Read Rescue Me Online

Authors: Farrah Rochon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #African American

Rescue Me (28 page)

BOOK: Rescue Me
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Chapter Twenty one

Margo clasped the strong hand Gerald held at his side, squeezing it in an attempt to soak in a bit of his strength. She had nothing to be afraid of anymore. The cat was already out of the bag.

She’d hoped she would feel a bit more confident now that she had finally admitted to one of her sons that she was seeing someone for the first time since their father’s death. Margo was happy it was Alex she’d finally come clean with. She knew her eldest son would be the most understanding, and he would be a staunch ally when she encountered Eli’s and Toby’s animosity toward Gerald. And there would be animosity. Margo knew her boys well enough to anticipate their impending reaction.

Gerald stopped just before the doors that led to the pool area, the light shining through the glass bathing them in its warmth. “I know you’ve feared this moment for a long time.”

She only nodded.

Enclosing her hands in his, Gerald stooped to her eye level. “Whatever happens out there, I want you to know that I’m not giving you up without a fight,” he said.

“You don’t have to worry about losing me.” Margo smiled.

“You say that now, but children can be very persuasive,” he said. “Remember, I’m a father. My girls gave me hell over the first woman I dated after their mother’s death, but they learned to deal with it. Your sons will have to do the same,” he said.

“If they care at all about my feelings, they’re going to treat you with kindness and respect. And I have to believe
that I’ve raised them to do that,” she said. “Let’s just hope I’m not fooling myself,” she muttered under her breath.

“Are you ready?” Gerald asked.

“I’m ready.” Margo gave his hand a solid shake.

Gerald slid the door open and they entered the pool deck where the reception was still going strong. Eli, Monica, Toby, Sienna, Nia, and Aria were playing pool volleyball. Ashley seemed to be giving Jasmine backstroke lessons in the shallow end of the pool. Phillip had fallen asleep with a copy of the
New Yorker
opened on his chest. She didn’t see Alex and Renee.

“Can I get everyone’s attention?” Margo called above the music coming out of the speakers mounted to the house’s outside back wall. The activity in the pool came to an abrupt halt. Margo noticed Alex and Renee coming from the area where the hot tub was located.

“Everyone, this is Gerald Mitchell.”

Eli wiped water from his face, which held a look that seemed both astonished and agitated. The look on Toby’s face wasn’t much better.

Blessedly, Alex’s expression was more neutral when he approached Gerald with his hand outstretched.

“Mr. Mitchell,” he said.

“Hello, Alex,” Gerald replied, returning his handshake.

“I guess you’ve known about me a little longer than I’ve known about you,” Alex said.

“I have. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Toby approached, patting his arms dry with a towel. “Who’s this?” he asked.

“Gerald Mitchell,” Gerald answered.

“I heard your name, I want to know who you are,” Toby said, ignoring Gerald’s outstretched hand.

A fist of anxiety knotted in her stomach, but Margo curbed it by sheer will. She would not allow her family to make Gerald feel unwelcome, no matter how they actually felt about him.

“Gerald and I have been seeing each other for the past seven months,” Margo said. There. It was out for all the world to hear. Her shoulders sagged with relief at the realization that the lying and sneaking around were officially behind her.

Sienna’s shocked gasp was followed by a choking sound from Toby. Monica stood to the side, smiling, and Margo instantly regretted not taking her daughter in law’s advice to come clean about her relationship with Gerald months ago.

“I can’t believe this,” Toby said.

“Gerald, do you mind coming into the house with me and my brothers?” Alex asked.

“Not at all,” Gerald answered.

“Come on,” Alex called to Toby and Eli, who had yet to say anything.

When she tried to follow them, Alex and Gerald both halted her steps.

“I think I should talk to your boys alone, baby,” Gerald said.

“Did this man just call my mama ‘baby’?” Toby asked with his usual incredulousness at something he didn’t like.

“Toby!” Sienna warned, pinching his arm.

With a petulant frown clouding his face, Toby reluctantly led the way into the house. As soon as Alex slid the glass door shut behind them, Margo collapsed into a chair. She was instantly surrounded by Monica, Sienna, Nia, and Renee, who all gushed about Gerald’s distinguished good looks and his air of protectiveness. Margo answered their questions about Gerald’s business, his daughters, and everything else they wanted to know.

Despite the bevy of inquiries from the women, Margo’s mind remained on the conversation that must be taking place inside the villa. Were the boys bombarding Gerald with hostile questions? Toby could be as obnoxious as a four year old when he put his mind to it.

Gerald could handle himself. He faced hostile witnesses
and obnoxious judges on a daily basis. Though Margo doubted anyone Gerald encountered in a courtroom could raise more opposition than her three sons.

When the door slid open her entire being stood still in breathless anticipation.
Please let there be no bloody noses or bruises.

All four men returned with the same serious expressions they’d held when they’d first entered the house, but as soon as Gerald spotted her his face softened.

Margo stood as they approached. They formed a semicircle around her.

“Well?” she asked.

Eli shrugged. “We’re going to play a foursome at English Turn when we get back home. If he lets us beat him on the golf course, he can stay.”

Relief melted into her bones. Margo threw her arms around Gerald, and kissed him on the mouth.

Toby pulled her out of Gerald’s arms and tucked her next to his side. “Yeah, dude, I’m not ready to see that.”

“Grow up, Toby,” Alex said.

“Bite me,” Toby returned.

“Boys, please,” Margo said. She turned to Gerald. “They’re not usually like this.”

“Yes, we are,” all three of her sons answered.

“That’s fine with me,” Gerald said. He eased her out of Toby’s hold and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Young man, you may want to close your eyes,” Gerald told Toby as he nuzzled her neck and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

“I’m really going to miss this place,” Renee said as she burrowed more snugly under the covers, wrapping her leg around Alex’s.

“I’ll buy a lottery ticket when we get back home,” Alex said. “If it hits, the villa is yours.”

“I’m really going to miss this place,” she repeated, laughing.

“Don’t lose hope. Maybe Mama’s new boyfriend will buy it for her,” Alex snorted.

“I can’t believe he’s
Gerald Mitchell,” Renee said. “I’ve only lived in New Orleans for a little while, but even I’ve heard of him.”

“His law firm has to be the biggest in the city,” Alex acknowledged.

Which made it even more unbelievable that Margo had been able to keep their relationship out of the public eye, Renee concluded. Gerald Mitchell’s face was constantly plastered on the news, connected to all types of high profile cases. They must have been supersecretive.

“It looks as if he really cares for your mom. He’s going to take good care of her.”

“Not that she needs anyone else to take care of her, but I think you’re right,” Alex agreed. “Mama looked really happy today, once she brought Gerald over. I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I’d seen that look on her face.” He nuzzled her neck. “You look really happy, too.”

“What do you expect?” Renee asked. “After the last hour, I’ll probably smile for the rest of the week.”

“My aim is always to please,” Alex said. He lowered his hands to grip her butt and pulled her into contact with his unmistakable arousal.

“You’re pretty good at pleasing,” Renee moaned, astounded at just how much she wanted him again.

By the time they collapsed onto each other in panting contentment, Renee’s entire being throbbed with satisfaction. Alex’s deep breathing was instantaneous, but Renee knew it would be a lot longer before she was able to drift to sleep, despite her complete exhaustion. The thoughts running through her mind were too intense to allow anything as paltry as rest to put a stop to them.

She couldn’t help but wonder what the future would bring. Was it this man, and his huge, wonderful family? Could she even dare dream of having the sense of belonging
that embodied the Holmeses? Their love for each other was evident in all facets of their lives. Even when things seemed dire, as they had during the intense moments when Margo had first introduced Gerald this afternoon, there were underlying currents of affection and understanding.

How would she even function in such a family? She didn’t know love, not the way these people expressed the emotion. Renee wasn’t even sure she could learn it this late in the game. Maybe it was something that must be taught from early on in order to truly grasp the concept of loving another human being with your whole heart.

The only love she knew was warped by a fist that soon followed.

“You are so messed up,” she whispered to herself. Alex stirred under her, and Renee looked up at him from where she rested on his chest. It was possible that if she allowed it, this man could help her to heal.

If only she allowed it.

Chapter Twenty two

“Daddy, don’t you think we should move here?” Jasmine asked as she tied her pink and white tennis shoes.

“What about our house back in New Orleans?” Alex asked.

“We could sell it.”

“You would leave your princess suite that easily?”

“No.” She shook her head. “Let’s just come back to visit. Oooh, Daddy, I know.” Her eyes lit up. “I can have my next birthday party at the pool! You can fly my class out here.”

“You must think Daddy is made of money,” Alex laughed. He held out the towel he used to carry their loot. “Is this enough seashells?”

Jasmine scrunched up her nose. “No, not yet. I have to
bring one for Kayla and Mrs. Leslie, one for Mrs. Overton. Oh, and one for everybody in my class.”

“You’re going to need an extra suitcase just to bring all of these shells back home, Jazzy.”

“Uncle Eli said I could bring my dirty clothes home in a pillowcase,” she said.

. “Don’t listen to your uncle Eli anymore,” Alex said. He spotted the tip of a pinkish seashell and dug it out of the sand. “We’ll pick up a few more; then we need to get back to the house so we can start packing up. We have to leave really early for the airport tomorrow, and I know you want to swim one more time before you pack your swimsuit.”

“I don’t need any more seashells,” she said. “Let’s go swim.”

“What about all your friends?”

“I can give them rocks from Grandma’s yard,” she said, and Alex had to bite back his laughter.

“It won’t take too long,” he said. “We’ll get just a couple more.”

They walked a few yards more along the stretch of white sand. They ran across a collection of shells that had washed upon the shore. Alex crouched in the sand next to Jasmine and picked out a few.

“Do you miss Mommy?” Jasmine asked.

Alex’s head shot up. Where had that come from?

“Of course I miss her,” Alex lied. “Why?”

“I dunno.” She shrugged.

“You miss her, too, don’t you?”

“Kinda,” she answered, staring intently at the sand.

“Kinda? What do you mean by that, Pumpkin?”

Another shrug.

“Jasmine.” Alex tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “Talk to me.”

She picked up a seashell and placed it in the pouch she’d made by curling up the edge of her shirt. “I miss Mommy, but sometimes I don’t miss her,” she said. “Mommy used to
fuss at me if I got mud on my shoes. But, Daddy, it’s hard to play outside and not get mud on your shoes, especially in the back of Grandma’s yard.”

“I know,” he said.

“And when Uncle Kenneth would come to the house, Mommy used to make me go to my room. She told me I didn’t have to sleep, but that I couldn’t come out of my room, even if I had to pee.” She whispered the last part.

Uncle Kenneth. The bastard Chantal had been screwing. She’d brought him to the house Alex had worked day and night to buy. She’d banished his child to her room so she and her lover could roam free around his house.

Until this moment, Alex had never experienced true hate. If Chantal were alive, Alex wasn’t sure he would be able to abstain from putting his hands around her neck and relishing the rush of seeing the life drain out of her.

“I’m sorry Mommy did those things, Jazzy,” Alex said.

“I don’t think Ms. Moore would care if I got mud on my shoes,” Jasmine said.

“No, Ms. Moore wouldn’t.”

“I want you to marry Ms. Moore,” she said. “Just ask her, Daddy.”

“When I ask Ms. Moore to marry me, you will be the first one to know,” he said, dusting sand from the tip of her nose. “In fact, I want you to be there when I do ask her.”

“Let’s go ask her now!”

“Jazzy, no!” Alex said, reining her in with a tug to the back of her shirt. “I’m not ready to ask Ms. Moore to marry me yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because getting married is a big step, and Ms. Moore and I need to get to know each other better.”

“But she’s pretty and she don’t fuss. And Grandma said that Ms. Moore likes you. If you don’t ask her to marry you, she might marry somebody else.”

“I don’t think Ms. Moore would do that,” Alex said.
“And if she did, that means God doesn’t think we should be together.”

The thought of that actually happening set a sickening acid burning within Alex’s gut. He could not stomach the though of Renee standing at an altar with another man, pledging the same vows Eli and Monica had recited yesterday. Lying in bed with another man, doing the same things she had done with him last night.

Maybe he should just put it out there and ask her to marry him. What was the worst that could happen? Other than her thinking him a lunatic for proposing after knowing each other for only a few months?

But the fact that he was even considering marriage again after his vow not to even date was a testament to just how close they had become in this short span of time. The idea of popping the question didn’t seem like a bout with lunacy anymore.

By the time they arrived back at the villa, it was nearly time for dinner. Alex allowed Jasmine to swim since he’d promised her she could do so before packing. Toby and Sienna were hugged up together on one of the poolside lounge chairs.

“You mind watching her while she swims?” Alex asked.

“What if I said I did mind?” Toby asked.

“I’d tell you to do it anyway,” Alex replied. “Where is everybody?”

“Mama and her new boyfriend went to some fancy restaurant,” Toby scoffed.

Sienna slapped his arm. “Monica, Eli, Nia, and Phillip went to Marigot before going to the airport to drop Nia and Phillip off,” she said.

“What time does your flight leave tomorrow?” Alex asked.

“Not until seven p.m.” Toby smiled. “Me and my baby get this place all to ourselves for a good eight hours.”

“Of which I’ll probably sleep seven and a half hours,” Sienna said, closing her eyes.

“Dang, I’m happy you suggested it first,” Toby said. “I was afraid you’d want to fool around. I need the rest,” he said.

Living the life of a high powered music mogul seemed to be taking its toll, Alex thought as he stared down at his brother.

“What about Renee?” Alex asked. “Have you seen her around?”

“Not for a while,” Toby said. “Go on. We’ll watch out for Jazzy.”

“Don’t let her go past that first marker,” Alex said, pointing to the area that marked the change in pool depth.

He entered the villa through the side door that led directly to the wing with the first and second master bedroom suites. When he went into their room, Alex found Renee lying atop the bed, cocooned in the fluffy covers. He didn’t want to disturb her, but he was dying to crawl in that bed and wrap his arms around her. He wanted to feel her against him.

She stirred, turned over, and opened her eyes. She smiled. It was one of those lazy, not all the way awake kinds of smiles, and it was so sexy his body was instantly gripped by arousal.

“Hello there,” she murmured. She patted the bed. “Care to join me?”

He shook his head. “That’s a dangerous invitation.”

“Haven’t you guessed by now? I’m a thrill seeker.”

“This may be more than you can handle,” Alex said.

“I doubt that,” she laughed.

“It’s probably more than I can handle,” he said. Alex sat on the edge of the bed, but maintained his distance.

“What’s wrong?” Renee asked.

“Nothing,” he said with a deep sigh; then he shook his head. “It’s just … Jasmine has been opening up to me over the past weeks since Mr. Powell has been working with her, and …” Alex fisted his hand in the cover. “Every time I hear about some crap Chantal did, I just … I want to hurt her, Renee. She’s been dead for two years, but I find myself
wishing I could kill her with my bare hands. Does that sound demented to you?”

She shook her head, running her hand up and down his thigh. “No one can fault you for how you feel toward Chantal, Alex, but you have to forgive her. It’s the only way to stop these thoughts from invading your life. Believe me, I know how that feels. She’s robbing you of your happiness.”

“Forgiveness is not an easy thing,” he said.

Renee nodded. “I know, but the relief it brings is worth it.”

Alex trailed a hand down her arm, settling it at her waist. “Have you really forgiven your parents for what they did to you?”

“Not fully,” she admitted. “But I’m gradually letting go of the hate.” She held him captive with her meaningful, understanding gaze. “It makes room for love to take its place.”

“I love you, too,” he said. Taking her hand and planting a light kiss on her knuckles, Alex asked, “Are you hungry at all? I thought there would be a farewell dinner, but looks like it’s every man for himself. We can go out to eat.”

“I’d rather stay here,” Renee said, pulling him on top of her despite his protest. She was treading in dangerous waters, but he had warned her. Alex refused to be responsible for what happened next.

“We can do that, too,” he said, following her as she leaned back into the mound of pillows and wrapped her hands around his neck.

BOOK: Rescue Me
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