Read Raven Walks Online

Authors: Ginger Voight

Tags: #vampires, #erotica, #multiple partners, #graphic, #explicit sex, #gore sex

Raven Walks (22 page)

BOOK: Raven Walks
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He groaned as he reached up to her neck, and
she felt the sharp tips of his fangs scrape gently against her
skin. She stiffened as she braced herself, and just as he opened
his mouth to bite her he pulled away.

Though his fangs grew and his eyes glowed, he
did not indulge his desire for her blood as he fucked her. She rode
him harder, wanting to feel him fill her, needing something she
couldn’t even articulate, and when he shoved himself up inside her
that final time to spend his load inside of her, as nice as it felt
it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what she truly wanted, even though she
didn’t know that yet.

All these years later as she lay in Raven’s
guest bedroom, her hand touched her clean neck and she knew exactly
what she had wanted...

And, God help her, she still did.

Four rooms down, Raven lay breathless on his
own bed, having just relived a memory Gina she never even knew he
invaded. His heart thundered as he realized that Abi wasn’t the
only one who wanted to walk where he walked... and somehow in his
fantasy they were now molded into the same dream lover.

Suddenly Raven didn’t know which sister he
wanted more.

Chapter Eighteen: Hunter



When Abi awoke the next morning, she found
herself lying next to a very still Constantine, who was still naked
but sleeping as though dead.

Although, she supposed with a shudder, he
really was.

His eyes sunk into his face and no pulse beat
at his neck. Thanks to the blackout curtains keeping all sunlight
from the room, shadows shrouded him and kept him safe until the
moon would rise again and night would find him reborn.

Slowly she reached out a hand and touched his
arm, the muscles stiff with death. He was cold and tinged blue, and
did not stir from the touch of her warm hand against his skin.
Wherever he was, he wasn’t earthbound. She was touching a

A corpse she hadn’t minded fucking just the
night before.

With a gasp she yanked her hand back and
scooted off of the bed. The sides of her neck throbbed, raw with
the wounds she had begged for during a night of unchecked
salaciousness. She slipped into a silk robe hanging on the back of
a chair and then crept out of the room.

Bella was large and sprawling, and it took
several detours for Abi to finally find a bathroom. Unlike the rest
of the house it was bright with sunlight, and when she faced
herself in the mirror she immediately felt sick with remorse. She
thought a taste of immortality would fix whatever it was that was
broken, instead it just made her feel that much worse.

Her makeup was smeared, her hair mussed, and
blood dried on her neck. She fought back the tears as she squared
her shoulders, slipped the robe to the ground and headed toward the
tub that sat atop claw feet. Steam rose from the hot water as it
filled the tub, and she immersed herself fully into the near
scalding water to baptize her sinful desires away.

It was sheer luck that she was alive this
morning instead of lying dead beside Constantine. Luck, and their
inexplicable display of self-control. She had felt herself spiral
down into unconsciousness under their mouths and their fangs,
sinking into a cloud to be carried away wherever sinful souls fled.
It was like slipping underwater, and instead of fighting to survive
she was surrendering willingly to death.

It was insanity.

She thought of Raven and those dark,
bottomless eyes that seemed to consume her. Whenever he touched
her, whenever he held her, she just wanted it to go on forever.
And, in a strange way, she felt the same for Constantine. They were
two but one, and she found herself lost to both.

She closed her eyes to squeeze away any
tears. She wasn’t going to cry for another man – vampire or not.
She had made that mistake once before and was determined not to go
there again. Once a heart was broken, it never truly healed.

She knew that more than anyone.

She submerged herself under the water to
drown away the memories. And just like the night before she felt
herself slowly slip away, floating away on a cloud of apathy.

When she thought she heard a male’s voice she
sprung back up again, certain to see Raven or Constantine risking
themselves in the sun to save her.

Only it was Hunter’s face she saw, hardened
with an unreadable expression, seemingly angry or disappointed, or
both. She covered herself promptly, which made him snicker.

“What’s the matter, Red? You forget you don’t
have anything I haven’t seen before.”

“What are you doing in here? Where’s

“Asleep,” was his curt reply. “Where’s your
lover boy?” he asked and then with a sneer, “his coffin?”

She jumped up out of the water and grabbed a
towel, hastily wrapping it around her naked body while he, much to
her embarrassment, looked on. It was as though he could see the
brands her vampire lovers had left on her body. Immediately she
felt ashamed.

“What does it matter to you?” she bit out,
unable to look him in the face.

The next thing she knew his hands were on her
shoulders. He spun her around to face him. “Why doesn’t it matter
to you?” he demanded softly.

She stared into those cold, steel-blue eyes.
She felt the years between them melt away – and remembered the very
last time she was naked in his arms and lost in those eyes. It
surprised her how a love long-buried could spring up with just the
hint of a memory.

She wrenched away from him and in doing so
the towel unwound around her and slid to the floor. She fought the
impulse to scramble down to fetch it, and instead tipped her chin
in defiance as she stared at him – tears just behind eyes that
wouldn’t let them fall.

His jaw clenched as he stared back at her,
trying his best not to let his eyes travel downward to her ample
breasts, the swell of her stomach, those hips that begged to be
touched. She had long been his kryptonite, and he was severely
disappointed in himself to find her seductive power over him had
not changed.

From the moment he had first given in to her
first, tentative kiss she had been like a drug to him. He couldn’t
get enough. He tried to fool himself into thinking it was because
she was a replacement for what he felt for Gina, but the truth was
the scent of her in his nostrils brought out something very primal
in him. And now, as she stood in front of him, glistening wet and
naked, he clinched every muscle to force himself not to touch

Abi had to smile. The physical evidence of
what she was doing to him showed in his tense muscles and the
stiffening in his loose-fitting jeans. “What’s the matter, Hunter?
I don’t have anything you haven’t seen before.”

He gritted his teeth. “Weren’t your vampires
enough for you?” he asked, referring to the fresh wounds on either
side of her neck.

She moved toward him. “There’s only been one
who has been man enough for me,” she told him as she touched his

He brushed her away. “Aren’t we past this,

She brushed her hand against the bulge in his
jeans. “You tell me.”

He growled in his throat as he tried to curb
his growing desire. “It’s not going to work on me,” he told her
resolutely. “I’m not ruled by my desire like your vampire lovers

She finally bent to retrieve the towel. “Then
why are you here, Hunter?”

“You know why,” he said quietly.

She nodded. “Ah yes. Gina.”

He came up to her, a breath away. His eyes
softened as he stared into her face, and then gently he touched the
wound on her neck. “Not just Gina,” he admitted close enough to
kiss her if she wanted.

And God help her, she did.

Her lip quivered. “Go to your wife,” she
whispered. “I’m a lost cause, Hunter. I always have been.”

His other hand slipped up to touch the other
side of her face. “Not to me,” he told her softly, and then finally
bent forward to touch his lips to hers. Her tears finally squeezed
through her closed eyes and landed on his hands.

His arms wrapped around her and held her
tight to him as he covered her mouth with his own. Slow opened
mouth kisses savored her lips as he lifted her up against him. He
felt the heat rise from her body as the towel slipped and fell to
her waist.

Her arms locked around his neck as she took
charge of the kiss and thrust her tongue in between his lips. He
groaned against her as one hand grasped a handful of her hair, and
the other hand went to cup her ass and press her up against

He broke the kiss long enough to mutter
against her lips, “Woman, what are you doing to me?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “Should I

“Yes,” he said, but didn’t make a move to let
her go.

She felt his body grow hard against her and
it recalled every passionate night they ever spent wrapped in each
other’s arms. How he’d make her scream, or how she’d brought him to
his knees with nothing more than a look in those amazing eyes. And
here they were again, as if they’d never been apart.

Yet everything had changed.

She was in love with a vampire and one orgasm
away from giving herself up to the realm of the undead forever, and
he had pledged himself to her sister. Not to mention they were all
pooling their efforts to fight a blood thirsty creature to save
everyone from certain, violent death.

This could be the very last opportunity they
had to steal a moment from the past. Neither of them seemed eager
to allow it to pass by.

Instead she bent forward the half an inch to
kiss him again, and with a groan he tore away the towel from her
body and lifted her up to straddle his body.

He slammed her up against the tile wall of
the bathroom and fumbled with the zipper to his jeans. She rained
kisses along his neck and face and mouth as he roughly pushed the
material of his underwear away and released his aching erection.
Without any ceremony he shoved himself up inside of her, and she
rewarded him with a passionate cry.

He held up her knees with his hands as he
drove into her where she laid flush up against the wall. With each
thrust he punished both of them for their lack of self-control. But
the rougher he got, the more turned on she was. This was what she
deserved she thought as his mouth clamped over her sensitive
breast. She grabbed a handful of his hair and begged him for

The closer she got to her orgasm the more she
needed his mouth on her neck, his mouth covering the wounds that
pulsated with need. “Suck me,” she begged in a breathless

“No,” he told her.

“Please,” she whimpered.

So he bent forward and he covered both of the
wounds on one side of her neck with his warm mouth. He ran his
tongue gently over the puncture marks and she clawed at his back
desperate for more. “Do it!” she cried out, on the verge of her
massive climax.

Gently he sucked the tender, raw area of her
neck until it sent her spiraling off into the stratosphere. She
screamed in pleasure as she bucked against him.

He broke away from her neck and stared into
her face as he rode her hard through her orgasm. Her eyes were wide
as he filled her with his throbbing, probing cock, and she screamed
out his name as his face grimaced with the force of his own orgasm
as it built to a mind-blowing crescendo.

“Come for me,” she begged. “Come in me,

He growled deep in his throat as his
thrusting reached a frantic pace, and he cried out and spent
himself inside of her.

He held her pinned up against the wall as he
gasped for breath, his heart thundering against her chest. He
strong, beating heart – proof that he was a living being in her
arms. Everything he had done to her was life, from his kiss to his
cum. Even his sucking her neck hadn’t stolen anything from her, but
given something to her.

Her arms linked around his neck as she held
his warm body near.

How close she had come to never feeling this
again, replacing sex for pleasure with sex for survival.

Together they slid down the wall until he was
in his knees and her legs were locked around his hips. Though he
had softened he hadn’t slipped free, and she loved how he felt
inside of her. She squeezed him with her tight pussy, and he
groaned against her neck. “You’re insatiable, Red,” he told her,
and her heart warmed from his familiar term of endearment.

“Some things never change,” she said with a
grin. As she stared into his eyes, it was all the more true. This
time when she kissed him it was soft and loving, and he barely
thought of Gina at all when he responded to her kiss.

She rocked against him slowly, and was
rewarded by feeling him rise from a semi-hard state inside of her.
His hands slid down her bare back and over her hips, cupping her
closer to him as he gyrated slightly against her.

His lips traveled from her mouth to her ear
and then back down her neck. The hot breath against the raw wounds
made her gasp as she clutched him tighter inside of her. “I wish I
could heal you,” he whispered against her neck.

She tipped his face up to meet hers. “You
are,” she said and then kissed him again, a slow deep kiss that any
outsider could tell was pure love.

And as Gina watched from the crack of the
bathroom door, she knew there was no denying the connection between
her sister and Hunter. She watched as Hunter slid Abi on the floor
and cradled her in his arms as he began making love to her for a
second time – this time slow and easy as they rediscovered each
other amidst kisses and hands that knew just where to explore.

Her heart ached to see the look on Hunter’s
face as he traced his strong fingers along Abi’s delicate skin,
fingers that just the night before had explored her body with
declarations of love she knew he could no longer honor.

BOOK: Raven Walks
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