Railed (Courage MC #2) (38 page)

BOOK: Railed (Courage MC #2)
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hat’s your point
?” Adam asked. I could tell he was only half listening. He had heard all this before. Instead, he was focused on how we would get out. All of a sudden, I saw it. The blade.

e must’ve grabbed
it when they picked him up! I gasped, but managed to shut my mouth before Bruce could hear. Adam stealthily passed the blade behind his back to me, and I started working the sharp end against the rope. Adam smiled and winked.

et me finish
, boy.” Bruce stared Adam down. There was a weird silence that filled the room. “The point is, everything fell apart. I needed a son. But where was he? Tramping around the desert, trying to find a way out of the life. Really son? You wanted out, but you couldn’t ask your own father? Well, this started to eat at me a bit. I’ll be honest. I thought and I thought about it. I had nightmares about it, really.”

was halfway
through the rope at this point. The question was, once I broke free, how would I be able to escape Bruce and rescue Adam from his chains? I looked around the room for possible answers…

veryone told
me I was crazy, that you were just goin’ through some shit. You’d be back next week or next month… But as long as I waited, you never came back. And then, you did. You brought a
. You were gettin’
. You were…oh God, it pains me to say it…getting out of the game so to speak. So I played that proud dad shit. Meanwhile, I realized somethin’. My son had been killed after the bank robbery. He had been dead and put to fucking rest. Maybe not in the physical sense, but from a father’s standpoint, it was over. I had trained you from day one and you had let me down. Does it really shock you that I would end the family name, once and for all? You kept that tattoo on your arm, son. But you ain’t fit for those words.
Hell, you ain’t never been courageous. Not once, ever. You’re just a coward. Always been a coward. You’re a sore on the whole lifestyle, kid.”

oth men were teary eyed
. The only difference was Adam had the rage of 100 wild stallions. Bruce aimed the gun at Adam’s head, shaking with betrayal and jealousy. At least that’s what it came down to in my head. Bruce was jealous. In the end, Adam got we he wanted. He left the life and attempted to do something good for himself. He would’ve succeeded if everyone hadn’t conspired against him. It showed me where their loyalty really lay: In the fucking gutter.

dam looked
over and saw that I had cut the rope away. I was free to leave whenever. I looked at him, scared but determined. He simply nodded. The words “Do it.” flashed in my head. I wrapped my hand around Adam’s chain and slowed down my heart rate with my breathing.

guess this is goodbye
, dad.” Adam said.

o it is
. Rest in peace, Adam.” A tear rolled down Bruce’s cheek.

ut before he could fire
, I whipped up Adam’s chains from the floor and swung it against Bruce’s face. “Fuck!” He yelled, before firing off a round. The bullet ricocheted near me, but missed. He toppled against the candles. Within seconds, he was covered in flames. “NO!” He screamed. It was too late. He was already lost in a land of gasoline and fire. Adam got up and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I’m sorry, pops. God knows I am sorry…”

!” I screamed. “We have to hurry, this whole place is going to go up in flames!” A ring of fire had already built in front of us. I scrambled, trying to figure out what to do. Bruce’s gun lay in front of me, so I grabbed it and fired against his chains.

, my love.” He said, removing the metal around his body. He picked me up and jumped through the flames, searing part of his hair and clothing. We ran behind the open door and waited for a brief moment. Adam put his index finger against his lips, “Shh…”

oon enough
, a team of men ran into the room. They looked around, confused. “Where are they?” One of them called out.

aybe they got burnt
?” another said. “Let’s get the fuck out of here! This place is about to explode.”

e had
an order to make sure those two get killed!” The first man said. “FIND THEM!”

, we slipped outside, undetected. Three SUV’s sat parked in the lot outside and Adam ran up to each door. “How will we start it?” I asked, frantically looking behind me to make sure no one had followed us.

’m praying
one of these has the keys in it. If not, we’re going to have to stay and fight.” Adam ran over to the first car and opened the door. No keys. The second car: no keys. Finally, when he reached the first car, he saw that the keys were dangling in the ignition. “Pop the other cars’ tires!” Adam yelled.

over to the other cars and took the knife, popping the front tires. “Good to go!” I called out. Adam waved me over.

’s get the fuck out of here.” He said, turning on the engine. Within seconds, the men were running outside of the building, as several small explosions went off inside.

e took off
. “There they are!” They screamed. “FIRE!” They took out their guns and began shooting at us. Bullets shot through the back window, hitting the seats and narrowly missing our bodies.

et down
!” Adam yelled, driving erratically. We were getting mowed down. It wasn’t over yet. Adam weaved left and right. If we just kept going, we might be okay…

hase them and kill them
!” The men got into their cars and took off behind us. Only, they couldn’t keep up once their tires had gone completely flat.

e couldn’t help
but cheer. Adam wrapped his free hand around my body, kissing me passionately. I turned around to look – the whole horizon looked as if it were on fire. And rising from the flames were three motorcycles, headed in our direction.


ould all be lost
? No. We wouldn’t let that happen. We couldn’t. Not after all the shit we had been through. “Take the wheel!” Adam screamed. I reached over and steered the car straight. Adam’s tough body curled outside the window. He took his automatic rifle and aimed at the front motorcycle.

he guy was gaining speed
. Bullets were whizzing by Adam’s head. I wanted him so bad right now. I needed him. If we got through this, there was no telling what I’d let him to do me. “Adam! Be careful!” I called out.

always am
, aren’t I?” He muttered. When the biker was in his scope, he fired. The bullet cut the desert wind in half. It was a straight shot, aimed right at the guy’s heart.
Before the sound even went off, the guy was on the ground, covered in dust. “Got him!” Adam yelled, smiling.

wo more
! You got this.” I said, still steering the car. I had put one foot on the pedal and I prayed to God that I wouldn’t slip. One false move and this SUV would flip in an instant. The speedometer read 60, but it was slowly climbing. There wasn’t much time.

lright you son of a bitch
, let’s see what you got.” Both men were aiming at each other. The biker was gaining speed, hot on our trail. He fired first and I watched as the bullet whizzed against Adam’s cheek.

!” I screamed. Luckily, he was unharmed. It had just grazed the skin. Adam shot the gun and looked entirely pleased when the man fell in front of his bike, landing on top of a small cactus. “Bulls eye…” He whispered.

e weren’t free yet
, though. There was still one more rider. “Concentrate, Adam…” I whispered. “If you shoot him, I’ll give you a night to remember…” I kissed his bulging bicep and watched him concentrate.

e took
a deep breath and as he inhaled, he fired. It hit the steering wheel. “What the fuck?” He asked. The biker kept riding, unaffected and ready for blood. He was close now, about to reach our window. He aimed his gun at Adam and fired. Adam ducked in the window and grabbed the wheel. “Move!” He shouted.

e turned the car left
, hitting the man in an attempt to knock him off his bike. From what I could see, the man was not giving up without a fight. “Come on, you bastard!” Adam said, hitting him again. After three hits, the guy fell against the vehicle. I watched as his face ricocheted off the glass of the window.

e got him
!” I screamed, hugging Adam.

, that was close! Thought the right side of my face was going to get blown right off!” He smiled. “Now… what were you saying about giving me some quality alone time?” He grabbed my hand and placed it on his lap, winking.

, I can’t believe we survived all of this. Let’s get to a safe spot and rent a motel room for a couple of days. I need to feel like we’re secure for a little while.” I was happy we escaped Brianna, but the night had worn on me. I was ready to sleep for days.

e too
, Rose. My own father…how could he do this to me?” Adam shook his head, exhausted by the thought. I had almost forgot. Bruce was behind everything. That was the biggest surprise of all. Even Adam hadn’t a clue.

’m so sorry
, Adam… If there’s anything I can do, I’ll do it. I’m always here for you.” I said, trying my best to console him. I kissed his cheek and sat back in my seat.

know you are
. You’re the one thing in my life that won’t let me down. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I’m done now. I’m willing to be the man you need me to be, Rose.”

…” My voice trailed off. Something caught my eye as I looked to the side. Something human like… “ADAM!” I screamed. It was the biker. He must have held onto the car as he fell off his bike. His gun was aimed right at Adam and a sinister grin formed across his face. As the moon shined down on him, I realized it was the man who had drove us earlier, the man who had a scar across his throat.

, you two.” He smiled. Adam put his hands up, in reaction to seeing him. The SUV wobbled. Behind us were more lights.

, Adam. I’m sorry for everything. I’ll love you throughout time.” This was going to be the last moments I spent with him. I held on for dear life.

he man’s
gun went off, hitting the windshield in front of me. Adam had his hands around the man’s throat. He pulled him inside and wrestled him into the back. I went to grab the steering wheel, but right as my hand touched the leather, the front of the SUV smashed into a small boulder. Suddenly, everything went flying in slow motion. The lights behind us got closer and closer. This was it. The end of our story.


. It couldn’t be. I wouldn’t let it happen. I had to fight.

he SUV was
in mid air, flipping quick enough for me to barely even notice. It smashed into the side of the rock, hit the ground, and rolled a few more yards. The sound of broken glass and a sizzling engine was all that could be heard, among the short groans from Adam and the biker.

!” I screamed, only I couldn’t hear my voice. There was a sharp ringing that pierced my eardrums. I looked to my side and smashed my fist against the window. It smashed after three blows and I crawled out carefully. Inside there was movement. I saw Adam crawl out his side, bloodied and bruised. His arm looked like it was in real bad shape, and from what I could gather, the biker was still very much alive.

he both crawled
out of the car. Pieces of glass were embedded in their flesh. They were fighting slowly, affected by the weight of the crash. “Die, you son of a bitch.” Adam muttered. “Leave me and my girl alone!” His hands were around the man’s throat.

he lights
behind us dimmed and I saw a figure get out of the car. “Hurry!” I screamed, walking slowly towards the men. Somehow, I had managed to come out of the crash unscathed.

he dark figure
was getting closer and closer. Finally, I saw the man go into a sprint. “No…” I whispered. “It’s Jorge!” Adam turned to look, and immediately he was thrown off of the biker. The biker pulled out a large blade and wound his arm back to strike. In his other hand he aimed the gun at Jorge.

BOOK: Railed (Courage MC #2)
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