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Authors: Cher Carson

Rebound (7 page)

BOOK: Rebound
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Her broken plea finally registered, forcing him to pull back. “Shit, I’m sorry. I kind of lost it there for a minute.”

She laughed. “Don’t apologize. That was… wow…that was amazing.”

He grinned, relieved and pleased that she was as dumbfounded by their connection as he was. He pulled the blind-fold off her eyes. He needed to look into her eyes when he made love to her for the first time. “About the condom…”

She shook her head, smiling. “We don’t need it. That is, if you trust me?”

He had no reservations about her or them. He trusted her with his secrets, and now she had his heart. “I trust you,” he whispered. He positioned his aching cock at her entrance, staring into her eyes. “Do you need me to un-tie you?” He glanced at the ties binding her wrist. “It doesn’t hurt, does it?”

She closed her eyes. “It feels amazing. Feeling your tongue and mouth all over my body, I wanted to hold you and guide you more than anything, but I couldn’t. I had no control, and it just made it so much more intense. You were right; relinquishing control can definitely be a good thing.” She opened her eyes to look at him. “I have a confession.” Her cheeks flamed with shame. “I’m embarrassed to even admit this.”

He stroked her cheek, smiling. “Baby, you don’t have to be embarrassed with me. You can tell me anything.”

She looked at him, seemingly perplexed. “Why is that I can tell you things I’ve never told anyone? It’s crazy.”

He bent to kiss her lips, his heart swelling at her confession. “I feel the same way.”

“That’s the first time I’ve ever come...” She bit her lip, turning her head to look away. “I mean, I’ve always been alone...”

He was shocked, appalled that her other lovers had been too selfish to see to her needs before satisfying their own. He held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. “Hey, I’m glad I got to be your first.” He took a chance, putting himself out there. “The first and, hopefully, the last.”

She sighed. “Steve, I’m crazy about you. I know that’s insane, given the fact we just met, but this thing between us is so…”


“Yeah, powerful.” Her eyes fell to his lips. “Make love to me?”

He grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.”

“I thought you were in control?”

He laughed. “The rules don’t apply with you, sweetheart.” He realized that was true. Any preconceived notions he had about the kind of woman it would take to make him happy vanished the second she walked into his life.     


Chapter Seven



As Steve slid into her, so gently it brought tears to her eyes, she realized she was falling for him, which was wild, given how pragmatic she was. She was a list maker, a goal setter, but none of those things seemed to matter tonight. She finally felt free to be herself, to enjoy a lover’s touch for the first time ever.

He tormented her with his hard cock, filling her inch by agonizing inch. She was so wet, so close to coming again. “Steve, I…” She wasn’t used to expressing her needs to a man in the bedroom, which may have been part of the reason a man had never been able to satisfy her needs.

She’d been so focused on maintaining control that she’d never given herself permission to let go, until tonight. When she came, with his tongue probing her pussy, she felt more liberated than she ever had.

“I know what you need, baby,” he said, grinding into her, providing just enough friction to stroke her clit. “Does that feel good?”

She whimpered, her head thrashing back and forth. “Yes, God, yes…”

“Tell me what you want me to do you. How you want my cock. I need you to describe it to me.”

She had no experience talking dirty, but she was willing to give it a try. “Spread my pussy lips wide apart and rub my clit with your thumb until I come.”

He groaned, demonstrating. “Like that?”

She lifted her hips, pressing into his cock, his thumb. She couldn’t get enough. She wanted more. “Oh God, yes, like that.”

He continued to pump into her pussy in a steady rhythm as he stroked her clit. “Fuck, you’re so tight, so wet…”  

She could tell he was close, but she was grateful that he was willing to put her release above his own. She couldn’t think past the mounting force building inside of her, making her lose control. “Yesss…” she cried, reaching for that peak that promised a respite from the clawing need claiming her body.

He drove into her relentlessly, finally sending her spiraling over the edge while he went with her, filling her with his hot come. He braced his hands on the headboard, his cock throbbing inside of her. “Jesus, Brook, that was…” 

She drew a deep breath, utterly spent. “You’re telling me.” She wriggled her wrists. “Think you can untie me now?” She needed to wrap her arms around him to convince herself this was real and not another late-night fantasy her subconscious invoked to torture her.

“Sorry, baby.”

He reached over to untie her wrists, and she sighed at the sight of his rock hard abs. The man was perfect in every way, maybe too perfect. She forced that thought out of her mind, intent on enjoying the moment. 

Mission accomplished, he climbed up on the bed beside her. He lifted her wrist, pressing soft kisses to her pulse point. He pulled away, frowning. “Damn it, the cut. I forgot about that. I shouldn’t have…” 

She kissed him, silencing his recriminations. “I don’t have a single regret.” She held the back of his head. “This was the most amazing night of my life. Thank you.”

He pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. “You scare the hell out of me, lady,” he whispered.

She knew exactly how he felt. The intensity of the bond between them terrified her too. “I’m willing to face my fears if you are.”

“There’s no turning back now.” He kissed her lips gently. “I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”

She pulled back to look at him. “Do you want to?”

“No way, baby. I haven’t felt this good since… Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good.”

She laughed. “I was at that game when you guys won the Cup, Steve. I can’t imagine anything could compare to that feeling.”

He trapped her face in his hands, looking down into her eyes. “You’re wrong. This does.”   



Brooklyn woke up the next morning feeling confused and disoriented until she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist. She turned her face and felt the delicious friction of his early morning stubble scrape her cheek. “Mmm, good morning, handsome.”

He kissed her neck. “I didn’t let you get much sleep last night; sorry about that.”

She grinned, pressing her ass into him. “Did you hear me complaining?”

When he would have responded, her cell phone rang. She groaned. “Where’s my purse?”

He pointed to the overnight bag he’d stashed in the corner before they went to sleep. “Over there. You want me to get it for you?”

“No, I can get it.” She scrambled out of bed.

He leaned back, lacing his fingers behind his head as he watched her scramble for her purse before the phone stopped ringing. “Baby, I hope you don’t have any plans for the rest of the day.”

She stuck her tongue out at him before glancing at the screen. She didn’t recognize the number, but knew it was from out of state. “Brooklyn Sykes.”

“Ms. Sykes, this is Michael Bray. I’m the district attorney in Portland. I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

She knew of Michael Bray from his days as a prosecutor. The man was a legend. “No, sir, your timing’s perfect. What can I do for you?”

“I hope you don’t mind that your service gave me your cell phone number? When I explained it was urgent that I speak with you, the young lady was kind enough to oblige.”

She glanced up to see Steve watching her intently. She turned her back, trying to concentrate on her caller. No small feat, given the appeal of the half-naked man beckoning her to join him in bed. “Of course I don’t mind.”

“I’m going to be straight with you, Ms. Sykes.”

“Please, call me Brooklyn.”

“Okay, Brooklyn. I’ve been following your career for some time now. To say that I’m impressed is an understatement.”

She sank into a nearby chair, not trusting her legs to support her. “Thank you, sir, I appreciate that.” 

“I know you’ve just made partner in your father’s firm, congratulations. He and I went to law school together back in the day, so I know how tough he can be.”

She managed a small laugh in spite of the nervous tension coiling in her stomach. “Yes, sir, that he is.”

“This may seem like an odd question, but have you ever considered making a career change?”

She reached for the shirt Steve had tossed over the chair. She couldn’t discuss her future while she was sitting in a strange man’s bedroom, half naked. “Why do you ask?”

“An opportunity has become available in my office as a deputy district attorney. Unfortunately, Bill, my associate, has just learned he has prostate cancer.”

She pressed her hands to her lips, trying to control the excitement brewing inside her as she silently admonished herself for taking pleasure in someone else’s misfortune. “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope the prognosis is good?”  

“Yes, they feel they’ve caught it in time, but he’s expressed an interest in retiring, spending more time with his family. I can certainly understand how something like this might cause a person to re-evaluate their priorities. Bill is a good man, a fine lawyer; I’ll be sorry to lose him.” 

Brooklyn didn’t know what to say to that, so she remained quiet, waiting for him to continue.

“Would you consider flying out here to meet me, Brooklyn? I’d like to discuss the position with you, determine if it’s something you might be interested in. I’ll be honest, I’m considering several candidates, but if you’re interested and able to make the move quickly, I don’t have to consider anyone else. You’re the one I want.”  

“Of course I can fly out there. When would you like to meet?”

“As soon as possible.”

She thought about her schedule over the next few days. She wasn’t due to appear in court, and any meetings she had could be re-scheduled. “I can fly out there later today, if that works for you?”

“Perfect. Have your assistant send me your flight information, and I’ll pick you up at the airport.”

“That’s not necessary, sir. I’m sure you’re very busy. I can take a taxi to the hotel and meet you at your office.”

“I was hoping we could discuss this over dinner?”

“I’m looking forward to it. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity. I’m flattered, to say the least.” 

“You’re more than qualified for the job, Brooklyn. I’m looking forward to meeting you.”

“Thank you, I look forward to it as well.”

She pushed the disconnect button and squealed like a little girl whose parents surprised her with a puppy for her birthday. “Ohmigod, I don’t believe this.”

Steve sat up, frowning. “What was that about?”

“That was the district attorney from Portland. He wants to meet with me about a position that just opened up. Can you believe that?”

Steve felt like someone was playing a cosmic joke on him. This could not be happening. It took him thirty-six years to meet the woman of his dreams and now she was willing to walk away without a backward glance? “You’re actually considering moving half-way across the country?”

She frowned, slipping his shirt over her head. “Steve, this is an amazing opportunity. I’d be crazy not to take it.”

“This thing between us…”

“Look, I think you’re a great guy. I had an amazing time with you last night, but this is my life we’re talking about.”

Her easy dismissal pierced him. There was no way he could walk away from this without a second thought. He’d always wonder what might have been if he didn’t stick around to see it through. Apparently, she didn’t have the same reservations. “How will your family feel about this?”  

She chuckled. “My dad won’t be happy, but you know what? I don’t care anymore. I’m doing what I want from now on, to hell with what everyone else thinks.”

BOOK: Rebound
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