me in on how they make it or use me as some voodoo sacrifice." Sonny leaned on him, skin warm, and muscles firm. "So I have aaaaall this time."

"If you see a goat, run." His fingers found Sonny's belly, petting in random circles.

"Oh I will. Trust me. No goats. They smell bad." Their hands moved in time, Sonny's on his back, his on Sonny's front. Finally, Sonny cleared his throat. "So. If you're all set we could uh...go back to the bungalow. Swim."

"Swimming's good." Or fucking. Fucking worked.

"Yeah." Oh, the flush traveling up Sonny's chest and throat told him Sonny would be up for fucking, too. Hell, Sonny had shown a real talent for it.

"Let's go. It's a short walk." Which was good, as hard as his cock was.

"Uh-huh," Sonny muttered, rising. "If we make it that far."

"You're a strong one. You'll make it." He shut his laptop with a click, cock pushing against his fly as he stood.

Sonny pushed in front of him to get back out from behind the table, ass rubbing his cock as they brushed. Damn. His moan almost got out. Almost. His hand wrapped around Sonny's hip for a second, fingers gripping.

Sonny looked back at him for a moment, eyes almost black, pupils dilated. Then Sonny walked off, ass just swinging like it belonged to the big slut Sonny was.

He might have drooled.

Okay, might have wasn't exactly accurate because, damn.

MJ wiped his mouth and followed along, focused on that ass.

They made it halfway back to the bungalow before Sonny stopped and pulled him into an alley, brightly painted, hung with little plants and streamers. MJ got a kiss that curled his toes, Sonny really giving it up.

"Sunshine." It was sheer luck that he didn't drop the laptop when he reached up, fucking Sonny's lips with his tongue.

"Umph." Sonny grunted as the case clunked against his back, but didn't let go. The man had been a slow starter on the kissing, but man, once he got going...

Yummy. He started rubbing and groping, knowing what Sonny got off on now, what Sonny needed from him. It worked both ways. Sonny knew just where to nip, where to pinch. They rocked together, Sonny's cock sliding down against his through their clothes. He managed to work one hand down, cupped Sonny's hip, fingers squeezing that tight ass.

"Uhn. MJ. Yeah." Arching, Sonny rocked into his touch, making happy noises.
He nodded, bit down on Sonny's bottom lip a little. Mmm. Maybe more than a little, tugging so that he could get some of those good noises.

"Mmmhmm." Sonny hummed for him, low and rough, hands cupping his ass, the back of his neck, nails scraping his skin. "Oh, yeah."

"Want you naked. Want." Need, maybe. Fuck. Fuck, he wanted it.

"Not...oh. There. Not here. God, MJ." The only thing that made him feel better was that Sonny seemed just as wild, just as ready to fuck right there in the street.

"Fuck, yes. Come on, Sunshine. Please." He started tugging, pulling Sonny down the street.

They went, Sonny grabbing his laptop as it slipped, hobbling along behind him. That ankle was healing, but still couldn't take too much fast moving. Still, Sonny did all right, almost passing him as they got to the bungalow, pushing him inside.

MJ pushed and tugged 'til they got to the bed, pulling at Sonny's shirt so he could get to that skin.

Sonny helped, arms up, muscles shivering as he licked and touched. Sonny touched him as soon as the pesky cloth was gone, stroking his hair back off his face. "Yeah, Precious."

"Yeah." He worked Sonny's jeans open, thick cock pushing toward his hand, sweet as anything, wet-tipped and hot.

Grunting, Sonny just pushed at him, cock slapping against his palm. "Good. Want you, MJ. Want you bad."

He nodded, sitting down on the bed, lips sliding over the tip of Sonny's prick and sucking good and hard.

A startled gasp came from Sonny, those hard abs quivering for him. One hand clenched in his hair. Sonny's other hand stroked down his cheek, cupping his chin, his throat, stroking lightly in time with the movement of his mouth. His hands stayed busy, pushing jeans down and stroking the fine skin. Hot, salty and male, Sonny tasted like the sun and sea just outside their door. The skin around the head was thin and smooth, lower down it was veined and rougher. Sonny just cussed him, gave him filthy words, love words, too, telling him what a pretty mouth he had.

He rolled Sonny's balls, fingers sliding behind, stroking the hidden wrinkled skin. Come on, Sunshine, give me more now.

"Fuck! Fuck, MJ. I...Oh. Damn." Yeah, Sonny's thighs shook for him, those long legs moving, Sonny's heels drumming on the mattress.

"Uh-huh." He couldn't resist; he let Sonny's cock go, spreading Sonny wide so he could slide his tongue behind the heavy balls, over that tight little hole. He thought Sonny was gonna buck him off, or clobber him with a flailing hand, but finally the man settled into a rhythm, pushing against him.

MJ let himself relax, fucking the tight little hole with his tongue, in and out, in and out. Man, his prick just ached, sliding on the nasty old comforter. Next time he'd have to remember to put a T-shirt down there or something.

Sonny took it a lot longer than he thought anyone could, finally grabbing his shoulders and pulling him up, eyes wild as they stared at each other. "Man. I need. God."

"Gonna let me in?" He was aching for it, throbbing.

"I..." Sonny just stared at him, those eyes so dark. "Said I would," Sonny said.

"You did." He stretched for the lube, snagged it and almost broke the tube tip off. He was going to make it good, so good. His lips found one of Sonny's nipples as he got his fingers slick and sliding over Sonny's hole.

"Good." That big body slid restlessly, Sonny's cock red and wet, slapping that flat belly. "Feels good."

He tugged at the tight little nipple, let his teeth threaten some as he slid a finger in, nice and slow. Oh. Oh, yeah. He needed in there, in deep.

"God." The flesh under his lips went tight, hard, just begging for it. And damned if Sunny didn't open for him like a cheerleader slumming with the surfer boys, body taking his finger in, snug, hot, so good it almost burned.

"Fuck yeah, Sunshine." He teased the tip of Sonny's nipple, finger slipping and sliding and pushing. Searching, maybe, for that little flat gland.

Those eyes went wide, sightless, and Sonny's whole body shuddered, telling him he'd found it. Oh. Pretty. And damn, the way that body clamped down on his finger. When he got his cock in there he might explode. Explode or die. He kept stroking that little hot spot, watching as Sonny rode the sensations. He'd never fucking seen anything like it.


Sonny reached for something, hands slipping across the sheets, body bucking like crazy. Finally Sonny seemed to settle for stroking his own cock, licking his lips, panting.

"Wait for me, man. Want to be in you, feel it when you shoot."

"I. Oh, fuck, you'd best hurry then." Yeah. Yeah, Sonny looked like he was shivering on the very edge.

"You ready?" He got the rubber on and slipped another finger in, just to be sure, to be careful. He wouldn't hurt Sonny. He liked his teeth in his mouth, in their sockets, where they belonged.

"Yeah. Yeah." He expected at least a little doubt. An admonition to do well. He just got a drugged, heavy-eyed look, Sonny urging him on.

MJ settled himself in between those long, long legs, petting and scratching for a second as he lined up. "Breathe, Sunshine."

"I can't." Grinning, Sonny did just what he said to, though, taking a deep breath, relaxing as the air rushed out.

It was surprisingly easy to lean in for a kiss, push into that perfect fucking heat in slow, rocking motions. Sonny groaned into the kiss, hands coming up to clutch at him, hips rolling up to take him. One of those strong legs wrapped up around him, pulling. Yeah. Oh, sweet fucking hell, yeah. His heart was pounding furiously, caught as much in the kiss as he was by the feel of Sonny all around him. The man could fucking kiss. He really, really could, lips and tongue just killing MJ with their heat, their smooth, damp fucking heat. And inside...Sonny squeezed down on his cock slowly, every heartbeat obvious.

BOOK: Racing the Moon
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