Read Rapture's Tempest Online

Authors: Bobbi Smith

Rapture's Tempest (33 page)

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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“Annabelle?” Delight paused in the doorway of the parlor. “Is there something I can help you with?”

Annabelle looked up at Delight, her expression clearly one
of smug superiority. “No…as a matter of fact, I’ve come to help you….”

“Oh? And just what is it you’re going to help me with?”

“I thought you might like to know a few things about your precious fiancé.”

“I don’t think you can tell me anything about Jim that I’d want to know.” Delight remained standing, feeling that it gave her an advantage over Annabelle.

“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong. You see, I know what kind of a man Jim Westlake really is….”

“You do?” Delight’s eyes widened at the implication.

“I do. And I want to warn you about him.”

“Warn me? About Jim?”

“Darling,” Annabelle drawled with exaggerated patience. “Surely you aren’t that naive, are you? Jim is a man who loves women…not just one woman…all women…why do you think he’s stayed single all this time?”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Let me tell you straight out, then. Just a short time ago, Jim was sharing my bed,” she lied, “and now I have no doubt he’s making love to you. How long do you suppose you can hold him?”

“Annabelle. I think this conversation has gone on long enough.”

“Well, if you won’t listen…” Annabelle shrugged and stood up. “But remember, I did try to warn you. You’ll never be able to hold him. You don’t have what it takes!” she sneered.

And with that, she quickly left the house and climbed into her carriage. Annabelle didn’t look back as the driver pulled away, she was too busy congratulating herself on a job well done.

Delight stood in her slowly darkening bedroom, staring out the front window. She felt cold and alone and her thoughts were confused. She had to see Jim once more before he left.
She had to! But how could she get down to the levee without her mother or Martin’s knowing? She was pondering the situation when Rose came back into the room.

“Rose…I need your help…”

“What now?” Rose was instantly cautious.

“I need to see Jim again,” Delight stated with fierce determination.

“Delight—I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

“I know, but I have to.”

“But why? You said your good-byes this afternoon, didn’t you?”

“That was before Annabelle came by.”

“What did that woman say to you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it…not until I hear what Jim has to say.” Delight refused to discuss it. It hurt too badly to think it might be true. “Will you help me?”

“This is crazy. How will you get down there? You know your mother would never approve of your going out unescorted at this time of night….”

“I know. But this is something I have to do.” Delight hurried to her wardrobe and pulled out the boy’s clothes she’d worn as Murphy.

“You’re not?”

“I most certainly am. I intend to see him one way or the other. Now, are you going to help me or are you going to stand there and stare at me all night?”

“I’ll have to help you, I suppose, but don’t you think I should go with you?”

“No. I’ll be fine. I know my way around the riverfront now, so don’t worry. And I promise that I’ll be back before midnight.”

“If you say so.” Rose looked worried. “What shall I tell your mother if she should discover that you’ve gone?”

“Don’t tell her anything! If she comes up here, just tell her that I cried myself to sleep. All right?”

Rose shook her head in frustration. “I’ll try. That’s the best I can promise. But you be careful!”

“I will. I did this before, and I can do it again.”

A short time later, Delight slipped out of the house unnoticed. Striding down the streets, she made her way easily to the riverfront and located the boat with no problem. There were Union soldiers everywhere, and she worried for a moment about getting on board, but finally she just squared her shoulders and walked up the gangplank.

Her progress went uninterrupted as she headed for the texas deck. She hoped Jim would be in his cabin, but she knew the chances of that were slim. The door to his stateroom was unlocked, and she let herself in.

After closing the door behind her, Delight looked around the room in amazement. It was a mess! Not wanting to sit idly and let her worrisome thoughts run away with her, she busied herself picking up his clothes and straightening his bed.

Jim left Ollie in charge and then started back to his cabin. There were still a few hours left before Mark was going to load the gold, and he had hopes that he could get some rest. He was about to reach for the doorknob when he heard the faint sounds of someone moving about inside his room.

Who could be in his cabin? And why? Jim wished for the first time that he carried a firearm. He hesitated only momentarily before throwing the door open and bursting into the room.

“What the hell do you—” He never got any further as he came face-to-face with Delight.

Delight’s eyes had widened in fear when the door had flown open, and she cowered nervously at the unexpected intrusion.

Jim was staring at her in total confusion. “Do you realize that if I’d had a gun, you’d probably be dead right now?”

“No,” she managed to squeak out.

“I thought you were a spy…someone searching my room. Damn it, woman!” Jim was shaking as he thought of what could have happened. Wearily, he closed the door behind
him and locked it. “Why are you here?” he asked, a little more angrily than he’d intended.

Thinking from his tone that he didn’t want her here, Delight faced him and hurried to tell him her story. “I needed to talk to you. I had an unexpected visitor this afternoon.”

“A visitor? Who?” He ran a hand nervously through his hair, not yet recovered from the shock of finding her in his cabin.

“Annabelle Morgan, that’s who.”

“Annabelle?” He realized how traumatic that must have been for her. Turning to her, he opened his arms. “Let me hold you…”

“Not until we’ve talked,” Delight declared.

“Delight? What’s wrong? What did she say to upset you so?” Jim was tired, and he was due to leave port in just a few hours. The last thing he wanted was a misunderstanding between them now.

“She told me that you’d made love to her…” Her eyes met his unwaveringly. “Is it true?”

Jim looked Delight straight in the eye as he answered, “No. It’s a lie.”

“Oh, Jim…” Delight went to him, clinging to his strength. “It was so horrible…she said that you had used her and that you would use me in the same way…she said…”

“Hush. She was only trying to drive a wedge between us…to ruin the perfection of what we’ve found together…she’s jealous and full of hate, darling….” His mouth covered hers, blending and giving. “I love you, Delight.”

“I was so worried…that’s why I had to come…”

“I’m glad you did…I need you badly. Right now.” He pulled back to look at her. “Will you let me love you? Will you trust me forever and know that you’re the only woman I’ve ever really loved?”

“What about Renee?” she challenged and wished quickly that she could take back the words.

Jim gave her an endearing lopsided smile. “You know about that, do you?”

“Ollie told me…”

“I loved Renee; I still do, but what I feel for her is totally different from what we share. And believe me, what we have is so breathtakingly beautiful….”

“I know,” she agreed, pulling his head down for a passionate kiss.

With eager hands they began to undress, and soon they were naked on his freshly made bed, discovering the glory of lying together once again. They didn’t speak; they didn’t want to waste the time. Each moment was precious as they touched and explored and shared the joys of love’s mystery.

Jim was as impatient to have her as Delight was to be possessed by him. And their bodies melded in perfect harmony as the tempest of their union played itself out, leaving them rapturously content in its aftermath.

“You’re not sorry I came?” Delight was almost afraid to ask.

“No. Never,” Jim told her. “I was wondering how I was going to last through the next fourteen long days and longer nights with only a kiss to tide me over.”

Lifting a hand, she touched his cheek, enjoying the sensuously rough feel of his day’s growth of whiskers against her palm.

Turning his head, he pressed a heated kiss on her palm. “Let’s rest for a while….”

“Do we have much time?”

“A n hour, maybe….”

She snuggled closer to him. “I love you.”

He kissed her softly. “I know. And you’re mine now.”

Closing her eyes, Delight lay quietly in the security of his warm embrace.

“Delight?” Jim said her name softly.

“Um,” she muttered sleepily, from the comfort of his arms. “It’s time.” “So soon?”

“Yes. It’s almost eleven. Mark will be here soon.”

“Take me with you?”

“I wish I could.” He paused to kiss her. “Next time. All right?”

“All right.”

Reluctantly, they got up and began to dress.

“I’m going to arrange for a carriage to take you back.”

“But Jim, somebody might see me.”

He frowned. “Then tell the driver to drop you off a short distance from your house.”

“I can walk.”

“No. The only way I’ll know that you made it home safely is if I send you home in a carriage. Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied respectfully.

“Thank you,” he grinned. “That’s the tone I like to hear. I must have trained you right.”

Delight smiled at him, and he went to her and took her in his arms to kiss her. Reluctantly, he finally put her from him.

“You are much too tempting. It’s a good thing you’re going ashore, or Mark might not see me for the entire trip.”

Her fingers were shaking as she finished pulling on her clothes. “I’m ready now.”

“All right. I want you to wait in here until I come for you. I’ll go get the carriage right now.”

He left the room quickly, pulling on his coat as he went, and he was back in a very few minutes.

“Everything’s set.”

“Thank you.” Delight didn’t want to look at him, for she knew he’d be able to read the misery she was feeling in her eyes.

“Darling?” His tone was coaxing.

“Yes?” She raised tear-filled eyes to him.

“Your coming down here was the best going-away present I’ve ever had.” He reached out and wiped gently at the crystalline teardrop that traced a path down the softness of her cheek.

“I’ll miss you,” she said softly and then, raising up on tiptoes, she hugged him quickly and kissed his cheek before hurrying from the room.

Jim waited, taking a minute to get himself under control before following her outside. From his vantage point on the texas deck, he watched Delight as she started to get into the hired conveyance. She turned toward him only once and lifted her hand in a mute good-bye before she disappeared within the safety of the carriage.

Chapter Thirty-one

Delight instructed the driver to stop two blocks from her house, and went the rest of the way on foot. The streets were dark, damp, and deserted, and she shivered as she hurried the short distance home. Grateful to discover that Rose had left the back door unbolted, she entered the kitchen quickly, anxious to be out of the chill of the night air. It was as she was turning to start up the backstairs that he spoke from the shadows.

“So. You’ve been to your lover again, have you?” Martin’s voice was cold with menace. “And in such clothes…is this how he likes you? Dressed like a boy?”

Delight froze in the middle of the dimly lighted room. “What do you want, Martin?”

“You know what I want. And I intend to have it right now.”

“There is no way I’m going to let you touch me ever again,” she told him, and she was amazed at how calm she sounded.

“We’ll see about that, you little bitch,” he seethed, and with lightning speed he grabbed her and pulled her to him.

His hands were rough as they tore her shirt, popping the buttons off, and his mouth covered hers in a punishing kiss
that muffled the sound of her scream as his groping fingers sought her exposed breast. Struggling, Delight tried to kick him, but Martin was too fast for her. Tonight, he was ready. His lips bruised hers as he roughly pushed her back against the wall, trapping her effectively.

Delight felt faint. How could this be happening? A few minutes ago she had been safe in Jim’s tender care, and now she was being ravaged by this animal. Twisting, she tried to break free. She couldn’t let him do this, she couldn’t! But Martin was too strong for her, and he held her immobile as he continued his assault, forcing her to submit to his fervent caresses. Her tears fell unheeded as she felt herself weakening. Her knees were barely able to support her, and she slumped heavily against the wall as Martin moved closer and wedged himself against her.

It was the sudden brightening of the room, followed by the cold, deadly words that Clara uttered that brought Martin back to reality.

“Take your hands off my daughter,” Clara ordered, cocking the pistol she held and pointing it directly at the center of his back.

Martin froze, unable to move for an instant.

Clara repeated her warning as Rose joined her, carrying a lamp. “I said, get your filthy hands off Delight!”

He paled as he realized that he’d been caught, and he quickly dropped his hands from her and moved away.

“She met me down here…she tempted me….” he began, but the look in his wife’s eyes was one of open contempt.

“Rose,” she said softly, looking at Delight as she stood helplessly sobbing against the wall.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“I want you to take her upstairs, away from this pitiful excuse for a man, and pack a few things for the both of you. I’ll have the carriage brought around, and I want you to go to Jim Westlake. Tell him what happened here.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Wit h tender efficiency, Rose led Delight out of the room
and upstairs to the safety of her bedroom. Locking the door behind them, she helped her to the bed.

“Sit here a minute while I get everything together.”

“I need a bath, Rose…I have to wash…I feel so…” Delight was shivering uncontrollably from the shock of Martin’s attack.

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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