Read Remorseless (Fractured Farrells: A Damaged Billionaire Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Mallory Crowe

Tags: #Billionaire Romance, #prison romance, #Bad Boy Billionaire, #Secret Billionaire, #Romantic Suspense, #Dark Romance, #Damaged Billionaire

Remorseless (Fractured Farrells: A Damaged Billionaire Series Book 3) (9 page)

BOOK: Remorseless (Fractured Farrells: A Damaged Billionaire Series Book 3)
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Fuck, she was so beautiful.
He kissed her harder, frantically, as his hands roamed along her body: along the side of her breasts, the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips. Then when he came back up, his fingers hooked in the bottom of her shirt and she pushed herself up to let him remove the shirt.

Sweet Jesus, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Of course she wasn’t. She was going to sleep. No one wore bras when they slept.
Something he’d remember if he’d been with a woman in the last decade.

The reminder was sobering even as he kissed down her collarbone and into the valley between her beautiful breasts. He cupped each in a palm, more than enough to fill his hands, and pushed them together as he gave attention to each of the peaks as Julie let out these hot as hell little breaths.

Her fingers wrapped in his hair as she continued to rub against his leg. He might have been celibate for too long, but he knew she was getting close. Even though he knew he was going to hell for this, he pushed harder against her, giving her what he knew she needed to push her over the edge.

And when she came, he reached up and kissed her again, taking her scream into his mouth as he pressed her against him, reveling in the feel of her bare chest against his.

As she came down from the climax, her head fell against the mattress and he pressed a gentle kiss to her neck. Julie was dead silent and she wouldn’t look at him, which told him all he needed to know about what just happened. What he already knew about what just happened.
It was a mistake.

He pushed himself off the bed and once again pulled his shirt on before he looked for his shoes.


“If you want me to stay, you should seriously reconsider your closed-leg policy,” he bit out as he found the shoes. He couldn’t stay in this room for one more second with Julie sitting there mostly naked, just one arm hiding her breasts from him—which was futile considering the image of her beautiful topless body was already burned into his memory for all time. No amount of hiding could ever take that away from him.

He found the car keys and the room key and two seconds later, he was out of the room. He paused outside the door and took a second.
That was...bad. And kind of amazing. Fuck, she wasn’t supposed to want him. How the hell was he supposed to keep his hands off her now?


hat was bad. Very bad. Well, the orgasm wasn’t. That part was amazing.
Julie didn’t even know what happened. One second she was having a completely innocent conversation with Logan and then she was touching him. Sure, he’d held her hand against him, but only because he’d seen her reach out first.

All over a stupid prison tattoo. They were supposed to be ugly. It was shoddy work done on shoddy equipment done by guys who barely knew what they were doing. But on Logan, the words were so beautiful and strong. A strange representation of himself that she didn’t even know whether he was aware of.

So not only had she compromised every work ethic she had, but now he was off on his own doing Lord knew what. All she could do was hope he didn’t get into trouble. She wasn’t the type to sit back and cross her fingers that everything would work out. She put her shirt back on and fell back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

She should’ve stopped him. He would’ve stopped. There had been so many micro moments where he’d paused and given her ample opportunity to get out of it. But every chance she had to run away, she would pull him closer and continue the kiss.

If Robert ever found out, she’d be fired in a heartbeat. This was the one condition he had when he hired her. Well, when he hired her for Nathan. He hadn’t technically told her to stay away from Logan, but Julie knew it was implied.

Even if it wasn’t implied, it was common sense.
Don’t fuck clients.
Rule number one in any business. And now she was dry humping one in the worst motel room she’d ever stayed at.
What the hell was wrong with her?
She couldn’t at least wait for a place that didn’t look as if it held a record for most crimes ever committed at a motel?

Julie grabbed the pillow and held it over her face as she let out a small scream of frustration. Of course, then her neck reminded her that it hurt like a bitch to scream, and she threw the pillow back on the bed.

Damn it, she was better than this. She was better than a crush, and she was better than her stupid hormones that were obviously working against her.

It wasn’t as if it was that long since she’d been laid. Well, it had been a few years, but they’d been busy, distracting years. And she’d had her handy vibrator, which was much lower maintenance than a man. So why was it that Logan was the first man who ever tempted her?

He was attractive as hell, sure. But so was Nathan, and she’d spent plenty of time alone with Nathan and never felt even the remote urge to rip off all his clothes and grind up on his leg.

Was it the tattoos? She’d never been entranced by body ink like she was with Logan, but it really was good work. Not to mention his chest was a perfect canvas. If anyone should get a tattoo, it was someone with Logan’s body.

So...was it just his personality? Did she really like him? How...
high school
. She was disappointed in herself. Disappointed that she’d let things get this far and that she didn’t even understand why it happened.

Logan didn’t need a reason. He hadn’t gotten laid in years. Of course, once she started to do things like touching his chest without permission, he would assume he could take it a step forward. But she couldn’t be the woman who was going to scratch that itch. Things had gone on far enough and she needed to make it clear that nothing else would happen between them.

Now it was more important than ever to set boundaries.

And that was what she was going to do. From now on, she would be perfectly respectable. She just had no idea what Logan was going to expect the next morning...


ulie woke up all at once. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up in bed, looking around the room. Sure enough, Logan was in his bed. He was on his side, back facing her. But he was there. She’d tried to stay awake long enough so she’d be awake when he got in, but after about two hours, exhaustion had taken over and she’d fallen into sleep.

She glanced at the alarm clock. It was six in the morning. Still early, but considering how early she’d gone to bed, it was more than enough sleep for her body. It was then that Julie noticed the other new addition to the room. Three shopping bags sat at the foot of Logan’s bed.
So that’s where he went last night.
At least he probably wasn’t getting into trouble.

The bags were from one of those big-box stores that was open twenty-four hours a day. Not her first choice for dressing a Farrell, but it had to be better than his current selection of two T-shirts and two pairs of sweatpants.

Julie inched out of bed and crept over to the bags. The receipt poked out of one of the bags and she tugged it out. The faint light from the bathroom wasn’t bright enough for her to read the receipts, so she moved closer to the vanity area next to the bathroom to get a better view. A few shirts and pants. Underwear, socks, shoes, and a few other necessities. And he’d paid for it on her card.
Great. Nothing like realizing how easy it was for Logan to use her credit card.

She folded up the receipt and started to slip it back into the bag.

“Find what you were looking for?” asked Logan.

She jumped back and tried to keep herself from looking guilty. She hadn’t done anything wrong. “I was curious. How long have you been awake?”

“Since you sat up. Believe it or not, I’m a light sleeper.”

Oh yeah. The whole prison thing.
“I’m sorry I woke you up. It’s early and you were out late. Go back to bed.”

“What are you going to do?”

She blinked at the question. It didn’t really matter what she was going to do. “I’m going to go back to bed too.” She probably wouldn’t get any sleep, but if it helped Logan get back to sleep, she would stare at the ceiling for a while. At least they had gone a whole minute without discussing the disaster of what happened last night.

She climbed back into her bed and stared at the ceiling, studying the patterns made by the water damage. Once that became boring, she tried to close her eyes. Maybe she would be able to fall back asleep...

Nope. That wasn’t working.
She turned on her side, facing the closed curtains in front of the window, but the bright sunlight starting to stream through the seams was too distracting.

She turned on her other side, this time facing Logan’s bed. It was darker on this side, but she kept opening her eyes to see what Logan was doing. He was still facing away from her and not moving.
Was he sleeping again already? Was he one of the types who could fall asleep and wake up just like that?

She adjusted the covers, which were now tangled after all her tossing and turning, and she got her answer.

Logan groaned and turned over to face her. “Everything okay over there?”

“I’m just trying to get comfortable.”

“You were fine all night.”

“Well, unconscious me is easier to please than conscious me.”

“You don’t have to go back to sleep. I’m awake now.”

She groaned. “You’re not awake. I woke you up. Go back to sleep. I’ll be quiet. Promise.”

“No. I’m awake now. Come on. Let’s get up.” He pushed the covers off him and headed to the bathroom.

Even though she wanted to clarify boundaries after what happened last night, they got ready in silence. She put on a quick covering of makeup. Not as much as she’d like, but enough to make her look like a normal person, and some of her extra expensive foundation did a good job of covering the even darker bruising on her neck.

By the time she was done, Logan already had most of the luggage in the car and he was ready to go. He made it abundantly clear that he wasn’t in a talking mood. While getting ready, she tried to look at him in the mirror, but he appeared utterly uninterested in her. Even though she was getting what she wanted, a part of her still got fired up.
What, he was just going to kiss her like that and pretend like it didn’t happen?

She was supposed to tell him how it was and declare that under no circumstance would they ever be doing that again. And they sure as hell wouldn’t go further. Yet when he walked back into the room and asked whether she was ready to check out, all she could manage was a quick “yep.”

After they checked out, Logan took the car on the freeway and they were on their way again. “So are you going to tell me what we’re doing?” she finally asked. Not exactly the stern warning she’d wanted to give, but it was better than her previous inability to speak at all.

“I don’t think—”

“I don’t care what you think at this point. I almost died yesterday and I’m ready for answers.”

Logan looked over at her and then back at the road. “I’m trying to find someone who lives in the suburbs of Denver. Her name is Alecia Willis.”

Julie sat up straighter.
A girl? He was coming all this way for a girl?
She felt the blood rush into her cheeks and she looked intently out the window. “Alecia Willis? That’s cool. Is she an old friend of yours or something?”

“I was locked up with her brother awhile back. I have a few things I wanted to talk to her about.”

So...not a girlfriend?
“What things?”

“It’s kind of a long story.”

Not talking again. Great.
“Do you have an address for where we’re going? I can at least put it in my phone now.”

“I don’t know her current address.”

Julie nodded and continued to look out the window. This was going to be an interesting day. “So how do you expect to find her?”

“I know where she worked.”

“Do you know if she still works there?”

“I’m hoping she does.”

“Hope doesn’t seem like a solid foundation to build this on.”

“What do you suggest, Julie?” His tone told her just how little he wanted her advice.

BOOK: Remorseless (Fractured Farrells: A Damaged Billionaire Series Book 3)
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