Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6) (3 page)

BOOK: Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6)
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Lala leaned against his chest. “Gratitude, Dimples.”

“Now then, fair Princess. Where would you like to go from here?”

She glanced around at the glowing Urimtheim. “Hmm… I believe… I wish to go to Lyra.”




They were holding hands and laughing by the time they stepped out of the mountaintop cave. Alas, the happy couple was not met with magic and wonder. Not this time. When they stepped into the daylight of layer one, axes and swords were their only welcome.

“Who are you?”

“Where did you come from?”

Lala glanced from one Dwarf to the next, speechless.

Duhrias gently pulled her behind him, resting his other hand upon his sword hilt.

“Speak up.”

“Yeah. How did you make this cave light up?”

“Is it gold?”

“I’m not sure. If it is, it’s the oddest color of gold I’ve ever seen.”

“It’s not gold,” Lala said from behind her Knight. “It’s Urimtheim.”


“Is that a kind of gemstone?”

“If it is, I’ve never heard of it.”

“Perhaps it’s a new kind.”

“Yeah. One never found before.”

“It’s not a gemstone. It’s an Angel stone,” Lala said. “And it only glows for me. If you harm me, the stones won’t shine anymore.”

“What are you saying? That
the key to their brilliance?”

The Dwarves chuckled amongst themselves.

“Have you ever seen them glow, before today?”

At Duhrias’s question, they began to mumble to one another.

“It is as she says,” Duhrias continued. “Harm
, and the light goes out.”

“Well then…” The center Dwarf stepped closer. “If the girl is truly the key to this gemstone’s glory… we’ll be in need of her.”

“Yeah. Lock her up within the vault so that the glow remains.”

“We will keep her with the rest of our treasures.”

lovely. I’ve never seen a creature quite like her.”

When the surrounding Dwarves began to collectively voice their agreement, Duhrias whispered back over his shoulder, “Get ready to run, Princess.”

The center Dwarf held his axe up and motioned toward the sell-sword’s still-sheathed blade. “You gonna use that… or is it just for show?”

When the River Spirit turned towards Lala and growled out, “Run!” Lala didn’t hesitate.

As they reached the room with the highest concentration of Urimtheim, Lala yelled, “Earth!”

The two tumbled forward into the cave upon layer eight.

“Why Earth?” Duhrias asked, helping her up.

“I don’t know.” She dusted off her dress. “I feel safe with you. And… well… this is your home.”

my home.” He smiled with only one corner of his mouth. “But I’m glad we’re here.”


“Because there’s something I’ve been thinking about, something I want us to do… together.”


“It’s a secret.” He winked and grabbed her hand. “Come on.”




“Oww, Dimples. That hurt like hell.” Lala was staring down at the inside of her left foot. “You should’ve warned me.”

“If I told you it might hurt, would you have gone through with it?”


He smiled. “Then that’s why I didn’t warn you.”

“But… why a tattoo? And why there?” She lightly ran her fingertip across the black lettering curved around the arch of her foot.

“I wanted something visible… to connect us.” Duhrias gazed proudly at his own tattoo. “If you won’t tell your family yet, I can’t very well buy you a ring. Now, can I? And as for
I had them ink us…
can readily see it, but it’s especially easy to hide.”

“But it isn’t fair,” she half whined. “I had to get twice as many letters as you did.”

“There are four letters in Lala and only seven in Duhrias. That’s not
as many.”

She puffed her cheeks out. “Close enough.”

“Do you wish we hadn’t done it?” he said softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Do you wish we were yet unmarked?”

“…No.” She looked up at him and smiled. “I like knowing that my name permanently adorns your flesh.”

He lightly kissed the tip of her nose. “As do I, my love. As do I.”

Lala sighed. “I guess we’d better be heading back to Jinn.”

“Yes.” He took her hand. “If we’re not back by dinner, Yui will be cross with you.”

you. I’ll blame the whole thing on you, Dimples. I mean, you’re supposed to be watching over me. You know that, right?”

Duhrias chuckled. “I will gladly take a public lashing for your sake.” He pulled her against his chest and lifted her chin. “As long as you understand
will be administering
punishment… in private.”

Lala giggled, just before Duhrias cut off her tiny laugh with a deep, possessive kiss.

Chapter 3






“So… a Nephilim, huh?” She narrowed her gaze, studying him closely. “What the hell is a Nephilim?”

He snorted out a laugh. “Apologies.” He straightened his waistcoat and cleared his throat. “A Nephilim is the spawn of Angel and woman. My father was an Angel and my mother was human, but that was thousands of years ago now. Angels don’t tend to do that sort of thing much, anymore. Thus, why I am the last of my kind.”

“Not true, little Nephilim. On Jinn, there are hundreds of your kind. My Senpai told me he was the father of the first Shinobi, and a few more since. And believe you me, Munenori is

Rixx snickered. “Very well, Kagi Naga, let me rephrase my definition. A Nephilim is the resulting offspring of an
union between an Angel and a woman. Munenori was given the responsibility, the job of doing what it is he does—strengthening races through his noble blood. That’s what he is supposed to do. It’s part of his purpose. Thusly, the offspring of his unions are strong and magical and blessed beyond your knowing. They are not Nephilim, Naga. Nephilim are an abomination… creatures that were never meant to be.”

A sharp pain pierced her heart. She had been called thus herself—an abomination. The nasty word was tattooed upon her psyche. It made her feel bad, hurt her feelings whenever someone referred to her in that manner. She felt an instant connection to Rixx, all because of that one word. Her previous reservations ebbed. She could empathize with this man. His contrasting eyes still jarred her, yes, but her uneasiness was fast being replaced with a dose of pity.

“Once we were mighty,” Rixx said. “Once we ruled over that realm you only just left.”


“Yes, Naga. We were the giants of old—gods among men. None could best our might, and none could match our glory.”

“The Earthlings?” she whispered absently. “You once ruled them?”

He sort of snorted. “We were not given the appointment, no. We took it. As I said before, none could best us.”

“…Is that so?”

Still, her mind was not on his words. She was lost in a sort of surreal haze, having great difficulty processing much, if any of it.

“Yes, that is so. Alas, I am all that remains of my kind. My brothers all wait now, resting in Sheol until the appointed time.”


He waited a couple more heartbeats, admiring her lovely, stunned features.

“I have watched you, Naga.”

His gentle words pulled her from her internal musings.

“What? You’ve watched me? From where? For how long? And… why?”

The man with the silky, dual-toned hair moved closer. The warm smile now fixed firmly upon his face reached all the way up to his vibrant, albeit disconcerting, eyes.

“Yes. I have watched you from afar for many years now, Kagi Naga, ever since the last battle of Apollyon’s accursed war… the darkest day of your life. Well, it ranks at the top of the list, anyway.”

He reached for one of her curls, but she withdrew—drawing her brows together, creasing her fair forehead.

“And as for
,” he continued, unfazed by the fire now dancing within her ethereal glare. “I ask you. Why not?”

He advanced as she withdrew.

“Can a moth explain why it is drawn to a flame? Can a dog even understand the great loyalty it so easily shows its master? Can a bird fight against the gentle call of warmer winds? And can that strange little golden lizard wrapped about your neck ever leave you of his own freewill? I cannot tell you
you fascinate me, Guardian of Dragons. Only that you

“Maza Rixx, do you have any idea how creepy that sounds?”

He continued to smile, almost like he was ignoring her words, fascination and wonder dancing plainly within his eyes.

She snapped her fingers. “Hey! Are you even listening to me? You just admitted to
me for years. And… that doesn’t bother you, doesn’t seem just a tad bit odd? Not in the least?”

“No, Naga. Not in the least. It seems only natural that I should do so.”

“Natural? Why? Do you spy on other Angels?”

“I am not interested in Angels, Naga.”

“Then… why do you watch

“Because, little flower, I cannot look away.”

“Little flower?” She searched his sparkling eyes. “So… not only have you watched me upon Jinn, but upon Byzantha as well?”

He moved closer, thrilled by the fact she didn’t retreat nearly as far nor quite as quickly as she had before.

“Not only Jinn and Byzantha, little one, but Ashgard, Earth, and Val Hal as well. I have watched you when you thought you were alone in Princess Falls on Lyra, and I was in Vanahirdem when your Guardian husband came to you from beyond the veil.”

Jenevier stopped retreating entirely then. He gently wrapped one of her long curls around his finger. She didn’t seem to notice, didn’t even flinch or pull back.

was something truly magical to behold,” he continued. “I cannot even begin to fathom a love so strong it pulled a soul back from the Otherworld.”

Who is this man?
she thought.
How can he go… where he should not be able to go? Why haven’t I, or why hasn’t anyone even noticed him, felt his presence, caught the faint trace of his scent upon the breeze?

She looked down to his polished black shoes, and then back up to his fire and ice eyes. “Who is your father, Rixx? Do I know him?”

“You have never met my father, tiny Naga.” He carefully lifted a silent tear from her cheek and placed it to his lips. “He is of no import. He no longer walks the layers.”

“Wh-what is it you want from me?” She quickly wiped at her watery eyes. “Why did you decide to reveal your presence to me this day?”

He sighed, releasing the pink curl he had been gently fondling. “When I heard you trying to count your years, I took pity on you. I remember well what it felt like the day I realized I had outlived all who knew me. It is a damnable lonely feeling, is it not?” He gazed off into the distance. “You wake up one morning and realize that not only has your life passed you by, it has done so… over and over. As if… you blinked, and it was all stolen.”

“…Yes,” she whispered.

He turned back to her, lightly touching her cheek. “Well, take heart, little one. You are luckier than most. Your life has not passed you by. Not just yet.”

“What are you talking about, Rixx? I just realized I lost like… I don’t know, thirty or forty years in the span of a day. How is that not life passing me by?”

“Because, Ajená, you have

“Please stop doing that. It’s too creepy to ignore.”

“I am only trying to help you, Naga. I don’t expect you to trust me so easily. I mean, we have only just formally met.” He smiled. “But it does
heart good seeing you defend
a little better than you normally do.”

“I need to get out of here. You may be trying to help me, Rixx, but you seem only to be able to confuse me further.” She started to leave but turned back to him. “Tell me this. Why are your eyes like that? Are you part demon as well?”

“Demons have black eyes, colorless voids. This you know.”

“Well… I have never met a creature with one burning red eye and one icy grey one. It seems wrong… unnatural. They are disconcerting, hard to look upon, and… and… and they just make me uncomfortable. There is no one else with eyes such as yours.”

“Vashti has eyes such as this one,” he whispered, pointing to the eye now covered by the fiery side of his locks.

Jenevier turned and looked into his haunting grey eye, dumbfounded. The sorrow staring back at her was almost too much to bear.


“Yes. Vashti shares in not only my eyes, but my label as well… abomination. She is the only one of her kind, and she is feared at but a glance.”

Jenevier didn’t speak, couldn’t.

He snorted. “I thought… If there is any creature yet living who could understand my pain, it would be Vashti.” He looked down and shook his head. “Naga, I once heard you say…
All who draw breath are of equal worth.
I had never heard anyone say that before.” He sniffed. “I thought you meant it. You said it with such conviction, I believed you. Are you now saying it was but a lie?”

She grabbed his hand. “No, Rixx. I did not lie. My words are as true today as they were when I spoke them. I believe in those words above all others. Forgive me… please. I judged you unjustly, Brother. And that was wrong, so very… very wrong.” She ran her fingers through his bright silky tresses. “You are right. We are kindred spirits. None are able to truly understand the painful differences we bear. We are outsiders, you and I—the periphery of this universe.”

“Yes,” he whispered. “Pretending we are just like them. Knowing that we are not… and never can be.”

“Come back to Jinn with me, Rixx. No longer do you need to hide in the shadows. I will give you the home you’ve been searching for.”

“Searching for?” He brushed a curl back from her face. “You misunderstand me, Kagi Naga. I have a home, a rather nice home, actually. No, tiny Death Angel, I come to help
. Not the other way around.” He smiled sweetly. “I know your secret—the one you have managed to keep hidden from your friends, your family, even your beloved Yui.”

“Wha-what secret is that?”

“Your heart.” He touched her cheek. “If they knew the truth concerning your fragile little heart, Daichi would be forced to return to your side and Tenshi would go back to always worrying and fretting over you. All the precarious pieces of your elaborate house of cards would come crumbling down around you. Everything you have worked so hard for… would fly away like ashes on the wind.”

Vashti’s rubies flashed as she seized the Nephilim’s wrist. “Don’t you dare threaten me, Maza Rixx. If you think I will cave into this line of horseshit, then you haven’t been stalking me properly.” She shoved him away. “I care not if you are the last of your kind. Speak one word more of my family, and I will show you just how ruthless this
has become.”

“No, wait, Empress. You misunderstand intent.”

“Do I?”

Jenevier lifted one foot, quickly banging her heel on the bottom of Amatiste’s scabbard strapped across her back, popping the glowing sword from its resting place. She withdrew the blade slowly, purposefully, watching contently as this peculiar son of a fallen Angel began to withdraw, his eyes growing impossibly wide. She only smiled at him as the lethal claws extended from her left hand and the purple sword now twirled about in her right.

“What say you of my heart now, Nephilim? Hmm? Does it seem a delicate thing to you? Do you presume me not strong enough to claim your ancient soul? Would you like to wager upon it?”

“No… I would not.” His eyes narrowed, the fire within the one subsiding as the ice within the other seemed to grow. “Even
cannot stand before your scythe, Milady. I have not lived this long by playing the part of fool.”

“It’s not a scythe. It’s a sword.” Only one corner of her mouth twitched up as she slowly advanced toward him.

“Semantics.” He snorted. “It is your reaping blade. It matters not what you may call it, its purpose remains.”

Their dark glares locked for several long heartbeats. Neither backed down nor did they concede to the other.

“Seems we’ve found ourselves at a bit of an impasse, Nephilim. I know not your true purpose for revealing yourself to me this day. I am who I am, and the past is what it is.” She slowly retracted her claws. “Oh, and you’re wrong about my heart, Rixx. I cannot change what
been, only what
be.” She sheathed Amatiste as she turned from him. “Tears have not the power to heal… and I will no longer deny the truth in that.”

“But, Naga.” He stretched his hand out toward her back, but then thought better of it. “I only came to help. I speak the truth in this. An ancient darkness now stirs. I came to ensure friendship and offer whatever help I can provide.”

“I have no intention of forging new ties, Nephilim. If you have been watching me,
should not come as much of a shock to you.”

“Naga, you can never have too many friends. At least, not the celestial kind. I have been by your side for years and you knew it not. How can giving my lips a voice cause them to be a burden unto you now?”

She turned to face him then. “If a snake wishes to slither across my lawn and burrow beneath my lavender, I will leave him to it and concern myself not with his affairs. But when the day comes he wishes to enter my home and curl up beside me at teatime…
is the day I will salt that same lawn with his ashes and attribute his death to his own poor judgment.” She spread her wings as she turned. “Try to slither into my home uninvited, and the same will hold true for you.”

BOOK: Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6)
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